const std = @import("std"); const atomic = std.atomic; const base64Encoder = std.base64.standard.Encoder; const zigimg = @import("zigimg"); const Cell = @import("Cell.zig"); const Image = @import("Image.zig"); const InternalScreen = @import("InternalScreen.zig"); const Key = @import("Key.zig"); const Mouse = @import("Mouse.zig"); const Screen = @import("Screen.zig"); const Tty = @import("Tty.zig"); const Unicode = @import("Unicode.zig"); const Window = @import("Window.zig"); const Hyperlink = Cell.Hyperlink; const KittyFlags = Key.KittyFlags; const Shape = Mouse.Shape; const Style = Cell.Style; const Winsize = Tty.Winsize; const ctlseqs = @import("ctlseqs.zig"); const gwidth = @import("gwidth.zig"); const Vaxis = @This(); const log = std.log.scoped(.vaxis); pub const Capabilities = struct { kitty_keyboard: bool = false, kitty_graphics: bool = false, rgb: bool = false, unicode: gwidth.Method = .wcwidth, }; pub const Options = struct { kitty_keyboard_flags: KittyFlags = .{}, }; tty: ?Tty, /// the screen we write to screen: Screen, /// The last screen we drew. We keep this so we can efficiently update on /// the next render screen_last: InternalScreen = undefined, caps: Capabilities = .{}, opts: Options = .{}, /// if we should redraw the entire screen on the next render refresh: bool = false, /// blocks the main thread until a DA1 query has been received, or the /// futex times out query_futex: atomic.Value(u32) = atomic.Value(u32).init(0), // images next_img_id: u32 = 1, unicode: Unicode, // statistics renders: usize = 0, render_dur: i128 = 0, render_timer: std.time.Timer, sgr: enum { standard, legacy, } = .standard, /// Initialize Vaxis with runtime options pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, opts: Options) !Vaxis { return .{ .opts = opts, .tty = null, .screen = .{}, .screen_last = .{}, .render_timer = try std.time.Timer.start(), .unicode = try Unicode.init(alloc), }; } /// Resets the terminal to it's original state. If an allocator is /// passed, this will free resources associated with Vaxis. This is left as an /// optional so applications can choose to not free resources when the /// application will be exiting anyways pub fn deinit(self: *Vaxis, alloc: ?std.mem.Allocator) void { if (self.tty) |*tty| { tty.deinit(); } if (alloc) |a| { self.screen.deinit(a); self.screen_last.deinit(a); } if (self.renders > 0) { const tpr = @divTrunc(self.render_dur, self.renders); log.debug("total renders = {d}", .{self.renders}); log.debug("microseconds per render = {d}", .{tpr}); } self.unicode.deinit(); } /// resize allocates a slice of cells equal to the number of cells /// required to display the screen (ie width x height). Any previous screen is /// freed when resizing. The cursor will be sent to it's home position and a /// hardware clear-below-cursor will be sent pub fn resize(self: *Vaxis, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, winsize: Winsize) !void { log.debug("resizing screen: width={d} height={d}", .{ winsize.cols, winsize.rows }); self.screen.deinit(alloc); self.screen = try Screen.init(alloc, winsize, &self.unicode); self.screen.width_method = self.caps.unicode; // try, winsize.cols, winsize.rows); // we only init our current screen. This has the effect of redrawing // every cell self.screen_last.deinit(alloc); self.screen_last = try InternalScreen.init(alloc, winsize.cols, winsize.rows); var tty = self.tty orelse return; if (tty.state.alt_screen) _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.home) else { _ = try tty.buffered_writer.write("\r"); var i: usize = 0; while (i < tty.state.cursor.row) : (i += 1) { _ = try tty.buffered_writer.write(ctlseqs.ri); } } _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.erase_below_cursor); try tty.flush(); } /// returns a Window comprising of the entire terminal screen pub fn window(self: *Vaxis) Window { return .{ .x_off = 0, .y_off = 0, .width = self.screen.width, .height = self.screen.height, .screen = &self.screen, }; } /// enter the alternate screen. The alternate screen will automatically /// be exited if calling deinit while in the alt screen pub fn enterAltScreen(self: *Vaxis) !void { if (self.tty) |*tty| { if (tty.state.alt_screen) return; _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.smcup); try tty.flush(); tty.state.alt_screen = true; } } /// exit the alternate screen pub fn exitAltScreen(self: *Vaxis) !void { if (self.tty) |*tty| { if (!tty.state.alt_screen) return; _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.rmcup); try tty.flush(); tty.state.alt_screen = false; } } /// write queries to the terminal to determine capabilities. Individual /// capabilities will be delivered to the client and possibly intercepted by /// Vaxis to enable features pub fn queryTerminal(self: *Vaxis) !void { try self.queryTerminalSend(); // 1 second timeout std.Thread.Futex.timedWait(&self.query_futex, 0, 1 * std.time.ns_per_s) catch {}; try self.enableDetectedFeatures(); } /// write queries to the terminal to determine capabilities. This function /// is only for use with a custom main loop. Call Vaxis.queryTerminal() if /// you are using pub fn queryTerminalSend(self: *Vaxis) !void { var tty = self.tty orelse return; // TODO: re-enable this // const colorterm = std.posix.getenv("COLORTERM") orelse ""; // if (std.mem.eql(u8, colorterm, "truecolor") or // std.mem.eql(u8, colorterm, "24bit")) // { // if (@hasField(Event, "cap_rgb")) { // self.postEvent(.cap_rgb); // } // } // TODO: decide if we actually want to query for focus and sync. It // doesn't hurt to blindly use them // _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.decrqm_focus); // _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.decrqm_sync); _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.decrqm_unicode); _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.decrqm_color_theme); // TODO: XTVERSION has a DCS response. uncomment when we can parse // that // _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.xtversion); _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.csi_u_query); _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.kitty_graphics_query); // TODO: sixel geometry query interferes with F4 keys. // _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.sixel_geometry_query); // TODO: XTGETTCAP queries ("RGB", "Smulx") _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.primary_device_attrs); try tty.flush(); } /// Enable features detected by responses to queryTerminal. This function /// is only for use with a custom main loop. Call Vaxis.queryTerminal() if /// you are using pub fn enableDetectedFeatures(self: *Vaxis) !void { var tty = self.tty orelse return; // Apply any environment variables if (std.posix.getenv("ASCIINEMA_REC")) |_| self.sgr = .legacy; if (std.posix.getenv("TERMUX_VERSION")) |_| self.sgr = .legacy; if (std.posix.getenv("VHS_RECORD")) |_| { self.caps.unicode = .wcwidth; self.caps.kitty_keyboard = false; } if (std.posix.getenv("VAXIS_FORCE_LEGACY_SGR")) |_| self.sgr = .legacy; if (std.posix.getenv("VAXIS_FORCE_WCWIDTH")) |_| self.caps.unicode = .wcwidth; if (std.posix.getenv("VAXIS_FORCE_UNICODE")) |_| self.caps.unicode = .unicode; // enable detected features if (self.caps.kitty_keyboard) { try self.enableKittyKeyboard(self.opts.kitty_keyboard_flags); } if (self.caps.unicode == .unicode) { _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.unicode_set); } } // the next render call will refresh the entire screen pub fn queueRefresh(self: *Vaxis) void { self.refresh = true; } /// draws the screen to the terminal pub fn render(self: *Vaxis) !void { var tty = self.tty orelse return; self.renders += 1; self.render_timer.reset(); defer { self.render_dur += / std.time.ns_per_us; } defer self.refresh = false; defer tty.flush() catch {}; // Set up sync before we write anything // TODO: optimize sync so we only sync _when we have changes_. This // requires a smarter buffered writer, we'll probably have to write // our own _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.sync_set); defer _ = tty.write(ctlseqs.sync_reset) catch {}; // Send the cursor to 0,0 // TODO: this needs to move after we optimize writes. We only do // this if we have an update to make. We also need to hide cursor // and then reshow it if needed _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.hide_cursor); if (tty.state.alt_screen) _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.home) else { _ = try tty.write("\r"); var i: usize = 0; while (i < tty.state.cursor.row) : (i += 1) { _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.ri); } } _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.sgr_reset); // initialize some variables var reposition: bool = false; var row: usize = 0; var col: usize = 0; var cursor: Style = .{}; var link: Hyperlink = .{}; var cursor_pos: struct { row: usize = 0, col: usize = 0, } = .{}; // Clear all images if (self.caps.kitty_graphics) _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.kitty_graphics_clear); var i: usize = 0; while (i < self.screen.buf.len) { const cell = self.screen.buf[i]; const w = blk: { if (cell.char.width != 0) break :blk cell.char.width; const method: gwidth.Method = self.caps.unicode; const width = gwidth.gwidth(cell.char.grapheme, method, &self.unicode.width_data) catch 1; break :blk @max(1, width); }; defer { // advance by the width of this char mod 1 std.debug.assert(w > 0); var j = i + 1; while (j < i + w) : (j += 1) { if (j >= self.screen_last.buf.len) break; self.screen_last.buf[j].skipped = true; } col += w; i += w; } if (col >= self.screen.width) { row += 1; col = 0; reposition = true; } // If cell is the same as our last frame, we don't need to do // anything const last = self.screen_last.buf[i]; if (!self.refresh and last.eql(cell) and !last.skipped and cell.image == null) { reposition = true; // Close any osc8 sequence we might be in before // repositioning if (link.uri.len > 0) { _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.osc8_clear); } continue; } self.screen_last.buf[i].skipped = false; defer { cursor =; link =; } // Set this cell in the last frame self.screen_last.writeCell(col, row, cell); // reposition the cursor, if needed if (reposition) { reposition = false; if (tty.state.alt_screen) try std.fmt.format(tty.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.cup, .{ row + 1, col + 1 }) else { if (cursor_pos.row == row) { const n = col - cursor_pos.col; try std.fmt.format(tty.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.cuf, .{n}); } else { const n = row - cursor_pos.row; var _i: usize = 0; _ = try tty.buffered_writer.write("\r"); while (_i < n) : (_i += 1) { _ = try tty.buffered_writer.write("\n"); } if (col > 0) try std.fmt.format(tty.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.cuf, .{col}); } } } if (cell.image) |img| { try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ctlseqs.kitty_graphics_preamble, .{img.img_id}, ); if (img.options.pixel_offset) |offset| { try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ",X={d},Y={d}", .{ offset.x, offset.y }, ); } if (img.options.clip_region) |clip| { if (clip.x) |x| try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ",x={d}", .{x}, ); if (clip.y) |y| try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ",y={d}", .{y}, ); if (clip.width) |width| try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ",w={d}", .{width}, ); if (clip.height) |height| try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ",h={d}", .{height}, ); } if (img.options.size) |size| { if (size.rows) |rows| try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ",r={d}", .{rows}, ); if (size.cols) |cols| try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ",c={d}", .{cols}, ); } if (img.options.z_index) |z| { try tty.buffered_writer.writer().print( ",z={d}", .{z}, ); } try tty.buffered_writer.writer().writeAll(ctlseqs.kitty_graphics_closing); } // something is different, so let's loop through everything and // find out what // foreground if (!Cell.Color.eql(cursor.fg, { const writer = tty.buffered_writer.writer(); switch ( { .default => _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.fg_reset), .index => |idx| { switch (idx) { 0...7 => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.fg_base, .{idx}), 8...15 => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.fg_bright, .{idx - 8}), else => { switch (self.sgr) { .standard => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.fg_indexed, .{idx}), .legacy => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.fg_indexed_legacy, .{idx}), } }, } }, .rgb => |rgb| { switch (self.sgr) { .standard => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.fg_rgb, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] }), .legacy => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.fg_rgb_legacy, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] }), } }, } } // background if (!Cell.Color.eql(, { const writer = tty.buffered_writer.writer(); switch ( { .default => _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.bg_reset), .index => |idx| { switch (idx) { 0...7 => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.bg_base, .{idx}), 8...15 => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.bg_bright, .{idx - 8}), else => { switch (self.sgr) { .standard => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.bg_indexed, .{idx}), .legacy => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.bg_indexed_legacy, .{idx}), } }, } }, .rgb => |rgb| { switch (self.sgr) { .standard => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.bg_rgb, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] }), .legacy => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.bg_rgb_legacy, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] }), } }, } } // underline color if (!Cell.Color.eql(cursor.ul, { const writer = tty.buffered_writer.writer(); switch ( { .default => _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.ul_reset), .index => |idx| { switch (self.sgr) { .standard => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.ul_indexed, .{idx}), .legacy => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.ul_indexed_legacy, .{idx}), } }, .rgb => |rgb| { switch (self.sgr) { .standard => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.ul_rgb, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] }), .legacy => try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.ul_rgb_legacy, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] }), } }, } } // underline style if (cursor.ul_style != { const seq = switch ( { .off => ctlseqs.ul_off, .single => ctlseqs.ul_single, .double => ctlseqs.ul_double, .curly => ctlseqs.ul_curly, .dotted => ctlseqs.ul_dotted, .dashed => ctlseqs.ul_dashed, }; _ = try tty.write(seq); } // bold if (cursor.bold != { const seq = switch ( { true => ctlseqs.bold_set, false => ctlseqs.bold_dim_reset, }; _ = try tty.write(seq); if ( { _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.dim_set); } } // dim if (cursor.dim != { const seq = switch ( { true => ctlseqs.dim_set, false => ctlseqs.bold_dim_reset, }; _ = try tty.write(seq); if ( { _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.bold_set); } } // dim if (cursor.italic != { const seq = switch ( { true => ctlseqs.italic_set, false => ctlseqs.italic_reset, }; _ = try tty.write(seq); } // dim if (cursor.blink != { const seq = switch ( { true => ctlseqs.blink_set, false => ctlseqs.blink_reset, }; _ = try tty.write(seq); } // reverse if (cursor.reverse != { const seq = switch ( { true => ctlseqs.reverse_set, false => ctlseqs.reverse_reset, }; _ = try tty.write(seq); } // invisible if (cursor.invisible != { const seq = switch ( { true => ctlseqs.invisible_set, false => ctlseqs.invisible_reset, }; _ = try tty.write(seq); } // strikethrough if (cursor.strikethrough != { const seq = switch ( { true => ctlseqs.strikethrough_set, false => ctlseqs.strikethrough_reset, }; _ = try tty.write(seq); } // url if (!std.mem.eql(u8, link.uri, { var ps =; if ( == 0) { // Empty out the params no matter what if we don't have // a url ps = ""; } const writer = tty.buffered_writer.writer(); try std.fmt.format(writer, ctlseqs.osc8, .{ ps, }); } _ = try tty.write(cell.char.grapheme); cursor_pos.col = col + w; cursor_pos.row = row; } if (self.screen.cursor_vis) { if (tty.state.alt_screen) { try std.fmt.format( tty.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.cup, .{ self.screen.cursor_row + 1, self.screen.cursor_col + 1, }, ); } else { // TODO: position cursor relative to current location _ = try tty.write("\r"); var r: usize = 0; if (self.screen.cursor_row >= cursor_pos.row) { while (r < (self.screen.cursor_row - cursor_pos.row)) : (r += 1) { _ = try tty.write("\n"); } } else { while (r < (cursor_pos.row - self.screen.cursor_row)) : (r += 1) { _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.ri); } } if (self.screen.cursor_col > 0) { try std.fmt.format(tty.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.cuf, .{self.screen.cursor_col}); } } self.tty.?.state.cursor.row = self.screen.cursor_row; self.tty.?.state.cursor.col = self.screen.cursor_col; _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.show_cursor); } else { self.tty.?.state.cursor.row = cursor_pos.row; self.tty.?.state.cursor.col = cursor_pos.col; } if (self.screen.mouse_shape != self.screen_last.mouse_shape) { try std.fmt.format( tty.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.osc22_mouse_shape, .{@tagName(self.screen.mouse_shape)}, ); self.screen_last.mouse_shape = self.screen.mouse_shape; } if (self.screen.cursor_shape != self.screen_last.cursor_shape) { try std.fmt.format( tty.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.cursor_shape, .{@intFromEnum(self.screen.cursor_shape)}, ); self.screen_last.cursor_shape = self.screen.cursor_shape; } } fn enableKittyKeyboard(self: *Vaxis, flags: Key.KittyFlags) !void { if (self.tty) |*tty| { const flag_int: u5 = @bitCast(flags); try std.fmt.format( tty.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.csi_u_push, .{ flag_int, }, ); try tty.flush(); tty.state.kitty_keyboard = true; } } /// send a system notification pub fn notify(self: *Vaxis, title: ?[]const u8, body: []const u8) !void { if (self.tty == null) return; if (title) |t| { try std.fmt.format( self.tty.?.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.osc777_notify, .{ t, body }, ); } else { try std.fmt.format( self.tty.?.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.osc9_notify, .{body}, ); } try self.tty.?.flush(); } /// sets the window title pub fn setTitle(self: *Vaxis, title: []const u8) !void { if (self.tty == null) return; try std.fmt.format( self.tty.?.buffered_writer.writer(), ctlseqs.osc2_set_title, .{title}, ); try self.tty.?.flush(); } // turn bracketed paste on or off. An event will be sent at the // beginning and end of a detected paste. All keystrokes between these // events were pasted pub fn setBracketedPaste(self: *Vaxis, enable: bool) !void { if (self.tty) |*tty| { const seq = if (enable) ctlseqs.bp_set else ctlseqs.bp_reset; _ = try tty.write(seq); try tty.flush(); tty.state.bracketed_paste = enable; } } /// set the mouse shape pub fn setMouseShape(self: *Vaxis, shape: Shape) void { self.screen.mouse_shape = shape; } /// turn mouse reporting on or off pub fn setMouseMode(self: *Vaxis, enable: bool) !void { if (self.tty) |*tty| { tty.state.mouse = enable; if (enable) { _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.mouse_set); try tty.flush(); } else { _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.mouse_reset); try tty.flush(); } } } pub fn loadImage( self: *Vaxis, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, src: Image.Source, ) !Image { if (!self.caps.kitty_graphics) return error.NoGraphicsCapability; var tty = self.tty orelse return error.NoTTY; defer self.next_img_id += 1; const writer = tty.buffered_writer.writer(); var img = switch (src) { .path => |path| try zigimg.Image.fromFilePath(alloc, path), .mem => |bytes| try zigimg.Image.fromMemory(alloc, bytes), }; defer img.deinit(); const png_buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, img.imageByteSize()); defer; const png = try img.writeToMemory(png_buf, .{ .png = .{} }); const b64_buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, base64Encoder.calcSize(png.len)); const encoded = base64Encoder.encode(b64_buf, png); defer; const id = self.next_img_id; if (encoded.len < 4096) { try std.fmt.format( writer, "\x1b_Gf=100,i={d};{s}\x1b\\", .{ id, encoded, }, ); } else { var n: usize = 4096; try std.fmt.format( writer, "\x1b_Gf=100,i={d},m=1;{s}\x1b\\", .{ id, encoded[0..n] }, ); while (n < encoded.len) : (n += 4096) { const end: usize = @min(n + 4096, encoded.len); const m: u2 = if (end == encoded.len) 0 else 1; try std.fmt.format( writer, "\x1b_Gm={d};{s}\x1b\\", .{ m, encoded[n..end], }, ); } } try tty.buffered_writer.flush(); return .{ .id = id, .width = img.width, .height = img.height, }; } /// deletes an image from the terminal's memory pub fn freeImage(self: Vaxis, id: u32) void { var tty = self.tty orelse return; const writer = tty.buffered_writer.writer(); std.fmt.format(writer, "\x1b_Ga=d,d=I,i={d};\x1b\\", .{id}) catch |err| { log.err("couldn't delete image {d}: {}", .{ id, err }); return; }; tty.buffered_writer.flush() catch |err| { log.err("couldn't flush writer: {}", .{err}); }; }