147 lines
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147 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("c.zig");
const objc = @import("main.zig");
const MsgSend = @import("msg_send.zig").MsgSend;
/// Object is an instance of a class.
pub const Object = struct {
value: c.id,
pub usingnamespace MsgSend(Object);
/// Convert a raw "id" into an Object. id must fit the size of the
/// normal C "id" type (i.e. a `usize`).
pub fn fromId(id: anytype) Object {
return .{ .value = @ptrCast(@alignCast(id)) };
/// Returns the class of an object.
pub fn getClass(self: Object) ?objc.Class {
return objc.Class{
.value = c.object_getClass(self.value) orelse return null,
/// Returns the class name of a given object.
pub fn getClassName(self: Object) [:0]const u8 {
return std.mem.sliceTo(c.object_getClassName(self.value), 0);
/// Set a property. This is a helper around getProperty and is
/// strictly less performant than doing it manually. Consider doing
/// this manually if performance is critical.
pub fn setProperty(self: Object, comptime n: [:0]const u8, v: anytype) void {
const Class = self.getClass().?;
const setter = setter: {
// See getProperty for why we do this.
if (Class.getProperty(n)) |prop| {
if (prop.copyAttributeValue("S")) |val| {
defer objc.free(val);
break :setter objc.sel(val);
break :setter objc.sel(
"set" ++
[1]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(n[0])} ++
n[1..n.len] ++
self.msgSend(void, setter, .{v});
/// Get a property. This is a helper around Class.getProperty and is
/// strictly less performant than doing it manually. Consider doing
/// this manually if performance is critical.
pub fn getProperty(self: Object, comptime T: type, comptime n: [:0]const u8) T {
const Class = self.getClass().?;
const getter = getter: {
// Sometimes a property is not a property because it has been
// overloaded or something. I've found numerous occasions the
// Apple docs are just wrong, so we try to read it as a property
// but if we can't then we just call it as-is.
if (Class.getProperty(n)) |prop| {
if (prop.copyAttributeValue("G")) |val| {
defer objc.free(val);
break :getter objc.sel(val);
break :getter objc.sel(n);
return self.msgSend(T, getter, .{});
pub fn copy(self: Object, size: usize) Object {
return fromId(c.object_copy(self.value, size));
pub fn dispose(self: Object) void {
pub fn isClass(self: Object) bool {
return c.object_isClass(self.value) == 1;
pub fn getInstanceVariable(self: Object, name: [:0]const u8) Object {
const ivar = c.object_getInstanceVariable(self.value, name, null);
return fromId(c.object_getIvar(self.value, ivar));
pub fn setInstanceVariable(self: Object, name: [:0]const u8, val: Object) void {
const ivar = c.object_getInstanceVariable(self.value, name, null);
c.object_setIvar(self.value, ivar, val.value);
/// In MacOS SDK, the memory is managed by ARC(Automatic Reference Counting).
/// Therefore, it not must retain an object explictlly.
/// But if you'd like to keep reference of objc object in ziglang-side, it could use this method to avoid releqsing object by ARC.
pub fn retain(self: Object) Object {
return fromId(objc_retain(self.value));
/// if you have use the retain method, you must call the release method.
/// Otherwise, a memory leak will occur.
pub fn release(self: Object) void {
extern "c" fn objc_retain(objc.c.id) objc.c.id;
extern "c" fn objc_release(objc.c.id) void;
test {
const testing = std.testing;
const NSObject = objc.getClass("NSObject").?;
// Should work with our wrappers
const obj = NSObject.msgSend(objc.Object, objc.Sel.registerName("alloc"), .{});
try testing.expect(obj.value != null);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("NSObject", obj.getClassName());
obj.msgSend(void, objc.sel("dealloc"), .{});
fn retainCount(obj: Object) c_ulong {
return obj.msgSend(c_ulong, objc.Sel.registerName("retainCount"), .{});
test "retain object" {
const testing = std.testing;
const NSObject = objc.getClass("NSObject").?;
const obj = NSObject.msgSend(objc.Object, objc.Sel.registerName("alloc"), .{});
_ = obj.msgSend(objc.Object, objc.Sel.registerName("init"), .{});
try testing.expectEqual(@as(c_ulong, 1), retainCount(obj));
_ = obj.retain();
try testing.expectEqual(@as(c_ulong, 2), retainCount(obj));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(c_ulong, 1), retainCount(obj));
obj.msgSend(void, objc.sel("dealloc"), .{});
} |