vxfw: add Spinner widget
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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
const std = @import("std");
const vaxis = @import("../main.zig");
const vxfw = @import("vxfw.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Spinner = @This();
const frames: []const []const u8 = &.{ "⠋", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠧", "⠇", "⠏" };
const time_lapse: u32 = std.time.ms_per_s / 12; // 12 fps
count: std.atomic.Value(u16) = .{ .raw = 0 },
style: vaxis.Style = .{},
/// The frame index
frame: u4 = 0,
/// Start, or add one, to the spinner counter. Thread safe.
pub fn start(self: *Spinner) ?vxfw.Command {
const count = self.count.fetchAdd(1, .monotonic);
if (count == 0) {
return vxfw.Tick.in(time_lapse, self.widget());
return null;
/// Reduce one from the spinner counter. The spinner will stop when it reaches 0. Thread safe
pub fn stop(self: *Spinner) void {
self.count.store(self.count.load(.unordered) -| 1, .unordered);
pub fn widget(self: *Spinner) vxfw.Widget {
return .{
.userdata = self,
.eventHandler = typeErasedEventHandler,
.drawFn = typeErasedDrawFn,
fn typeErasedEventHandler(ptr: *anyopaque, ctx: *vxfw.EventContext, event: vxfw.Event) anyerror!void {
const self: *Spinner = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
return self.handleEvent(ctx, event);
pub fn handleEvent(self: *Spinner, ctx: *vxfw.EventContext, event: vxfw.Event) Allocator.Error!void {
switch (event) {
.tick => {
const count = self.count.load(.unordered);
if (count == 0) return;
// Update frame
self.frame += 1;
if (self.frame >= frames.len) self.frame = 0;
// Update rearm
try ctx.tick(time_lapse, self.widget());
else => {},
fn typeErasedDrawFn(ptr: *anyopaque, ctx: vxfw.DrawContext) Allocator.Error!vxfw.Surface {
const self: *Spinner = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
return self.draw(ctx);
pub fn draw(self: *Spinner, ctx: vxfw.DrawContext) Allocator.Error!vxfw.Surface {
const size: vxfw.Size = .{
.width = @max(1, ctx.min.width),
.height = @max(1, ctx.min.height),
const surface = try vxfw.Surface.init(ctx.arena, self.widget(), size);
@memset(surface.buffer, .{ .style = self.style });
if (self.count.load(.unordered) == 0) return surface;
surface.writeCell(0, 0, .{
.char = .{
.grapheme = frames[self.frame],
.width = 1,
.style = self.style,
return surface;
test Spinner {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
// Create a spinner
var spinner: Spinner = .{};
// Get our widget interface
const spinner_widget = spinner.widget();
// Start the spinner. This (maybe) returns a Tick command to schedule the next frame. If the
// spinner is already running, no command is returned. Calling start is thread safe. The
// returned command can be added to an EventContext to schedule the frame
const maybe_cmd = spinner.start();
try std.testing.expect(maybe_cmd != null);
try std.testing.expect(maybe_cmd.? == .tick);
try std.testing.expectEqual(1, spinner.count.load(.unordered));
// If we call start again, we won't get another command but our counter will go up
const maybe_cmd2 = spinner.start();
try std.testing.expect(maybe_cmd2 == null);
try std.testing.expectEqual(2, spinner.count.load(.unordered));
// We are about to deliver the tick to the widget. We need an EventContext (the engine will
// provide this)
var ctx: vxfw.EventContext = .{ .cmds = vxfw.CommandList.init(arena.allocator()) };
// The event loop handles the tick event and calls us back with a .tick event. If we should keep
// running, we will add a new tick event
try spinner_widget.handleEvent(&ctx, .tick);
// Receiving a .tick advances the frame
try std.testing.expectEqual(1, spinner.frame);
// Simulate a draw
const surface = try spinner_widget.draw(.{ .arena = arena.allocator(), .min = .{}, .max = .{} });
// Spinner will try to be 1x1
try std.testing.expectEqual(1, surface.size.width);
try std.testing.expectEqual(1, surface.size.height);
// Stopping the spinner decrements our counter
try std.testing.expectEqual(1, spinner.count.load(.unordered));
try std.testing.expectEqual(0, spinner.count.load(.unordered));
test "refAllDecls" {
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ pub const ListView = @import("ListView.zig");
pub const Padding = @import("Padding.zig");
pub const RichText = @import("RichText.zig");
pub const SizedBox = @import("SizedBox.zig");
pub const Spinner = @import("Spinner.zig");
pub const Text = @import("Text.zig");
pub const TextField = @import("TextField.zig");
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