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# Key Remapping
One-way key remapping is temporarily supported via a simple TOML configuration
file. (More powerful solutions such as rebinding via commands will be
available in the future).
To remap keys, write a `config.toml` file in your `helix` configuration
directory (default `~/.config/helix` in Linux systems) with a structure like
# At most one section each of 'keys.normal', 'keys.insert' and 'keys.select'
C-s = ":w" # Maps the Ctrl-s to the typable command :w which is an alias for :write (save file)
C-o = ":open ~/.config/helix/config.toml" # Maps the Ctrl-o to opening of the helix config file
a = "move_char_left" # Maps the 'a' key to the move_char_left command
w = "move_line_up" # Maps the 'w' key move_line_up
"C-S-esc" = "extend_line" # Maps Ctrl-Shift-Escape to extend_line
g = { a = "code_action" } # Maps `ga` to show possible code actions
"ret" = ["open_below", "normal_mode"] # Maps the enter key to open_below then re-enter normal mode
"A-x" = "normal_mode" # Maps Alt-X to enter normal mode
j = { k = "normal_mode" } # Maps `jk` to exit insert mode
> NOTE: Typable commands can also be remapped, remember to keep the `:` prefix to indicate it's a typable command.
## Minor modes
Minor modes are accessed by pressing a key (usually from normal mode), giving access to dedicated bindings. Bindings
can be modified or added by nesting definitions.
k = "normal_mode" # Maps `jk` to exit insert mode
a = "code_action" # Maps `ga` to show possible code actions
# invert `j` and `k` in view mode
j = "scroll_up"
k = "scroll_down"
# create a new minor mode bound to `+`
m = ":run-shell-command make"
c = ":run-shell-command cargo build"
t = ":run-shell-command cargo test"
## Special keys and modifiers
Ctrl, Shift and Alt modifiers are encoded respectively with the prefixes
`C-`, `S-` and `A-`. Special keys are encoded as follows:
| Key name | Representation |
| --- | --- |
| Backspace | `"backspace"` |
| Space | `"space"` |
| Return/Enter | `"ret"` |
| \- | `"minus"` |
| Left | `"left"` |
| Right | `"right"` |
| Up | `"up"` |
| Down | `"down"` |
| Home | `"home"` |
| End | `"end"` |
| Page Up | `"pageup"` |
| Page Down | `"pagedown"` |
| Tab | `"tab"` |
| Delete | `"del"` |
| Insert | `"ins"` |
| Null | `"null"` |
| Escape | `"esc"` |
Keys can be disabled by binding them to the `no_op` command.
Commands can be found at [Keymap](https://docs.helix-editor.com/keymap.html) Commands.
> Commands can also be found in the source code at [`helix-term/src/commands.rs`](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/blob/master/helix-term/src/commands.rs) at the invocation of `static_commands!` macro and the `TypableCommandList`.