vxfw: add TextField widget

Add the TextField widget. TextField is a single line user input field.
It supports onChange and onSubmit callbacks
This commit is contained in:
Tim Culverhouse 2024-10-30 14:42:49 -05:00
parent e00950b800
commit de362ed7b6
2 changed files with 601 additions and 0 deletions

src/vxfw/TextField.zig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
const std = @import("std");
const vaxis = @import("../main.zig");
const vxfw = @import("vxfw.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Key = vaxis.Key;
const Cell = vaxis.Cell;
const Window = vaxis.Window;
const Unicode = vaxis.Unicode;
const TextField = @This();
const ellipsis: Cell.Character = .{ .grapheme = "", .width = 1 };
// Index of our cursor
buf: Buffer,
/// the number of graphemes to skip when drawing. Used for horizontal scrolling
draw_offset: u16 = 0,
/// the column we placed the cursor the last time we drew
prev_cursor_col: u16 = 0,
/// the grapheme index of the cursor the last time we drew
prev_cursor_idx: u16 = 0,
/// approximate distance from an edge before we scroll
scroll_offset: u4 = 4,
/// Previous width we drew at
prev_width: u16 = 0,
unicode: *const Unicode,
previous_val: []const u8 = "",
userdata: ?*anyopaque = null,
onChange: ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, *vxfw.EventContext, []const u8) anyerror!void = null,
onSubmit: ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, *vxfw.EventContext, []const u8) anyerror!void = null,
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, unicode: *const Unicode) TextField {
return TextField{
.buf = Buffer.init(alloc),
.unicode = unicode,
pub fn deinit(self: *TextField) void {
pub fn widget(self: *TextField) vxfw.Widget {
return .{
.userdata = self,
.eventHandler = typeErasedEventHandler,
.drawFn = typeErasedDrawFn,
fn typeErasedEventHandler(ptr: *anyopaque, ctx: *vxfw.EventContext, event: vxfw.Event) anyerror!void {
const self: *TextField = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
return self.handleEvent(ctx, event);
pub fn handleEvent(self: *TextField, ctx: *vxfw.EventContext, event: vxfw.Event) anyerror!void {
switch (event) {
.focus_out, .focus_in => ctx.redraw = true,
.key_press => |key| {
if (key.matches(Key.backspace, .{})) {
return self.checkChanged(ctx);
} else if (key.matches(Key.delete, .{}) or key.matches('d', .{ .ctrl = true })) {
return self.checkChanged(ctx);
} else if (key.matches(Key.left, .{}) or key.matches('b', .{ .ctrl = true })) {
return ctx.consumeAndRedraw();
} else if (key.matches(Key.right, .{}) or key.matches('f', .{ .ctrl = true })) {
return ctx.consumeAndRedraw();
} else if (key.matches('a', .{ .ctrl = true }) or key.matches(Key.home, .{})) {
return ctx.consumeAndRedraw();
} else if (key.matches('e', .{ .ctrl = true }) or key.matches(Key.end, .{})) {
return ctx.consumeAndRedraw();
} else if (key.matches('k', .{ .ctrl = true })) {
return self.checkChanged(ctx);
} else if (key.matches('u', .{ .ctrl = true })) {
return self.checkChanged(ctx);
} else if (key.matches('b', .{ .alt = true }) or key.matches(Key.left, .{ .alt = true })) {
return ctx.consumeAndRedraw();
} else if (key.matches('f', .{ .alt = true }) or key.matches(Key.right, .{ .alt = true })) {
return ctx.consumeAndRedraw();
} else if (key.matches('w', .{ .ctrl = true }) or key.matches(Key.backspace, .{ .alt = true })) {
return self.checkChanged(ctx);
} else if (key.matches('d', .{ .alt = true })) {
return self.checkChanged(ctx);
} else if (key.matches(vaxis.Key.enter, .{})) {
if (self.onSubmit) |onSubmit| {
try onSubmit(self.userdata, ctx, self.previous_val);
return ctx.consumeAndRedraw();
} else if (key.text) |text| {
try self.insertSliceAtCursor(text);
return self.checkChanged(ctx);
else => {},
fn checkChanged(self: *TextField, ctx: *vxfw.EventContext) anyerror!void {
const new = try self.buf.dupe();
if (std.mem.eql(u8, new, self.previous_val)) {
return ctx.consumeAndRedraw();
self.previous_val = new;
if (self.onChange) |onChange| {
try onChange(self.userdata, ctx, new);
/// insert text at the cursor position
pub fn insertSliceAtCursor(self: *TextField, data: []const u8) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
var iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(data);
while (iter.next()) |text| {
try self.buf.insertSliceAtCursor(text.bytes(data));
pub fn sliceToCursor(self: *TextField, buf: []u8) []const u8 {
assert(buf.len >= self.buf.cursor);
@memcpy(buf[0..self.buf.cursor], self.buf.firstHalf());
return buf[0..self.buf.cursor];
/// calculates the display width from the draw_offset to the cursor
pub fn widthToCursor(self: *TextField, ctx: vxfw.DrawContext) u16 {
var width: u16 = 0;
const first_half = self.buf.firstHalf();
var first_iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(first_half);
var i: usize = 0;
while (first_iter.next()) |grapheme| {
defer i += 1;
if (i < self.draw_offset) {
const g = grapheme.bytes(first_half);
width += @intCast(ctx.stringWidth(g));
return width;
pub fn cursorLeft(self: *TextField) void {
// We need to find the size of the last grapheme in the first half
var iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(self.buf.firstHalf());
var len: usize = 0;
while (iter.next()) |grapheme| {
len = grapheme.len;
pub fn cursorRight(self: *TextField) void {
var iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(self.buf.secondHalf());
const grapheme = iter.next() orelse return;
pub fn graphemesBeforeCursor(self: *const TextField) u16 {
const first_half = self.buf.firstHalf();
var first_iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(first_half);
var i: u16 = 0;
while (first_iter.next()) |_| {
i += 1;
return i;
fn typeErasedDrawFn(ptr: *anyopaque, ctx: vxfw.DrawContext) Allocator.Error!vxfw.Surface {
const self: *TextField = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
return self.draw(ctx);
pub fn draw(self: *TextField, ctx: vxfw.DrawContext) Allocator.Error!vxfw.Surface {
std.debug.assert(ctx.max.width != null);
const max_width = ctx.max.width.?;
if (max_width != self.prev_width) {
self.prev_width = max_width;
self.draw_offset = 0;
self.prev_cursor_col = 0;
// Create a surface with max width and a minimum height of 1.
var surface = try vxfw.Surface.init(
.{ .width = max_width, .height = @max(ctx.min.height, 1) },
surface.focusable = true;
surface.handles_mouse = true;
const base: vaxis.Cell = .{ .style = .{} };
@memset(surface.buffer, base);
const style: vaxis.Style = .{};
const cursor_idx = self.graphemesBeforeCursor();
if (cursor_idx < self.draw_offset) self.draw_offset = cursor_idx;
if (max_width == 0) return surface;
while (true) {
const width = self.widthToCursor(ctx);
if (width >= max_width) {
self.draw_offset +|= width - max_width + 1;
} else break;
self.prev_cursor_idx = cursor_idx;
self.prev_cursor_col = 0;
const first_half = self.buf.firstHalf();
var first_iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(first_half);
var col: u16 = 0;
var i: u16 = 0;
while (first_iter.next()) |grapheme| {
if (i < self.draw_offset) {
i += 1;
const g = grapheme.bytes(first_half);
const w: u8 = @intCast(ctx.stringWidth(g));
if (col + w >= max_width) {
surface.writeCell(max_width - 1, 0, .{
.char = ellipsis,
.style = style,
surface.writeCell(@intCast(col), 0, .{
.char = .{
.grapheme = g,
.width = w,
.style = style,
col += w;
i += 1;
if (i == cursor_idx) self.prev_cursor_col = col;
const second_half = self.buf.secondHalf();
var second_iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(second_half);
while (second_iter.next()) |grapheme| {
if (i < self.draw_offset) {
i += 1;
const g = grapheme.bytes(second_half);
const w: u8 = @intCast(ctx.stringWidth(g));
if (col + w > max_width) {
surface.writeCell(max_width - 1, 0, .{
.char = ellipsis,
.style = style,
surface.writeCell(@intCast(col), 0, .{
.char = .{
.grapheme = g,
.width = w,
.style = style,
col += w;
i += 1;
if (i == cursor_idx) self.prev_cursor_col = col;
if (self.draw_offset > 0) {
surface.writeCell(0, 0, .{
.char = ellipsis,
.style = style,
surface.cursor = .{ .col = @intCast(self.prev_cursor_col), .row = 0 };
return surface;
// win.showCursor(self.prev_cursor_col, 0);
pub fn clearAndFree(self: *TextField) void {
pub fn clearRetainingCapacity(self: *TextField) void {
pub fn toOwnedSlice(self: *TextField) ![]const u8 {
defer self.reset();
return self.buf.toOwnedSlice();
pub fn reset(self: *TextField) void {
self.draw_offset = 0;
self.prev_cursor_col = 0;
self.prev_cursor_idx = 0;
// returns the number of bytes before the cursor
pub fn byteOffsetToCursor(self: TextField) usize {
return self.buf.cursor;
pub fn deleteToEnd(self: *TextField) void {
pub fn deleteToStart(self: *TextField) void {
pub fn deleteBeforeCursor(self: *TextField) void {
// We need to find the size of the last grapheme in the first half
var iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(self.buf.firstHalf());
var len: usize = 0;
while (iter.next()) |grapheme| {
len = grapheme.len;
pub fn deleteAfterCursor(self: *TextField) void {
var iter = self.unicode.graphemeIterator(self.buf.secondHalf());
const grapheme = iter.next() orelse return;
/// Moves the cursor backward by words. If the character before the cursor is a space, the cursor is
/// positioned just after the next previous space
pub fn moveBackwardWordwise(self: *TextField) void {
const trimmed = std.mem.trimRight(u8, self.buf.firstHalf(), " ");
const idx = if (std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, trimmed, ' ')) |last|
last + 1
self.buf.moveGapLeft(self.buf.cursor - idx);
pub fn moveForwardWordwise(self: *TextField) void {
const second_half = self.buf.secondHalf();
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < second_half.len and second_half[i] == ' ') : (i += 1) {}
const idx = std.mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, second_half, i, ' ') orelse second_half.len;
pub fn deleteWordBefore(self: *TextField) void {
// Store current cursor position. Move one word backward. Delete after the cursor the bytes we
// moved
const pre = self.buf.cursor;
self.buf.growGapRight(pre - self.buf.cursor);
pub fn deleteWordAfter(self: *TextField) void {
// Store current cursor position. Move one word backward. Delete after the cursor the bytes we
// moved
const second_half = self.buf.secondHalf();
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < second_half.len and second_half[i] == ' ') : (i += 1) {}
const idx = std.mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, second_half, i, ' ') orelse second_half.len;
test "sliceToCursor" {
const alloc = std.testing.allocator_instance.allocator();
const unicode = try Unicode.init(alloc);
defer unicode.deinit();
var input = init(alloc, &unicode);
defer input.deinit();
try input.insertSliceAtCursor("hello, world");
var buf: [32]u8 = undefined;
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("hello, wo", input.sliceToCursor(&buf));
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("hello, wor", input.sliceToCursor(&buf));
pub const Buffer = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
buffer: []u8,
cursor: usize,
gap_size: usize,
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Buffer {
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
.buffer = &.{},
.cursor = 0,
.gap_size = 0,
pub fn deinit(self: *Buffer) void {
pub fn firstHalf(self: Buffer) []const u8 {
return self.buffer[0..self.cursor];
pub fn secondHalf(self: Buffer) []const u8 {
return self.buffer[self.cursor + self.gap_size ..];
pub fn grow(self: *Buffer, n: usize) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
// Always grow by 512 bytes
const new_size = self.buffer.len + n + 512;
// Allocate the new memory
const new_memory = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, new_size);
// Copy the first half
@memcpy(new_memory[0..self.cursor], self.firstHalf());
// Copy the second half
const second_half = self.secondHalf();
@memcpy(new_memory[new_size - second_half.len ..], second_half);
self.buffer = new_memory;
self.gap_size = new_size - second_half.len - self.cursor;
pub fn insertSliceAtCursor(self: *Buffer, slice: []const u8) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
if (slice.len == 0) return;
if (self.gap_size <= slice.len) try self.grow(slice.len);
@memcpy(self.buffer[self.cursor .. self.cursor + slice.len], slice);
self.cursor += slice.len;
self.gap_size -= slice.len;
/// Move the gap n bytes to the left
pub fn moveGapLeft(self: *Buffer, n: usize) void {
const new_idx = self.cursor -| n;
const dst = self.buffer[new_idx + self.gap_size ..];
const src = self.buffer[new_idx..self.cursor];
std.mem.copyForwards(u8, dst, src);
self.cursor = new_idx;
pub fn moveGapRight(self: *Buffer, n: usize) void {
const new_idx = self.cursor + n;
const dst = self.buffer[self.cursor..];
const src = self.buffer[self.cursor + self.gap_size .. new_idx + self.gap_size];
std.mem.copyForwards(u8, dst, src);
self.cursor = new_idx;
/// grow the gap by moving the cursor n bytes to the left
pub fn growGapLeft(self: *Buffer, n: usize) void {
// gap grows by the delta
self.gap_size += n;
self.cursor -|= n;
/// grow the gap by removing n bytes after the cursor
pub fn growGapRight(self: *Buffer, n: usize) void {
self.gap_size = @min(self.gap_size + n, self.buffer.len - self.cursor);
pub fn clearAndFree(self: *Buffer) void {
self.cursor = 0;
self.buffer = &.{};
self.gap_size = 0;
pub fn clearRetainingCapacity(self: *Buffer) void {
self.cursor = 0;
self.gap_size = self.buffer.len;
pub fn toOwnedSlice(self: *Buffer) std.mem.Allocator.Error![]const u8 {
const slice = try self.dupe();
return slice;
pub fn realLength(self: *const Buffer) usize {
return self.firstHalf().len + self.secondHalf().len;
pub fn dupe(self: *const Buffer) std.mem.Allocator.Error![]const u8 {
const first_half = self.firstHalf();
const second_half = self.secondHalf();
const buf = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, first_half.len + second_half.len);
@memcpy(buf[0..first_half.len], first_half);
@memcpy(buf[first_half.len..], second_half);
return buf;
test "TextField.zig: Buffer" {
var gap_buf = Buffer.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer gap_buf.deinit();
try gap_buf.insertSliceAtCursor("abc");
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("abc", gap_buf.firstHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("", gap_buf.secondHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("ab", gap_buf.firstHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("c", gap_buf.secondHalf());
try gap_buf.insertSliceAtCursor(" ");
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("ab ", gap_buf.firstHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("c", gap_buf.secondHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("ab", gap_buf.firstHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("c", gap_buf.secondHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqual(2, gap_buf.cursor);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("ab", gap_buf.firstHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("", gap_buf.secondHalf());
try std.testing.expectEqual(2, gap_buf.cursor);
test TextField {
// Boiler plate draw context init
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const ucd = try vaxis.Unicode.init(arena.allocator());
vxfw.DrawContext.init(&ucd, .unicode);
// Create some object which reacts to text field changes
const Foo = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
text: []const u8,
fn onChange(ptr: ?*anyopaque, ctx: *vxfw.EventContext, str: []const u8) anyerror!void {
const foo: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
foo.text = try foo.allocator.dupe(u8, str);
var foo: Foo = .{ .text = "", .allocator = arena.allocator() };
// Text field expands to the width, so it can't be null. It is always 1 line tall
const draw_ctx: vxfw.DrawContext = .{
.arena = arena.allocator(),
.min = .{},
.max = .{ .width = 8, .height = 1 },
_ = draw_ctx;
var ctx: vxfw.EventContext = .{
.cmds = vxfw.CommandList.init(arena.allocator()),
// Enough boiler plate...Create the text field
var text_field = TextField.init(std.testing.allocator, &ucd);
defer text_field.deinit();
text_field.onChange = Foo.onChange;
text_field.onSubmit = Foo.onChange;
text_field.userdata = &foo;
const tf_widget = text_field.widget();
// Send some key events to the widget
try tf_widget.handleEvent(&ctx, .{ .key_press = .{ .codepoint = 'H', .text = "H" } });
// The foo object stores the last text that we saw from an onChange call
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("H", foo.text);
try tf_widget.handleEvent(&ctx, .{ .key_press = .{ .codepoint = 'e', .text = "e" } });
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("He", foo.text);
try tf_widget.handleEvent(&ctx, .{ .key_press = .{ .codepoint = 'l', .text = "l" } });
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("Hel", foo.text);
try tf_widget.handleEvent(&ctx, .{ .key_press = .{ .codepoint = 'l', .text = "l" } });
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("Hell", foo.text);
try tf_widget.handleEvent(&ctx, .{ .key_press = .{ .codepoint = 'o', .text = "o" } });
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("Hello", foo.text);
// An arrow moves the cursor. The text doesn't change
try tf_widget.handleEvent(&ctx, .{ .key_press = .{ .codepoint = vaxis.Key.left } });
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("Hello", foo.text);
try tf_widget.handleEvent(&ctx, .{ .key_press = .{ .codepoint = '_', .text = "_" } });
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("Hell_o", foo.text);
test "refAllDecls" {

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ pub const App = @import("App.zig");
pub const ListView = @import("ListView.zig");
pub const RichText = @import("RichText.zig");
pub const Text = @import("Text.zig");
pub const TextField = @import("TextField.zig");
pub const CommandList = std.ArrayList(Command);