key: implement better keymatching rules
This doesn't handle each case yet, I'm not certain that the rest of the logic I have in go-vaxis is correct so I want to sit on it some more Signed-off-by: Tim Culverhouse <>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 137 additions and 17 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
const ziglyph = @import("ziglyph");
const Key = @This();
pub const Modifiers = packed struct(u8) {
@ -30,6 +34,81 @@ base_layout_codepoint: ?u21 = null,
mods: Modifiers = .{},
// matches follows a loose matching algorithm for key matches.
// 1. If the codepoint and modifiers are exact matches
// 2. If the utf8 encoding of the codepoint matches the text
// 3. If there is a shifted codepoint and it matches after removing the shift
// modifier from self
pub fn matches(self: Key, cp: u21, mods: Modifiers) bool {
// rule 1
if (self.matchExact(cp, mods)) return true;
// rule 2
if (self.matchText(cp, mods)) return true;
// rule 3
if (self.matchShiftedCodepoint(cp, mods)) return true;
// rule 4
if (self.matchShiftedCodepoint(cp, mods)) return true;
return false;
// matches base layout codes, useful for shortcut matching when an alternate key
// layout is used
pub fn matchShortcut(self: Key, cp: u21, mods: Modifiers) bool {
if (self.base_layout_codepoint == null) return false;
return cp == self.base_layout_codepoint.? and std.meta.eql(self.mods, mods);
// matches keys that aren't upper case versions when shifted. For example, shift
// + semicolon produces a colon. The key can be matched against shift +
// semicolon or just colon...or shift + ctrl + ; or just ctrl + :
pub fn matchShiftedCodepoint(self: Key, cp: u21, mods: Modifiers) bool {
if (self.shifted_codepoint == null) return false;
if (!self.mods.shift) return false;
var self_mods = self.mods;
self_mods.shift = false;
return cp == self.shifted_codepoint.? and std.meta.eql(self_mods, mods);
// matches when the utf8 encoding of the codepoint and relevant mods matches the
// text of the key. This function will consume Shift and Caps Lock when matching
pub fn matchText(self: Key, cp: u21, mods: Modifiers) bool {
// return early if we have no text
if (self.text == null) return false;
var self_mods = self.mods;
var arg_mods = mods;
var code = cp;
// if the passed codepoint is upper, we consume all shift and caps mods for
// checking
if (ziglyph.isUpper(cp)) {
// consume mods
self_mods.shift = false;
self_mods.caps_lock = false;
arg_mods.shift = false;
arg_mods.caps_lock = false;
} else if (mods.shift or mods.caps_lock) {
// uppercase the cp and consume all mods
code = ziglyph.toUpper(cp);
self_mods.shift = false;
self_mods.caps_lock = false;
arg_mods.shift = false;
arg_mods.caps_lock = false;
var buf: [4]u8 = undefined;
const n = std.unicode.utf8Encode(cp, buf[0..]) catch return false;
return std.mem.eql(u8, self.text.?, buf[0..n]) and std.meta.eql(self_mods, arg_mods);
// The key must exactly match the codepoint and modifiers
pub fn matchExact(self: Key, cp: u21, mods: Modifiers) bool {
return self.codepoint == cp and std.meta.eql(self.mods, mods);
// a few special keys that we encode as their actual ascii value
pub const enter: u21 = 0x0D;
pub const tab: u21 = 0x09;
@ -106,3 +185,47 @@ pub const kp_8: u21 = 57407;
pub const kp_9: u21 = 57408;
pub const kp_begin: u21 = 57427;
// TODO: Finish the kitty keys
test "matches 'a'" {
const key: Key = .{
.codepoint = 'a',
try testing.expect(key.matches('a', .{}));
test "matches 'shift+a'" {
const key: Key = .{
.codepoint = 'a',
.mods = .{ .shift = true },
.text = "A",
try testing.expect(key.matches('a', .{ .shift = true }));
try testing.expect(key.matches('A', .{}));
try testing.expect(!key.matches('A', .{ .ctrl = true }));
test "matches 'shift+tab'" {
const key: Key = .{
.codepoint =,
.mods = .{ .shift = true },
try testing.expect(key.matches(, .{ .shift = true }));
try testing.expect(!key.matches(, .{}));
test "matches 'shift+;'" {
const key: Key = .{
.codepoint = ';',
.shifted_codepoint = ':',
.mods = .{ .shift = true },
.text = ":",
try testing.expect(key.matches(';', .{ .shift = true }));
try testing.expect(key.matches(':', .{}));
const colon: Key = .{
.codepoint = ':',
.mods = .{},
try testing.expect(colon.matches(':', .{}));
@ -41,24 +41,21 @@ pub fn update(self: *TextInput, event: Event) !void {
self.cursor_idx += 1;
self.grapheme_count += 1;
switch (key.codepoint) {
Key.backspace => {
if (self.cursor_idx == 0) return;
// Get the grapheme behind our cursor
Key.delete => {
if (self.cursor_idx == self.grapheme_count) return;
Key.left => {
if (self.cursor_idx > 0) self.cursor_idx -= 1;
Key.right => {
if (self.cursor_idx < self.grapheme_count) self.cursor_idx += 1;
else => {},
if (key.matches(Key.backspace, .{})) {
if (self.cursor_idx == 0) return;
if (key.matches(Key.delete, .{})) {
if (self.cursor_idx == self.grapheme_count) return;
if (key.matches(Key.left, .{})) {
if (self.cursor_idx > 0) self.cursor_idx -= 1;
if (key.matches(Key.right, .{})) {
if (self.cursor_idx < self.grapheme_count) self.cursor_idx += 1;
// TODO: readline bindings
Add table
Reference in a new issue