105 lines
3.8 KiB
105 lines
3.8 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const vaxis = @import("vaxis");
const Cell = vaxis.Cell;
const log = std.log.scoped(.main);
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer {
const deinit_status = gpa.deinit();
//fail test; can't try in defer as defer is executed after we return
if (deinit_status == .leak) {
log.err("memory leak", .{});
const alloc = gpa.allocator();
var tty = try vaxis.Tty.init();
defer tty.deinit();
var vx = try vaxis.init(alloc, .{});
defer vx.deinit(alloc, tty.anyWriter());
var loop: vaxis.Loop(Event) = .{ .tty = &tty, .vaxis = &vx };
try loop.init();
try loop.start();
defer loop.stop();
// Optionally enter the alternate screen
try vx.enterAltScreen(tty.anyWriter());
try vx.queryTerminal(tty.anyWriter(), 1 * std.time.ns_per_s);
// We'll adjust the color index every keypress
var color_idx: u8 = 0;
const msg = "Hello, world!";
// The main event loop. Vaxis provides a thread safe, blocking, buffered
// queue which can serve as the primary event queue for an application
while (true) {
// nextEvent blocks until an event is in the queue
const event = loop.nextEvent();
log.debug("event: {}", .{event});
// exhaustive switching ftw. Vaxis will send events if your Event
// enum has the fields for those events (ie "key_press", "winsize")
switch (event) {
.key_press => |key| {
color_idx = switch (color_idx) {
255 => 0,
else => color_idx + 1,
if (key.codepoint == 'c' and key.mods.ctrl) {
.winsize => |ws| {
try vx.resize(alloc, tty.anyWriter(), ws);
else => {},
// vx.window() returns the root window. This window is the size of the
// terminal and can spawn child windows as logical areas. Child windows
// cannot draw outside of their bounds
const win = vx.window();
// Clear the entire space because we are drawing in immediate mode.
// vaxis double buffers the screen. This new frame will be compared to
// the old and only updated cells will be drawn
const msg_len: u16 = @intCast(msg.len);
// Create some child window. .expand means the height and width will
// fill the remaining space of the parent. Child windows do not store a
// reference to their parent: this is true immediate mode. Do not store
// windows, always create new windows each render cycle
const child = win.child(
.{ .x_off = win.width / 2 - msg_len / 2, .y_off = win.height / 2 },
// Loop through the message and print the cells to the screen
for (msg, 0..) |_, i| {
const cell: Cell = .{
// each cell takes a _grapheme_ as opposed to a single
// codepoint. This allows Vaxis to handle emoji properly,
// particularly with terminals that the Unicode Core extension
// (IE Mode 2027)
.char = .{ .grapheme = msg[i .. i + 1] },
.style = .{
.fg = .{ .index = color_idx },
child.writeCell(@intCast(i), 0, cell);
// Render the screen
try vx.render(tty.anyWriter());
// Our Event. This can contain internal events as well as Vaxis events.
// Internal events can be posted into the same queue as vaxis events to allow
// for a single event loop with exhaustive switching. Booya
const Event = union(enum) {
key_press: vaxis.Key,
winsize: vaxis.Winsize,
foo: u8,