2024-10-30 14:02:29 -05:00

341 lines
13 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const grapheme = @import("grapheme");
const GraphemeCache = @import("GraphemeCache.zig");
const Parser = @import("Parser.zig");
const Queue = @import("queue.zig").Queue;
const vaxis = @import("main.zig");
const Tty = vaxis.Tty;
const Vaxis = @import("Vaxis.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.vaxis);
pub fn Loop(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const Event = T;
tty: *Tty,
vaxis: *Vaxis,
queue: Queue(T, 512) = .{},
thread: ?std.Thread = null,
should_quit: bool = false,
/// Initialize the event loop. This is an intrusive init so that we have
/// a stable pointer to register signal callbacks with posix TTYs
pub fn init(self: *Self) !void {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => {},
else => {
if (!builtin.is_test) {
const handler: Tty.SignalHandler = .{
.context = self,
.callback = Self.winsizeCallback,
try Tty.notifyWinsize(handler);
/// spawns the input thread to read input from the tty
pub fn start(self: *Self) !void {
if (self.thread) |_| return;
self.thread = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, Self.ttyRun, .{
/// stops reading from the tty.
pub fn stop(self: *Self) void {
// If we don't have a thread, we have nothing to stop
if (self.thread == null) return;
self.should_quit = true;
// trigger a read
self.vaxis.deviceStatusReport(self.tty.anyWriter()) catch {};
if (self.thread) |thread| {
self.thread = null;
self.should_quit = false;
/// returns the next available event, blocking until one is available
pub fn nextEvent(self: *Self) T {
return self.queue.pop();
/// blocks until an event is available. Useful when your application is
/// operating on a poll + drain architecture (see tryEvent)
pub fn pollEvent(self: *Self) void {
/// returns an event if one is available, otherwise null. Non-blocking.
pub fn tryEvent(self: *Self) ?T {
return self.queue.tryPop();
/// posts an event into the event queue. Will block if there is not
/// capacity for the event
pub fn postEvent(self: *Self, event: T) void {
pub fn tryPostEvent(self: *Self, event: T) bool {
return self.queue.tryPush(event);
pub fn winsizeCallback(ptr: *anyopaque) void {
const self: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
// We will be receiving winsize updates in-band
if (self.vaxis.state.in_band_resize) return;
const winsize = Tty.getWinsize(self.tty.fd) catch return;
if (@hasField(Event, "winsize")) {
self.postEvent(.{ .winsize = winsize });
/// read input from the tty. This is run in a separate thread
fn ttyRun(
self: *Self,
grapheme_data: *const grapheme.GraphemeData,
paste_allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator,
) !void {
// initialize a grapheme cache
var cache: GraphemeCache = .{};
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => {
var parser: Parser = .{
.grapheme_data = grapheme_data,
while (!self.should_quit) {
const event = try self.tty.nextEvent(&parser, paste_allocator);
try handleEventGeneric(self, self.vaxis, &cache, Event, event, null);
else => {
// get our initial winsize
const winsize = try Tty.getWinsize(self.tty.fd);
if (@hasField(Event, "winsize")) {
self.postEvent(.{ .winsize = winsize });
var parser: Parser = .{
.grapheme_data = grapheme_data,
// initialize the read buffer
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var read_start: usize = 0;
// read loop
read_loop: while (!self.should_quit) {
const n = try[read_start..]);
var seq_start: usize = 0;
while (seq_start < n) {
const result = try parser.parse(buf[seq_start..n], paste_allocator);
if (result.n == 0) {
// copy the read to the beginning. We don't use memcpy because
// this could be overlapping, and it's also rare
const initial_start = seq_start;
while (seq_start < n) : (seq_start += 1) {
buf[seq_start - initial_start] = buf[seq_start];
read_start = seq_start - initial_start + 1;
continue :read_loop;
read_start = 0;
seq_start += result.n;
const event = result.event orelse continue;
try handleEventGeneric(self, self.vaxis, &cache, Event, event, paste_allocator);
// Use return on the self.postEvent's so it can either return error union or void
pub fn handleEventGeneric(self: anytype, vx: *Vaxis, cache: *GraphemeCache, Event: type, event: anytype, paste_allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator) !void {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => {
switch (event) {
.winsize => |ws| {
if (@hasField(Event, "winsize")) {
return self.postEvent(.{ .winsize = ws });
.key_press => |key| {
if (@hasField(Event, "key_press")) {
// HACK: yuck. there has to be a better way
var mut_key = key;
if (key.text) |text| {
mut_key.text = cache.put(text);
return self.postEvent(.{ .key_press = mut_key });
.key_release => |key| {
if (@hasField(Event, "key_release")) {
// HACK: yuck. there has to be a better way
var mut_key = key;
if (key.text) |text| {
mut_key.text = cache.put(text);
return self.postEvent(.{ .key_release = mut_key });
.cap_da1 => {
std.Thread.Futex.wake(&vx.query_futex, 10);
.mouse => {}, // Unsupported currently
else => {},
else => {
switch (event) {
.key_press => |key| {
if (@hasField(Event, "key_press")) {
// HACK: yuck. there has to be a better way
var mut_key = key;
if (key.text) |text| {
mut_key.text = cache.put(text);
return self.postEvent(.{ .key_press = mut_key });
.key_release => |key| {
if (@hasField(Event, "key_release")) {
// HACK: yuck. there has to be a better way
var mut_key = key;
if (key.text) |text| {
mut_key.text = cache.put(text);
return self.postEvent(.{ .key_release = mut_key });
.mouse => |mouse| {
if (@hasField(Event, "mouse")) {
return self.postEvent(.{ .mouse = vx.translateMouse(mouse) });
.focus_in => {
if (@hasField(Event, "focus_in")) {
return self.postEvent(.focus_in);
.focus_out => {
if (@hasField(Event, "focus_out")) {
return self.postEvent(.focus_out);
.paste_start => {
if (@hasField(Event, "paste_start")) {
return self.postEvent(.paste_start);
.paste_end => {
if (@hasField(Event, "paste_end")) {
return self.postEvent(.paste_end);
.paste => |text| {
if (@hasField(Event, "paste")) {
return self.postEvent(.{ .paste = text });
} else {
if (paste_allocator) |_|
.color_report => |report| {
if (@hasField(Event, "color_report")) {
return self.postEvent(.{ .color_report = report });
.color_scheme => |scheme| {
if (@hasField(Event, "color_scheme")) {
return self.postEvent(.{ .color_scheme = scheme });
.cap_kitty_keyboard => {"kitty keyboard capability detected", .{});
vx.caps.kitty_keyboard = true;
.cap_kitty_graphics => {
if (!vx.caps.kitty_graphics) {"kitty graphics capability detected", .{});
vx.caps.kitty_graphics = true;
.cap_rgb => {"rgb capability detected", .{});
vx.caps.rgb = true;
.cap_unicode => {"unicode capability detected", .{});
vx.caps.unicode = .unicode;
vx.screen.width_method = .unicode;
.cap_sgr_pixels => {"pixel mouse capability detected", .{});
vx.caps.sgr_pixels = true;
.cap_color_scheme_updates => {"color_scheme_updates capability detected", .{});
vx.caps.color_scheme_updates = true;
.cap_da1 => {
std.Thread.Futex.wake(&vx.query_futex, 10);
.winsize => |winsize| {
vx.state.in_band_resize = true;
if (@hasField(Event, "winsize")) {
return self.postEvent(.{ .winsize = winsize });
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => {},
// Reset the signal handler if we are receiving in_band_resize
else => self.tty.resetSignalHandler(),
test Loop {
const Event = union(enum) {
key_press: vaxis.Key,
winsize: vaxis.Winsize,
foo: u8,
var tty = try vaxis.Tty.init();
defer tty.deinit();
var vx = try vaxis.init(std.testing.allocator, .{});
defer vx.deinit(std.testing.allocator, tty.anyWriter());
var loop: vaxis.Loop(Event) = .{ .tty = &tty, .vaxis = &vx };
try loop.init();
try loop.start();
defer loop.stop();
// Optionally enter the alternate screen
try vx.enterAltScreen(tty.anyWriter());
try vx.queryTerminal(tty.anyWriter(), 1 * std.time.ns_per_ms);