This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 35 additions and 35 deletions
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
try addAppleSDK(b, &tests.root_module);
try addAppleSDK(b, tests.root_module);
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run tests");
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const alloc = std.heap.raw_c_allocator;
const objc = @import("main.zig");
// We have to use the raw C allocator for all heap allocation in here
// because the objc runtime expects `malloc` to be used. If you don't use
// malloc you'll get segfaults because the objc runtime will try to free
// the memory with `free`.
const alloc = std.heap.raw_c_allocator;
/// Creates a new block type with captured (closed over) values.
/// The CapturesArg is the a struct of captured values that will become
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ pub fn Block(
) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const captures_info = @typeInfo(Captures).Struct;
const captures_info = @typeInfo(Captures).@"struct";
const InvokeFn = FnType(anyopaque);
const descriptor: Descriptor = .{
.reserved = 0,
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ pub fn Block(
var ctx = try alloc.create(Context);
errdefer alloc.destroy(ctx);
const flags: BlockFlags = .{ .stret = @typeInfo(Return) == .Struct };
const flags: BlockFlags = .{ .stret = @typeInfo(Return) == .@"struct" };
ctx.isa = NSConcreteStackBlock;
ctx.flags = @bitCast(flags);
ctx.invoke = @ptrCast(func);
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ pub fn Block(
return @Type(.{
.Fn = .{
.@"fn" = .{
.calling_convention = .C,
.is_generic = false,
.is_var_args = false,
@ -135,40 +135,40 @@ pub fn Block(
/// This is the type of a block structure that is passed as the first
/// argument to any block invocation. See Block.
fn BlockContext(comptime Captures: type, comptime InvokeFn: type) type {
const captures_info = @typeInfo(Captures).Struct;
const captures_info = @typeInfo(Captures).@"struct";
var fields: [captures_info.fields.len + 5]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
fields[0] = .{
.name = "isa",
.type = ?*anyopaque,
.default_value = null,
.default_value_ptr = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(*anyopaque),
fields[1] = .{
.name = "flags",
.type = c_int,
.default_value = null,
.default_value_ptr = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(c_int),
fields[2] = .{
.name = "reserved",
.type = c_int,
.default_value = null,
.default_value_ptr = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(c_int),
fields[3] = .{
.name = "invoke",
.type = *const InvokeFn,
.default_value = null,
.default_value_ptr = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @typeInfo(*const InvokeFn).Pointer.alignment,
.alignment = @typeInfo(*const InvokeFn).pointer.alignment,
fields[4] = .{
.name = "descriptor",
.type = *const Descriptor,
.default_value = null,
.default_value_ptr = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(*Descriptor),
@ -183,14 +183,14 @@ fn BlockContext(comptime Captures: type, comptime InvokeFn: type) type {
fields[i] = .{
.name =,
.type = capture.type,
.default_value = null,
.default_value_ptr = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = capture.alignment,
return @Type(.{
.Struct = .{
.@"struct" = .{
.layout = .@"extern",
.fields = &fields,
.decls = &.{},
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ pub const c = @cImport({
/// This is a funky helper to help with the fact that some macOS
/// SDKs have an i8 return value for bools and some have stdbool.
pub fn boolResult(comptime Fn: type, result: anytype) bool {
const fn_info = @typeInfo(Fn).Fn;
const fn_info = @typeInfo(Fn).@"fn";
return switch (fn_info.return_type.?) {
bool => result,
i8 => result == 1,
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ pub const Class = struct {
// imp should be a function with C calling convention
// whose first two arguments are a `` and a `c.SEL`.
pub fn replaceMethod(self: Class, name: [:0]const u8, imp: anytype) void {
const fn_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(imp)).Fn;
assert(fn_info.calling_convention == .C);
const fn_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(imp)).@"fn";
assert(fn_info.is_var_args == false);
assert(fn_info.params.len >= 2);
assert(fn_info.params[0].type ==;
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ pub const Class = struct {
// whose first two arguments are a `` and a `c.SEL`.
pub fn addMethod(self: Class, name: [:0]const u8, imp: anytype) !bool {
const Fn = @TypeOf(imp);
const fn_info = @typeInfo(Fn).Fn;
assert(fn_info.calling_convention == .C);
const fn_info = @typeInfo(Fn).@"fn";
assert(fn_info.is_var_args == false);
assert(fn_info.params.len >= 2);
assert(fn_info.params[0].type ==;
@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ pub const Encoding = union(enum) {
c.Class, objc.Class => .class,
||||, objc.Object => .object,
else => switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Array => |arr| .{ .array = .{ .len = arr.len, .arr_type = arr.child } },
.Struct => .{ .structure = .{ .struct_type = T, .show_type_spec = true } },
.Union => .{ .@"union" = .{
.array => |arr| .{ .array = .{ .len = arr.len, .arr_type = arr.child } },
.@"struct" => .{ .structure = .{ .struct_type = T, .show_type_spec = true } },
.@"union" => .{ .@"union" = .{
.union_type = T,
.show_type_spec = true,
} },
.Pointer => |ptr| .{ .pointer = .{ .ptr_type = T, .size = ptr.size } },
.Fn => |fn_info| .{ .function = fn_info },
.pointer => |ptr| .{ .pointer = .{ .ptr_type = T, .size = ptr.size } },
.@"fn" => |fn_info| .{ .function = fn_info },
else => @compileError("unsupported type: " ++ @typeName(T)),
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ pub const Encoding = union(enum) {
.structure => |s| {
const struct_info = @typeInfo(s.struct_type);
assert(struct_info.Struct.layout == .@"extern");
assert(struct_info.@"struct".layout == .@"extern");
// Strips the fully qualified type name to leave just the
// type name. Used in naming the Struct in an encoding.
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ pub const Encoding = union(enum) {
// of the struct (determined by levels of pointer indirection)
if (s.show_type_spec) {
try writer.writeAll("=");
inline for (struct_info.Struct.fields) |field| {
inline for (struct_info.@"struct".fields) |field| {
const field_encode = init(field.type);
try field_encode.format(fmt, options, writer);
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ pub const Encoding = union(enum) {
.@"union" => |u| {
const union_info = @typeInfo(u.union_type);
assert(union_info.Union.layout == .@"extern");
assert(union_info.@"union".layout == .@"extern");
// Strips the fully qualified type name to leave just the
// type name. Used in naming the Union in an encoding
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ pub const Encoding = union(enum) {
// of the Union (determined by levels of pointer indirection)
if (u.show_type_spec) {
try writer.writeAll("=");
inline for (union_info.Union.fields) |field| {
inline for (union_info.@"union".fields) |field| {
const field_encode = init(field.type);
try field_encode.format(fmt, options, writer);
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ pub const Encoding = union(enum) {
.bitfield => |b| try writer.print("b{}", .{b}), // not sure if needed from Zig -> Obj-C
.pointer => |p| {
switch (p.size) {
.One => {
.one => {
// get the pointer info (count of levels of direction
// and the underlying type)
const pointer_info = indirectionCountAndType(p.ptr_type);
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ pub const Encoding = union(enum) {
.function => |fn_info| {
assert(fn_info.calling_convention == .C);
// Return type is first in a method encoding
const ret_type_enc = init(fn_info.return_type.?);
@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ fn indirectionCountAndType(comptime T: type) struct {
} {
var WalkType = T;
var count: usize = 0;
while (@typeInfo(WalkType) == .Pointer) : (count += 1) {
WalkType = @typeInfo(WalkType).Pointer.child;
while (@typeInfo(WalkType) == .pointer) : (count += 1) {
WalkType = @typeInfo(WalkType).pointer.child;
return .{ .child = WalkType, .indirection_levels = count };
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ fn MsgSendFn(
comptime Target: type,
comptime Args: type,
) type {
const argsInfo = @typeInfo(Args).Struct;
const argsInfo = @typeInfo(Args).@"struct";
// Target must always be an "id". Lots of types (Class, Object, etc.)
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ fn MsgSendFn(
return @Type(.{
.Fn = .{
.@"fn" = .{
.calling_convention = .C,
.is_generic = false,
.is_var_args = false,
Add table
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