178 lines
5.6 KiB
178 lines
5.6 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const fmt = std.fmt;
const math = std.math;
const base64 = std.base64.standard.Encoder;
const zigimg = @import("zigimg");
const Window = @import("Window.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.image);
const Image = @This();
const transmit_opener = "\x1b_Gf=32,i={d},s={d},v={d},m={d};";
pub const Source = union(enum) {
path: []const u8,
mem: []const u8,
pub const Placement = struct {
img_id: u32,
options: Image.DrawOptions,
pub const CellSize = struct {
rows: usize,
cols: usize,
pub const DrawOptions = struct {
/// an offset into the top left cell, in pixels, with where to place the
/// origin of the image. These must be less than the pixel size of a single
/// cell
pixel_offset: ?struct {
x: usize,
y: usize,
} = null,
/// the vertical stacking order
/// < 0: Drawn beneath text
/// < -1_073_741_824: Drawn beneath "default" background cells
z_index: ?i32 = null,
/// A clip region of the source image to draw.
clip_region: ?struct {
x: ?usize = null,
y: ?usize = null,
width: ?usize = null,
height: ?usize = null,
} = null,
/// Scaling to apply to the Image
scale: enum {
/// no scaling applied. the image may extend beyond the window
/// Stretch / shrink the image to fill the window
/// Scale the image to fit the window, maintaining aspect ratio
/// Scale the image to fit the window, only if needed.
} = .none,
/// the size to render the image. Generally you will not need to use this
/// field, and should prefer to use scale. `draw` will fill in this field with
/// the correct values if a scale method is applied.
size: ?struct {
rows: ?usize = null,
cols: ?usize = null,
} = null,
/// unique identifier for this image. This will be managed by the screen.
id: u32,
/// width in pixels
width: usize,
/// height in pixels
height: usize,
pub fn draw(self: Image, win: Window, opts: DrawOptions) !void {
var p_opts = opts;
switch (opts.scale) {
.none => {},
.fill => {
p_opts.size = .{
.rows = win.height,
.cols = win.width,
=> contain: {
// cell geometry
const x_pix = win.screen.width_pix;
const y_pix = win.screen.height_pix;
const w = win.screen.width;
const h = win.screen.height;
const pix_per_col = try std.math.divCeil(usize, x_pix, w);
const pix_per_row = try std.math.divCeil(usize, y_pix, h);
const win_width_pix = pix_per_col * win.width;
const win_height_pix = pix_per_row * win.height;
const fit_x: bool = if (win_width_pix >= self.width) true else false;
const fit_y: bool = if (win_height_pix >= self.height) true else false;
// Does the image fit with no scaling?
if (opts.scale == .contain and fit_x and fit_y) break :contain;
// Does the image require vertical scaling?
if (fit_x and !fit_y)
p_opts.size = .{
.rows = win.height,
// Does the image require horizontal scaling?
else if (!fit_x and fit_y)
p_opts.size = .{
.cols = win.height,
else if (!fit_x and !fit_y) {
const diff_x = self.width - win_width_pix;
const diff_y = self.height - win_height_pix;
// The width difference is larger than the height difference.
// Scale by width
if (diff_x > diff_y)
p_opts.size = .{
.cols = win.width,
// The height difference is larger than the width difference.
// Scale by height
p_opts.size = .{
.rows = win.height,
} else {
std.debug.assert(opts.scale == .fit);
std.debug.assert(win_width_pix >= self.width);
std.debug.assert(win_height_pix >= self.height);
// Fits in both directions. Find the closer direction
const diff_x = win_width_pix - self.width;
const diff_y = win_height_pix - self.height;
// The width is closer in dimension. Scale by that
if (diff_x < diff_y)
p_opts.size = .{
.cols = win.width,
p_opts.size = .{
.rows = win.height,
const p = Placement{
.img_id = self.id,
.options = p_opts,
win.writeCell(0, 0, .{ .image = p });
/// the size of the image, in cells
pub fn cellSize(self: Image, win: Window) !CellSize {
// cell geometry
const x_pix = win.screen.width_pix;
const y_pix = win.screen.height_pix;
const w = win.screen.width;
const h = win.screen.height;
const pix_per_col = try std.math.divCeil(usize, x_pix, w);
const pix_per_row = try std.math.divCeil(usize, y_pix, h);
const cell_width = std.math.divCeil(usize, self.width, pix_per_col) catch 0;
const cell_height = std.math.divCeil(usize, self.height, pix_per_row) catch 0;
return .{
.rows = cell_height,
.cols = cell_width,