const std = @import("std"); const objc = @import("main.zig"); // From . const NSFastEnumerationState = extern struct { state: c_ulong, itemsPtr: ?[*], mutationsPtr: ?*c_ulong, extra: [5]c_ulong, }; pub const Iterator = struct { object: objc.Object, sel: objc.Sel, state: NSFastEnumerationState, initial_mutations_value: ?c_ulong, // Clang compiles `for…in` loops with a size 16 buffer. buffer: [16], slice: [], pub fn init(object: objc.Object) Iterator { return .{ .object = object, .sel = objc.sel("countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:"), .state = .{ .state = 0, .itemsPtr = null, .mutationsPtr = null, .extra = [_]c_ulong{0} ** 5, }, .initial_mutations_value = null, .buffer = [_]{null} ** 16, .slice = &[_]{}, }; } pub fn next(self: *Iterator) ?objc.Object { if (self.slice.len == 0) { // Ask for some more objects. const count = self.object.msgSend(c_ulong, self.sel, .{ &self.state, &self.buffer, self.buffer.len, }); if (self.initial_mutations_value) |value| { // Call the mutation handler if the mutations value has // changed since the start of iteration. if (value != self.state.mutationsPtr.?.*) { objc.c.objc_enumerationMutation(self.object.value); } } else { self.initial_mutations_value = self.state.mutationsPtr.?.*; } self.slice = self.state.itemsPtr.?[0..count]; } if (self.slice.len > 0) { const first = self.slice[0]; self.slice = self.slice[1..]; return objc.Object.fromId(first); } else { return null; } } }; test "NSArray iteration" { const testing = std.testing; const NSArray = objc.getClass("NSMutableArray").?; const NSNumber = objc.getClass("NSNumber").?; const array = NSArray.msgSend( objc.Object, "arrayWithCapacity:", .{@as(c_ulong, 10)}, ); defer array.release(); for (0..@as(c_int, 10)) |i| { const i_number = NSNumber.msgSend(objc.Object, "numberWithInt:", .{i}); defer i_number.release(); array.msgSend(void, "addObject:", .{i_number}); } var result: c_int = 0; var iter = array.iterate(); while ( |elem| { result = (result * 10) + elem.getProperty(c_int, "intValue"); } try testing.expectEqual(123456789, result); } test "NSDictionary iteration" { const testing = std.testing; const NSMutableDictionary = objc.getClass("NSMutableDictionary").?; const NSNumber = objc.getClass("NSNumber").?; const dict = NSMutableDictionary.msgSend( objc.Object, "dictionaryWithCapacity:", .{@as(c_ulong, 100)}, ); defer dict.release(); for (0..@as(c_int, 100)) |i| { const i_number = NSNumber.msgSend(objc.Object, "numberWithInt:", .{i}); defer i_number.release(); dict.msgSend(void, "setValue:forKey:", .{ i_number, i_number.getProperty(objc.Object, "stringValue"), }); } var result: c_int = 0; var iter = dict.iterate(); while ( |key| { const value = dict.msgSend(objc.Object, "valueForKey:", .{key}); result += value.getProperty(c_int, "intValue"); } try testing.expectEqual(4950, result); }