const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const os = std.os; const vaxis = @import("main.zig"); const Vaxis = vaxis.Vaxis; const Event = @import("event.zig").Event; const parser = @import("parser.zig"); const Key = vaxis.Key; const log = std.log.scoped(.tty); const Tty = @This(); const Writer =, os.WriteError, os.write); const BufferedWriter =, Writer); /// the original state of the terminal, prior to calling makeRaw termios: os.termios, /// The file descriptor we are using for I/O fd: os.fd_t, /// the write end of a pipe to signal the tty should exit it's run loop quit_fd: ?os.fd_t = null, buffered_writer: BufferedWriter, /// initializes a Tty instance by opening /dev/tty and "making it raw" pub fn init() !Tty { // Open our tty const fd = try"/dev/tty", os.system.O.RDWR, 0); // Set the termios of the tty const termios = try makeRaw(fd); return Tty{ .fd = fd, .termios = termios, .buffered_writer ={ .context = fd }), }; } /// release resources associated with the Tty return it to it's original state pub fn deinit(self: *Tty) void { os.tcsetattr(self.fd, .FLUSH, self.termios) catch |err| { log.err("couldn't restore terminal: {}", .{err}); }; os.close(self.fd); } /// stops the run loop pub fn stop(self: *Tty) void { if (self.quit_fd) |fd| { _ = std.os.write(fd, "q") catch {}; } } /// read input from the tty pub fn run( self: *Tty, comptime EventType: type, vx: *Vaxis(EventType), ) !void { // create a pipe so we can signal to exit the run loop const pipe = try os.pipe(); defer os.close(pipe[0]); defer os.close(pipe[1]); // get our initial winsize const winsize = try getWinsize(self.fd); if (@hasField(EventType, "winsize")) { vx.postEvent(.{ .winsize = winsize }); } // assign the write end of the pipe to our quit_fd self.quit_fd = pipe[1]; // Build a winch handler. We need build this struct to get an anonymous // function which can post the winsize event // TODO: more signals, move this outside of this function? const WinchHandler = struct { const Self = @This(); var vx_winch: *Vaxis(EventType) = undefined; var fd: os.fd_t = undefined; fn init(vx_arg: *Vaxis(EventType), fd_arg: os.fd_t) !void { vx_winch = vx_arg; fd = fd_arg; var act = os.Sigaction{ .handler = .{ .handler = Self.handleWinch }, .mask = switch (builtin.os.tag) { .macos => 0, .linux => std.os.empty_sigset, else => @compileError("os not supported"), }, .flags = 0, }; try os.sigaction(os.SIG.WINCH, &act, null); } fn handleWinch(_: c_int) callconv(.C) void { const ws = getWinsize(fd) catch { return; }; if (@hasField(EventType, "winsize")) { vx_winch.postEvent(.{ .winsize = ws }); } } }; try WinchHandler.init(vx, self.fd); // Set up fds for polling var pollfds: [2]std.os.pollfd = .{ .{ .fd = self.fd, .events = std.os.POLL.IN, .revents = undefined }, .{ .fd = pipe[0], .events = std.os.POLL.IN, .revents = undefined }, }; // initialize the read buffer var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; // read loop while (true) { _ = try std.os.poll(&pollfds, -1); if (pollfds[1].revents & std.os.POLL.IN != 0) {"quitting read thread", .{}); return; } const n = try, &buf); var start: usize = 0; while (start < n) { const result = try parser.parse(buf[start..n]); start = result.n; // TODO: if we get 0 byte read, copy the remaining bytes to the // beginning of the buffer and read mmore? this should only happen // if we are in the middle of a grapheme at and filled our // buffer. Probably can happen on large pastes so needs to be // implemented but low priority const event = result.event orelse continue; switch (event) { .key_press => |key| { if (@hasField(EventType, "key_press")) { vx.postEvent(.{ .key_press = key }); } }, .focus_in => { if (@hasField(EventType, "focus_in")) { vx.postEvent(.focus_in); } }, .focus_out => { if (@hasField(EventType, "focus_out")) { vx.postEvent(.focus_out); } }, .paste_start => { if (@hasField(EventType, "paste_start")) { vx.postEvent(.paste_start); } }, .paste_end => { if (@hasField(EventType, "paste_end")) { vx.postEvent(.paste_end); } }, } } } } /// write to the tty. These writes are buffered and require calling flush to /// flush writes to the tty pub fn write(self: *Tty, bytes: []const u8) !usize { return self.buffered_writer.write(bytes); } /// flushes the write buffer to the tty pub fn flush(self: *Tty) !void { try self.buffered_writer.flush(); } /// makeRaw enters the raw state for the terminal. pub fn makeRaw(fd: os.fd_t) !os.termios { const state = try os.tcgetattr(fd); var raw = state; // see termios(3) raw.iflag &= ~@as( os.tcflag_t, os.system.IGNBRK | os.system.BRKINT | os.system.PARMRK | os.system.ISTRIP | os.system.INLCR | os.system.IGNCR | os.system.ICRNL | os.system.IXON, ); raw.oflag &= ~@as(os.tcflag_t, os.system.OPOST); raw.lflag &= ~@as( os.tcflag_t, os.system.ECHO | os.system.ECHONL | os.system.ICANON | os.system.ISIG | os.system.IEXTEN, ); raw.cflag &= ~@as( os.tcflag_t, os.system.CSIZE | os.system.PARENB, ); raw.cflag |= @as( os.tcflag_t, os.system.CS8, );[os.system.V.MIN] = 1;[os.system.V.TIME] = 0; try os.tcsetattr(fd, .FLUSH, raw); return state; } const TIOCGWINSZ = switch (builtin.os.tag) { .linux => 0x5413, .macos => ior(0x40000000, 't', 104, @sizeOf(os.system.winsize)), else => @compileError("Missing termiosbits for this target, sorry."), }; const IOCPARM_MASK = 0x1fff; fn ior(inout: u32, group: usize, num: usize, len: usize) usize { return (inout | ((len & IOCPARM_MASK) << 16) | ((group) << 8) | (num)); } /// The size of the terminal screen pub const Winsize = struct { rows: usize, cols: usize, x_pixel: usize, y_pixel: usize, }; fn getWinsize(fd: os.fd_t) !Winsize { var winsize = os.system.winsize{ .ws_row = 0, .ws_col = 0, .ws_xpixel = 0, .ws_ypixel = 0, }; const err = os.system.ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, @intFromPtr(&winsize)); if (os.errno(err) == .SUCCESS) return Winsize{ .rows = winsize.ws_row, .cols = winsize.ws_col, .x_pixel = winsize.ws_xpixel, .y_pixel = winsize.ws_ypixel, }; return error.IoctlError; }