const std = @import("std"); const autorelease = @import("autorelease.zig"); const block = @import("block.zig"); const class = @import("class.zig"); const encoding = @import("encoding.zig"); const iterator = @import("iterator.zig"); const object = @import("object.zig"); const property = @import("property.zig"); const protocol = @import("protocol.zig"); const selpkg = @import("sel.zig"); pub const c = @import("c.zig").c; pub const AutoreleasePool = autorelease.AutoreleasePool; pub const Block = block.Block; pub const Class = class.Class; pub const getClass = class.getClass; pub const getMetaClass = class.getMetaClass; pub const allocateClassPair = class.allocateClassPair; pub const registerClassPair = class.registerClassPair; pub const disposeClassPair = class.disposeClassPair; pub const Encoding = encoding.Encoding; pub const comptimeEncode = encoding.comptimeEncode; pub const Iterator = iterator.Iterator; pub const Object = object.Object; pub const Property = property.Property; pub const Protocol = protocol.Protocol; pub const getProtocol = protocol.getProtocol; pub const sel = selpkg.sel; pub const Sel = selpkg.Sel; /// This just calls the C allocator free. Some things need to be freed /// and this is how they can be freed for objc. pub inline fn free(ptr: anytype) void {; } test { std.testing.refAllDecls(@This()); }