PabloMansanet 86af55c379
Movement fixes, refactor and unit test suite (#217)
* Add convenience/clarity wrapper for Range initialization

* Test horizontal moves

* Add column jumping tests

* Add failing movement conditions for multi-word moves

* Refactor skip_over_next

* Add complex forward movement unit tests

* Add strict whitespace checks and edge case tests

* Restore formatting

* Remove unused function

* Add empty test case for deletion and fix nth_prev_word_boundary

* Add tests for backward motion

* Refactor word movement

* Address review comments and finish refactoring backwards move

* Finish unit test suite

* Fmt pass

* Fix lint erors

* Clean up diff restoring bad 'cargo fmt' actions

* Simplify movement closures (thanks Pickfire)

* Fmt pass

* Replace index-based movement with iterator based movement, ensuring that each move incurs a single call to the RopeSlice API

* Break down tuple function

* Extract common logic to all movement functions

* Split iterator helpers away into their own module

* WIP reducing clones

* Operate on spans

* WIP simplifying iterators

* Simplify motion helpers

* Fix iterator

* Fix all unit tests

* Refactor and simplify

* Simplify fold
2021-06-11 21:57:07 +09:00

5 KiB


Normal mode


Key Description
h, Left move left
j, Down move down
k, Up move up
l, Right move right
w move next word start
b move previous word start
e move next word end
t find 'till next char
f find next char
T find 'till previous char
F find previous char
Home move to the start of the line
End move to the end of the line
m Jump to matching bracket
PageUp Move page up
PageDown Move page down
ctrl-u Move half page up
ctrl-d Move half page down
ctrl-i Jump forward on the jumplist TODO: conflicts tab
ctrl-o Jump backward on the jumplist
v Enter select (extend) mode
g Enter goto mode
: Enter command mode
z Enter view mode
ctrl-w Enter window mode (maybe will be remove for spc w w later)
space Enter space mode
K Show documentation for the item under the cursor


Key Description
r replace with a character
R replace with yanked text
i Insert before selection
a Insert after selection (append)
I Insert at the start of the line
A Insert at the end of the line
o Open new line below selection
o Open new line above selection
u Undo change
U Redo change
y Yank selection
p Paste after selection
P Paste before selection
> Indent selection
< Unindent selection
= Format selection
d Delete selection
c Change selection (delete and enter insert mode)

Selection manipulation

Key Description
s Select all regex matches inside selections
S Split selection into subselections on regex matches
alt-s Split selection on newlines
; Collapse selection onto a single cursor
alt-; Flip selection cursor and anchor
% Select entire file
x Select current line
X Extend to next line
[ Expand selection to parent syntax node TODO: pick a key
J join lines inside selection
K keep selections matching the regex TODO: overlapped by hover help
space keep only the primary selection TODO: overlapped by space mode
ctrl-c Comment/uncomment the selections

TODO: The search implementation isn't ideal yet -- we don't support searching in reverse, or searching via smartcase.

Key Description
/ Search for regex pattern
n Select next search match
N Add next search match to selection
* Use current selection as the search pattern


NOTE: [ and ] will likely contain more pair mappings in the style of vim-unimpaired

Key Description
[d Go to previous diagnostic
]d Go to next diagnostic
[D Go to first diagnostic in document
]D Go to last diagnostic in document

Select / extend mode

I'm still pondering whether to keep this mode or not. It changes movement commands to extend the existing selection instead of replacing it.

NOTE: It's a bit confusing at the moment because extend hasn't been implemented for all movement commands yet.

View mode

View mode is intended for scrolling and manipulating the view without changing the selection.

Key Description
z , c Vertically center the line
t Align the line to the top of the screen
b Align the line to the bottom of the screen
m Align the line to the middle of the screen (horizontally)
j Scroll the view downwards
k Scroll the view upwards

Goto mode

Jumps to various locations.

NOTE: Some of these features are only available with the LSP present.

Key Description
g Go to the start of the file
e Go to the end of the file
h Go to the start of the line
l Go to the end of the line
s Go to first non-whitespace character of the line
t Go to the top of the screen
m Go to the middle of the screen
b Go to the bottom of the screen
d Go to definition
y Go to type definition
r Go to references
i Go to implementation

Object mode

TODO: Mappings for selecting syntax nodes (a superset of [).

Window mode

This layer is similar to vim keybindings as kakoune does not support window.

Key Description
w, ctrl-w Switch to next window
v, ctrl-v Vertical right split
h, ctrl-h Horizontal bottom split
q, ctrl-q Close current window

Space mode

This layer is a kludge of mappings I had under leader key in neovim.

Key Description
f Open file picker
b Open buffer picker
w Enter window mode
space Keep primary selection TODO: it's here because space mode replaced it