parser: use a ring buffer to store raw text
Signed-off-by: Tim Culverhouse <>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 49 additions and 104 deletions
@ -9,70 +9,13 @@ buf: [1024 * 8]u8 = undefined,
// the start index of the next grapheme
idx: usize = 0,
/// the cache of graphemes. This allows up to 2048 graphemes with 4 codepoints
/// each
grapheme_buf: [1024 * 8 / 4]Grapheme = undefined,
// index of our next grapheme
g_idx: u21 = 0,
pub const UNICODE_MAX = 1_114_112;
const Grapheme = struct {
// codepoint is an index into the internal storage
codepoint: u21,
start: usize,
end: usize,
/// put a slice of bytes in the cache as a grapheme
pub fn put(self: *GraphemeCache, bytes: []const u8) !u21 {
// See if we already have these bytes. It's a likely case that if we get one
// grapheme, we'll get it again. So this will save a lot of storage and is
// most likely worth the cost as it's pretty rare
for (self.grapheme_buf) |grapheme| {
const g_bytes = self.buf[grapheme.start..grapheme.end];
if (std.mem.eql(u8, g_bytes, bytes)) {
return grapheme.codepoint;
if (self.idx + bytes.len > self.buf.len) return error.OutOfGraphemeBufferMemory;
if (self.g_idx + 1 > self.grapheme_buf.len) return error.OutOfGraphemeMemory;
pub fn put(self: *GraphemeCache, bytes: []const u8) []u8 {
// reset the idx to 0 if we would overflow
if (self.idx + bytes.len > self.buf.len) self.idx = 0;
defer self.idx += bytes.len;
// copy the grapheme to our storage
@memcpy(self.buf[self.idx .. self.idx + bytes.len], bytes);
const g = Grapheme{
// assign a codepoint that is always outside of valid unicode
.codepoint = self.g_idx + UNICODE_MAX + 1,
.start = self.idx,
.end = self.idx + bytes.len,
self.grapheme_buf[self.g_idx] = g;
self.g_idx += 1;
self.idx += bytes.len;
return g.codepoint;
/// get the slice of bytes for a given grapheme
pub fn get(self: *GraphemeCache, cp: u21) ![]const u8 {
if (cp < (UNICODE_MAX + 1)) return error.InvalidGraphemeIndex;
const idx: usize = cp - UNICODE_MAX - 1;
if (idx > self.g_idx) return error.InvalidGraphemeIndex;
const g = self.grapheme_buf[idx];
return self.buf[g.start..g.end];
test "GraphemeCache: roundtrip" {
var cache: GraphemeCache = .{};
const cp = try cache.put("abc");
const bytes = try cache.get(cp);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("abc", bytes);
const cp_2 = try cache.put("abc");
try testing.expectEqual(cp, cp_2);
const cp_3 = try cache.put("def");
try testing.expectEqual(cp + 1, cp_3);
// return the slice
return self.buf[self.idx .. self.idx + bytes.len];
@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ pub const Modifiers = packed struct(u8) {
/// the unicode codepoint of the key event.
codepoint: u21,
/// the text generated from the key event. This will only contain a value if the
/// event generated a multi-codepoint grapheme. If there was only a single
/// codepoint, library users can encode the codepoint directly
/// the text generated from the key event. The underlying slice has a limited
/// lifetime. Vaxis maintains an internal ring buffer to temporarily store text.
/// If the application needs these values longer than the lifetime of the event
/// it must copy the data.
text: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// the shifted codepoint of this key event. This will only be present if the
@ -36,6 +37,10 @@ pub const escape: u21 = 0x1B;
pub const space: u21 = 0x20;
pub const backspace: u21 = 0x7F;
// multicodepoint is a key which generated text but cannot be expressed as a
// single codepoint. The value is the maximum unicode codepoint + 1
pub const multicodepoint: u21 = 1_114_112 + 1;
// kitty encodes these keys directly in the private use area. We reuse those
// mappings
pub const insert: u21 = 57348;
@ -143,12 +143,7 @@ pub fn run(
switch (event) {
.key_press => |key| {
if (@hasField(EventType, "key_press")) {
// HACK: yuck. there has to be a better way
var mut_key = key;
if (key.text) |text| {
mut_key.codepoint = try vx.g_cache.put(text);
vx.postEvent(.{ .key_press = mut_key });
vx.postEvent(.{ .key_press = key });
.focus_in => {
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ const Event = @import("event.zig").Event;
const Key = @import("Key.zig");
const CodePointIterator = @import("ziglyph").CodePointIterator;
const graphemeBreak = @import("ziglyph").graphemeBreak;
const UNICODE_MAX = @import("GraphemeCache.zig").UNICODE_MAX;
const log = std.log.scoped(.parser);
@ -88,26 +87,18 @@ pub fn parse(input: []const u8) !Result {
var cp = orelse return .{ .event = null, .n = 0 };
var code = cp.code;
const g_start = i;
i += cp.len - 1; // subtract one for the loop iter
var g_state: u3 = 0;
while ( |next_cp| {
if (graphemeBreak(cp.code, next_cp.code, &g_state)) {
code = UNICODE_MAX + 1;
code = Key.multicodepoint;
i += next_cp.len;
cp = next_cp;
const text: ?[]const u8 = multi: {
if (code > UNICODE_MAX) {
break :multi input[g_start .. i + 1];
} else {
break :multi null;
break :blk .{ .codepoint = code, .text = text };
break :blk .{ .codepoint = code, .text = input[start .. i + 1] };
return .{
@ -366,7 +357,10 @@ pub fn parse(input: []const u8) !Result {
test "parse: single xterm keypress" {
const input = "a";
const result = try parse(input);
const expected_key: Key = .{ .codepoint = 'a' };
const expected_key: Key = .{
.codepoint = 'a',
.text = "a",
const expected_event: Event = .{ .key_press = expected_key };
try testing.expectEqual(1, result.n);
@ -376,11 +370,15 @@ test "parse: single xterm keypress" {
test "parse: single xterm keypress with more buffer" {
const input = "ab";
const result = try parse(input);
const expected_key: Key = .{ .codepoint = 'a' };
const expected_key: Key = .{
.codepoint = 'a',
.text = "a",
const expected_event: Event = .{ .key_press = expected_key };
try testing.expectEqual(1, result.n);
try testing.expectEqual(expected_event, result.event);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(expected_key.text.?, result.event.?.key_press.text.?);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(expected_event, result.event);
test "parse: xterm escape keypress" {
@ -546,6 +544,7 @@ test "parse: single codepoint" {
const result = try parse(input);
const expected_key: Key = .{
.codepoint = 0x1F642,
.text = input,
const expected_event: Event = .{ .key_press = expected_key };
@ -558,11 +557,12 @@ test "parse: single codepoint with more in buffer" {
const result = try parse(input);
const expected_key: Key = .{
.codepoint = 0x1F642,
.text = "🙂",
const expected_event: Event = .{ .key_press = expected_key };
try testing.expectEqual(4, result.n);
try testing.expectEqual(expected_event, result.event);
try testing.expectEqualDeep(expected_event, result.event);
test "parse: multiple codepoint grapheme" {
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ test "parse: multiple codepoint grapheme" {
const input = "👩🚀";
const result = try parse(input);
const expected_key: Key = .{
.codepoint = UNICODE_MAX + 1,
.codepoint = Key.multicodepoint,
.text = input,
const expected_event: Event = .{ .key_press = expected_key };
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ test "parse: multiple codepoint grapheme with more after" {
const input = "👩🚀abc";
const result = try parse(input);
const expected_key: Key = .{
.codepoint = UNICODE_MAX + 1,
.codepoint = Key.multicodepoint,
.text = "👩🚀",
@ -82,12 +82,6 @@ pub fn Vaxis(comptime T: type) type {
const tpr = @divTrunc(self.render_dur, self.renders);
||||"total renders = {d}", .{self.renders});
||||"microseconds per render = {d}", .{tpr});
||||"cached graphemes n = {d} / {d}, bytes = {d} / {d}", .{
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ const std = @import("std");
const Cell = @import("../cell.zig").Cell;
const Key = @import("../Key.zig");
const Window = @import("../Window.zig");
const GraphemeIterator = @import("ziglyph").GraphemeIterator;
const strWidth = @import("ziglyph").display_width.strWidth;
const log = std.log.scoped(.text_input);
@ -22,12 +24,12 @@ buffer_idx: usize = 0,
pub fn update(self: *TextInput, event: Event) void {
switch (event) {
.key_press => |key| {
||||"key : {}", .{key});
if (key.text) |text| {
@memcpy(self.buffer[self.buffer_idx .. self.buffer_idx + text.len], text);
self.buffer_idx += text.len;
switch (key.codepoint) {
0x20...0x7E => {
self.buffer[self.buffer_idx] = @truncate(key.codepoint);
self.buffer_idx += 1;
self.cursor_idx += 1;
Key.backspace => {
// TODO: this only works at the end of the array. Then
// again, we don't have any means to move the cursor yet
@ -41,12 +43,18 @@ pub fn update(self: *TextInput, event: Event) void {
pub fn draw(self: *TextInput, win: Window) void {
for (0.., self.buffer[0..self.buffer_idx]) |i, b| {
win.writeCell(i, 0, .{
const input = self.buffer[0..self.buffer_idx];
var iter = GraphemeIterator.init(input);
var col: usize = 0;
while ( |grapheme| {
const g = grapheme.slice(input);
const w = strWidth(g, .full) catch 1;
win.writeCell(col, 0, .{
.char = .{
.grapheme = &[_]u8{b},
.width = 1,
.grapheme = g,
.width = w,
col += w;
Add table
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