hasMouse should have been marked pub
450 lines
15 KiB
450 lines
15 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const ziglyph = @import("ziglyph");
const WordIterator = ziglyph.WordIterator;
const GraphemeIterator = ziglyph.GraphemeIterator;
const Screen = @import("Screen.zig");
const Cell = @import("Cell.zig");
const Mouse = @import("Mouse.zig");
const Segment = @import("Cell.zig").Segment;
const gw = @import("gwidth.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.window);
const Window = @This();
pub const Size = union(enum) {
limit: usize,
/// horizontal offset from the screen
x_off: usize,
/// vertical offset from the screen
y_off: usize,
/// width of the window. This can't be larger than the terminal screen
width: usize,
/// height of the window. This can't be larger than the terminal screen
height: usize,
screen: *Screen,
/// Creates a new window with offset relative to parent and size clamped to the
/// parent's size. Windows do not retain a reference to their parent and are
/// unaware of resizes.
pub fn initChild(
self: Window,
x_off: usize,
y_off: usize,
width: Size,
height: Size,
) Window {
const resolved_width = switch (width) {
.expand => self.width -| x_off,
.limit => |w| blk: {
if (w + x_off > self.width) {
break :blk self.width -| x_off;
break :blk w;
const resolved_height = switch (height) {
.expand => self.height -| y_off,
.limit => |h| blk: {
if (h + y_off > self.height) {
break :blk self.height -| y_off;
break :blk h;
return Window{
.x_off = x_off + self.x_off,
.y_off = y_off + self.y_off,
.width = resolved_width,
.height = resolved_height,
.screen = self.screen,
pub const ChildOptions = struct {
x_off: usize = 0,
y_off: usize = 0,
/// the width of the resulting child, including any borders
width: Size = .expand,
/// the height of the resulting child, including any borders
height: Size = .expand,
border: BorderOptions = .{},
pub const BorderOptions = struct {
style: Cell.Style = .{},
where: union(enum) {
other: Locations,
} = .none,
glyphs: Glyphs = .single_rounded,
pub const Locations = packed struct {
top: bool = false,
right: bool = false,
bottom: bool = false,
left: bool = false,
pub const Glyphs = union(enum) {
/// custom border glyphs. each glyph should be one cell wide and the
/// following indices apply:
/// [0] = top left
/// [1] = horizontal
/// [2] = top right
/// [3] = vertical
/// [4] = bottom right
/// [5] = bottom left
custom: [6][]const u8,
const single_rounded: [6][]const u8 = .{ "╭", "─", "╮", "│", "╯", "╰" };
const single_square: [6][]const u8 = .{ "┌", "─", "┐", "│", "┘", "└" };
/// create a child window
pub fn child(self: Window, opts: ChildOptions) Window {
var result = self.initChild(opts.x_off, opts.y_off, opts.width, opts.height);
const glyphs = switch (opts.border.glyphs) {
.single_rounded => BorderOptions.single_rounded,
.single_square => BorderOptions.single_square,
.custom => |custom| custom,
const top_left: Cell.Character = .{ .grapheme = glyphs[0], .width = 1 };
const horizontal: Cell.Character = .{ .grapheme = glyphs[1], .width = 1 };
const top_right: Cell.Character = .{ .grapheme = glyphs[2], .width = 1 };
const vertical: Cell.Character = .{ .grapheme = glyphs[3], .width = 1 };
const bottom_right: Cell.Character = .{ .grapheme = glyphs[4], .width = 1 };
const bottom_left: Cell.Character = .{ .grapheme = glyphs[5], .width = 1 };
const style = opts.border.style;
const h = result.height;
const w = result.width;
const loc: BorderOptions.Locations = switch (opts.border.where) {
.none => return result,
.all => .{ .top = true, .bottom = true, .right = true, .left = true },
.bottom => .{ .bottom = true },
.right => .{ .right = true },
.left => .{ .left = true },
.top => .{ .top = true },
.other => |loc| loc,
if (loc.top) {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < w) : (i += 1) {
result.writeCell(i, 0, .{ .char = horizontal, .style = style });
if (loc.bottom) {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < w) : (i += 1) {
result.writeCell(i, h -| 1, .{ .char = horizontal, .style = style });
if (loc.left) {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < h) : (i += 1) {
result.writeCell(0, i, .{ .char = vertical, .style = style });
if (loc.right) {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < h) : (i += 1) {
result.writeCell(w -| 1, i, .{ .char = vertical, .style = style });
// draw corners
if (loc.top and loc.left)
result.writeCell(0, 0, .{ .char = top_left, .style = style });
if (loc.top and loc.right)
result.writeCell(w - 1, 0, .{ .char = top_right, .style = style });
if (loc.bottom and loc.left)
result.writeCell(0, h -| 1, .{ .char = bottom_left, .style = style });
if (loc.bottom and loc.right)
result.writeCell(w - 1, h -| 1, .{ .char = bottom_right, .style = style });
const x_off: usize = if (loc.left) 1 else 0;
const y_off: usize = if (loc.top) 1 else 0;
const h_delt: usize = if (loc.bottom) 1 else 0;
const w_delt: usize = if (loc.right) 1 else 0;
const h_ch: usize = h - y_off - h_delt;
const w_ch: usize = w - x_off - w_delt;
return result.initChild(x_off, y_off, .{ .limit = w_ch }, .{ .limit = h_ch });
/// writes a cell to the location in the window
pub fn writeCell(self: Window, col: usize, row: usize, cell: Cell) void {
if (self.height == 0 or self.width == 0) return;
if (self.height <= row or self.width <= col) return;
self.screen.writeCell(col + self.x_off, row + self.y_off, cell);
/// fills the window with the default cell
pub fn clear(self: Window) void {
/// returns the width of the grapheme. This depends on the terminal capabilities
pub fn gwidth(self: Window, str: []const u8) usize {
const m: gw.Method = if (self.screen.unicode) .unicode else .wcwidth;
return gw.gwidth(str, m) catch 1;
/// fills the window with the provided cell
pub fn fill(self: Window, cell: Cell) void {
var row: usize = self.y_off;
while (row < (self.height + self.y_off)) : (row += 1) {
var col: usize = self.x_off;
while (col < (self.width + self.x_off)) : (col += 1) {
self.screen.writeCell(col, row, cell);
/// hide the cursor
pub fn hideCursor(self: Window) void {
self.screen.cursor_vis = false;
/// show the cursor at the given coordinates, 0 indexed
pub fn showCursor(self: Window, col: usize, row: usize) void {
if (self.height == 0 or self.width == 0) return;
if (self.height <= row or self.width <= col) return;
self.screen.cursor_vis = true;
self.screen.cursor_row = row + self.y_off;
self.screen.cursor_col = col + self.x_off;
pub fn setCursorShape(self: Window, shape: Cell.CursorShape) void {
self.screen.cursor_shape = shape;
/// Options to use when printing Segments to a window
pub const PrintOptions = struct {
/// vertical offset to start printing at
row_offset: usize = 0,
/// wrap behavior for printing
wrap: enum {
/// wrap at grapheme boundaries
/// wrap at word boundaries
/// stop printing after one line
} = .grapheme,
/// prints segments to the window. returns true if the text overflowed with the
/// given wrap strategy and size.
pub fn print(self: Window, segments: []Segment, opts: PrintOptions) !bool {
var row = opts.row_offset;
switch (opts.wrap) {
.grapheme => {
var col: usize = 0;
for (segments) |segment| {
var iter = GraphemeIterator.init(segment.text);
while (iter.next()) |grapheme| {
if (col >= self.width) {
row += 1;
col = 0;
if (row >= self.height) return true;
const s = grapheme.slice(segment.text);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, s, "\n")) {
row += 1;
col = 0;
const w = self.gwidth(s);
if (w == 0) continue;
self.writeCell(col, row, .{
.char = .{
.grapheme = s,
.width = w,
.style = segment.style,
.link = segment.link,
col += w;
.word => {
var col: usize = 0;
var wrapped: bool = false;
for (segments) |segment| {
var word_iter = try WordIterator.init(segment.text);
while (word_iter.next()) |word| {
// break lines when we need
if (word.bytes[0] == '\r' or word.bytes[0] == '\n') {
row += 1;
col = 0;
wrapped = false;
// break lines when we can't fit this word, and the word isn't longer
// than our width
const word_width = self.gwidth(word.bytes);
if (word_width == 0) continue;
if (word_width + col > self.width and word_width < self.width) {
row += 1;
col = 0;
wrapped = true;
if (row >= self.height) return true;
// don't print whitespace in the first column, unless we had a hard
// break
if (col == 0 and std.mem.eql(u8, word.bytes, " ") and wrapped) continue;
var iter = GraphemeIterator.init(word.bytes);
while (iter.next()) |grapheme| {
if (col >= self.width) {
row += 1;
col = 0;
wrapped = true;
const s = grapheme.slice(word.bytes);
const w = self.gwidth(s);
self.writeCell(col, row, .{
.char = .{
.grapheme = s,
.width = w,
.style = segment.style,
.link = segment.link,
col += w;
.none => {
var col: usize = 0;
for (segments) |segment| {
var iter = GraphemeIterator.init(segment.text);
while (iter.next()) |grapheme| {
if (col >= self.width) return true;
const s = grapheme.slice(segment.text);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, s, "\n")) return true;
const w = self.gwidth(s);
if (w == 0) continue;
self.writeCell(col, row, .{
.char = .{
.grapheme = s,
.width = w,
.style = segment.style,
.link = segment.link,
col += w;
return false;
/// prints text in the window with simple word wrapping.
pub fn wrap(self: Window, segments: []Segment) !void {
_ = try self.print(segments, .{ .wrap = .word });
/// scrolls the window down one row (IE inserts a blank row at the bottom of the
/// screen and shifts all rows up one)
pub fn scroll(self: Window, n: usize) void {
if (n > self.height) return;
var row = self.y_off;
while (row < self.height - n) : (row += 1) {
const dst_start = (row * self.width) + self.x_off;
const dst_end = dst_start + self.width;
const src_start = ((row + n) * self.width) + self.x_off;
const src_end = src_start + self.width;
@memcpy(self.screen.buf[dst_start..dst_end], self.screen.buf[src_start..src_end]);
const last_row = self.child(.{
.y_off = self.height - n,
/// returns the mouse event if the mouse event occurred within the window. If
/// the mouse event occurred outside the window, null is returned
pub fn hasMouse(win: Window, mouse: ?Mouse) ?Mouse {
const event = mouse orelse return null;
if (event.col >= win.x_off and
event.col < (win.x_off + win.width) and
event.row >= win.y_off and
event.row < (win.y_off + win.height)) return event else return null;
test "Window size set" {
var parent = Window{
.x_off = 0,
.y_off = 0,
.width = 20,
.height = 20,
.screen = undefined,
const ch = parent.initChild(1, 1, .expand, .expand);
try std.testing.expectEqual(19, ch.width);
try std.testing.expectEqual(19, ch.height);
test "Window size set too big" {
var parent = Window{
.x_off = 0,
.y_off = 0,
.width = 20,
.height = 20,
.screen = undefined,
const ch = parent.initChild(0, 0, .{ .limit = 21 }, .{ .limit = 21 });
try std.testing.expectEqual(20, ch.width);
try std.testing.expectEqual(20, ch.height);
test "Window size set too big with offset" {
var parent = Window{
.x_off = 0,
.y_off = 0,
.width = 20,
.height = 20,
.screen = undefined,
const ch = parent.initChild(10, 10, .{ .limit = 21 }, .{ .limit = 21 });
try std.testing.expectEqual(10, ch.width);
try std.testing.expectEqual(10, ch.height);
test "Window size nested offsets" {
var parent = Window{
.x_off = 1,
.y_off = 1,
.width = 20,
.height = 20,
.screen = undefined,
const ch = parent.initChild(10, 10, .{ .limit = 21 }, .{ .limit = 21 });
try std.testing.expectEqual(11, ch.x_off);
try std.testing.expectEqual(11, ch.y_off);