"use strict"; var zigAnalysis = { typeKinds, rootMod, modules, astNodes, calls, files, decls, exprs, types, comptimeExprs, guideSections }; let skipNextHashChange = null; const NAV_MODES = { API: "#A;", GUIDES: "#G;", }; var scrollHistory = {}; (function() { const domBanner = document.getElementById("banner"); const domMain = document.getElementById("main"); const domStatus = document.getElementById("status"); const domSectNavAPI = document.getElementById("sectNavAPI"); const domListNavAPI = document.getElementById("listNavAPI"); const domSectNavGuides = document.getElementById("sectNavGuides"); const domListNavGuides = document.getElementById("listNavGuides"); const domApiSwitch = document.getElementById("ApiSwitch"); const domGuideSwitch = document.getElementById("guideSwitch"); const domGuidesMenu = document.getElementById("guidesMenu"); const domGuidesMenuTitle = document.getElementById("guidesMenuTitle"); const domGuideTocList = document.getElementById("guideTocList"); const domGuideTocListEmtpy = document.getElementById("guideTocListEmpty"); const domListMods = document.getElementById("listMods"); const domSectTypes = document.getElementById("sectTypes"); const domListTypesLeft = document.getElementById("listTypesLeft"); const domListTypesRight = document.getElementById("listTypesRight"); const domSectTests = document.getElementById("sectTests"); const domListTests = document.getElementById("listTests"); const domSectDocTests = document.getElementById("sectDocTests"); const domDocTestsCode = document.getElementById("docTestsCode"); const domSectNamespaces = document.getElementById("sectNamespaces"); const domListNamespacesLeft = document.getElementById("listNamespacesLeft"); const domListNamespacesRight = document.getElementById("listNamespacesRight"); const domNoDocsNamespaces = document.getElementById("noDocsNamespaces"); const domSectErrSets = document.getElementById("sectErrSets"); const domListErrSets = document.getElementById("listErrSets"); const domSectFns = document.getElementById("sectFns"); const domListFns = document.getElementById("listFns"); const domSectFields = document.getElementById("sectFields"); const domListFields = document.getElementById("listFields"); const domSectGlobalVars = document.getElementById("sectGlobalVars"); const domListGlobalVars = document.getElementById("listGlobalVars"); const domSectValues = document.getElementById("sectValues"); const domListValues = document.getElementById("listValues"); const domFnProto = document.getElementById("fnProto"); const domFnProtoCode = document.getElementById("fnProtoCode"); const domFnSourceLink = document.getElementById("fnSourceLink"); const domSectParams = document.getElementById("sectParams"); const domListParams = document.getElementById("listParams"); const domTldDocs = document.getElementById("tldDocs"); const domSectFnErrors = document.getElementById("sectFnErrors"); const domListFnErrors = document.getElementById("listFnErrors"); const domTableFnErrors = document.getElementById("tableFnErrors"); const domFnErrorsAnyError = document.getElementById("fnErrorsAnyError"); const domFnExamples = document.getElementById("fnExamples"); // const domListFnExamples = (document.getElementById("listFnExamples")); const domFnNoExamples = document.getElementById("fnNoExamples"); const domDeclNoRef = document.getElementById("declNoRef"); const domSearch = document.getElementById("search"); const domSearchHelp = document.getElementById("searchHelp"); const domSearchHelpSummary = document.getElementById("searchHelpSummary"); const domSectSearchResults = document.getElementById("sectSearchResults"); const domSectSearchAllResultsLink = document.getElementById("sectSearchAllResultsLink"); const domDocs = document.getElementById("docs"); const domDocsScroll = document.getElementById("docs-scroll"); const domGuidesSection = document.getElementById("guides"); const domActiveGuide = document.getElementById("activeGuide"); const domListSearchResults = document.getElementById("listSearchResults"); const domSectSearchNoResults = document.getElementById("sectSearchNoResults"); // const domTdTarget = (document.getElementById("tdTarget")); const domTdZigVer = document.getElementById("tdZigVer"); const domHdrName = document.getElementById("hdrName"); const domHelpModal = document.getElementById("helpModal"); const domSearchKeys = document.getElementById("searchKeys"); const domPrefsModal = document.getElementById("prefsModal"); const domSearchPlaceholder = document.getElementById("searchPlaceholder"); const domSearchPlaceholderText = document.getElementById("searchPlaceholderText"); const sourceFileUrlTemplate = "src/{{mod}}/{{file}}.html#L{{line}}" const domLangRefLink = document.getElementById("langRefLink"); const domPrefSlashSearch = document.getElementById("prefSlashSearch"); const prefs = getLocalStorage(); loadPrefs(); domPrefSlashSearch.addEventListener("change", () => setPrefSlashSearch(domPrefSlashSearch.checked)); const scrollMonitor = [ domActiveGuide, domGuideTocList, domDocsScroll, domSectSearchResults, ]; computeGuideHashes(); let searchTimer = null; let searchTrimResults = true; let escapeHtmlReplacements = { "&": "&", '"': """, "<": "<", ">": ">", }; let typeKinds = indexTypeKinds(); let typeTypeId = findTypeTypeId(); let pointerSizeEnum = { One: 0, Many: 1, Slice: 2, C: 3 }; let declSearchIndex = new RadixTree(); window.search = declSearchIndex; // for each module, is an array with modules to get to this one let canonModPaths = computeCanonicalModulePaths(); // for each decl, is an array with {declNames, modNames} to get to this one let canonDeclPaths = null; // lazy; use getCanonDeclPath // for each type, is an array with {declNames, modNames} to get to this one let canonTypeDecls = null; // lazy; use getCanonTypeDecl let curNav = { hash: "", mode: NAV_MODES.API, activeGuide: "", activeGuideScrollTo: null, // each element is a module name, e.g. @import("a") then within there @import("b") // starting implicitly from root module modNames: [], // same as above except actual modules, not names modObjs: [], // Each element is a decl name, `a.b.c`, a is 0, b is 1, c is 2, etc. // empty array means refers to the module itself declNames: [], // these will be all types, except the last one may be a type or a decl declObjs: [], // (a, b, c, d) comptime call; result is the value the docs refer to callName: null, }; let curNavSearch = ""; let curSearchIndex = -1; let imFeelingLucky = false; let rootIsStd = detectRootIsStd(); // map of decl index to list of non-generic fn indexes // let nodesToFnsMap = indexNodesToFns(); // map of decl index to list of comptime fn calls // let nodesToCallsMap = indexNodesToCalls(); let guidesSearchIndex = {}; window.guideSearch = guidesSearchIndex; parseGuides(); // identifiers can contain modal trigger characters so we want to allow typing // such characters when the search is focused instead of toggling the modal let canToggleModal = true; domSearch.disabled = false; domSearch.addEventListener("keydown", onSearchKeyDown, false); domSearch.addEventListener("input", onSearchInput, false); domSearch.addEventListener("focus", ev => { domSearchPlaceholder.classList.add("hidden"); canToggleModal = false; }); domSearch.addEventListener("blur", ev => { if (domSearch.value.length == 0) domSearchPlaceholder.classList.remove("hidden"); canToggleModal = true; }); domSectSearchAllResultsLink.addEventListener('click', onClickSearchShowAllResults, false); function onClickSearchShowAllResults(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); searchTrimResults = false; onHashChange(); } if (location.hash == "") { location.hash = "#A;"; } // make the modal disappear if you click outside it function handleModalClick(ev) { if (ev.target.classList.contains("modal-container")) { hideModal(this); } } domHelpModal.addEventListener("click", handleModalClick); domPrefsModal.addEventListener("click", handleModalClick); window.addEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange, false); window.addEventListener("keydown", onWindowKeyDown, false); onHashChange(); // TODO: fix this once langref becomes part of autodoc let langRefVersion = "master"; domLangRefLink.href = `https://ziglang.org/documentation/${langRefVersion}/`; function renderTitle() { let suffix = " - Zig"; switch (curNav.mode) { case NAV_MODES.API: let list = curNav.modNames.concat(curNav.declNames); if (list.length === 0) { document.title = zigAnalysis.modules[zigAnalysis.rootMod].name + suffix; } else { document.title = list.join(".") + suffix; } return; case NAV_MODES.GUIDES: document.title = "[G] " + curNav.activeGuide + suffix; return; } } function isDecl(x) { return "value" in x; } function isType(x) { return "kind" in x && !("value" in x); } function isContainerType(x) { return isType(x) && typeKindIsContainer(x.kind); } function typeShorthandName(expr) { let resolvedExpr = resolveValue({ expr: expr }); if (!("type" in resolvedExpr)) { return null; } let type = getType(resolvedExpr.type); outer: for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i += 1) { switch (type.kind) { case typeKinds.Optional: case typeKinds.Pointer: let child = type.child; let resolvedChild = resolveValue(child); if ("type" in resolvedChild) { type = getType(resolvedChild.type); continue; } else { return null; } default: break outer; } if (i == 9999) throw "Exhausted typeShorthandName quota"; } let name = undefined; if (type.kind === typeKinds.Struct) { name = "struct"; } else if (type.kind === typeKinds.Enum) { name = "enum"; } else if (type.kind === typeKinds.Union) { name = "union"; } else { console.log("TODO: unhandled case in typeShortName"); return null; } return escapeHtml(name); } function typeKindIsContainer(typeKind) { return ( typeKind === typeKinds.Struct || typeKind === typeKinds.Union || typeKind === typeKinds.Enum || typeKind === typeKinds.Opaque ); } function declCanRepresentTypeKind(typeKind) { return typeKind === typeKinds.ErrorSet || typeKindIsContainer(typeKind); } // // function findCteInRefPath(path) { // for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { // const ref = path[i]; // if ("string" in ref) continue; // if ("comptimeExpr" in ref) return ref; // if ("refPath" in ref) return findCteInRefPath(ref.refPath); // return null; // } // return null; // } function resolveValue(value, trackDecls) { let seenDecls = []; let i = 0; while (true) { i += 1; if (i >= 10000) { throw "resolveValue quota exceeded" } if ("refPath" in value.expr) { value = { expr: value.expr.refPath[value.expr.refPath.length - 1] }; continue; } if ("declRef" in value.expr) { seenDecls.push(value.expr.declRef); value = getDecl(value.expr.declRef).value; continue; } if ("as" in value.expr) { value = { typeRef: zigAnalysis.exprs[value.expr.as.typeRefArg], expr: zigAnalysis.exprs[value.expr.as.exprArg], }; continue; } if (trackDecls) return { value, seenDecls }; return value; } } function resolveGenericRet(genericFunc) { if (genericFunc.generic_ret == null) return null; let result = resolveValue({ expr: genericFunc.generic_ret }); let i = 0; while (true) { i += 1; if (i >= 10000) { throw "resolveGenericRet quota exceeded" } if ("call" in result.expr) { let call = zigAnalysis.calls[result.expr.call]; let resolvedFunc = resolveValue({ expr: call.func }); if (!("type" in resolvedFunc.expr)) return null; let callee = getType(resolvedFunc.expr.type); if (!callee.generic_ret) return null; result = resolveValue({ expr: callee.generic_ret }); continue; } return result; } } // function typeOfDecl(decl){ // return decl.value.typeRef; // // let i = 0; // while(i < 1000) { // i += 1; // console.assert(isDecl(decl)); // if ("type" in decl.value) { // return ({ type: typeTypeId }); // } // //// if ("string" in decl.value) { //// return ({ type: { //// kind: typeKinds.Pointer, //// size: pointerSizeEnum.One, //// child: }); //// } // // if ("refPath" in decl.value) { // decl = ({ // value: decl.value.refPath[decl.value.refPath.length -1] // }); // continue; // } // // if ("declRef" in decl.value) { // decl = zigAnalysis.decls[decl.value.declRef]; // continue; // } // // if ("int" in decl.value) { // return decl.value.int.typeRef; // } // // if ("float" in decl.value) { // return decl.value.float.typeRef; // } // // if ("array" in decl.value) { // return decl.value.array.typeRef; // } // // if ("struct" in decl.value) { // return decl.value.struct.typeRef; // } // // if ("comptimeExpr" in decl.value) { // const cte = zigAnalysis.comptimeExprs[decl.value.comptimeExpr]; // return cte.typeRef; // } // // if ("call" in decl.value) { // const fn_call = zigAnalysis.calls[decl.value.call]; // let fn_decl = undefined; // if ("declRef" in fn_call.func) { // fn_decl = zigAnalysis.decls[fn_call.func.declRef]; // } else if ("refPath" in fn_call.func) { // console.assert("declRef" in fn_call.func.refPath[fn_call.func.refPath.length -1]); // fn_decl = zigAnalysis.decls[fn_call.func.refPath[fn_call.func.refPath.length -1].declRef]; // } else throw {}; // // const fn_decl_value = resolveValue(fn_decl.value); // console.assert("type" in fn_decl_value); //TODO handle comptimeExpr // const fn_type = (zigAnalysis.types[fn_decl_value.type]); // console.assert(fn_type.kind === typeKinds.Fn); // return fn_type.ret; // } // // if ("void" in decl.value) { // return ({ type: typeTypeId }); // } // // if ("bool" in decl.value) { // return ({ type: typeKinds.Bool }); // } // // console.log("TODO: handle in `typeOfDecl` more cases: ", decl); // console.assert(false); // throw {}; // } // console.assert(false); // return ({}); // } function detectDeclPath(text, context) { let result = ""; let separator = ":"; const components = text.split("."); let curDeclOrType = undefined; let curContext = context; let limit = 10000; while (curContext) { limit -= 1; if (limit == 0) { throw "too many iterations"; } curDeclOrType = findSubDecl(curContext, components[0]); if (!curDeclOrType) { if (curContext.parent_container == null) break; curContext = getType(curContext.parent_container); continue; } if (curContext == context) { separator = '.'; result = location.hash + separator + components[0]; } else { // We had to go up, which means we need a new path! const canonPath = getCanonDeclPath(curDeclOrType.find_subdecl_idx); if (!canonPath) return; let lastModName = canonPath.modNames[canonPath.modNames.length - 1]; let fullPath = lastModName + ":" + canonPath.declNames.join("."); separator = '.'; result = "#A;" + fullPath; } break; } if (!curDeclOrType) { for (let i = 0; i < zigAnalysis.modules.length; i += 1){ const p = zigAnalysis.modules[i]; if (p.name == components[0]) { curDeclOrType = getType(p.main); result += "#A;" + components[0]; break; } } } if (!curDeclOrType) return null; for (let i = 1; i < components.length; i += 1) { curDeclOrType = findSubDecl(curDeclOrType, components[i]); if (!curDeclOrType) return null; result += separator + components[i]; separator = '.'; } return result; } function renderGuides() { renderTitle(); // set guide mode domGuideSwitch.classList.add("active"); domApiSwitch.classList.remove("active"); domDocs.classList.add("hidden"); domSectNavAPI.classList.add("hidden"); domSectNavGuides.classList.remove("hidden"); domGuidesSection.classList.remove("hidden"); domActiveGuide.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSearchResults.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSearchAllResultsLink.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSearchNoResults.classList.add("hidden"); if (curNavSearch !== "") { return renderSearchGuides(); } let activeGuide = undefined; outer: for (let i = 0; i < zigAnalysis.guideSections.length; i += 1) { const section = zigAnalysis.guideSections[i]; for (let j = 0; j < section.guides.length; j += 1) { const guide = section.guides[j]; if (guide.name == curNav.activeGuide) { activeGuide = guide; break outer; } } } // navigation bar const guideIndexDom = domListNavGuides.children[0].children[0]; const guideDom = domListNavGuides.children[1].children[0]; if (activeGuide){ guideDom.textContent = activeGuide.title; guideDom.setAttribute("href", location.hash); guideDom.classList.remove("hidden"); guideIndexDom.classList.remove("active"); } else { guideDom.classList.add("hidden"); guideIndexDom.classList.add("active"); } // main content domGuidesMenuTitle.textContent = "Table of Contents"; if (activeGuide) { if (activeGuide.toc != "") { domGuideTocList.innerHTML = activeGuide.toc; // add js callbacks to all links function onLinkClick(ev) { const link = ev.target.getAttribute("href"); skipNextHashChange = link; location.replace(link); scrollToHeading(":" + link.split(":")[1], true); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } for (let a of domGuideTocList.querySelectorAll("a")) { a.addEventListener('click', onLinkClick, false); } domGuideTocList.classList.remove("hidden"); domGuideTocListEmtpy.classList.add("hidden"); } else { domGuideTocListEmtpy.classList.remove("hidden"); domGuideTocList.classList.add("hidden"); } let reader = new commonmark.Parser({ smart: true, autoDoc: { detectDeclPath: detectDeclPath, } }); let ast = reader.parse(activeGuide.body); let writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer(); let result = writer.render(ast); domActiveGuide.innerHTML = result; if (curNav.activeGuideScrollTo !== null) { scrollToHeading(curNav.activeGuideScrollTo, false); } } else { domGuideTocList.classList.add("hidden"); domGuideTocListEmtpy.classList.remove("hidden"); if (zigAnalysis.guideSections.length > 1 || (zigAnalysis.guideSections[0].guides.length > 0)) { renderGuidesIndex(); } else { noGuidesAtAll(); } } domGuidesMenu.classList.remove("hidden"); domActiveGuide.classList.remove("hidden"); } // TODO: ensure unique hashes // TODO: hash also guides and their headings function computeGuideHashes() { for (let i = 1; i < zigAnalysis.guideSections.length; i += 1) { const section = zigAnalysis.guideSections[i]; section.hash = "section-" + slugify(section.name || i); } } function renderGuidesIndex() { // main content { let html = ""; for (let i = 0; i < zigAnalysis.guideSections.length; i += 1) { const section = zigAnalysis.guideSections[i]; if (i != 0) { // first section is the default section html += "

" + section.name + "

"; } for (let guide of section.guides) { html += "
  1. " + (guide.title || guide.name) + "
  2. "; html += guide.toc + "
"; } } domActiveGuide.innerHTML = html; } // sidebar / fast navigation { domGuidesMenuTitle.textContent = "Sections"; if (zigAnalysis.guideSections.length > 1) { let html = ""; for (let i = 1; i < zigAnalysis.guideSections.length; i += 1) { const section = zigAnalysis.guideSections[i]; html += "
  • " + section.name + "
  • "; } domGuideTocList.innerHTML = ""; function onLinkClick(ev) { const link = ev.target.getAttribute("href"); skipNextHashChange = link; location.replace(link); scrollToHeading(link.split(":")[1], true); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } for (let a of domGuideTocList.querySelectorAll("a")) { a.addEventListener('click', onLinkClick, false); } domGuideTocList.classList.remove("hidden"); domGuideTocListEmtpy.classList.add("hidden"); } else { domGuideTocList.classList.add("hidden"); domGuideTocListEmtpy.classList.remove("hidden"); } } } function noGuidesAtAll() { const root_file_idx = zigAnalysis.modules[zigAnalysis.rootMod].file; const root_file_name = getFile(root_file_idx).name; let reader = new commonmark.Parser({smart: true}); let ast = reader.parse(` # No Guides These autodocs don't contain any guide. While the API section is a reference guide autogenerated from Zig source code, guides are meant to be handwritten explanations that provide for example: - how-to explanations for common use-cases - technical documentation - information about advanced usage patterns You can add guides by specifying which markdown files to include in the top level doc comment of your root file, like so: (At the top of *${root_file_name}*) \`\`\` //!zig-autodoc-guide: intro.md //!zig-autodoc-guide: quickstart.md //!zig-autodoc-guide: advanced-docs/advanced-stuff.md \`\`\` You can also create sections to group guides together: \`\`\` //!zig-autodoc-section: CLI Usage //!zig-autodoc-guide: cli-basics.md //!zig-autodoc-guide: cli-advanced.md \`\`\` **Note that this feature is still under heavy development so expect bugs** **and missing features!** Happy writing! `); let writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer(); let result = writer.render(ast); domActiveGuide.innerHTML = result; } function renderApi() { // set Api mode domApiSwitch.classList.add("active"); domGuideSwitch.classList.remove("active"); domGuidesSection.classList.add("hidden"); domSectNavAPI.classList.remove("hidden"); domSectNavGuides.classList.add("hidden"); domDocs.classList.remove("hidden"); domGuidesMenu.classList.add("hidden"); domStatus.classList.add("hidden"); domFnProto.classList.add("hidden"); domSectParams.classList.add("hidden"); domTldDocs.classList.add("hidden"); domSectTypes.classList.add("hidden"); domSectTests.classList.add("hidden"); domSectDocTests.classList.add("hidden"); domSectNamespaces.classList.add("hidden"); domListNamespacesLeft.classList.add("hidden"); domListNamespacesRight.classList.add("hidden"); domNoDocsNamespaces.classList.add("hidden"); domSectErrSets.classList.add("hidden"); domSectFns.classList.add("hidden"); domSectFields.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSearchResults.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSearchAllResultsLink.classList.add("hidden"); domSectSearchNoResults.classList.add("hidden"); domHdrName.classList.add("hidden"); domSectFnErrors.classList.add("hidden"); domFnExamples.classList.add("hidden"); domFnNoExamples.classList.add("hidden"); domFnSourceLink.classList.add("hidden"); domDeclNoRef.classList.add("hidden"); domFnErrorsAnyError.classList.add("hidden"); domTableFnErrors.classList.add("hidden"); domSectGlobalVars.classList.add("hidden"); domSectValues.classList.add("hidden"); renderTitle(); if (curNavSearch !== "") { return renderSearchAPI(); } let rootMod = zigAnalysis.modules[zigAnalysis.rootMod]; let mod = rootMod; curNav.modObjs = [mod]; for (let i = 0; i < curNav.modNames.length; i += 1) { let childMod = zigAnalysis.modules[mod.table[curNav.modNames[i]]]; if (childMod == null) { return render404(); } mod = childMod; curNav.modObjs.push(mod); } let currentType = getType(mod.main); curNav.declObjs = [currentType]; let lastDecl = mod.main; for (let i = 0; i < curNav.declNames.length; i += 1) { let childDecl = findSubDecl(currentType, curNav.declNames[i]); window.last_decl = childDecl; if (childDecl == null || childDecl.is_private === true) { return render404(); } lastDecl = childDecl; let childDeclValue = resolveValue(childDecl.value).expr; if ("type" in childDeclValue) { const t = getType(childDeclValue.type); if (t.kind != typeKinds.Fn) { childDecl = t; } } currentType = childDecl; curNav.declObjs.push(currentType); } window.x = currentType; renderNav(); let last = curNav.declObjs[curNav.declObjs.length - 1]; let lastIsDecl = isDecl(last); let lastIsType = isType(last); let lastIsContainerType = isContainerType(last); renderDocTest(lastDecl); if (lastIsContainerType) { return renderContainer(last); } if (!lastIsDecl && !lastIsType) { return renderUnknownDecl(last); } if (lastIsType) { return renderType(last); } if (lastIsDecl && last.kind === "var") { return renderVar(last); } if (lastIsDecl && last.kind === "const") { const value = resolveValue(last.value); if ("type" in value.expr) { let typeObj = getType(value.expr.type); if (typeObj.kind === typeKinds.Fn) { return renderFn(last); } } return renderValue(last); } } function render() { switch (curNav.mode) { case NAV_MODES.API: return renderApi(); case NAV_MODES.GUIDES: return renderGuides(); default: throw "?"; } } function renderDocTest(decl) { if (!decl.decltest) return; const astNode = getAstNode(decl.decltest); domSectDocTests.classList.remove("hidden"); domDocTestsCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( DecoratedTokenizer(astNode.code, decl)); } function renderUnknownDecl(decl) { domDeclNoRef.classList.remove("hidden"); let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs; if (docs != null) { domTldDocs.innerHTML = markdown(docs); } else { domTldDocs.innerHTML = "

    There are no doc comments for this declaration.

    "; } domTldDocs.classList.remove("hidden"); } function typeIsErrSet(typeIndex) { let typeObj = getType(typeIndex); return typeObj.kind === typeKinds.ErrorSet; } function typeIsStructWithNoFields(typeIndex) { let typeObj = getType(typeIndex); if (typeObj.kind !== typeKinds.Struct) return false; return typeObj.field_types.length == 0; } function typeIsGenericFn(typeIndex) { let typeObj = getType(typeIndex); if (typeObj.kind !== typeKinds.Fn) { return false; } return typeObj.generic_ret != null; } function renderFn(fnDecl) { if ("refPath" in fnDecl.value.expr) { let last = fnDecl.value.expr.refPath.length - 1; let lastExpr = fnDecl.value.expr.refPath[last]; console.assert("declRef" in lastExpr); fnDecl = getDecl(lastExpr.declRef); } let value = resolveValue(fnDecl.value); console.assert("type" in value.expr); let typeObj = getType(value.expr.type); domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens(ex(value.expr, { fnDecl: fnDecl })); domFnSourceLink.classList.remove("hidden"); domFnSourceLink.innerHTML = "[src]"; let docsSource = null; let srcNode = getAstNode(fnDecl.src); if (srcNode.docs != null) { docsSource = srcNode.docs; } renderFnParamDocs(fnDecl, typeObj); let retExpr = resolveValue({ expr: typeObj.ret }).expr; if ("type" in retExpr) { let retIndex = retExpr.type; let errSetTypeIndex = null; let retType = getType(retIndex); if (retType.kind === typeKinds.ErrorSet) { errSetTypeIndex = retIndex; } else if (retType.kind === typeKinds.ErrorUnion) { errSetTypeIndex = retType.err.type; } if (errSetTypeIndex != null) { let errSetType = getType(errSetTypeIndex); renderErrorSet(errSetType); } } let protoSrcIndex = fnDecl.src; if (typeIsGenericFn(value.expr.type)) { // does the generic_ret contain a container? var resolvedGenericRet = resolveValue({ expr: typeObj.generic_ret }); if ("call" in resolvedGenericRet.expr) { let call = zigAnalysis.calls[resolvedGenericRet.expr.call]; let resolvedFunc = resolveValue({ expr: call.func }); if (!("type" in resolvedFunc.expr)) return; let callee = getType(resolvedFunc.expr.type); if (!callee.generic_ret) return; resolvedGenericRet = resolveValue({ expr: callee.generic_ret }); } // TODO: see if unwrapping the `as` here is a good idea or not. if ("as" in resolvedGenericRet.expr) { resolvedGenericRet = { expr: zigAnalysis.exprs[resolvedGenericRet.expr.as.exprArg], }; } if (!("type" in resolvedGenericRet.expr)) return; const genericType = getType(resolvedGenericRet.expr.type); if (isContainerType(genericType)) { renderContainer(genericType); } // old code // let instantiations = nodesToFnsMap[protoSrcIndex]; // let calls = nodesToCallsMap[protoSrcIndex]; // if (instantiations == null && calls == null) { // domFnNoExamples.classList.remove("hidden"); // } else if (calls != null) { // // if (fnObj.combined === undefined) fnObj.combined = allCompTimeFnCallsResult(calls); // if (fnObj.combined != null) renderContainer(fnObj.combined); // resizeDomList(domListFnExamples, calls.length, '
  • '); // for (let callI = 0; callI < calls.length; callI += 1) { // let liDom = domListFnExamples.children[callI]; // liDom.innerHTML = getCallHtml(fnDecl, calls[callI]); // } // domFnExamples.classList.remove("hidden"); // } else if (instantiations != null) { // // TODO // } } else { domFnExamples.classList.add("hidden"); domFnNoExamples.classList.add("hidden"); } let protoSrcNode = getAstNode(protoSrcIndex); if ( docsSource == null && protoSrcNode != null && protoSrcNode.docs != null ) { docsSource = protoSrcNode.docs; } if (docsSource != null) { domTldDocs.innerHTML = markdown(docsSource, fnDecl); domTldDocs.classList.remove("hidden"); } domFnProto.classList.remove("hidden"); } function renderFnParamDocs(fnDecl, typeObj) { let docCount = 0; let fnNode = getAstNode(fnDecl.src); let fields = fnNode.fields; if (fields === null) { fields = getAstNode(typeObj.src).fields; } let isVarArgs = typeObj.is_var_args; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 1) { let field = fields[i]; let fieldNode = getAstNode(field); if (fieldNode.docs != null) { docCount += 1; } } if (docCount == 0) { return; } resizeDomList(domListParams, docCount, "
    "); let domIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 1) { let field = fields[i]; let fieldNode = getAstNode(field); let docs = fieldNode.docs; if (fieldNode.docs == null) { continue; } let docsNonEmpty = docs !== ""; let divDom = domListParams.children[domIndex]; domIndex += 1; let value = typeObj.params[i]; let preClass = docsNonEmpty ? ' class="fieldHasDocs"' : ""; let html = "" + renderTokens((function*() { yield Tok.identifier(fieldNode.name); yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; if (isVarArgs && i === typeObj.params.length - 1) { yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; } else { yield* ex(value, {}); } yield Tok.comma; }())); html += ""; if (docsNonEmpty) { html += '
    ' + markdown(docs) + "
    "; } divDom.innerHTML = html; } domSectParams.classList.remove("hidden"); } function renderNav() { let len = curNav.modNames.length + curNav.declNames.length; resizeDomList(domListNavAPI, len, '
  • '); let list = []; let hrefModNames = []; let hrefDeclNames = []; for (let i = 0; i < curNav.modNames.length; i += 1) { hrefModNames.push(curNav.modNames[i]); let name = curNav.modNames[i]; list.push({ name: name, link: navLink(hrefModNames, hrefDeclNames), }); } for (let i = 0; i < curNav.declNames.length; i += 1) { hrefDeclNames.push(curNav.declNames[i]); list.push({ name: curNav.declNames[i], link: navLink(hrefModNames, hrefDeclNames), }); } for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) { let liDom = domListNavAPI.children[i]; let aDom = liDom.children[0]; aDom.textContent = list[i].name; aDom.setAttribute("href", list[i].link); if (i + 1 == list.length) { aDom.classList.add("active"); } else { aDom.classList.remove("active"); } } } function render404() { domStatus.textContent = "404 Not Found"; domStatus.classList.remove("hidden"); } // function renderModList() { // const rootMod = zigAnalysis.modules[zigAnalysis.rootMod]; // let list = []; // for (let key in rootMod.table) { // let modIndex = rootMod.table[key]; // if (zigAnalysis.modules[modIndex] == null) continue; // if (key == rootMod.name) continue; // list.push({ // name: key, // mod: modIndex, // }); // } // { // let aDom = domSectMainMod.children[1].children[0].children[0]; // aDom.textContent = rootMod.name; // aDom.setAttribute("href", navLinkMod(zigAnalysis.rootMod)); // if (rootMod.name === curNav.modNames[0]) { // aDom.classList.add("active"); // } else { // aDom.classList.remove("active"); // } // domSectMainMod.classList.remove("hidden"); // } // list.sort(function (a, b) { // return operatorCompare(a.name.toLowerCase(), b.name.toLowerCase()); // }); // if (list.length !== 0) { // resizeDomList(domListMods, list.length, '
  • '); // for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) { // let liDom = domListMods.children[i]; // let aDom = liDom.children[0]; // aDom.textContent = list[i].name; // aDom.setAttribute("href", navLinkMod(list[i].mod)); // if (list[i].name === curNav.modNames[0]) { // aDom.classList.add("active"); // } else { // aDom.classList.remove("active"); // } // } // domSectMods.classList.remove("hidden"); // } // } function navLink(modNames, declNames, callName) { let base = curNav.mode; if (modNames.length === 0 && declNames.length === 0) { return base; } else if (declNames.length === 0 && callName == null) { return base + modNames.join("."); } else if (callName == null) { return base + modNames.join(".") + ":" + declNames.join("."); } else { return ( base + modNames.join(".") + ":" + declNames.join(".") + ";" + callName ); } } function navLinkMod(modIndex) { return navLink(canonModPaths[modIndex], []); } function navLinkDecl(childName) { return navLink(curNav.modNames, curNav.declNames.concat([childName])); } function findDeclNavLink(declName) { if (curNav.declObjs.length == 0) return null; const curFile = getAstNode(curNav.declObjs[curNav.declObjs.length - 1].src).file; for (let i = curNav.declObjs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const curDecl = curNav.declObjs[i]; const curDeclName = curNav.declNames[i - 1]; if (curDeclName == declName) { const declPath = curNav.declNames.slice(0, i); return navLink(curNav.modNames, declPath); } const subDecl = findSubDecl(curDecl, declName); if (subDecl != null) { if (subDecl.is_private === true) { return sourceFileLink(subDecl); } else { const declPath = curNav.declNames.slice(0, i).concat([declName]); return navLink(curNav.modNames, declPath); } } } //throw("could not resolve links for '" + declName + "'"); } // // function navLinkCall(callObj) { // let declNamesCopy = curNav.declNames.concat([]); // let callName = (declNamesCopy.pop()); // callName += '('; // for (let arg_i = 0; arg_i < callObj.args.length; arg_i += 1) { // if (arg_i !== 0) callName += ','; // let argObj = callObj.args[arg_i]; // callName += getValueText(argObj, argObj, false, false); // } // callName += ')'; // declNamesCopy.push(callName); // return navLink(curNav.modNames, declNamesCopy); // } function resizeDomListDl(dlDom, desiredLen) { // add the missing dom entries for (let i = dlDom.childElementCount / 2; i < desiredLen; i += 1) { dlDom.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "
    "); } // remove extra dom entries while (desiredLen < dlDom.childElementCount / 2) { dlDom.removeChild(dlDom.lastChild); dlDom.removeChild(dlDom.lastChild); } } function resizeDomList(listDom, desiredLen, templateHtml) { // add the missing dom entries for (let i = listDom.childElementCount; i < desiredLen; i += 1) { listDom.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", templateHtml); } // remove extra dom entries while (desiredLen < listDom.childElementCount) { listDom.removeChild(listDom.lastChild); } } function walkResultTypeRef(wr) { if (wr.typeRef) return wr.typeRef; let resolved = resolveValue(wr); if (wr === resolved) { return { "undefined": {} }; } return walkResultTypeRef(resolved); } function* DecoratedTokenizer(src, context) { let tok_it = Tokenizer(src); for (let t of tok_it) { if (t.tag == Tag.identifier) { const link = detectDeclPath(t.src, context); if (link) { t.link = link; } } yield t; } } function renderSingleToken(t) { if (t.tag == Tag.whitespace) { return t.src; } let src = t.src; // if (t.tag == Tag.identifier) { // src = escapeHtml(src); // } let result = ""; if (t.tag == Tag.identifier && isSimpleType(t.src)) { result = `${src}`; } else if (t.tag == Tag.identifier && isSpecialIndentifier(t.src)) { result = `${src}`; } else if (t.tag == Tag.identifier && t.fnDecl) { result = `${src}`; } else if (t.tag == Tag.identifier && t.isDecl) { result = `${src}`; } else { result = `${src}`; } if (t.link) { result = `` + result + ""; } return result; } function renderTokens(tok_it) { var html = []; const max_iter = 100000; let i = 0; for (const t of tok_it) { i += 1; if (i > max_iter) throw "too many iterations"; if (t.tag == Tag.eof) break; html.push(renderSingleToken(t)); } return html.join(""); } function* ex(expr, opts) { switch (Object.keys(expr)[0]) { default: throw "this expression is not implemented yet: " + Object.keys(expr)[0]; case "comptimeExpr": { const src = zigAnalysis.comptimeExprs[expr.comptimeExpr].code; yield* DecoratedTokenizer(src); return; } case "declName": { yield { src: expr.declName, tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "declRef": { const name = getDecl(expr.declRef).name; const link = declLinkOrSrcLink(expr.declRef); if (link) { yield { src: name, tag: Tag.identifier, isDecl: true, link }; } else { yield { src: name, tag: Tag.identifier, isDecl: true }; } return; } case "refPath": { for (let i = 0; i < expr.refPath.length; i += 1) { if (i > 0) yield Tok.period; yield* ex(expr.refPath[i], opts); } return; } case "fieldRef": { const field_idx = expr.fieldRef.index; const type = getType(expr.fieldRef.type); const field = getAstNode(type.src).fields[field_idx]; const name = getAstNode(field).name; yield { src: name, tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "bool": { if (expr.bool) { yield { src: "true", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } yield { src: "false", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "unreachable": { yield { src: "unreachable", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "&": { yield { src: "&", tag: Tag.ampersand }; yield* ex(zigAnalysis.exprs[expr["&"]], opts); return; } case "load": { yield* ex(zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.load], opts); yield Tok.period; yield Tok.asterisk; return; } case "call": { let call = zigAnalysis.calls[expr.call]; switch (Object.keys(call.func)[0]) { default: throw "TODO"; case "declRef": case "refPath": { yield* ex(call.func, opts); break; } } yield Tok.l_paren; for (let i = 0; i < call.args.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; } yield* ex(call.args[i], opts); } yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "typeOf_peer": { yield { src: "@TypeOf", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield { src: "(", tag: Tag.l_paren }; for (let i = 0; i < expr.typeOf_peer.length; i+=1) { const elem = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.typeOf_peer[i]]; yield* ex(elem, opts); if (i != expr.typeOf_peer.length - 1) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; } } yield { src: ")", tag: Tag.r_paren }; return; } case "sizeOf": { const sizeOf = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.sizeOf]; yield { src: "@sizeOf", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(sizeOf, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "bitSizeOf": { const bitSizeOf = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.bitSizeOf]; yield { src: "@bitSizeOf", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(bitSizeOf, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "as": { const exprArg = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.as.exprArg]; yield* ex(exprArg, opts); return; } case "int": { yield { src: expr.int, tag: Tag.number_literal }; return; } case "int_big": { if (expr.int_big.negated) { yield { src: "-", tag: Tag.minus }; } yield { src: expr.int_big.value, tag: Tag.number_literal }; return; } case "float": { let float = expr.float; if (Number.isSafeInteger(float)) float = float.toFixed(1); yield { src: float, tag: Tag.number_literal }; return; } case "float128": { yield { src: expr.float128, tag: Tag.number_literal }; return; } case "array": { yield Tok.period; yield Tok.l_brace; for (let i = 0; i < expr.array.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; } let elem = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.array[i]]; yield* ex(elem, opts); } yield Tok.r_brace; return; } case "compileError": { yield { src: "@compileError", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.compileError], opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "optionalPayload": { const opt = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.optionalPayload]; yield* ex(opt, opts); yield Tok.period; yield Tok.question_mark; return; } case "elemVal": { const lhs = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.elemVal.lhs]; const rhs = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.elemVal.rhs]; yield* ex(lhs); yield Tok.l_bracket; yield* ex(rhs); yield Tok.r_bracket; return; } case "sliceIndex": { const slice = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.sliceIndex]; yield* ex(slice, opts); return; } case "slice": { const slice = expr.slice; const lhs = zigAnalysis.exprs[slice.lhs]; const start = zigAnalysis.exprs[slice.start]; yield* ex(lhs, opts); yield Tok.l_bracket; yield* ex(start, opts); yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; if (slice.end !== null) { const end = zigAnalysis.exprs[slice.end]; yield* ex(end, opts); } if (slice.sentinel !== null) { yield Tok.colon; const sent = zigAnalysis.exprs[slice.sentinel]; yield* ex(sent, opts); } yield Tok.r_brace; return; } case "sliceLength": { const slice = expr.sliceLength; const lhs = zigAnalysis.exprs[slice.lhs]; const start = zigAnalysis.exprs[slice.start]; const len = zigAnalysis.exprs[slice.len]; yield* ex(lhs, opts); yield Tok.l_bracket; yield* ex(start, opts); yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; yield Tok.r_bracket; yield Tok.l_bracket; yield { src: "0", tag: Tag.number_literal }; yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; yield* ex(len, opts); if (slice.sentinel !== null) { yield Tok.colon; const sent = zigAnalysis.exprs[slice.sentinel]; yield* ex(sent, opts); } yield Tok.r_brace; return; } case "string": { yield { src: '"' + expr.string + '"', tag: Tag.string_literal }; return; } case "struct": { yield Tok.period; yield Tok.l_brace; if (expr.struct.length > 0) yield Tok.space; for (let i = 0; i < expr.struct.length; i++) { const fv = expr.struct[i]; const field_name = fv.name; const field_expr = zigAnalysis.exprs[fv.val.expr]; const field_value = ex(field_expr, opts); yield Tok.period; yield { src: field_name, tag: Tag.identifier }; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* field_value; if (i !== expr.struct.length - 1) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; } else { yield Tok.space; } } yield Tok.r_brace; return; } case "unOpIndex": { const unOp = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.unOpIndex]; yield* ex(unOp, opts); return; } case "unOp": { const param = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.unOp.param]; switch (expr.unOp.name) { case "bit_not": { yield { src: "~", tag: Tag.tilde }; break; } case "bool_not": { yield { src: "!", tag: Tag.bang }; break; } case "negate_wrap": { yield { src: "-%", tag: Tag.minus_percent }; break; } case "negate": { yield { src: "-", tag: Tag.minus }; break; } default: throw "unOp: `" + expr.unOp.name + "` not implemented yet!" } if (param["binOpIndex"] !== undefined) { yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(param, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; } else { yield* ex(param, opts); } return; } case "fieldVal": { const fv = expr.fieldVal; const field_name = fv.name; yield { src: field_name, tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "binOpIndex": { const binOp = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.binOpIndex]; yield* ex(binOp, opts); return; } case "binOp": { const lhsOp = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.binOp.lhs]; const rhsOp = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.binOp.rhs]; if (lhsOp["binOpIndex"] !== undefined) { yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(lhsOp, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; } else { yield* ex(lhsOp, opts); } yield Tok.space; switch (expr.binOp.name) { case "add": { yield { src: "+", tag: Tag.plus }; break; } case "addwrap": { yield { src: "+%", tag: Tag.plus_percent }; break; } case "add_sat": { yield { src: "+|", tag: Tag.plus_pipe }; break; } case "sub": { yield { src: "-", tag: Tag.minus }; break; } case "subwrap": { yield { src: "-%", tag: Tag.minus_percent }; break; } case "sub_sat": { yield { src: "-|", tag: Tag.minus_pipe }; break; } case "mul": { yield { src: "*", tag: Tag.asterisk }; break; } case "mulwrap": { yield { src: "*%", tag: Tag.asterisk_percent }; break; } case "mul_sat": { yield { src: "*|", tag: Tag.asterisk_pipe }; break; } case "div": { yield { src: "/", tag: Tag.slash }; break; } case "xor": { yield { src: "^", tag: Tag.caret }; break; } case "shl": { yield { src: "<<", tag: Tag.angle_bracket_angle_bracket_left }; break; } case "shl_sat": { yield { src: "<<|", tag: Tag.angle_bracket_angle_bracket_left_pipe }; break; } case "shr": { yield { src: ">>", tag: Tag.angle_bracket_angle_bracket_right }; break; } case "bit_or": { yield { src: "|", tag: Tag.pipe }; break; } case "bit_and": { yield { src: "&", tag: Tag.ampersand }; break; } case "array_cat": { yield { src: "++", tag: Tag.plus_plus }; break; } case "array_mul": { yield { src: "**", tag: Tag.asterisk_asterisk }; break; } case "cmp_eq": { yield { src: "==", tag: Tag.equal_equal }; break; } case "cmp_neq": { yield { src: "!=", tag: Tag.bang_equal }; break; } case "cmp_gt": { yield { src: ">", tag: Tag.angle_bracket_right }; break; } case "cmp_gte": { yield { src: ">=", tag: Tag.angle_bracket_right_equal }; break; } case "cmp_lt": { yield { src: "<", tag: Tag.angle_bracket_left }; break; } case "cmp_lte": { yield { src: "<=", tag: Tag.angle_bracket_left_equal }; break; } case "bool_br_and": { yield { src: "and", tag: Tag.keyword_and }; break; } case "bool_br_or": { yield { src: "or", tag: Tag.keyword_or }; break; } default: console.log("operator not handled yet or doesn't exist!"); } yield Tok.space; if (rhsOp["binOpIndex"] !== undefined) { yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(rhsOp, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; } else { yield* ex(rhsOp, opts); } return; } case "builtinIndex": { const builtin = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.builtinIndex]; yield* ex(builtin, opts); return; } case "builtin": { const builtin = expr.builtin; let name = "@"; const param = zigAnalysis.exprs[builtin.param]; switch (builtin.name) { case "align_of": { name += "alignOf"; break; } case "int_from_bool": { name += "intFromBool"; break; } case "embed_file": { name += "embedFile"; break; } case "error_name": { name += "errorName"; break; } case "panic": { name += "panic"; break; } case "set_runtime_safety": { name += "setRuntimeSafety"; break; } case "sqrt": { name += "sqrt"; break; } case "sin": { name += "sin"; break; } case "cos": { name += "cos"; break; } case "tan": { name += "tan"; break; } case "exp": { name += "exp"; break; } case "exp2": { name += "exp2"; break; } case "log": { name += "log"; break; } case "log2": { name += "log2"; break; } case "log10": { name += "log10"; break; } case "fabs": { name += "fabs"; break; } case "floor": { name += "floor"; break; } case "ceil": { name += "ceil"; break; } case "trunc": { name += "trunc"; break; } case "round": { name += "round"; break; } case "tag_name": { name += "tagName"; break; } case "type_name": { name += "typeName"; break; } case "type_info": { name += "typeInfo"; break; } case "frame_type": { name += "Frame"; break; } case "frame_size": { name += "frameSize"; break; } case "int_from_ptr": { name += "intFromPtr"; break; } case "int_from_enum": { name += "intFromEnum"; break; } case "clz": { name += "clz"; break; } case "ctz": { name += "ctz"; break; } case "pop_count": { name += "popCount"; break; } case "byte_swap": { name += "byteSwap"; break; } case "bit_reverse": { name += "bitReverse"; break; } default: throw "builtin: `" + builtin.name + "` not implemented yet!"; } yield { src: name, tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(param, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "builtinBinIndex": { const builtinBinIndex = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.builtinBinIndex]; yield* ex(builtinBinIndex, opts); return; } case "builtinBin": { const lhsOp = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.builtinBin.lhs]; const rhsOp = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.builtinBin.rhs]; let builtinName = "@"; switch (expr.builtinBin.name) { case "int_from_float": { builtinName += "intFromFloat"; break; } case "float_from_int": { builtinName += "floatFromInt"; break; } case "ptr_from_int": { builtinName += "ptrFromInt"; break; } case "enum_from_int": { builtinName += "enumFromInt"; break; } case "float_cast": { builtinName += "floatCast"; break; } case "int_cast": { builtinName += "intCast"; break; } case "ptr_cast": { builtinName += "ptrCast"; break; } case "const_cast": { builtinName += "constCast"; break; } case "volatile_cast": { builtinName += "volatileCast"; break; } case "truncate": { builtinName += "truncate"; break; } case "has_decl": { builtinName += "hasDecl"; break; } case "has_field": { builtinName += "hasField"; break; } case "bit_reverse": { builtinName += "bitReverse"; break; } case "div_exact": { builtinName += "divExact"; break; } case "div_floor": { builtinName += "divFloor"; break; } case "div_trunc": { builtinName += "divTrunc"; break; } case "mod": { builtinName += "mod"; break; } case "rem": { builtinName += "rem"; break; } case "mod_rem": { builtinName += "rem"; break; } case "shl_exact": { builtinName += "shlExact"; break; } case "shr_exact": { builtinName += "shrExact"; break; } case "bitcast": { builtinName += "bitCast"; break; } case "align_cast": { builtinName += "alignCast"; break; } case "vector_type": { builtinName += "Vector"; break; } case "reduce": { builtinName += "reduce"; break; } case "splat": { builtinName += "splat"; break; } case "offset_of": { builtinName += "offsetOf"; break; } case "bit_offset_of": { builtinName += "bitOffsetOf"; break; } default: console.log("builtin function not handled yet or doesn't exist!"); } yield { src: builtinName, tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(lhsOp, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(rhsOp, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "unionInit": { let ui = expr.unionInit; let type = zigAnalysis.exprs[ui.type]; let field = zigAnalysis.exprs[ui.field]; let init = zigAnalysis.exprs[ui.init]; yield { src: "@unionInit", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(type, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(field, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(init, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "builtinCall": { let bcall = expr.builtinCall; let mods = zigAnalysis.exprs[bcall.modifier]; let calee = zigAnalysis.exprs[bcall.function]; let args = zigAnalysis.exprs[bcall.args]; yield { src: "@call", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(mods, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(calee, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(args, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "mulAdd": { let muladd = expr.mulAdd; let mul1 = zigAnalysis.exprs[muladd.mulend1]; let mul2 = zigAnalysis.exprs[muladd.mulend2]; let add = zigAnalysis.exprs[muladd.addend]; let type = zigAnalysis.exprs[muladd.type]; yield { src: "@mulAdd", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(type, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(mul1, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(mul2, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(add, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "cmpxchgIndex": { const cmpxchg = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.cmpxchgIndex]; yield* ex(cmpxchg, opts); return; } case "cmpxchg": { const type = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.cmpxchg.type]; const ptr = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.cmpxchg.ptr]; const expectedValue = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.cmpxchg.expected_value]; const newValue = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.cmpxchg.new_value]; const successOrder = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.cmpxchg.success_order]; const failureOrder = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.cmpxchg.failure_order]; let fnName = "@"; switch (expr.cmpxchg.name) { case "cmpxchg_strong": { fnName += "cmpxchgStrong"; break; } case "cmpxchg_weak": { fnName += "cmpxchgWeak"; break; } default: throw "Unexpected cmpxchg name: `" + expr.cmpxchg.name + "`!"; } yield { src: fnName, tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(type, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(ptr, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(expectedValue, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(newValue, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(successOrder, opts); yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(failureOrder, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "enumLiteral": { let literal = expr.enumLiteral; yield Tok.period; yield { src: literal, tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "void": { yield { src: "void", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "null": { yield { src: "null", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "undefined": { yield { src: "undefined", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case "anytype": { yield { src: "anytype", tag: Tag.keyword_anytype }; return; } case "this": { yield { src: "@This", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "switchIndex": { const switchIndex = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.switchIndex]; yield* ex(switchIndex, opts); return; } case "errorSets": { const errSetsObj = getType(expr.errorSets); yield* ex(errSetsObj.lhs, opts); yield Tok.space; yield { src: "||", tag: Tag.pipe_pipe }; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(errSetsObj.rhs, opts); return; } case "errorUnion": { const errUnionObj = getType(expr.errorUnion); yield* ex(errUnionObj.lhs, opts); yield { src: "!", tag: Tag.bang }; yield* ex(errUnionObj.rhs, opts); return; } case "type": { let name = ""; let typeObj = expr.type; if (typeof typeObj === "number") typeObj = getType(typeObj); switch (typeObj.kind) { default: throw "TODO: " + typeObj.kind; case typeKinds.Type: { yield { src: typeObj.name, tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.Void: { yield { src: "void", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.NoReturn: { yield { src: "noreturn", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.ComptimeExpr: { yield { src: "anyopaque", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.Bool: { yield { src: "bool", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.ComptimeInt: { yield { src: "comptime_int", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.ComptimeFloat: { yield { src: "comptime_float", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.Int: { yield { src: typeObj.name, tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.Float: { yield { src: typeObj.name, tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.Array: { yield Tok.l_bracket; yield* ex(typeObj.len, opts); if (typeObj.sentinel) { yield Tok.colon; yield* ex(typeObj.sentinel, opts); } yield Tok.r_bracket; yield* ex(typeObj.child, opts); return; } case typeKinds.Optional: { yield Tok.question_mark; yield* ex(typeObj.child, opts); return; } case typeKinds.Pointer: { let ptrObj = typeObj; switch (ptrObj.size) { default: console.log("TODO: implement unhandled pointer size case"); case pointerSizeEnum.One: yield { src: "*", tag: Tag.asterisk }; break; case pointerSizeEnum.Many: yield Tok.l_bracket; yield { src: "*", tag: Tag.asterisk }; if (ptrObj.sentinel !== null) { yield Tok.colon; yield* ex(ptrObj.sentinel, opts); } yield Tok.r_bracket; break; case pointerSizeEnum.Slice: if (ptrObj.is_ref) { yield { src: "*", tag: Tag.asterisk }; } yield Tok.l_bracket; if (ptrObj.sentinel !== null) { yield Tok.colon; yield* ex(ptrObj.sentinel, opts); } yield Tok.r_bracket; break; case pointerSizeEnum.C: yield Tok.l_bracket; yield { src: "*", tag: Tag.asterisk }; yield { src: "c", tag: Tag.identifier }; if (typeObj.sentinel !== null) { yield Tok.colon; yield* ex(ptrObj.sentinel, opts); } yield Tok.r_bracket; break; } if (!ptrObj.is_mutable) { yield Tok.const; yield Tok.space; } if (ptrObj.is_allowzero) { yield { src: "allowzero", tag: Tag.keyword_allowzero }; yield Tok.space; } if (ptrObj.is_volatile) { yield { src: "volatile", tag: Tag.keyword_volatile }; } if (ptrObj.has_addrspace) { yield { src: "addrspace", tag: Tag.keyword_addrspace }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield Tok.period; yield Tok.r_paren; } if (ptrObj.has_align) { yield { src: "align", tag: Tag.keyword_align }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(ptrObj.align, opts); if (ptrObj.hostIntBytes !== undefined && ptrObj.hostIntBytes !== null) { yield Tok.colon; yield* ex(ptrObj.bitOffsetInHost, opts); yield Tok.colon; yield* ex(ptrObj.hostIntBytes, opts); } yield Tok.r_paren; yield Tok.space; } yield* ex(ptrObj.child, opts); return; } case typeKinds.Struct: { let structObj = typeObj; if (structObj.layout !== null) { switch (structObj.layout.enumLiteral) { case "Packed": { yield { src: "packed", tag: Tag.keyword_packed }; break; } case "Extern": { yield { src: "extern", tag: Tag.keyword_extern }; break; } } yield Tok.space; } yield { src: "struct", tag: Tag.keyword_struct }; if (structObj.backing_int !== null) { yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(structObj.backing_int, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; } yield Tok.space; yield Tok.l_brace; if (structObj.field_types.length > 1) { yield Tok.enter; } else { yield Tok.space; } let indent = 0; if (structObj.field_types.length > 1) { indent = 1; } if (opts.indent && structObj.field_types.length > 1) { indent += opts.ident; } let structNode = getAstNode(structObj.src); for (let i = 0; i < structObj.field_types.length; i += 1) { let fieldNode = getAstNode(structNode.fields[i]); let fieldName = fieldNode.name; for (let j = 0; j < indent; j += 1) { yield Tok.tab; } if (!typeObj.is_tuple) { yield { src: fieldName, tag: Tag.identifier }; } let fieldTypeExpr = structObj.field_types[i]; if (!typeObj.is_tuple) { yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; } yield* ex(fieldTypeExpr, { ...opts, indent: indent }); if (structObj.field_defaults[i] !== null) { yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(structObj.field_defaults[i], opts); } if (structObj.field_types.length > 1) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.enter; } else { yield Tok.space; } } yield Tok.r_brace; return; } case typeKinds.Enum: { let enumObj = typeObj; yield { src: "enum", tag: Tag.keyword_enum }; if (enumObj.tag) { yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(enumObj.tag, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; } yield Tok.space; yield Tok.l_brace; let enumNode = getAstNode(enumObj.src); let fields_len = enumNode.fields.length; if (enumObj.nonexhaustive) { fields_len += 1; } if (fields_len > 1) { yield Tok.enter; } else { yield Tok.space; } let indent = 0; if (fields_len > 1) { indent = 1; } if (opts.indent) { indent += opts.indent; } for (let i = 0; i < enumNode.fields.length; i += 1) { let fieldNode = getAstNode(enumNode.fields[i]); let fieldName = fieldNode.name; for (let j = 0; j < indent; j += 1) yield Tok.tab; yield { src: fieldName, tag: Tag.identifier }; if (enumObj.values[i] !== null) { yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(enumObj.values[i], opts); } if (fields_len > 1) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.enter; } } if (enumObj.nonexhaustive) { for (let j = 0; j < indent; j += 1) yield Tok.tab; yield { src: "_", tag: Tag.identifier }; if (fields_len > 1) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.enter; } } if (opts.indent) { for (let j = 0; j < opts.indent; j += 1) yield Tok.tab; } yield Tok.r_brace; return; } case typeKinds.Union: { let unionObj = typeObj; if (unionObj.layout !== null) { switch (unionObj.layout.enumLiteral) { case "Packed": { yield { src: "packed", tag: Tag.keyword_packed }; break; } case "Extern": { yield { src: "extern", tag: Tag.keyword_extern }; break; } } yield Tok.space; } yield { src: "union", tag: Tag.keyword_union }; if (unionObj.auto_tag) { yield Tok.l_paren; yield { src: "enum", tag: Tag.keyword_enum }; if (unionObj.tag) { yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(unionObj.tag, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; yield Tok.r_paren; } else { yield Tok.r_paren; } } else if (unionObj.tag) { yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(unionObj.tag, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; } yield Tok.space; yield Tok.l_brace; if (unionObj.field_types.length > 1) { yield Tok.enter; } else { yield Tok.space; } let indent = 0; if (unionObj.field_types.length > 1) { indent = 1; } if (opts.indent) { indent += opts.indent; } let unionNode = getAstNode(unionObj.src); for (let i = 0; i < unionObj.field_types.length; i += 1) { let fieldNode = getAstNode(unionNode.fields[i]); let fieldName = fieldNode.name; for (let j = 0; j < indent; j += 1) yield Tok.tab; yield { src: fieldName, tag: Tag.identifier }; let fieldTypeExpr = unionObj.field_types[i]; yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(fieldTypeExpr, { ...opts, indent: indent }); if (unionObj.field_types.length > 1) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.enter; } else { yield Tok.space; } } if (opts.indent) { for (let j = 0; j < opts.indent; j += 1) yield Tok.tab; } yield Tok.r_brace; return; } case typeKinds.Opaque: { yield { src: "opaque", tag: Tag.keyword_opaque }; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.l_brace; yield Tok.r_brace; return; } case typeKinds.EnumLiteral: { yield { src: "(enum literal)", tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } case typeKinds.ErrorSet: { let errSetObj = typeObj; if (errSetObj.fields === null) { yield { src: "anyerror", tag: Tag.identifier }; } else if (errSetObj.fields.length == 0) { yield { src: "error", tag: Tag.keyword_error }; yield Tok.l_brace; yield Tok.r_brace; } else if (errSetObj.fields.length == 1) { yield { src: "error", tag: Tag.keyword_error }; yield Tok.l_brace; yield { src: errSetObj.fields[0].name, tag: Tag.identifier }; yield Tok.r_brace; } else { yield { src: "error", tag: Tag.keyword_error }; yield Tok.l_brace; yield { src: errSetObj.fields[0].name, tag: Tag.identifier }; for (let i = 1; i < errSetObj.fields.length; i++) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; yield { src: errSetObj.fields[i].name, tag: Tag.identifier }; } yield Tok.r_brace; } return; } case typeKinds.ErrorUnion: { let errUnionObj = typeObj; yield* ex(errUnionObj.lhs, opts); yield { src: "!", tag: Tag.bang }; yield* ex(errUnionObj.rhs, opts); return; } case typeKinds.InferredErrorUnion: { let errUnionObj = typeObj; yield { src: "!", tag: Tag.bang }; yield* ex(errUnionObj.payload, opts); return; } case typeKinds.Fn: { let fnObj = typeObj; let fnDecl = opts.fnDecl; let linkFnNameDecl = opts.linkFnNameDecl; opts.fnDecl = null; opts.linkFnNameDecl = null; if (opts.addParensIfFnSignature && fnObj.src == 0) { yield Tok.l_paren; } if (fnObj.is_extern) { yield { src: "extern", tag: Tag.keyword_extern }; yield Tok.space; } else if (fnObj.has_cc) { let cc_expr = zigAnalysis.exprs[fnObj.cc]; if (cc_expr.enumLiteral === "Inline") { yield { src: "inline", tag: Tag.keyword_inline }; yield Tok.space; } } if (fnObj.has_lib_name) { yield { src: '"' + fnObj.lib_name + '"', tag: Tag.string_literal }; yield Tok.space; } yield { src: "fn", tag: Tag.keyword_fn }; yield Tok.space; if (fnDecl) { if (linkFnNameDecl) { yield { src: fnDecl.name, tag: Tag.identifier, link: linkFnNameDecl, fnDecl: false }; } else { yield { src: fnDecl.name, tag: Tag.identifier, fnDecl: true }; } } yield Tok.l_paren; if (fnObj.params) { let fields = null; let isVarArgs = false; if (fnObj.src != 0) { let fnNode = getAstNode(fnObj.src); fields = fnNode.fields; isVarArgs = fnNode.varArgs; } for (let i = 0; i < fnObj.params.length; i += 1) { if (i != 0) { yield Tok.comma; yield Tok.space; } let value = fnObj.params[i]; let paramValue = resolveValue({ expr: value }); if (fields != null) { let paramNode = getAstNode(fields[i]); if (paramNode.varArgs) { yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; continue; } if (paramNode.noalias) { yield { src: "noalias", tag: Tag.keyword_noalias }; yield Tok.space; } if (paramNode.comptime) { yield { src: "comptime", tag: Tag.keyword_comptime }; yield Tok.space; } let paramName = paramNode.name; if (paramName != null) { // skip if it matches the type name if (!shouldSkipParamName(paramValue, paramName)) { if (paramName === "") { paramName = "_"; } yield { src: paramName, tag: Tag.identifier }; yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; } } } // TODO: most of this seems redundant if (isVarArgs && i === fnObj.params.length - 1) { yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; yield Tok.period; } else if ("alignOf" in value) { yield* ex(value, opts); } else if ("typeOf" in value) { yield* ex(value, opts); } else if ("typeOf_peer" in value) { yield* ex(value, opts); } else if ("declRef" in value) { yield* ex(value, opts); } else if ("call" in value) { yield* ex(value, opts); } else if ("refPath" in value) { yield* ex(value, opts); } else if ("type" in value) { yield* ex(value, opts); //payloadHtml += '' + name + ""; } else if ("binOpIndex" in value) { yield* ex(value, opts); } else if ("comptimeExpr" in value) { let comptimeExpr = zigAnalysis.comptimeExprs[value.comptimeExpr].code; yield* Tokenizer(comptimeExpr); } else { yield { src: "anytype", tag: Tag.keyword_anytype }; } } } yield Tok.r_paren; yield Tok.space; if (fnObj.has_align) { let align = zigAnalysis.exprs[fnObj.align]; yield { src: "align", tag: Tag.keyword_align }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(align, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; yield Tok.space; } if (fnObj.has_cc) { let cc = zigAnalysis.exprs[fnObj.cc]; if (cc) { if (cc.enumLiteral !== "Inline") { yield { src: "callconv", tag: Tag.keyword_callconv }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(cc, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; yield Tok.space; } } } if (fnObj.is_inferred_error) { yield { src: "!", tag: Tag.bang }; } if (fnObj.ret != null) { yield* ex(fnObj.ret, { ...opts, addParensIfFnSignature: true, }); } else { yield { src: "anytype", tag: Tag.keyword_anytype }; } if (opts.addParensIfFnSignature && fnObj.src == 0) { yield Tok.r_paren; } return; } } } case "typeOf": { const typeRefArg = zigAnalysis.exprs[expr.typeOf]; yield { src: "@TypeOf", tag: Tag.builtin }; yield Tok.l_paren; yield* ex(typeRefArg, opts); yield Tok.r_paren; return; } case "builtinField": { yield { src: expr.builtinField, tag: Tag.identifier }; return; } } } function shouldSkipParamName(typeRef, paramName) { let resolvedTypeRef = resolveValue({ expr: typeRef }); if ("type" in resolvedTypeRef) { let typeObj = getType(resolvedTypeRef.type); if (typeObj.kind === typeKinds.Pointer) { let ptrObj = typeObj; if (getPtrSize(ptrObj) === pointerSizeEnum.One) { const value = resolveValue(ptrObj.child); return typeValueName(value, false, true).toLowerCase() === paramName; } } } return false; } function getPtrSize(typeObj) { return typeObj.size == null ? pointerSizeEnum.One : typeObj.size; } function renderType(typeObj) { let name; if ( rootIsStd && typeObj === getType(zigAnalysis.modules[zigAnalysis.rootMod].main) ) { name = renderSingleToken(Tok.identifier("std")); } else { name = renderTokens(ex({ type: typeObj })); } if (name != null && name != "") { domHdrName.innerHTML = "
    " + name + "
    (" + zigAnalysis.typeKinds[typeObj.kind] + ")"; domHdrName.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (typeObj.kind == typeKinds.ErrorSet) { renderErrorSet(typeObj); } } function renderErrorSet(errSetType) { if (errSetType.fields == null) { domFnErrorsAnyError.classList.remove("hidden"); } else { let errorList = []; for (let i = 0; i < errSetType.fields.length; i += 1) { let errObj = errSetType.fields[i]; //let srcObj = zigAnalysis.astNodes[errObj.src]; errorList.push(errObj); } errorList.sort(function(a, b) { return operatorCompare(a.name.toLowerCase(), b.name.toLowerCase()); }); resizeDomListDl(domListFnErrors, errorList.length); for (let i = 0; i < errorList.length; i += 1) { let nameTdDom = domListFnErrors.children[i * 2 + 0]; let descTdDom = domListFnErrors.children[i * 2 + 1]; nameTdDom.textContent = errorList[i].name; let docs = errorList[i].docs; if (docs != null) { descTdDom.innerHTML = markdown(docs); } else { descTdDom.textContent = ""; } } domTableFnErrors.classList.remove("hidden"); } domSectFnErrors.classList.remove("hidden"); } // function allCompTimeFnCallsHaveTypeResult(typeIndex, value) { // let srcIndex = zigAnalysis.fns[value].src; // let calls = nodesToCallsMap[srcIndex]; // if (calls == null) return false; // for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; i += 1) { // let call = zigAnalysis.calls[calls[i]]; // if (call.result.type !== typeTypeId) return false; // } // return true; // } // // function allCompTimeFnCallsResult(calls) { // let firstTypeObj = null; // let containerObj = { // privDecls: [], // }; // for (let callI = 0; callI < calls.length; callI += 1) { // let call = zigAnalysis.calls[calls[callI]]; // if (call.result.type !== typeTypeId) return null; // let typeObj = zigAnalysis.types[call.result.value]; // if (!typeKindIsContainer(typeObj.kind)) return null; // if (firstTypeObj == null) { // firstTypeObj = typeObj; // containerObj.src = typeObj.src; // } else if (firstTypeObj.src !== typeObj.src) { // return null; // } // // if (containerObj.fields == null) { // containerObj.fields = (typeObj.fields || []).concat([]); // } else for (let fieldI = 0; fieldI < typeObj.fields.length; fieldI += 1) { // let prev = containerObj.fields[fieldI]; // let next = typeObj.fields[fieldI]; // if (prev === next) continue; // if (typeof(prev) === 'object') { // if (prev[next] == null) prev[next] = typeObj; // } else { // containerObj.fields[fieldI] = {}; // containerObj.fields[fieldI][prev] = firstTypeObj; // containerObj.fields[fieldI][next] = typeObj; // } // } // // if (containerObj.pubDecls == null) { // containerObj.pubDecls = (typeObj.pubDecls || []).concat([]); // } else for (let declI = 0; declI < typeObj.pubDecls.length; declI += 1) { // let prev = containerObj.pubDecls[declI]; // let next = typeObj.pubDecls[declI]; // if (prev === next) continue; // // TODO instead of showing "examples" as the public declarations, // // do logic like this: // //if (typeof(prev) !== 'object') { // // let newDeclId = zigAnalysis.decls.length; // // prev = clone(zigAnalysis.decls[prev]); // // prev.id = newDeclId; // // zigAnalysis.decls.push(prev); // // containerObj.pubDecls[declI] = prev; // //} // //mergeDecls(prev, next, firstTypeObj, typeObj); // } // } // for (let declI = 0; declI < containerObj.pubDecls.length; declI += 1) { // let decl = containerObj.pubDecls[declI]; // if (typeof(decl) === 'object') { // containerObj.pubDecls[declI] = containerObj.pubDecls[declI].id; // } // } // return containerObj; // } function renderValue(decl) { let resolvedValue = resolveValue(decl.value); if (resolvedValue.expr.fieldRef) { const declRef = decl.value.expr.refPath[0].declRef; const type = getDecl(declRef); domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( (function*() { yield Tok.const; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(decl.name); yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(type.name); yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.expr, {}); yield Tok.semi; })()); } else if ( resolvedValue.expr.string !== undefined || resolvedValue.expr.call !== undefined || resolvedValue.expr.comptimeExpr !== undefined ) { // TODO: we're using the resolved value but // not keeping track of how we got there // that's important context that should // be shown to the user! domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( (function*() { yield Tok.const; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(decl.name); if (decl.value.typeRef) { yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.typeRef, {}); } yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(resolvedValue.expr, {}); yield Tok.semi; })()); } else if (resolvedValue.expr.compileError) { domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( (function*() { yield Tok.const; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(decl.name); yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.expr, {}); yield Tok.semi; })()); } else { const parent = getType(decl.parent_container); domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( (function*() { yield Tok.const; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(decl.name); if (decl.value.typeRef !== null) { yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.typeRef, {}); } yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.expr, {}); yield Tok.semi; })()); } let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs; if (docs != null) { // TODO: it shouldn't just be decl.parent_container, but rather // the type that the decl holds (if the value is a type) domTldDocs.innerHTML = markdown(docs, decl); domTldDocs.classList.remove("hidden"); } domFnProto.classList.remove("hidden"); } function renderVar(decl) { let resolvedVar = resolveValue(decl.value); if (resolvedVar.expr.fieldRef) { const declRef = decl.value.expr.refPath[0].declRef; const type = getDecl(declRef); domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( (function*() { yield Tok.var; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(decl.name); yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(type.name); yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.expr, {}); yield Tok.semi; })()); } else if ( resolvedVar.expr.string !== undefined || resolvedVar.expr.call !== undefined || resolvedVar.expr.comptimeExpr !== undefined ) { domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( (function*() { yield Tok.var; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(decl.name); if (decl.value.typeRef) { yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.typeRef, {}); } yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.expr, {}); yield Tok.semi; })()); } else if (resolvedVar.expr.compileError) { domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( (function*() { yield Tok.var; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(decl.name); yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.expr, {}); yield Tok.semi; })()); } else { domFnProtoCode.innerHTML = renderTokens( (function*() { yield Tok.var; yield Tok.space; yield Tok.identifier(decl.name); yield Tok.colon; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(resolvedVar.typeRef, {}); yield Tok.space; yield Tok.eql; yield Tok.space; yield* ex(decl.value.expr, {}); yield Tok.semi; })()); } let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs; if (docs != null) { domTldDocs.innerHTML = markdown(docs); domTldDocs.classList.remove("hidden"); } domFnProto.classList.remove("hidden"); } function categorizeDecls( decls, typesList, namespacesWithDocsList, namespacesNoDocsList, errSetsList, fnsList, varsList, valsList, testsList, unsList ) { for (let i = 0; i < decls.length; i += 1) { let decl = getDecl(decls[i]); let declValue = resolveValue(decl.value); // if (decl.isTest) { // testsList.push(decl); // continue; // } if (decl.kind === "var") { varsList.push(decl); continue; } if (decl.kind === "const") { if ("type" in declValue.expr) { // We have the actual type expression at hand. const typeExpr = getType(declValue.expr.type); if (typeExpr.kind == typeKinds.Fn) { const funcRetExpr = resolveValue({ expr: typeExpr.ret, }); if ( "type" in funcRetExpr.expr && funcRetExpr.expr.type == typeTypeId ) { if (typeIsErrSet(declValue.expr.type)) { errSetsList.push(decl); } else if (typeIsStructWithNoFields(declValue.expr.type)) { let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs; if (!docs) { // If this is a re-export, try to fetch docs from the actual definition const { value, seenDecls } = resolveValue(decl.value, true); if (seenDecls.length > 0) { const definitionDecl = getDecl(seenDecls[seenDecls.length - 1]); docs = getAstNode(definitionDecl.src).docs; } else { docs = getAstNode(getType(value.expr.type).src).docs; } } if (docs) { namespacesWithDocsList.push({decl, docs}); } else { namespacesNoDocsList.push(decl); } } else { typesList.push(decl); } } else { fnsList.push(decl); } } else { if (typeIsErrSet(declValue.expr.type)) { errSetsList.push(decl); } else if (typeIsStructWithNoFields(declValue.expr.type)) { let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs; if (!docs) { // If this is a re-export, try to fetch docs from the actual definition const { value, seenDecls } = resolveValue(decl.value, true); if (seenDecls.length > 0) { const definitionDecl = getDecl(seenDecls[seenDecls.length - 1]); docs = getAstNode(definitionDecl.src).docs; } else { docs = getAstNode(getType(value.expr.type).src).docs; } } if (docs) { namespacesWithDocsList.push({decl, docs}); } else { namespacesNoDocsList.push(decl); } } else { typesList.push(decl); } } } else if (declValue.typeRef) { if ("type" in declValue.typeRef && declValue.typeRef == typeTypeId) { // We don't know what the type expression is, but we know it's a type. typesList.push(decl); } else { valsList.push(decl); } } else { valsList.push(decl); } } if (decl.is_uns) { unsList.push(decl); } } } function sourceFileLink(decl) { const srcNode = getAstNode(decl.src); const srcFile = getFile(srcNode.file); return sourceFileUrlTemplate. replace("{{mod}}", zigAnalysis.modules[srcFile.modIndex].name). replace("{{file}}", srcFile.name). replace("{{line}}", srcNode.line + 1); } function renderContainer(container) { let typesList = []; let namespacesWithDocsList = []; let namespacesNoDocsList = []; let errSetsList = []; let fnsList = []; let varsList = []; let valsList = []; let testsList = []; let unsList = []; categorizeDecls( container.pubDecls, typesList, namespacesWithDocsList, namespacesNoDocsList, errSetsList, fnsList, varsList, valsList, testsList, unsList ); if (curNav.showPrivDecls) categorizeDecls( container.privDecls, typesList, namespacesWithDocsList, namespacesNoDocsList, errSetsList, fnsList, varsList, valsList, testsList, unsList ); while (unsList.length > 0) { let uns = unsList.shift(); let declValue = resolveValue(uns.value); if (!("type" in declValue.expr)) continue; let uns_container = getType(declValue.expr.type); if (!isContainerType(uns_container)) continue; categorizeDecls( uns_container.pubDecls, typesList, namespacesWithDocsList, namespacesNoDocsList, errSetsList, fnsList, varsList, valsList, testsList, unsList ); if (curNav.showPrivDecls) categorizeDecls( uns_container.privDecls, typesList, namespacesWithDocsList, namespacesNoDocsList, errSetsList, fnsList, varsList, valsList, testsList, unsList ); } typesList.sort(byNameProperty); namespacesWithDocsList.sort(byNameProperty); namespacesNoDocsList.sort(byNameProperty); errSetsList.sort(byNameProperty); fnsList.sort(byNameProperty); varsList.sort(byNameProperty); valsList.sort(byNameProperty); testsList.sort(byNameProperty); if (container.src != null) { let docs = getAstNode(container.src).docs; if (docs != null) { domTldDocs.innerHTML = markdown(docs, container); domTldDocs.classList.remove("hidden"); } } if (typesList.length !== 0) { const splitPoint = Math.ceil(typesList.length / 2); const template = '
  • '; resizeDomList(domListTypesLeft, splitPoint, template); resizeDomList(domListTypesRight, typesList.length - splitPoint, template); let activeList = domListTypesLeft; let offset = 0; for (let i = 0; i < typesList.length; i += 1) { let liDom = activeList.children[i - offset]; let aDom = liDom.children[0]; let decl = typesList[i]; aDom.textContent = decl.name; aDom.setAttribute("href", navLinkDecl(decl.name)); let descDom = liDom.children[1]; let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs; if (!docs) { // If this is a re-export, try to fetch docs from the actual definition const { value, seenDecls } = resolveValue(decl.value, true); if (seenDecls.length > 0) { const definitionDecl = getDecl(seenDecls[seenDecls.length - 1]); docs = getAstNode(definitionDecl.src).docs; } else { const type = getType(value.expr.type); if ("src" in type) { docs = getAstNode(type.src).docs; } } } if (docs) { descDom.innerHTML = markdown(shortDesc(docs)); } else { descDom.innerHTML = "

    No documentation provided.

    "; } if (i == splitPoint - 1) { activeList = domListTypesRight; offset = splitPoint; } } domSectTypes.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (namespacesWithDocsList.length !== 0) { const splitPoint = Math.ceil(namespacesWithDocsList.length / 2); const template = '
  • '; resizeDomList(domListNamespacesLeft, splitPoint, template); resizeDomList(domListNamespacesRight, namespacesWithDocsList.length - splitPoint, template); let activeList = domListNamespacesLeft; let offset = 0; for (let i = 0; i < namespacesWithDocsList.length; i += 1) { let liDom = activeList.children[i - offset]; let aDom = liDom.children[0]; let { decl, docs } = namespacesWithDocsList[i]; aDom.textContent = decl.name; aDom.setAttribute("href", navLinkDecl(decl.name)); let descDom = liDom.children[1]; descDom.innerHTML = markdown(shortDesc(docs)); if (i == splitPoint - 1) { activeList = domListNamespacesRight; offset = splitPoint; } } domListNamespacesLeft.classList.remove("hidden"); domListNamespacesRight.classList.remove("hidden"); domSectNamespaces.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (namespacesNoDocsList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList( domNoDocsNamespaces, namespacesNoDocsList.length, '' ); for (let i = 0; i < namespacesNoDocsList.length; i += 1) { let aDom = domNoDocsNamespaces.children[i].children[0]; let decl = namespacesNoDocsList[i]; aDom.textContent = decl.name; aDom.setAttribute("href", navLinkDecl(decl.name)); let comma = domNoDocsNamespaces.children[i].children[1]; if (i == namespacesNoDocsList.length - 1) { comma.textContent = ""; } else { comma.textContent = ", "; } } domNoDocsNamespaces.classList.remove("hidden"); domSectNamespaces.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (errSetsList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList( domListErrSets, errSetsList.length, '
  • ' ); for (let i = 0; i < errSetsList.length; i += 1) { let liDom = domListErrSets.children[i]; let aDom = liDom.children[0]; let decl = errSetsList[i]; aDom.textContent = decl.name; aDom.setAttribute("href", navLinkDecl(decl.name)); } domSectErrSets.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (fnsList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList( domListFns, fnsList.length, '
    ' ); for (let i = 0; i < fnsList.length; i += 1) { let decl = fnsList[i]; let trDom = domListFns.children[i]; let tdFnSignature = trDom.children[0].children[0]; let tdFnSrc = trDom.children[0].children[1]; let tdDesc = trDom.children[1]; let declType = resolveValue(decl.value); console.assert("type" in declType.expr); tdFnSignature.innerHTML = renderTokens(ex(declType.expr, { fnDecl: decl, linkFnNameDecl: navLinkDecl(decl.name), })); tdFnSrc.innerHTML = "[src]"; let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs; if (docs != null) { docs = docs.trim(); var short = shortDesc(docs); if (short != docs) { short = markdown(short, container); var long = markdown(docs, container); // TODO: this needs to be the file top lvl struct tdDesc.innerHTML = "
    " + short + "
    " + "
    " + long + "
    "; } else { tdDesc.innerHTML = markdown(short, container); } } else { tdDesc.innerHTML = "

    No documentation provided.

    "; } } domSectFns.classList.remove("hidden"); } let containerNode = getAstNode(container.src); if (containerNode.fields && containerNode.fields.length > 0) { resizeDomList(domListFields, containerNode.fields.length, "

    "); for (let i = 0; i < containerNode.fields.length; i += 1) { let fieldNode = getAstNode(containerNode.fields[i]); let divDom = domListFields.children[i]; let fieldName = fieldNode.name; let docs = fieldNode.docs; let docsNonEmpty = docs != null && docs !== ""; let extraPreClass = docsNonEmpty ? " fieldHasDocs" : ""; let html = '
    ' +
            if (container.kind === typeKinds.Enum) {
              let value = container.values[i];
              if (value !== null) {
                html += renderTokens((function*() {
                  yield Tok.space;
                  yield Tok.eql;
                  yield Tok.space;
                  yield* ex(value, {});
            } else {
              let fieldTypeExpr = container.field_types[i];
              if (container.kind !== typeKinds.Struct || !container.is_tuple) {
                html += renderTokens((function*() {
                  yield Tok.colon;
                  yield Tok.space;
              html += renderTokens(ex(fieldTypeExpr, {}));
              let tsn = typeShorthandName(fieldTypeExpr);
              if (tsn) {
                html += " (" + tsn + ")";
              if (container.kind === typeKinds.Struct && !container.is_tuple) {
                let defaultInitExpr = container.field_defaults[i];
                if (defaultInitExpr !== null) {
                  html += renderTokens((function*() {
                    yield Tok.space;
                    yield Tok.eql;
                    yield Tok.space;
                    yield* ex(defaultInitExpr, {});
            html += ",
    "; if (docsNonEmpty) { html += '
    ' + markdown(docs) + "
    "; } divDom.innerHTML = html; } domSectFields.classList.remove("hidden"); } if (varsList.length !== 0) { resizeDomList( domListGlobalVars, varsList.length, '
          for (let i = 0; i < varsList.length; i += 1) {
            let decl = varsList[i];
            let trDom = domListGlobalVars.children[i];
            let tdName = trDom.children[0];
            let tdNameA = tdName.children[0];
            let tdType = trDom.children[1];
            let preType = tdType.children[0];
            let tdDesc = trDom.children[2];
            tdNameA.setAttribute("href", navLinkDecl(decl.name));
            tdNameA.textContent = decl.name;
            preType.innerHTML = renderTokens(ex(walkResultTypeRef(decl.value), {}));
            let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs;
            if (docs != null) {
              tdDesc.innerHTML = shortDescMarkdown(docs);
            } else {
              tdDesc.textContent = "";
        if (valsList.length !== 0) {
          for (let i = 0; i < valsList.length; i += 1) {
            let decl = valsList[i];
            let trDom = domListValues.children[i];
            let tdName = trDom.children[0];
            let tdNameA = tdName.children[0];
            let tdType = trDom.children[1];
            let preType = tdType.children[0];
            let tdDesc = trDom.children[2];
            tdNameA.setAttribute("href", navLinkDecl(decl.name));
            tdNameA.textContent = decl.name;
            preType.innerHTML = renderTokens(ex(walkResultTypeRef(decl.value), {}));
            let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs;
            if (docs != null) {
              tdDesc.innerHTML = shortDescMarkdown(docs);
            } else {
              tdDesc.textContent = "";
        if (testsList.length !== 0) {
          for (let i = 0; i < testsList.length; i += 1) {
            let decl = testsList[i];
            let trDom = domListTests.children[i];
            let tdName = trDom.children[0];
            let tdNamePre = tdName.children[0];
            let tdType = trDom.children[1];
            let tdTypePre = tdType.children[0];
            let tdDesc = trDom.children[2];
            tdNamePre.innerHTML = renderSingleToken(Tok.identifier(decl.name));
            tdTypePre.innerHTML = ex(walkResultTypeRef(decl.value), {});
            let docs = getAstNode(decl.src).docs;
            if (docs != null) {
              tdDesc.innerHTML = shortDescMarkdown(docs);
            } else {
              tdDesc.textContent = "";
        if (container.kind !== typeKinds.Struct || containerNode.fields.length > 0) {
          domHdrName.innerHTML = "
    " +
            zigAnalysis.typeKinds[container.kind] +
    "; domHdrName.classList.remove("hidden"); } } function operatorCompare(a, b) { if (a === b) { return 0; } else if (a < b) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } function detectRootIsStd() { let rootMod = zigAnalysis.modules[zigAnalysis.rootMod]; if (rootMod.table["std"] == null) { // no std mapped into the root module return false; } let stdMod = zigAnalysis.modules[rootMod.table["std"]]; if (stdMod == null) return false; return rootMod.file === stdMod.file; } function indexTypeKinds() { let map = {}; for (let i = 0; i < zigAnalysis.typeKinds.length; i += 1) { map[zigAnalysis.typeKinds[i]] = i; } // This is just for debugging purposes, not needed to function let assertList = [ "Type", "Void", "Bool", "NoReturn", "Int", "Float", "Pointer", "Array", "Struct", "ComptimeFloat", "ComptimeInt", "Undefined", "Null", "Optional", "ErrorUnion", "ErrorSet", "Enum", "Union", "Fn", "Opaque", "Frame", "AnyFrame", "Vector", "EnumLiteral", ]; for (let i = 0; i < assertList.length; i += 1) { if (map[assertList[i]] == null) throw new Error("No type kind '" + assertList[i] + "' found"); } return map; } function findTypeTypeId() { for (let i = 0; i < zigAnalysis.types.length; i += 1) { if (getType(i).kind == typeKinds.Type) { return i; } } throw new Error("No type 'type' found"); } function updateCurNav() { curNav = { hash: location.hash, mode: NAV_MODES.API, modNames: [], modObjs: [], declNames: [], declObjs: [], callName: null, activeGuide: null, activeGuideScrollTo: null, }; curNavSearch = ""; const mode = location.hash.substring(0, 3); let query = location.hash.substring(3); let qpos = query.indexOf("?"); let nonSearchPart; if (qpos === -1) { nonSearchPart = query; } else { nonSearchPart = query.substring(0, qpos); curNavSearch = decodeURIComponent(query.substring(qpos + 1)); } const DEFAULT_HASH = NAV_MODES.API + zigAnalysis.modules[zigAnalysis.rootMod].name; switch (mode) { case NAV_MODES.API: // #A;MODULE:decl.decl.decl?search-term curNav.mode = mode; { let parts = nonSearchPart.split(":"); if (parts[0] == "") { location.hash = DEFAULT_HASH; } else { curNav.modNames = decodeURIComponent(parts[0]).split("."); } if (parts[1] != null) { curNav.declNames = decodeURIComponent(parts[1]).split("."); } } return; case NAV_MODES.GUIDES: curNav.mode = mode; { let parts = nonSearchPart.split(":"); curNav.activeGuide = parts[0]; if (parts[1] != null) { curNav.activeGuideScrollTo = decodeURIComponent(":" + parts[1]); } } return; default: location.hash = DEFAULT_HASH; return; } } function onHashChange(ev) { scrollHistory[curNav.hash] = scrollMonitor.map(function (x) { return [x, x.scrollTop] }); if (skipNextHashChange == decodeURIComponent(location.hash)) { skipNextHashChange = null; return; } skipNextHashChange = null; updateCurNav(); if (domSearch.value !== curNavSearch) { domSearch.value = curNavSearch; if (domSearch.value.length == 0) domSearchPlaceholder.classList.remove("hidden"); else domSearchPlaceholder.classList.add("hidden"); } render(); if (imFeelingLucky) { imFeelingLucky = false; activateSelectedResult(); } scroll(); } function scroll() { const cur = scrollHistory[location.hash]; if (cur) { for (let [elem, offset] of cur) { elem.scrollTo(0, offset); } } else { if (curNav.activeGuideScrollTo) return; for (let elem of scrollMonitor) { elem.scrollTo(0, 0); } } } function findSubDecl(parentTypeOrDecl, childName) { let parentType = parentTypeOrDecl; { // Generic functions / resolving decls if ("value" in parentType) { const rv = resolveValue(parentType.value); if ("type" in rv.expr) { const t = getType(rv.expr.type); parentType = t; if (t.kind == typeKinds.Fn && t.generic_ret != null) { let resolvedGenericRet = resolveValue({ expr: t.generic_ret }); if ("call" in resolvedGenericRet.expr) { let call = zigAnalysis.calls[resolvedGenericRet.expr.call]; let resolvedFunc = resolveValue({ expr: call.func }); if (!("type" in resolvedFunc.expr)) return null; let callee = getType(resolvedFunc.expr.type); if (!callee.generic_ret) return null; resolvedGenericRet = resolveValue({ expr: callee.generic_ret }); } if ("type" in resolvedGenericRet.expr) { parentType = getType(resolvedGenericRet.expr.type); } } } } } if (parentType.pubDecls) { for (let i = 0; i < parentType.pubDecls.length; i += 1) { let declIndex = parentType.pubDecls[i]; let childDecl = getDecl(declIndex); if (childDecl.name === childName) { childDecl.find_subdecl_idx = declIndex; return childDecl; } else if (childDecl.is_uns) { let declValue = resolveValue(childDecl.value); if (!("type" in declValue.expr)) continue; let uns_container = getType(declValue.expr.type); let uns_res = findSubDecl(uns_container, childName); if (uns_res !== null) return uns_res; } } } if (parentType.privDecls) { for (let i = 0; i < parentType.privDecls.length; i += 1) { let declIndex = parentType.privDecls[i]; let childDecl = getDecl(declIndex); if (childDecl.name === childName) { childDecl.find_subdecl_idx = declIndex; childDecl.is_private = true; return childDecl; } else if (childDecl.is_uns) { let declValue = resolveValue(childDecl.value); if (!("type" in declValue.expr)) continue; let uns_container = getType(declValue.expr.type); let uns_res = findSubDecl(uns_container, childName); uns_res.is_private = true; if (uns_res !== null) return uns_res; } } } return null; } function computeCanonicalModulePaths() { let list = new Array(zigAnalysis.modules.length); // Now we try to find all the modules from root. let rootMod = zigAnalysis.modules[zigAnalysis.rootMod]; // Breadth-first to keep the path shortest possible. let stack = [ { path: [], mod: rootMod, }, ]; while (stack.length !== 0) { let item = stack.shift(); for (let key in item.mod.table) { let childModIndex = item.mod.table[key]; if (list[childModIndex] != null) continue; let childMod = zigAnalysis.modules[childModIndex]; if (childMod == null) continue; let newPath = item.path.concat([key]); list[childModIndex] = newPath; stack.push({ path: newPath, mod: childMod, }); } } for (let i = 0; i < zigAnalysis.modules.length; i += 1) { const p = zigAnalysis.modules[i]; // TODO // declSearchIndex.add(p.name, {moduleId: i}); } return list; } function computeCanonDeclPaths() { let list = new Array(zigAnalysis.decls.length); canonTypeDecls = new Array(zigAnalysis.types.length); for (let modI = 0; modI < zigAnalysis.modules.length; modI += 1) { let mod = zigAnalysis.modules[modI]; let modNames = canonModPaths[modI]; if (modNames === undefined) continue; let stack = [ { declNames: [], declIndexes: [], type: getType(mod.main), }, ]; while (stack.length !== 0) { let item = stack.shift(); if (isContainerType(item.type)) { let t = item.type; let len = t.pubDecls ? t.pubDecls.length : 0; for (let declI = 0; declI < len; declI += 1) { let declIndex = t.pubDecls[declI]; if (list[declIndex] != null) continue; let decl = getDecl(declIndex); if (decl.is_uns) { let unsDeclList = [decl]; while (unsDeclList.length != 0) { let unsDecl = unsDeclList.pop(); let unsDeclVal = resolveValue(unsDecl.value); if (!("type" in unsDeclVal.expr)) continue; let unsType = getType(unsDeclVal.expr.type); if (!isContainerType(unsType)) continue; let unsPubDeclLen = unsType.pubDecls ? unsType.pubDecls.length : 0; for (let unsDeclI = 0; unsDeclI < unsPubDeclLen; unsDeclI += 1) { let childDeclIndex = unsType.pubDecls[unsDeclI]; let childDecl = getDecl(childDeclIndex); if (childDecl.is_uns) { unsDeclList.push(childDecl); } else { addDeclToSearchResults(childDecl, childDeclIndex, modNames, item, list, stack); } } } } else { addDeclToSearchResults(decl, declIndex, modNames, item, list, stack); } } } } } window.cdp = list; return list; } function addDeclToSearchResults(decl, declIndex, modNames, item, list, stack) { let {value: declVal, seenDecls} = resolveValue(decl.value, true); let declNames = item.declNames.concat([decl.name]); let declIndexes = item.declIndexes.concat([declIndex]); if (list[declIndex] != null) return; list[declIndex] = { modNames: modNames, declNames: declNames, declIndexes: declIndexes, }; for (let sd of seenDecls) { if (list[sd] != null) continue; list[sd] = { modNames: modNames, declNames: declNames, declIndexes: declIndexes, }; } // add to search index { declSearchIndex.add(decl.name, { declIndex }); } if ("type" in declVal.expr) { let value = getType(declVal.expr.type); if (declCanRepresentTypeKind(value.kind)) { canonTypeDecls[declVal.type] = declIndex; } if (isContainerType(value)) { stack.push({ declNames: declNames, declIndexes: declIndexes, type: value, }); } // Generic function if (typeIsGenericFn(declVal.expr.type)) { let ret = resolveGenericRet(value); if (ret != null && "type" in ret.expr) { let generic_type = getType(ret.expr.type); if (isContainerType(generic_type)) { stack.push({ declNames: declNames, declIndexes: declIndexes, type: generic_type, }); } } } } } function declLinkOrSrcLink(index) { let match = getCanonDeclPath(index); if (match) return navLink(match.modNames, match.declNames); // could not find a precomputed decl path const decl = getDecl(index); // try to find a public decl by scanning declRefs and declPaths let value = decl.value; let i = 0; while (true) { i += 1; if (i >= 10000) { throw "getCanonDeclPath quota exceeded" } if ("refPath" in value.expr) { value = { expr: value.expr.refPath[value.expr.refPath.length - 1] }; continue; } if ("declRef" in value.expr) { let cp = canonDeclPaths[value.expr.declRef]; if (cp) return navLink(cp.modNames, cp.declNames); value = getDecl(value.expr.declRef).value; continue; } if ("as" in value.expr) { value = { typeRef: zigAnalysis.exprs[value.expr.as.typeRefArg], expr: zigAnalysis.exprs[value.expr.as.exprArg], }; continue; } // if we got here it means that we failed // produce a link to source code instead return sourceFileLink(decl); } } function getCanonDeclPath(index) { if (canonDeclPaths == null) { canonDeclPaths = computeCanonDeclPaths(); } return canonDeclPaths[index]; } function getCanonTypeDecl(index) { getCanonDeclPath(0); //let ct = (canonTypeDecls); return canonTypeDecls[index]; } function escapeHtml(text) { return text.replace(/[&"<>]/g, function(m) { return escapeHtmlReplacements[m]; }); } function shortDesc(docs) { const trimmed_docs = docs.trim(); let index = trimmed_docs.indexOf("\n\n"); let cut = false; if (index < 0 || index > 130) { if (trimmed_docs.length > 130) { index = 130; cut = true; } else { index = trimmed_docs.length; } } let slice = trimmed_docs.slice(0, index); if (cut) slice += "..."; return slice; } function shortDescMarkdown(docs) { return markdown(shortDesc(docs)); } function parseGuides() { for (let j = 0; j < zigAnalysis.guideSections.length; j += 1) { const section = zigAnalysis.guideSections[j]; for (let i = 0; i < section.guides.length; i += 1) { let reader = new commonmark.Parser({ smart: true }); const guide = section.guides[i]; // Find the first text thing to use as a sidebar title guide.title = null; guide.toc = ""; // Discover Title & TOC for this guide { let reader = new commonmark.Parser({smart: true}); let ast = reader.parse(guide.body); let walker = ast.walker(); let heading_idx = 0; let event, node, doc, last, last_ul; while ((event = walker.next())) { node = event.node; if (event.entering) { if (node.type === 'document') { doc = node; continue; } if (node.next) { walker.resumeAt(node.next, true); } else { walker.resumeAt(node, false); } node.unlink(); if (node.type === 'heading') { if (node.level == 1) { if (guide.title == null) { let doc_node = new commonmark.Node("document", node.sourcepos); while (node.firstChild) { doc_node.appendChild(node.firstChild); } let writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer(); let result = writer.render(doc_node); guide.title = result; } continue; // don't index H1 } // turn heading node into list item & add link node to it { node._type = "link"; node.destination = NAV_MODES.GUIDES + guide.name + ":" + heading_idx; heading_idx += 1; let listItem = new commonmark.Node("item", node.sourcepos); // TODO: strip links from inside node listItem.appendChild(node); listItem.level = node.level; node = listItem; } if (last_ul) { // are we inside or outside of it? let target_ul = last_ul; while(target_ul.level > node.level) { target_ul = target_ul.parent; } while(target_ul.level < node.level) { let ul_node = new commonmark.Node("list", node.sourcepos); ul_node.level = target_ul.level + 1; ul_node.listType = "bullet"; ul_node.listStart = null; target_ul.appendChild(ul_node); target_ul = ul_node; } target_ul.appendChild(node); last_ul = target_ul; } else { let ul_node = new commonmark.Node("list", node.sourcepos); ul_node.level = 2; ul_node.listType = "bullet"; ul_node.listStart = null; doc.prependChild(ul_node); while (ul_node.level < node.level) { let current_ul_node = new commonmark.Node("list", node.sourcepos); current_ul_node.level = ul_node.level + 1; current_ul_node.listType = "bullet"; current_ul_node.listStart = null; ul_node.appendChild(current_ul_node); ul_node = current_ul_node; } last_ul = ul_node; ul_node.appendChild(node); } } } } let writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer(); let result = writer.render(ast); guide.toc = result; } // Index this guide { // let walker = guide.ast.walker(); // let event, node; // while ((event = walker.next())) { // node = event.node; // if (event.entering == true && node.type === 'text') { // indexTextForGuide(j, i, node); // } // } } } } } function indexTextForGuide(section_idx, guide_idx, node) { const terms = node.literal.split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < terms.length; i += 1) { const t = terms[i]; if (!guidesSearchIndex[t]) guidesSearchIndex[t] = new Set(); node.guide = { section_idx, guide_idx }; guidesSearchIndex[t].add(node); } } function markdown(input, contextType) { const parsed = new commonmark.Parser({ smart: true }).parse(input); // Look for decl references in inline code (`ref`) const walker = parsed.walker(); let event; while ((event = walker.next())) { const node = event.node; if (node.type === "code") { const declHash = detectDeclPath(node.literal, contextType); if (declHash) { const link = new commonmark.Node("link"); link.destination = declHash; node.insertBefore(link); link.appendChild(node); } } } return new commonmark.HtmlRenderer({ safe: true }).render(parsed); } // function detectDeclPath(text, context) { // let result = ""; // let separator = ":"; // const components = text.split("."); // let curDeclOrType = undefined; // let curContext = context; // let limit = 10000; // while (curContext) { // limit -= 1; // if (limit == 0) { // throw "too many iterations"; // } // curDeclOrType = findSubDecl(curContext, components[0]); // if (!curDeclOrType) { // if (curContext.parent_container == null) break; // curContext = getType(curContext.parent_container); // continue; // } // if (curContext == context) { // separator = '.'; // result = location.hash + separator + components[0]; // } else { // // We had to go up, which means we need a new path! // const canonPath = getCanonDeclPath(curDeclOrType.find_subdecl_idx); // if (!canonPath) return; // let lastModName = canonPath.modNames[canonPath.modNames.length - 1]; // let fullPath = lastModName + ":" + canonPath.declNames.join("."); // separator = '.'; // result = "#A;" + fullPath; // } // break; // } // if (!curDeclOrType) { // for (let i = 0; i < zigAnalysis.modules.length; i += 1) { // const p = zigAnalysis.modules[i]; // if (p.name == components[0]) { // curDeclOrType = getType(p.main); // result += "#A;" + components[0]; // break; // } // } // } // if (!curDeclOrType) return null; // for (let i = 1; i < components.length; i += 1) { // curDeclOrType = findSubDecl(curDeclOrType, components[i]); // if (!curDeclOrType) return null; // result += separator + components[i]; // separator = '.'; // } // return result; // } function activateSelectedResult() { if (domSectSearchResults.classList.contains("hidden")) { return; } const searchResults = domListSearchResults.getElementsByTagName("li"); let liDom = searchResults[curSearchIndex]; if (liDom == null && searchResults.length !== 0) { liDom = searchResults[0]; } if (liDom != null) { let aDom = liDom.children[0]; location.href = aDom.getAttribute("href"); curSearchIndex = -1; } domSearch.blur(); } // hide the modal if it's visible or return to the previous result page and unfocus the search function onEscape(ev) { if (isModalVisible(domHelpModal)) { hideModal(domHelpModal); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if (isModalVisible(domPrefsModal)) { hideModal(domPrefsModal); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else { domSearch.value = ""; domSearch.blur(); domSearchPlaceholder.classList.remove("hidden"); curSearchIndex = -1; ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); startSearch(); } } function onSearchKeyDown(ev) { switch (getKeyString(ev)) { case "Enter": // detect if this search changes anything let terms1 = getSearchTerms(); startSearch(); updateCurNav(); let terms2 = getSearchTerms(); // we might have to wait for onHashChange to trigger imFeelingLucky = terms1.join(" ") !== terms2.join(" "); if (!imFeelingLucky) activateSelectedResult(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return; case "Esc": onEscape(ev); return case "Up": moveSearchCursor(-1); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return; case "Down": // TODO: make the page scroll down if the search cursor is out of the screen moveSearchCursor(1); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return; default: // Search is triggered via an `input` event handler, not on arbitrary `keydown` events. ev.stopPropagation(); return; } } let domDotsToggleTimeout = null; function onSearchInput(ev) { curSearchIndex = -1; let replaced = domSearch.value.replaceAll(".", " ") // Ping red the help text if the user typed a dot. if (replaced != domSearch.value) { domSearchHelpSummary.classList.remove("normal"); if (domDotsToggleTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(domDotsToggleTimeout); domDotsToggleTimeout = null; } domDotsToggleTimeout = setTimeout(function () { domSearchHelpSummary.classList.add("normal"); }, 1000); } replaced = replaced.replace(/ +/g, ' '); if (replaced != domSearch.value) { domSearch.value = replaced; } startAsyncSearch(); } function moveSearchCursor(dir) { const searchResults = domListSearchResults.getElementsByTagName("li"); if ( curSearchIndex < 0 || curSearchIndex >= searchResults.length ) { if (dir > 0) { curSearchIndex = -1 + dir; } else if (dir < 0) { curSearchIndex = searchResults.length + dir; } } else { curSearchIndex += dir; } if (curSearchIndex < 0) { curSearchIndex = 0; } if (curSearchIndex >= searchResults.length) { curSearchIndex = searchResults.length - 1; } renderSearchCursor(); } function getKeyString(ev) { let name; let ignoreShift = false; switch (ev.which) { case 13: name = "Enter"; break; case 27: name = "Esc"; break; case 38: name = "Up"; break; case 40: name = "Down"; break; default: ignoreShift = true; name = ev.key != null ? ev.key : String.fromCharCode(ev.charCode || ev.keyCode); } if (!ignoreShift && ev.shiftKey) name = "Shift+" + name; if (ev.altKey) name = "Alt+" + name; if (ev.ctrlKey) name = "Ctrl+" + name; return name; } function onWindowKeyDown(ev) { switch (getKeyString(ev)) { case "Esc": onEscape(ev); break; case "/": if (!getPrefSlashSearch()) break; // fallthrough case "s": if (!isModalVisible(domHelpModal) && !isModalVisible(domPrefsModal)) { if (ev.target == domSearch) break; domSearch.focus(); domSearch.select(); domDocs.scrollTo(0, 0); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); startAsyncSearch(); } break; case "?": if (!canToggleModal) break; if (isModalVisible(domPrefsModal)) { hideModal(domPrefsModal); } // toggle the help modal if (isModalVisible(domHelpModal)) { hideModal(domHelpModal); } else { showModal(domHelpModal); } ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); break; case "p": if (!canToggleModal) break; if (isModalVisible(domHelpModal)) { hideModal(domHelpModal); } // toggle the preferences modal if (isModalVisible(domPrefsModal)) { hideModal(domPrefsModal); } else { showModal(domPrefsModal); } ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } function isModalVisible(modal) { return !modal.classList.contains("hidden"); } function showModal(modal) { modal.classList.remove("hidden"); modal.style.left = window.innerWidth / 2 - modal.clientWidth / 2 + "px"; modal.style.top = window.innerHeight / 2 - modal.clientHeight / 2 + "px"; const firstInput = modal.querySelector("input"); if (firstInput) { firstInput.focus(); } else { modal.focus(); } domSearch.blur(); domBanner.inert = true; domMain.inert = true; } function hideModal(modal) { modal.classList.add("hidden"); domBanner.inert = false; domMain.inert = false; modal.blur(); } function clearAsyncSearch() { if (searchTimer != null) { clearTimeout(searchTimer); searchTimer = null; } } function startAsyncSearch() { clearAsyncSearch(); searchTimer = setTimeout(startSearch, 100); } function startSearch() { clearAsyncSearch(); let oldHash = location.hash; let parts = oldHash.split("?"); let newPart2 = domSearch.value === "" ? "" : "?" + domSearch.value; location.replace(parts.length === 1 ? oldHash + newPart2 : parts[0] + newPart2); } function getSearchTerms() { let list = curNavSearch.trim().split(/[ \r\n\t]+/); return list; } function renderSearchGuides() { const searchTrimmed = false; let ignoreCase = curNavSearch.toLowerCase() === curNavSearch; let terms = getSearchTerms(); let matchedItems = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < terms.length; i += 1) { const nodes = guidesSearchIndex[terms[i]]; if (nodes) { for (const n of nodes) { matchedItems.add(n); } } } if (matchedItems.size !== 0) { // Build up the list of search results let matchedItemsHTML = ""; for (const node of matchedItems) { const text = node.literal; const href = ""; matchedItemsHTML += "
  • " + text + "
  • "; } // Replace the search results using our newly constructed HTML string domListSearchResults.innerHTML = matchedItemsHTML; if (searchTrimmed) { domSectSearchAllResultsLink.classList.remove("hidden"); } renderSearchCursor(); domSectSearchResults.classList.remove("hidden"); } else { domSectSearchNoResults.classList.remove("hidden"); } } function renderSearchAPI() { domSectSearchResults.prepend( domSearchHelp.parentElement.removeChild(domSearchHelp) ); if (canonDeclPaths == null) { canonDeclPaths = computeCanonDeclPaths(); } let declSet = new Set(); let otherDeclSet = new Set(); // for low quality results let declScores = {}; let ignoreCase = curNavSearch.toLowerCase() === curNavSearch; let term_list = getSearchTerms(); for (let i = 0; i < term_list.length; i += 1) { let term = term_list[i]; let result = declSearchIndex.search(term.toLowerCase()); if (result == null) { domSectSearchNoResults.prepend( domSearchHelp.parentElement.removeChild(domSearchHelp) ); domSectSearchNoResults.classList.remove("hidden"); domSectSearchResults.classList.add("hidden"); return; } let termSet = new Set(); let termOtherSet = new Set(); for (let list of [result.full, result.partial]) { for (let r of list) { const d = r.declIndex; const decl = getDecl(d); const canonPath = getCanonDeclPath(d); // collect unconditionally for the first term if (i == 0) { declSet.add(d); } else { // path intersection for subsequent terms let found = false; for (let p of canonPath.declIndexes) { if (declSet.has(p)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { otherDeclSet.add(d); } else { termSet.add(d); } } if (declScores[d] == undefined) declScores[d] = 0; // scores (lower is better) let decl_name = decl.name; if (ignoreCase) decl_name = decl_name.toLowerCase(); // shallow path are preferable const path_depth = canonPath.declNames.length * 50; // matching the start of a decl name is good const match_from_start = decl_name.startsWith(term) ? -term.length * (2 - ignoreCase) : (decl_name.length - term.length) + 1; // being a perfect match is good const is_full_match = (decl_name === term) ? -decl_name.length * (1 - ignoreCase) : Math.abs(decl_name.length - term.length); // matching the end of a decl name is good const matches_the_end = decl_name.endsWith(term) ? -term.length * (1 - ignoreCase) : (decl_name.length - term.length) + 1; // explicitly penalizing scream case decls const decl_is_scream_case = decl.name.toUpperCase() != decl.name ? 0 : decl.name.length; const score = path_depth + match_from_start + is_full_match + matches_the_end + decl_is_scream_case; declScores[d] += score; } } if (i != 0) { for (let d of declSet) { if (termSet.has(d)) continue; let found = false; for (let p of getCanonDeclPath(d).declIndexes) { if (termSet.has(p) || otherDeclSet.has(p)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { declScores[d] = declScores[d] / term_list.length; } termOtherSet.add(d); } declSet = termSet; for (let d of termOtherSet) { otherDeclSet.add(d); } } } let matchedItems = { high_quality: [], low_quality: [], }; for (let idx of declSet) { matchedItems.high_quality.push({ points: declScores[idx], declIndex: idx }) } for (let idx of otherDeclSet) { matchedItems.low_quality.push({ points: declScores[idx], declIndex: idx }) } matchedItems.high_quality.sort(function(a, b) { let cmp = operatorCompare(a.points, b.points); return cmp; }); matchedItems.low_quality.sort(function(a, b) { let cmp = operatorCompare(a.points, b.points); return cmp; }); // Build up the list of search results let matchedItemsHTML = ""; for (let list of [matchedItems.high_quality, matchedItems.low_quality]) { if (list == matchedItems.low_quality && list.length > 0) { matchedItemsHTML += "
    " } for (let result of list) { const points = result.points; const match = result.declIndex; let canonPath = getCanonDeclPath(match); if (canonPath == null) continue; let lastModName = canonPath.modNames[canonPath.modNames.length - 1]; let text = lastModName + "." + canonPath.declNames.join("."); const href = navLink(canonPath.modNames, canonPath.declNames); matchedItemsHTML += "
  • " + text + "
  • "; } } // Replace the search results using our newly constructed HTML string domListSearchResults.innerHTML = matchedItemsHTML; renderSearchCursor(); domSectSearchResults.classList.remove("hidden"); } function renderSearchCursor() { const searchResults = domListSearchResults.getElementsByTagName("li"); for (let i = 0; i < searchResults.length; i += 1) { let liDom = searchResults[i]; if (curSearchIndex === i) { liDom.classList.add("selected"); } else { liDom.classList.remove("selected"); } } } function scrollGuidesTop(ev) { document.getElementById("activeGuide").children[0].scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", }); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } document.scrollGuidesTop = scrollGuidesTop; function scrollToHeading(id, alreadyThere) { // Don't scroll if the current location has a scrolling history. if (scrollHistory[location.hash]) return; const c = document.getElementById(id); if (c && alreadyThere) { requestAnimationFrame(() => c.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth"})); } else { requestAnimationFrame(() => c.scrollIntoView()); } return; } // function indexNodesToCalls() { // let map = {}; // for (let i = 0; i < zigAnalysis.calls.length; i += 1) { // let call = zigAnalysis.calls[i]; // let fn = zigAnalysis.fns[call.fn]; // if (map[fn.src] == null) { // map[fn.src] = [i]; // } else { // map[fn.src].push(i); // } // } // return map; // } function byNameProperty(a, b) { return operatorCompare(a.name, b.name); } function getDecl(idx) { const decl = zigAnalysis.decls[idx]; return { name: decl[0], kind: decl[1], src: decl[2], value: decl[3], decltest: decl[4], is_uns: decl[5], parent_container: decl[6], }; } function getAstNode(idx) { const ast = zigAnalysis.astNodes[idx]; return { file: ast[0], line: ast[1], col: ast[2], name: ast[3], code: ast[4], docs: ast[5], fields: ast[6], comptime: ast[7], }; } function getFile(idx) { const file = zigAnalysis.files[idx]; return { name: file[0], modIndex: file[1], }; } function getType(idx) { const ty = zigAnalysis.types[idx]; switch (ty[0]) { default: throw "unhandled type kind!"; case typeKinds.Unanalyzed: throw "unanalyzed type!"; case typeKinds.Type: case typeKinds.Void: case typeKinds.Bool: case typeKinds.NoReturn: case typeKinds.Int: case typeKinds.Float: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1] }; case typeKinds.Pointer: return { kind: ty[0], size: ty[1], child: ty[2], sentinel: ty[3], align: ty[4], address_space: ty[5], bit_start: ty[6], host_size: ty[7], is_ref: ty[8], is_allowzero: ty[9], is_mutable: ty[10], is_volatile: ty[11], has_sentinel: ty[12], has_align: ty[13], has_addrspace: ty[14], has_bit_range: ty[15], }; case typeKinds.Array: return { kind: ty[0], len: ty[1], child: ty[2], sentinel: ty[3], }; case typeKinds.Struct: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1], src: ty[2], privDecls: ty[3], pubDecls: ty[4], field_types: ty[5], field_defaults: ty[6], backing_int: ty[7], is_tuple: ty[8], line_number: ty[9], parent_container: ty[10], layout: ty[11], }; case typeKinds.ComptimeExpr: case typeKinds.ComptimeFloat: case typeKinds.ComptimeInt: case typeKinds.Undefined: case typeKinds.Null: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1] }; case typeKinds.Optional: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1], child: ty[2], }; case typeKinds.ErrorUnion: return { kind: ty[0], lhs: ty[1], rhs: ty[2], }; case typeKinds.InferredErrorUnion: return { kind: ty[0], payload: ty[1], }; case typeKinds.ErrorSet: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1], fields: ty[2], }; case typeKinds.Enum: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1], src: ty[2], privDecls: ty[3], pubDecls: ty[4], tag: ty[5], values: ty[6], nonexhaustive: ty[7], parent_container: ty[8], }; case typeKinds.Union: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1], src: ty[2], privDecls: ty[3], pubDecls: ty[4], field_types: ty[5], tag: ty[6], auto_tag: ty[7], parent_container: ty[8], layout: ty[9], }; case typeKinds.Fn: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1], src: ty[2], ret: ty[3], generic_ret: ty[4], params: ty[5], lib_name: ty[6], is_var_args: ty[7], is_inferred_error: ty[8], has_lib_name: ty[9], has_cc: ty[10], cc: ty[11], align: ty[12], has_align: ty[13], is_test: ty[14], is_extern: ty[15], }; case typeKinds.Opaque: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1], src: ty[2], privDecls: ty[3], pubDecls: ty[4], parent_container: ty[5], }; case typeKinds.Frame: case typeKinds.AnyFrame: case typeKinds.Vector: case typeKinds.EnumLiteral: return { kind: ty[0], name: ty[1] }; } } function getLocalStorage() { if ("localStorage" in window) { try { return window.localStorage; } catch (ignored) { // localStorage may be disabled (SecurityError) } } // If localStorage isn't available, persist preferences only for the current session const sessionPrefs = {}; return { getItem(key) { return key in sessionPrefs ? sessionPrefs[key] : null; }, setItem(key, value) { sessionPrefs[key] = String(value); }, }; } function loadPrefs() { const storedPrefSlashSearch = prefs.getItem("slashSearch"); if (storedPrefSlashSearch === null) { // Slash search defaults to enabled for all browsers except Firefox setPrefSlashSearch(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") === -1); } else { setPrefSlashSearch(storedPrefSlashSearch === "true"); } } function getPrefSlashSearch() { return prefs.getItem("slashSearch") === "true"; } function setPrefSlashSearch(enabled) { prefs.setItem("slashSearch", String(enabled)); domPrefSlashSearch.checked = enabled; const searchKeys = enabled ? "/ or s" : "s"; domSearchKeys.innerHTML = searchKeys; domSearchPlaceholderText.innerHTML = searchKeys + " to search, ? for more options"; } })(); function toggleExpand(event) { const parent = event.target.parentElement; parent.toggleAttribute("open"); if (!parent.open && parent.getBoundingClientRect().top < 0) { parent.parentElement.parentElement.scrollIntoView(true); } } function RadixTree() { this.root = null; RadixTree.prototype.search = function(query) { return this.root.search(query); } RadixTree.prototype.add = function(declName, value) { if (this.root == null) { this.root = new Node(declName.toLowerCase(), null, [value]); } else { this.root.add(declName.toLowerCase(), value); } const not_scream_case = declName.toUpperCase() != declName; let found_separator = false; for (let i = 1; i < declName.length; i += 1) { if (declName[i] == '_' || declName[i] == '.') { found_separator = true; continue; } if (found_separator || (declName[i].toLowerCase() !== declName[i])) { if (declName.length > i + 1 && declName[i + 1].toLowerCase() != declName[i + 1]) continue; let suffix = declName.slice(i); this.root.add(suffix.toLowerCase(), value); found_separator = false; } } } function Node(labels, next, values) { this.labels = labels; this.next = next; this.values = values; } Node.prototype.isCompressed = function() { return !Array.isArray(this.next); } Node.prototype.search = function(word) { let full_matches = []; let partial_matches = []; let subtree_root = null; let cn = this; char_loop: for (let i = 0; i < word.length;) { if (cn.isCompressed()) { for (let j = 0; j < cn.labels.length; j += 1) { let current_idx = i + j; if (current_idx == word.length) { partial_matches = cn.values; subtree_root = cn.next; break char_loop; } if (word[current_idx] != cn.labels[j]) return null; } // the full label matched let new_idx = i + cn.labels.length; if (new_idx == word.length) { full_matches = cn.values; subtree_root = cn.next; break char_loop; } i = new_idx; cn = cn.next; continue; } else { for (let j = 0; j < cn.labels.length; j += 1) { if (word[i] == cn.labels[j]) { if (i == word.length - 1) { full_matches = cn.values[j]; subtree_root = cn.next[j]; break char_loop; } let next = cn.next[j]; if (next == null) return null; cn = next; i += 1; continue char_loop; } } // didn't find a match return null; } } // Match was found, let's collect all other // partial matches from the subtree let stack = [subtree_root]; let node; while (node = stack.pop()) { if (node.isCompressed()) { partial_matches = partial_matches.concat(node.values); if (node.next != null) { stack.push(node.next); } } else { for (let v of node.values) { partial_matches = partial_matches.concat(v); } for (let n of node.next) { if (n != null) stack.push(n); } } } return { full: full_matches, partial: partial_matches }; } Node.prototype.add = function(word, value) { let cn = this; char_loop: for (let i = 0; i < word.length;) { if (cn.isCompressed()) { for (let j = 0; j < cn.labels.length; j += 1) { let current_idx = i + j; if (current_idx == word.length) { if (j < cn.labels.length - 1) { let node = new Node(cn.labels.slice(j), cn.next, cn.values); cn.labels = cn.labels.slice(0, j); cn.next = node; cn.values = []; } cn.values.push(value); return; } if (word[current_idx] == cn.labels[j]) continue; // if we're here, a mismatch was found if (j != cn.labels.length - 1) { // create a suffix node const label_suffix = cn.labels.slice(j + 1); let node = new Node(label_suffix, cn.next, [...cn.values]); cn.next = node; cn.values = []; } // turn current node into a split node let node = null; let word_values = []; if (current_idx == word.length - 1) { // mismatch happened in the last character of word // meaning that the current node should hold its value word_values.push(value); } else { node = new Node(word.slice(current_idx + 1), null, [value]); } cn.labels = cn.labels[j] + word[current_idx]; cn.next = [cn.next, node]; cn.values = [cn.values, word_values]; if (j != 0) { // current node must be turned into a prefix node let splitNode = new Node(cn.labels, cn.next, cn.values); cn.labels = word.slice(i, current_idx); cn.next = splitNode; cn.values = []; } return; } // label matched fully with word, are there any more chars? const new_idx = i + cn.labels.length; if (new_idx == word.length) { cn.values.push(value); return; } else { if (cn.next == null) { let node = new Node(word.slice(new_idx), null, [value]); cn.next = node; return; } else { cn = cn.next; i = new_idx; continue; } } } else { // node is not compressed let letter = word[i]; for (let j = 0; j < cn.labels.length; j += 1) { if (letter == cn.labels[j]) { if (i == word.length - 1) { cn.values[j].push(value); return; } if (cn.next[j] == null) { let node = new Node(word.slice(i + 1), null, [value]); cn.next[j] = node; return; } else { cn = cn.next[j]; i += 1; continue char_loop; } } } // if we're here we didn't find a match cn.labels += letter; if (i == word.length - 1) { cn.next.push(null); cn.values.push([value]); } else { let node = new Node(word.slice(i + 1), null, [value]); cn.next.push(node); cn.values.push([]); } return; } } } } function slugify(str) { return str.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, '').replace(/[\s_-]+/g, '-').replace(/^-+|-+$/g, ''); }