parser: more progress on CSI parsing
Add additional CSI parsing for keys Signed-off-by: Tim Culverhouse <>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 259 additions and 2 deletions
@ -93,5 +93,6 @@ pub fn main() !void {
const Event = union(enum) {
key_press: vaxis.Key,
winsize: vaxis.Winsize,
foo: u8,
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ pub const kp_6: u21 = 57405;
pub const kp_7: u21 = 57406;
pub const kp_8: u21 = 57407;
pub const kp_9: u21 = 57408;
pub const kp_begin: u21 = 57427;
// TODO: Finish the kitty keys
const MAX_UNICODE: u21 = 1_114_112;
@ -91,3 +92,13 @@ pub const f9: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 9;
pub const f10: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 10;
pub const f11: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 11;
pub const f12: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 12;
pub const up: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 13;
pub const down: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 14;
pub const right: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 15;
pub const left: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 16;
pub const page_up: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 17;
pub const page_down: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 18;
pub const home: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 19;
pub const end: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 20;
pub const insert: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 21;
pub const delete: u21 = MAX_UNICODE + 22;
@ -126,6 +126,23 @@ pub fn run(
var state: State = .ground;
// an intermediate data structure to hold sequence data while we are
// scanning more bytes. This is tailored for input parsing only
const Sequence = struct {
// private indicators are 0x3C-0x3F
private_indicator: ?u8 = null,
// we won't be handling any sequences with more than one intermediate
intermediate: ?u8 = null,
// we should absolutely never have more then 16 params
params: [16]u16 = undefined,
param_idx: usize = 0,
param_buf: [8]u8 = undefined,
param_buf_idx: usize = 0,
sub_state: std.StaticBitSet(16) = std.StaticBitSet(16).initEmpty(),
var seq: Sequence = .{};
// Set up fds for polling
var pollfds: [2]std.os.pollfd = .{
.{ .fd = self.fd, .events = std.os.POLL.IN, .revents = undefined },
@ -143,10 +160,15 @@ pub fn run(
const n = try, &buf);
var i: usize = 0;
var start: usize = 0;
while (i < n) : (i += 1) {
const b = buf[i];
switch (state) {
.ground => {
// ground state generates keypresses when parsing input. We
// generally get ascii characters, but anything less than
// 0x20 is a Ctrl+<c> keypress. We map these to lowercase
// ascii characters when we can
const key: ?Key = switch (b) {
0x00 => Key{ .codepoint = '@', .mods = .{ .ctrl = true } },
0x01...0x1A => Key{ .codepoint = b + 0x60, .mods = .{ .ctrl = true } },
@ -173,7 +195,194 @@ pub fn run(
.escape => state = .ground,
.escape => {
seq = .{};
start = i;
switch (b) {
0x4F => state = .ss3,
0x50 => state = .dcs,
0x58 => state = .sos,
0x5B => state = .csi,
0x5D => state = .osc,
0x5E => state = .pm,
0x5F => state = .apc,
else => {
// Anything else is an "alt + <b>" keypress
if (@hasField(EventType, "key_press")) {
.key_press = .{
.codepoint = b,
.mods = .{ .alt = true },
state = .ground;
.ss3 => {
const key: ?Key = switch (b) {
'A' => .{ .codepoint = Key.up },
'B' => .{ .codepoint = Key.down },
'C' => .{ .codepoint = Key.right },
'D' => .{ .codepoint = Key.left },
'F' => .{ .codepoint = Key.end },
'H' => .{ .codepoint = Key.home },
'P' => .{ .codepoint = Key.f1 },
'Q' => .{ .codepoint = Key.f2 },
'R' => .{ .codepoint = Key.f3 },
'S' => .{ .codepoint = Key.f4 },
else => blk: {
log.warn("unhandled ss3: {x}", .{b});
break :blk null;
if (key) |k| {
if (@hasField(EventType, "key_press")) {
vx.postEvent(.{ .key_press = k });
state = .ground;
.csi => {
switch (b) {
// c0 controls. we ignore these even though we should
// "execute" them. This isn't seen in practice
0x00...0x1F => {},
// intermediates. we only handle one. technically there
// can be more
0x20...0x2F => seq.intermediate = b,
0x30...0x39 => {
seq.param_buf[seq.param_buf_idx] = b;
seq.param_buf_idx += 1;
// private indicators. These come before any params ('?')
0x3C...0x3F => seq.private_indicator = b,
';' => {
if (seq.param_buf_idx == 0) {
// empty param. default it to 1
seq.params[seq.param_idx] = 1;
seq.param_idx += 1;
} else {
const p = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u16, seq.param_buf[0..seq.param_buf_idx], 10);
seq.param_buf_idx = 0;
seq.params[seq.param_idx] = p;
seq.param_idx += 1;
':' => {
if (seq.param_buf_idx == 0) {
// empty param. default it to 1
seq.params[seq.param_idx] = 1;
seq.param_idx += 1;
// Set the *next* param as a subparam
} else {
const p = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u16, seq.param_buf[0..seq.param_buf_idx], 10);
seq.param_buf_idx = 0;
seq.params[seq.param_idx] = p;
seq.param_idx += 1;
// Set the *next* param as a subparam
0x40...0xFF => {
// dispatch our sequence
state = .ground;
const codepoint: u21 = switch (b) {
'A' => Key.up,
'B' => Key.down,
'C' => Key.right,
'D' => Key.left,
'E' => Key.kp_begin,
'F' => Key.end,
'H' => Key.home,
'P' => Key.f1,
'Q' => Key.f2,
'R' => Key.f3,
'S' => Key.f4,
'~' => blk: {
// The first param will define this
// codepoint
if (seq.param_idx < 1) {
log.warn("unhandled csi: CSI {s}", .{buf[start + 1 .. i + 1]});
switch (seq.params[0]) {
2 => break :blk Key.insert,
3 => break :blk Key.delete,
5 => break :blk Key.page_up,
6 => break :blk Key.page_down,
7 => break :blk Key.home,
8 => break :blk Key.end,
11 => break :blk Key.f1,
12 => break :blk Key.f2,
13 => break :blk Key.f3,
14 => break :blk Key.f4,
15 => break :blk Key.f5,
17 => break :blk Key.f6,
18 => break :blk Key.f7,
19 => break :blk Key.f8,
20 => break :blk Key.f9,
21 => break :blk Key.f10,
23 => break :blk Key.f11,
24 => break :blk Key.f12,
200 => {
// TODO: bracketed paste
201 => {
// TODO: bracketed paste
57427 => break :blk Key.kp_begin,
else => {
log.warn("unhandled csi: CSI {s}", .{buf[start + 1 .. i + 1]});
'u' => blk: {
if (seq.private_indicator) |_| {
// response to our kitty query
// TODO: kitty query handling
log.warn("unhandled csi: CSI {s}", .{buf[start + 1 .. i + 1]});
if (seq.param_idx == 0) {
log.warn("unhandled csi: CSI {s}", .{buf[start + 1 .. i + 1]});
// In any csi u encoding, the codepoint
// directly maps to our keypoint definitions
break :blk seq.params[0];
'I' => { // focus in
if (@hasField(EventType, "focus_in")) {
'O' => { // focus out
if (@hasField(EventType, "focus_out")) {
else => {
log.warn("unhandled csi: CSI {s}", .{buf[start + 1 .. i + 1]});
const key: Key = .{ .codepoint = codepoint };
if (@hasField(EventType, "key_press")) {
vx.postEvent(.{ .key_press = key });
else => {},
@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
pub const primary_device_attrs = "\x1b[c";
pub const tertiary_device_attrs = "\x1b[=c";
pub const xtversion = "\x1b[>0q";
pub const decrqm_focus = "\x1b[?1004$p";
pub const decrqm_sync = "\x1b[?2026$p";
pub const decrqm_unicode = "\x1b[?2027$p";
pub const decrqm_color_theme = "\x1b[?2031$p";
pub const csi_u_query = "\x1b[?u";
pub const kitty_graphics_query = "\x1b_Gi=1,a=q\x1b\\";
pub const sixel_geometry_query = "\x1b[?2;1;0S";
// Key encoding
pub const csi_u = "\x1b[?u";
pub const csi_u_push = "\x1b[>{d}u";
pub const csi_u_pop = "\x1b[<u";
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ const Style = @import("cell.zig").Style;
/// - `key_press: Key`, for key press events
/// - `winsize: Winsize`, for resize events. Must call app.resize when receiving
/// this event
/// - `focus_in` and `focus_out` for focus events
pub fn Vaxis(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
@ -149,6 +150,35 @@ pub fn Vaxis(comptime T: type) type {
self.alt_screen = false;
/// write queries to the terminal to determine capabilities. Individual
/// capabilities will be delivered to the client and possibly intercepted by
/// Vaxis to enable features
pub fn queryTerminal(self: *Self) !void {
var tty = self.tty orelse return;
const colorterm = std.os.getenv("COLORTERM") orelse "";
if (std.mem.eql(u8, colorterm, "truecolor" or
std.mem.eql(u8, colorterm, "24bit")))
// TODO: Notify rgb support
const writer = tty.buffered_writer.writer();
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.decrqm_focus);
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.decrqm_sync);
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.decrqm_unicode);
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.decrqm_color_theme);
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.xtversion);
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.csi_u_query);
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.kitty_graphics_query);
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.sixel_geometry_query);
// TODO: XTGETTCAP queries ("RGB", "Smulx")
_ = try writer.write(ctlseqs.primary_device_attrs);
try writer.flush();
/// draws the screen to the terminal
pub fn render(self: *Self) !void {
var tty = self.tty orelse return;
Add table
Reference in a new issue