render: complete the render loop
This loop matches the go version of Vaxis to a tee. :chefs-kiss: Signed-off-by: Tim Culverhouse <>
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 219 additions and 3 deletions
@ -22,12 +22,18 @@ pub fn main() !void {
try vx.enterAltScreen();
var color_idx: u8 = 0;
const msg = "Hello, world!";
outer: while (true) {
const event = vx.nextEvent();
log.debug("event: {}\r\n", .{event});
switch (event) {
.key_press => |key| {
if (color_idx == 255) {
color_idx = 0;
} else {
color_idx += 1;
if (key.codepoint == 'c' and key.mods.ctrl) {
break :outer;
@ -42,7 +48,10 @@ pub fn main() !void {
const child = win.initChild(win.width / 2 - msg.len / 2, win.height / 2, .expand, .expand);
for (msg, 0..) |_, i| {
const cell: Cell = .{ .char = .{ .grapheme = msg[i .. i + 1] } };
const cell: Cell = .{
.char = .{ .grapheme = msg[i .. i + 1] },
.style = .{ .fg = .{ .index = color_idx } },
child.writeCell(i, 0, cell);
try vx.render();
@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ pub const Style = struct {
ul_style: Underline = .off,
url: ?[]const u8 = null,
url_params: ?[]const u8 = null,
bold: bool = false,
dim: bool = false,
italic: bool = false,
blink: bool = false,
reverse: bool = false,
invisible: bool = false,
strikethrough: bool = false,
pub const Color = union(enum) {
@ -11,7 +11,52 @@ pub const csi_u_pop = "\x1b[<u";
// Cursor
pub const home = "\x1b[H";
pub const cup = "\x1b[{d};{d}H";
pub const hide_cursor = "\x1b[?25l";
pub const show_cursor = "\x1b[?25h";
// alt screen
pub const smcup = "\x1b[?1049h";
pub const rmcup = "\x1b[?1049l";
// colors
pub const fg_base = "\x1b[3{d}m";
pub const fg_bright = "\x1b[9{d}m";
pub const bg_base = "\x1b[4{d}m";
pub const bg_bright = "\x1b[10{d}m";
pub const fg_reset = "\x1b[39m";
pub const bg_reset = "\x1b[49m";
pub const ul_reset = "\x1b[59m";
pub const fg_indexed = "\x1b[38;5;{d}m";
pub const bg_indexed = "\x1b[48:5:{d}m";
pub const ul_indexed = "\x1b[58:5:{d}m";
pub const fg_rgb = "\x1b[38:2:{d}:{d}:{d}m";
pub const bg_rgb = "\x1b[48:2:{d}:{d}:{d}m";
pub const ul_rgb = "\x1b[58:2:{d}:{d}:{d}m";
// Underlines
pub const ul_off = "\x1b[24m"; // NOTE: this could be \x1b[4:0m but is not as widely supported
pub const ul_single = "\x1b[4m";
pub const ul_double = "\x1b[4:2m";
pub const ul_curly = "\x1b[4:3m";
pub const ul_dotted = "\x1b[4:4m";
pub const ul_dashed = "\x1b[4:5m";
// Attributes
pub const bold_set = "\x1b[1m";
pub const dim_set = "\x1b[2m";
pub const italic_set = "\x1b[3m";
pub const blink_set = "\x1b[5m";
pub const reverse_set = "\x1b[7m";
pub const invisible_set = "\x1b[8m";
pub const strikethrough_set = "\x1b[9m";
pub const bold_dim_reset = "\x1b[22m";
pub const italic_reset = "\x1b[23m";
pub const blink_reset = "\x1b[25m";
pub const reverse_reset = "\x1b[27m";
pub const invisible_reset = "\x1b[28m";
pub const strikethrough_reset = "\x1b[29m";
// OSC sequences
pub const osc8 = "\x1b]8;{s};{s}\x1b\\";
pub const osc8_clear = "\x1b]8;;\x1b\\";
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const Key = @import("Key.zig");
const Screen = @import("Screen.zig");
const Window = @import("Window.zig");
const Options = @import("Options.zig");
const Style = @import("cell.zig").Style;
/// Vaxis is the entrypoint for a Vaxis application. The provided type T should
/// be a tagged union which contains all of the events the application will
@ -135,18 +136,30 @@ pub fn Vaxis(comptime T: type) type {
self.alt_screen = false;
/// draws the screen to the terminal
pub fn render(self: *Self) !void {
var tty = self.tty orelse return;
// TODO: optimize writes
// Send the cursor to 0,0
// TODO: this needs to move after we optimize writes. We only do
// this if we have an update to make. We also need to hide cursor
// and then reshow it if needed
_ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.hide_cursor);
_ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.home);
// initialize some variables
var reposition: bool = false;
var row: usize = 0;
var col: usize = 0;
for (self.screen.buf, 0..) |cell, i| {
col += 1;
var cursor: Style = .{};
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < self.screen.buf.len) : (i += 1) {
const cell = self.screen.buf[i];
defer col += 1;
defer cursor =;
if (col == self.screen.width) {
row += 1;
col = 0;
@ -155,13 +168,154 @@ pub fn Vaxis(comptime T: type) type {
// anything
if (std.meta.eql(cell, self.screen_last.buf[i])) {
reposition = true;
// Close any osc8 sequence we might be in before
// repositioning
if (cursor.url) |_| {
_ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.osc8_clear);
// Set this cell in the last frame
self.screen_last.buf[i] = cell;
// reposition the cursor, if needed
if (reposition) {
try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.cup, .{ row + 1, col + 1 });
// something is different, so let's loop throuugh everything and
// find out what
// foreground
if (!std.meta.eql(cursor.fg, {
switch ( {
.default => _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.fg_reset),
.index => |idx| {
switch (idx) {
0...7 => try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.fg_base, .{idx}),
8...15 => try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.fg_bright, .{idx}),
else => try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.fg_indexed, .{idx}),
.rgb => |rgb| {
try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.fg_rgb, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] });
// background
if (!std.meta.eql(, {
switch ( {
.default => _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.bg_reset),
.index => |idx| {
switch (idx) {
0...7 => try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.bg_base, .{idx}),
8...15 => try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.bg_bright, .{idx}),
else => try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.bg_indexed, .{idx}),
.rgb => |rgb| {
try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.bg_rgb, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] });
// underline color
if (!std.meta.eql(cursor.ul, {
switch ( {
.default => _ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.ul_reset),
.index => |idx| {
try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.ul_indexed, .{idx});
.rgb => |rgb| {
try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.ul_rgb, .{ rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] });
// underline style
if (!std.meta.eql(cursor.ul_style, {
const seq = switch ( {
.off => ctlseqs.ul_off,
.single => ctlseqs.ul_single,
.double => ctlseqs.ul_double,
.curly => ctlseqs.ul_curly,
.dotted => ctlseqs.ul_dotted,
.dashed => ctlseqs.ul_dashed,
_ = try tty.write(seq);
// bold
if (cursor.bold != {
const seq = switch ( {
true => ctlseqs.bold_set,
false => ctlseqs.bold_dim_reset,
_ = try tty.write(seq);
if ( {
_ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.dim_set);
// dim
if (cursor.dim != {
const seq = switch ( {
true => ctlseqs.dim_set,
false => ctlseqs.bold_dim_reset,
_ = try tty.write(seq);
if ( {
_ = try tty.write(ctlseqs.bold_set);
// dim
if (cursor.italic != {
const seq = switch ( {
true => ctlseqs.italic_set,
false => ctlseqs.italic_reset,
_ = try tty.write(seq);
// dim
if (cursor.blink != {
const seq = switch ( {
true => ctlseqs.blink_set,
false => ctlseqs.blink_reset,
_ = try tty.write(seq);
// reverse
if (cursor.reverse != {
const seq = switch ( {
true => ctlseqs.reverse_set,
false => ctlseqs.reverse_reset,
_ = try tty.write(seq);
// invisible
if (cursor.invisible != {
const seq = switch ( {
true => ctlseqs.invisible_set,
false => ctlseqs.invisible_reset,
_ = try tty.write(seq);
// strikethrough
if (cursor.strikethrough != {
const seq = switch ( {
true => ctlseqs.strikethrough_set,
false => ctlseqs.strikethrough_reset,
_ = try tty.write(seq);
// url
if (!std.meta.eql(cursor.url, {
const url = orelse "";
var ps = orelse "";
if (url.len == 0) {
// Empty out the params no matter what if we don't have
// a url
ps = "";
try std.fmt.format(tty.writer(), ctlseqs.osc8, .{ ps, url });
_ = try tty.write(cell.char.grapheme);
Add table
Reference in a new issue