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hmhm 🦞
List latest news items from Hacker News and Lobste.rs in the terminal. It refreshes automatically every 5 minutes.
hmhm is a tool I developed to get a feeling how one could develop a TUI (Terminal User Interface) based app in Go. I tried a few TUI high level libraries but settled on termui.
Simple usage
- Up, down, k or j- to change focus up or down.
- Left, Right, h or l - to switch tab.
- Enter - open up web browser with the URL for the focused news item.
- r - refresh content for the active tab.
- Escape or q - to quit
Loading news items.
Tab 1 - Hacker News
Tab 2 - Lobste.rs
Why the name hmhm?
hmhm (pronounced "humhum") is what I called lobsters when I was a little kid.