const std = @import("std"); const Queue = @import("queue.zig").Queue; const Tty = @import("Tty.zig"); const Vaxis = @import("Vaxis.zig"); pub fn Loop(comptime T: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); const log = std.log.scoped(.loop); queue: Queue(T, 512) = .{}, thread: ?std.Thread = null, vaxis: *Vaxis, /// spawns the input thread to read input from the tty pub fn run(self: *Self) !void { if (self.thread) |_| return; if (self.vaxis.tty == null) self.vaxis.tty = try Tty.init(); self.thread = try std.Thread.spawn(.{},, .{ &self.vaxis.tty.?, T, self }); } /// stops reading from the tty and returns it to it's initial state pub fn stop(self: *Self) void { if (self.vaxis.tty) |*tty| tty.stop(); if (self.thread) |thread| { thread.join(); self.thread = null; } } /// returns the next available event, blocking until one is available pub fn nextEvent(self: *Self) T { return self.queue.pop(); } /// blocks until an event is available. Useful when your application is /// operating on a poll + drain architecture (see tryEvent) pub fn pollEvent(self: *Self) void { self.queue.poll(); } /// returns an event if one is available, otherwise null. Non-blocking. pub fn tryEvent(self: *Self) ?T { return self.queue.tryPop(); } /// posts an event into the event queue. Will block if there is not /// capacity for the event pub fn postEvent(self: *Self, event: T) void { self.queue.push(event); } pub fn tryPostEvent(self: *Self, event: T) bool { return self.queue.tryPush(event); } }; }