const std = @import("std"); const vaxis = @import("vaxis"); const Cell = vaxis.Cell; const TextInput = vaxis.widgets.TextInput; const border = vaxis.widgets.border; const log = std.log.scoped(.main); const Event = union(enum) { key_press: vaxis.Key, winsize: vaxis.Winsize, }; pub fn main() !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; defer { const deinit_status = gpa.deinit(); //fail test; can't try in defer as defer is executed after we return if (deinit_status == .leak) { log.err("memory leak", .{}); } } const alloc = gpa.allocator(); var line: ?[]const u8 = null; defer { // do this in defer so that vaxis cleans up terminal state before we // print to stdout if (line) |_| { const stdout =; stdout.print("\n{s}\n", .{line.?}) catch {};; } } var vx = try vaxis.init(alloc, .{}); defer vx.deinit(alloc); var loop: vaxis.Loop(Event) = .{ .vaxis = &vx }; try; defer loop.stop(); var text_input = TextInput.init(alloc, &vx.unicode); defer text_input.deinit(); try vx.queryTerminal(); const prompt: vaxis.Segment = .{ .text = "$ " }; while (true) { const event = loop.nextEvent(); switch (event) { .key_press => |key| { if (key.matches('c', .{ .ctrl = true })) { break; } else if (key.matches(vaxis.Key.enter, .{})) { line = try text_input.toOwnedSlice(); text_input.clearAndFree(); break; } else { try text_input.update(.{ .key_press = key }); } }, .winsize => |ws| try vx.resize(alloc, ws), } const win = vx.window(); win.clear(); _ = try win.printSegment(prompt, .{}); const input_win = win.child(.{ .x_off = 2 }); text_input.draw(input_win); try vx.render(); } }