const std = @import("std"); const Image = @import("Image.zig"); char: Character = .{}, style: Style = .{}, link: Hyperlink = .{}, image: ?Image.Placement = null, default: bool = false, /// Segment is a contiguous run of text that has a constant style pub const Segment = struct { text: []const u8, style: Style = .{}, link: Hyperlink = .{}, }; pub const Character = struct { grapheme: []const u8 = " ", /// width should only be provided when the application is sure the terminal /// will measure the same width. This can be ensure by using the gwidth method /// included in libvaxis. If width is 0, libvaxis will measure the glyph at /// render time width: usize = 1, }; pub const CursorShape = enum { default, block_blink, block, underline_blink, underline, beam_blink, beam, }; pub const Hyperlink = struct { uri: []const u8 = "", /// ie "id=app-1234" params: []const u8 = "", }; pub const Style = struct { pub const Underline = enum { off, single, double, curly, dotted, dashed, }; fg: Color = .default, bg: Color = .default, ul: Color = .default, ul_style: Underline = .off, bold: bool = false, dim: bool = false, italic: bool = false, blink: bool = false, reverse: bool = false, invisible: bool = false, strikethrough: bool = false, pub fn eql(a: Style, b: Style) bool { const SGRBits = packed struct { bold: bool, dim: bool, italic: bool, blink: bool, reverse: bool, invisible: bool, strikethrough: bool, }; const a_sgr: SGRBits = .{ .bold = a.bold, .dim = a.dim, .italic = a.italic, .blink = a.blink, .reverse = a.reverse, .invisible = a.invisible, .strikethrough = a.strikethrough, }; const b_sgr: SGRBits = .{ .bold = b.bold, .dim = b.dim, .italic = b.italic, .blink = b.blink, .reverse = b.reverse, .invisible = b.invisible, .strikethrough = b.strikethrough, }; const a_cast: u7 = @bitCast(a_sgr); const b_cast: u7 = @bitCast(b_sgr); return a_cast == b_cast and Color.eql(a.fg, b.fg) and Color.eql(, and Color.eql(a.ul, b.ul) and a.ul_style == b.ul_style; } }; pub const Color = union(enum) { default, index: u8, rgb: [3]u8, pub const Kind = union(enum) { fg, bg, cursor, index: u8, }; /// Returned when querying a color from the terminal pub const Report = struct { kind: Kind, value: [3]u8, }; pub const Scheme = enum { dark, light, }; pub fn eql(a: Color, b: Color) bool { switch (a) { .default => return b == .default, .index => |a_idx| { switch (b) { .index => |b_idx| return a_idx == b_idx, else => return false, } }, .rgb => |a_rgb| { switch (b) { .rgb => |b_rgb| return a_rgb[0] == b_rgb[0] and a_rgb[1] == b_rgb[1] and a_rgb[2] == b_rgb[2], else => return false, } }, } } pub fn rgbFromUint(val: u24) Color { const r_bits = val & 0b11111111_00000000_00000000; const g_bits = val & 0b00000000_11111111_00000000; const b_bits = val & 0b00000000_00000000_11111111; const rgb = [_]u8{ @truncate(r_bits >> 16), @truncate(g_bits >> 8), @truncate(b_bits), }; return .{ .rgb = rgb }; } /// parse an XParseColor-style rgb specification into an rgb Color. The spec /// is of the form: rgb:rrrr/gggg/bbbb. Generally, the high two bits will always /// be the same as the low two bits. pub fn rgbFromSpec(spec: []const u8) !Color { var iter = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, spec, ':'); const prefix = orelse return error.InvalidColorSpec; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, "rgb", prefix)) return error.InvalidColorSpec; const spec_str = orelse return error.InvalidColorSpec; var spec_iter = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, spec_str, '/'); const r_raw = orelse return error.InvalidColorSpec; if (r_raw.len != 4) return error.InvalidColorSpec; const g_raw = orelse return error.InvalidColorSpec; if (g_raw.len != 4) return error.InvalidColorSpec; const b_raw = orelse return error.InvalidColorSpec; if (b_raw.len != 4) return error.InvalidColorSpec; const r = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u8, r_raw[2..], 16); const g = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u8, g_raw[2..], 16); const b = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u8, b_raw[2..], 16); return .{ .rgb = [_]u8{ r, g, b }, }; } test "rgbFromSpec" { const spec = "rgb:aaaa/bbbb/cccc"; const actual = try rgbFromSpec(spec); switch (actual) { .rgb => |rgb| { try std.testing.expectEqual(0xAA, rgb[0]); try std.testing.expectEqual(0xBB, rgb[1]); try std.testing.expectEqual(0xCC, rgb[2]); }, else => try std.testing.expect(false), } } };