const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const c = @import("c.zig"); const objc = @import("main.zig"); const MsgSend = @import("msg_send.zig").MsgSend; pub const Class = struct { value: c.Class, pub usingnamespace MsgSend(Class); // Returns a property with a given name of a given class. pub fn getProperty(self: Class, name: [:0]const u8) ?objc.Property { return objc.Property{ .value = c.class_getProperty(self.value, name.ptr) orelse return null, }; } /// Describes the properties declared by a class. This must be freed. pub fn copyPropertyList(self: Class) []objc.Property { var count: c_uint = undefined; const list = @as([*c]objc.Property, @ptrCast(c.class_copyPropertyList(self.value, &count))); if (count == 0) return list[0..0]; return list[0..count]; } /// Describes the protocols adopted by a class. This must be freed. pub fn copyProtocolList(self: Class) []objc.Protocol { var count: c_uint = undefined; const list = @as([*c]objc.Protocol, @ptrCast(c.class_copyProtocolList(self.value, &count))); if (count == 0) return list[0..0]; return list[0..count]; } pub fn isMetaClass(self: Class) bool { return c.class_isMetaClass(self.value) == 1; } pub fn getInstanceSize(self: Class) usize { return c.class_getInstanceSize(self.value); } pub fn respondsToSelector(self: Class, sel: objc.Sel) bool { return c.class_respondsToSelector(self.value, sel.value) == 1; } pub fn conformsToProtocol(self: Class, protocol: objc.Protocol) bool { return c.class_conformsToProtocol(self.value, &protocol.value) == 1; } // currently only allows for overriding methods previously defined, e.g. by a superclass. // imp should be a function with C calling convention // whose first two arguments are a `` and a `c.SEL`. pub fn replaceMethod(self: Class, name: [:0]const u8, imp: anytype) void { const fn_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(imp)).Fn; assert(fn_info.calling_convention == .C); assert(fn_info.is_var_args == false); assert(fn_info.params.len >= 2); assert(fn_info.params[0].type ==; assert(fn_info.params[1].type == c.SEL); _ = c.class_replaceMethod(self.value, objc.sel(name).value, @ptrCast(&imp), null); } /// allows adding new methods; returns true on success. // imp should be a function with C calling convention // whose first two arguments are a `` and a `c.SEL`. pub fn addMethod(self: Class, name: [:0]const u8, imp: anytype) !bool { const Fn = @TypeOf(imp); const fn_info = @typeInfo(Fn).Fn; assert(fn_info.calling_convention == .C); assert(fn_info.is_var_args == false); assert(fn_info.params.len >= 2); assert(fn_info.params[0].type ==; assert(fn_info.params[1].type == c.SEL); const encoding = comptime objc.comptimeEncode(Fn); return c.boolResult(@TypeOf(c.class_addMethod), c.class_addMethod( self.value, objc.sel(name).value, @ptrCast(&imp), encoding.ptr, )); } // only call this function between allocateClassPair and registerClassPair // this adds an Ivar of type `id`. pub fn addIvar(self: Class, name: [:0]const u8) bool { // The return type is i8 when we're cross compiling, unsure why. const result = c.class_addIvar(self.value, name, @sizeOf(, @alignOf(, "@"); return c.boolResult(@TypeOf(c.class_addIvar), result); } }; pub fn getClass(name: [:0]const u8) ?Class { return .{ .value = c.objc_getClass(name.ptr) orelse return null }; } pub fn getMetaClass(name: [:0]const u8) ?Class { return .{ .value = c.objc_getMetaClass(name) orelse return null }; } // begin by calling this function, then call registerClassPair on the result when you are finished pub fn allocateClassPair(superclass: ?Class, name: [:0]const u8) ?Class { return .{ .value = c.objc_allocateClassPair( if (superclass) |cls| cls.value else null, name.ptr, 0, ) orelse return null }; } pub fn registerClassPair(class: Class) void { c.objc_registerClassPair(class.value); } pub fn disposeClassPair(class: Class) void { c.objc_disposeClassPair(class.value); } test "getClass" { const testing = std.testing; const NSObject = getClass("NSObject"); try testing.expect(NSObject != null); try testing.expect(getClass("NoWay") == null); } test "msgSend" { const testing = std.testing; const NSObject = getClass("NSObject").?; // Should work with primitives const id = NSObject.msgSend(, "alloc", .{}); try testing.expect(id != null); { const obj: objc.Object = .{ .value = id }; obj.msgSend(void, "dealloc", .{}); } // Should work with our wrappers const obj = NSObject.msgSend(objc.Object, "alloc", .{}); try testing.expect(obj.value != null); obj.msgSend(void, "dealloc", .{}); } test "getProperty" { const testing = std.testing; const NSObject = getClass("NSObject").?; try testing.expect(NSObject.getProperty("className") != null); try testing.expect(NSObject.getProperty("nope") == null); } test "copyProperyList" { const testing = std.testing; const NSObject = getClass("NSObject").?; const list = NSObject.copyPropertyList(); defer; try testing.expect(list.len > 0); } test "allocatecClassPair and replaceMethod" { const testing = std.testing; const NSObject = getClass("NSObject").?; var my_object = allocateClassPair(NSObject, "my_object").?; my_object.replaceMethod("hash", struct { fn inner(target:, sel: c.SEL) callconv(.C) u64 { _ = sel; _ = target; return 69; } }.inner); registerClassPair(my_object); defer disposeClassPair(my_object); const object: objc.Object = .{ .value = my_object.msgSend(, "alloc", .{}), }; defer object.msgSend(void, "dealloc", .{}); try testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 69), object.msgSend(u64, "hash", .{})); } test "Ivars" { const testing = std.testing; const NSObject = getClass("NSObject").?; var my_object = allocateClassPair(NSObject, "my_object").?; try testing.expectEqual(true, my_object.addIvar("my_ivar")); registerClassPair(my_object); defer disposeClassPair(my_object); const object: objc.Object = .{ .value = my_object.msgSend(, "alloc", .{}), }; defer object.msgSend(void, "dealloc", .{}); const NSString = getClass("NSString").?; const my_string = NSString.msgSend(objc.Object, "stringWithUTF8String:", .{"69---nice"}); defer my_string.msgSend(void, "dealloc", .{}); object.setInstanceVariable("my_ivar", my_string); const my_ivar = object.getInstanceVariable("my_ivar"); const slice = std.mem.sliceTo(my_ivar.getProperty([*c]const u8, "UTF8String"), 0); try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, "69---nice", slice); } test "addMethod" { const testing = std.testing; const My_Class = setup: { const My_Class = allocateClassPair(objc.getClass("NSObject").?, "my_class").?; defer registerClassPair(My_Class); std.debug.assert(try My_Class.addMethod("my_addition", struct { fn imp(target:, sel: objc.c.SEL, a: i32, b: i32) callconv(.C) i32 { _ = sel; _ = target; return a + b; } }.imp)); break :setup My_Class; }; const result = My_Class.msgSend(objc.Object, "alloc", .{}) .msgSend(objc.Object, "init", .{}) .msgSend(i32, "my_addition", .{ @as(i32, 2), @as(i32, 3) }); try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 5), result); }