- Changed the behavior of `ColumnIndexes.by_idx` (used f/ `TableContext.col_indexes`) to allow valid field indexes in any order. Indexes can also be removed or added multiple times to affect the table generation accordingly.
350 lines
16 KiB
350 lines
16 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const fmt = std.fmt;
const heap = std.heap;
const mem = std.mem;
const meta = std.meta;
const vaxis = @import("vaxis");
const log = std.log.scoped(.main);
const ActiveSection = enum {
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer if (gpa.detectLeaks()) log.err("Memory leak detected!", .{});
const alloc = gpa.allocator();
// Users set up below the main function
const users_buf = try alloc.dupe(User, users[0..]);
const user_list = std.ArrayList(User).fromOwnedSlice(alloc, users_buf);
defer user_list.deinit();
var user_mal = std.MultiArrayList(User){};
for (users_buf[0..]) |user| try user_mal.append(alloc, user);
defer user_mal.deinit(alloc);
var tty = try vaxis.Tty.init();
defer tty.deinit();
var tty_buf_writer = tty.bufferedWriter();
defer tty_buf_writer.flush() catch {};
const tty_writer = tty_buf_writer.writer().any();
var vx = try vaxis.init(alloc, .{
.kitty_keyboard_flags = .{ .report_events = true },
defer vx.deinit(alloc, tty.anyWriter());
var loop: vaxis.Loop(union(enum) {
key_press: vaxis.Key,
winsize: vaxis.Winsize,
}) = .{ .tty = &tty, .vaxis = &vx };
try loop.init();
try loop.start();
defer loop.stop();
try vx.enterAltScreen(tty.anyWriter());
try vx.queryTerminal(tty.anyWriter(), 250 * std.time.ns_per_ms);
const logo =
const title_logo = vaxis.Cell.Segment{
.text = logo,
.style = .{},
const title_info = vaxis.Cell.Segment{
.text = "===A Demo of the the Vaxis Table Widget!===",
.style = .{},
const title_disclaimer = vaxis.Cell.Segment{
.text = "(All data is non-sensical & LLM generated.)",
.style = .{},
var title_segs = [_]vaxis.Cell.Segment{ title_logo, title_info, title_disclaimer };
var cmd_input = vaxis.widgets.TextInput.init(alloc, &vx.unicode);
defer cmd_input.deinit();
// Colors
const active_bg: vaxis.Cell.Color = .{ .rgb = .{ 64, 128, 255 } };
const selected_bg: vaxis.Cell.Color = .{ .rgb = .{ 32, 64, 255 } };
const other_bg: vaxis.Cell.Color = .{ .rgb = .{ 32, 32, 48 } };
// Table Context
var demo_tbl: vaxis.widgets.Table.TableContext = .{
.active_bg = active_bg,
.active_fg = .{ .rgb = .{ 0, 0, 0 } },
.selected_bg = selected_bg,
.header_names = .{ .custom = &.{ "First", "Last", "Username", "Phone#", "Email" } },
//.header_names = .{ .custom = &.{ "First", "Last", "Email", "Phone#" } },
.col_indexes = .{ .by_idx = &.{ 0, 1, 2, 4, 3 } },
//.col_width = .{ .static_all = 15 },
//.col_width = .{ .dynamic_header_len = 3 },
//.col_width = .{ .static_individual = &.{ 10, 20, 15, 25, 15 } },
//.col_width = .dynamic_fill,
//.y_off = 10,
defer if (demo_tbl.sel_rows) |rows| alloc.free(rows);
// TUI State
var active: ActiveSection = .mid;
var moving = false;
var see_content = false;
// Create an Arena Allocator for easy allocations on each Event.
var event_arena = heap.ArenaAllocator.init(alloc);
defer event_arena.deinit();
while (true) {
defer _ = event_arena.reset(.retain_capacity);
defer tty_buf_writer.flush() catch {};
const event_alloc = event_arena.allocator();
const event = loop.nextEvent();
switch (event) {
.key_press => |key| keyEvt: {
// Close the Program
if (key.matches('c', .{ .ctrl = true })) {
// Refresh the Screen
if (key.matches('l', .{ .ctrl = true })) {
break :keyEvt;
// Enter Moving State
if (key.matches('w', .{ .ctrl = true })) {
moving = !moving;
break :keyEvt;
// Command State
if (active != .btm and
key.matchesAny(&.{ ':', '/', 'g', 'G' }, .{}))
active = .btm;
try cmd_input.update(.{ .key_press = key });
break :keyEvt;
switch (active) {
.top => {
if (key.matchesAny(&.{ vaxis.Key.down, 'j' }, .{}) and moving) active = .mid;
.mid => midEvt: {
if (moving) {
if (key.matchesAny(&.{ vaxis.Key.up, 'k' }, .{})) active = .top;
if (key.matchesAny(&.{ vaxis.Key.down, 'j' }, .{})) active = .btm;
break :midEvt;
// Change Row
if (key.matchesAny(&.{ vaxis.Key.up, 'k' }, .{})) demo_tbl.row -|= 1;
if (key.matchesAny(&.{ vaxis.Key.down, 'j' }, .{})) demo_tbl.row +|= 1;
// Change Column
if (key.matchesAny(&.{ vaxis.Key.left, 'h' }, .{})) demo_tbl.col -|= 1;
if (key.matchesAny(&.{ vaxis.Key.right, 'l' }, .{})) demo_tbl.col +|= 1;
// Select/Unselect Row
if (key.matches(vaxis.Key.space, .{})) {
const rows = demo_tbl.sel_rows orelse createRows: {
demo_tbl.sel_rows = try alloc.alloc(usize, 1);
break :createRows demo_tbl.sel_rows.?;
var rows_list = std.ArrayList(usize).fromOwnedSlice(alloc, rows);
for (rows_list.items, 0..) |row, idx| {
if (row != demo_tbl.row) continue;
_ = rows_list.orderedRemove(idx);
} else try rows_list.append(demo_tbl.row);
demo_tbl.sel_rows = try rows_list.toOwnedSlice();
// See Row Content
if (key.matches(vaxis.Key.enter, .{})) see_content = !see_content;
.btm => {
if (key.matchesAny(&.{ vaxis.Key.up, 'k' }, .{}) and moving) active = .mid
// Run Command and Clear Command Bar
else if (key.matchExact(vaxis.Key.enter, .{})) {
const cmd = try cmd_input.toOwnedSlice();
defer alloc.free(cmd);
if (mem.eql(u8, ":q", cmd) or
mem.eql(u8, ":quit", cmd) or
mem.eql(u8, ":exit", cmd)) return;
if (mem.eql(u8, "G", cmd)) {
demo_tbl.row = user_list.items.len - 1;
active = .mid;
if (cmd.len >= 2 and mem.eql(u8, "gg", cmd[0..2])) {
const goto_row = fmt.parseInt(usize, cmd[2..], 0) catch 0;
demo_tbl.row = goto_row;
active = .mid;
} else try cmd_input.update(.{ .key_press = key });
moving = false;
.winsize => |ws| try vx.resize(alloc, tty.anyWriter(), ws),
else => {},
// Content
seeRow: {
if (!see_content) {
demo_tbl.active_content_fn = null;
demo_tbl.active_ctx = &{};
break :seeRow;
const RowContext = struct {
row: []const u8,
bg: vaxis.Color,
const row_ctx = RowContext{
.row = try fmt.allocPrint(event_alloc, "Row #: {d}", .{demo_tbl.row}),
.bg = demo_tbl.active_bg,
demo_tbl.active_ctx = &row_ctx;
demo_tbl.active_content_fn = struct {
fn see(win: *vaxis.Window, ctx_raw: *const anyopaque) !usize {
const ctx: *const RowContext = @alignCast(@ptrCast(ctx_raw));
win.height = 5;
const see_win = win.child(.{
.x_off = 0,
.y_off = 1,
.width = .{ .limit = win.width },
.height = .{ .limit = 4 },
see_win.fill(.{ .style = .{ .bg = ctx.bg } });
const content_logo =
const content_segs: []const vaxis.Cell.Segment = &.{
.text = ctx.row,
.style = .{ .bg = ctx.bg },
.text = content_logo,
.style = .{ .bg = ctx.bg },
_ = try see_win.print(content_segs, .{});
return see_win.height;
// Sections
// - Window
const win = vx.window();
// - Top
const top_div = 6;
const top_bar = win.child(.{
.x_off = 0,
.y_off = 0,
.width = .{ .limit = win.width },
.height = .{ .limit = win.height / top_div },
for (title_segs[0..]) |*title_seg|
title_seg.style.bg = if (active == .top) selected_bg else other_bg;
top_bar.fill(.{ .style = .{
.bg = if (active == .top) selected_bg else other_bg,
} });
const logo_bar = vaxis.widgets.alignment.center(
top_bar.height - (top_bar.height / 3),
_ = try logo_bar.print(title_segs[0..], .{ .wrap = .word });
// - Middle
const middle_bar = win.child(.{
.x_off = 0,
.y_off = win.height / top_div,
.width = .{ .limit = win.width },
.height = .{ .limit = win.height - (top_bar.height + 1) },
if (user_list.items.len > 0) {
demo_tbl.active = active == .mid;
try vaxis.widgets.Table.drawTable(
// - Bottom
const bottom_bar = win.child(.{
.x_off = 0,
.y_off = win.height - 1,
.width = .{ .limit = win.width },
.height = .{ .limit = 1 },
if (active == .btm) bottom_bar.fill(.{ .style = .{ .bg = active_bg } });
// Render the screen
try vx.render(tty_writer);
/// User Struct
pub const User = struct {
first: []const u8,
last: []const u8,
user: []const u8,
email: ?[]const u8 = null,
phone: ?[]const u8 = null,
// Users Array
const users = [_]User{
.{ .first = "Nancy", .last = "Dudley", .user = "angela73", .email = "brian47@rodriguez.biz", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Emily", .last = "Thornton", .user = "mrogers", .email = null, .phone = "(558)888-8604x094" },
.{ .first = "Kyle", .last = "Huff", .user = "xsmith", .email = null, .phone = "301.127.0801x12398" },
.{ .first = "Christine", .last = "Dodson", .user = "amandabradley", .email = "cheryl21@sullivan.com", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Nathaniel", .last = "Kennedy", .user = "nrobinson", .email = null, .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Laura", .last = "Leon", .user = "dawnjones", .email = "fjenkins@patel.com", .phone = "1833013180" },
.{ .first = "Patrick", .last = "Landry", .user = "michaelhutchinson", .email = "daniel17@medina-wallace.net", .phone = "+1-634-486-6444x964" },
.{ .first = "Tammy", .last = "Hall", .user = "jamessmith", .email = null, .phone = "(926)810-3385x22059" },
.{ .first = "Stephanie", .last = "Anderson", .user = "wgillespie", .email = "campbelljaime@yahoo.com", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Jennifer", .last = "Williams", .user = "shawn60", .email = null, .phone = "611-385-4771x97523" },
.{ .first = "Elizabeth", .last = "Ortiz", .user = "jennifer76", .email = "johnbradley@delgado.info", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Stacy", .last = "Mays", .user = "scottgonzalez", .email = "kramermatthew@gmail.com", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Jennifer", .last = "Smith", .user = "joseph75", .email = "masseyalexander@hill-moore.net", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Gary", .last = "Hammond", .user = "brittany26", .email = null, .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Lisa", .last = "Johnson", .user = "tina28", .email = null, .phone = "850-606-2978x1081" },
.{ .first = "Zachary", .last = "Hopkins", .user = "vargasmichael", .email = null, .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Joshua", .last = "Kidd", .user = "ghanna", .email = "jbrown@yahoo.com", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Dawn", .last = "Jones", .user = "alisonlindsey", .email = null, .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Monica", .last = "Berry", .user = "barbara40", .email = "michael00@hotmail.com", .phone = "(295)346-6453x343" },
.{ .first = "Shannon", .last = "Roberts", .user = "krystal37", .email = null, .phone = "980-920-9386x454" },
.{ .first = "Thomas", .last = "Mitchell", .user = "williamscorey", .email = "richardduncan@roberts.com", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Nicole", .last = "Shaffer", .user = "rogerstroy", .email = null, .phone = "(570)128-5662" },
.{ .first = "Edward", .last = "Bennett", .user = "andersonchristina", .email = null, .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Duane", .last = "Howard", .user = "pcarpenter", .email = "griffithwayne@parker.net", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Mary", .last = "Brown", .user = "kimberlyfrost", .email = "perezsara@anderson-andrews.net", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Pamela", .last = "Sloan", .user = "kvelez", .email = "huynhlacey@moore-bell.biz", .phone = "001-359-125-1393x8716" },
.{ .first = "Timothy", .last = "Charles", .user = "anthony04", .email = "morrissara@hawkins.info", .phone = "+1-619-369-9572" },
.{ .first = "Sydney", .last = "Torres", .user = "scott42", .email = "asnyder@mitchell.net", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "John", .last = "Jones", .user = "anthonymoore", .email = null, .phone = "701.236.0571x99622" },
.{ .first = "Erik", .last = "Johnson", .user = "allisonsanders", .email = null, .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Donna", .last = "Kirk", .user = "laurie81", .email = null, .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Karina", .last = "White", .user = "uperez", .email = null, .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Jesse", .last = "Schwartz", .user = "ryan60", .email = "latoyawilliams@gmail.com", .phone = null },
.{ .first = "Cindy", .last = "Romero", .user = "christopher78", .email = "faulknerchristina@gmail.com", .phone = "780.288.2319x583" },
.{ .first = "Tyler", .last = "Sanders", .user = "bennettjessica", .email = null, .phone = "1966269423" },
.{ .first = "Pamela", .last = "Carter", .user = "zsnyder", .email = null, .phone = "125-062-9130x58413" },