const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const Style = @import("Cell.zig").Style; const Cell = @import("Cell.zig"); const MouseShape = @import("Mouse.zig").Shape; const CursorShape = Cell.CursorShape; const log = std.log.scoped(.internal_screen); const InternalScreen = @This(); pub const InternalCell = struct { char: std.ArrayList(u8) = undefined, style: Style = .{}, uri: std.ArrayList(u8) = undefined, uri_id: std.ArrayList(u8) = undefined, // if we got skipped because of a wide character skipped: bool = false, default: bool = false, pub fn eql(self: InternalCell, cell: Cell) bool { // fastpath when both cells are default if (self.default and cell.default) return true; // this is actually faster than std.meta.eql on the individual items. // Our strings are always small, usually less than 4 bytes so the simd // usage in std.mem.eql has too much overhead vs looping the bytes if (!std.mem.eql(u8, self.char.items, cell.char.grapheme)) return false; if (!Style.eql(, return false; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, self.uri.items, return false; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, self.uri_id.items, return false; return true; } }; width: usize = 0, height: usize = 0, buf: []InternalCell = undefined, cursor_row: usize = 0, cursor_col: usize = 0, cursor_vis: bool = false, cursor_shape: CursorShape = .default, mouse_shape: MouseShape = .default, /// sets each cell to the default cell pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, w: usize, h: usize) !InternalScreen { var screen = InternalScreen{ .buf = try alloc.alloc(InternalCell, w * h), }; for (screen.buf, 0..) |_, i| { screen.buf[i] = .{ .char = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(alloc, 1), .uri = std.ArrayList(u8).init(alloc), .uri_id = std.ArrayList(u8).init(alloc), }; } screen.width = w; screen.height = h; return screen; } pub fn deinit(self: *InternalScreen, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void { for (self.buf, 0..) |_, i| { self.buf[i].char.deinit(); self.buf[i].uri.deinit(); self.buf[i].uri_id.deinit(); }; } /// writes a cell to a location. 0 indexed pub fn writeCell( self: *InternalScreen, col: usize, row: usize, cell: Cell, ) void { if (self.width < col) { // column out of bounds return; } if (self.height < row) { // height out of bounds return; } const i = (row * self.width) + col; assert(i < self.buf.len); self.buf[i].char.clearRetainingCapacity(); self.buf[i].char.appendSlice(cell.char.grapheme) catch { log.warn("couldn't write grapheme", .{}); }; self.buf[i].uri.clearRetainingCapacity(); self.buf[i].uri.appendSlice( catch { log.warn("couldn't write uri", .{}); }; self.buf[i].uri_id.clearRetainingCapacity(); self.buf[i].uri_id.appendSlice( catch { log.warn("couldn't write uri_id", .{}); }; self.buf[i].style =; self.buf[i].default = cell.default; } pub fn readCell(self: *InternalScreen, col: usize, row: usize) ?Cell { if (self.width < col) { // column out of bounds return null; } if (self.height < row) { // height out of bounds return null; } const i = (row * self.width) + col; assert(i < self.buf.len); return .{ .char = .{ .grapheme = self.buf[i].char.items }, .style = self.buf[i].style, }; }