image: allow transmitting zigimg Images directly

And with other transmission formats
This commit is contained in:
Tim Culverhouse 2024-07-19 13:34:49 -05:00
parent 20bbb25727
commit 2b5b58b255
2 changed files with 55 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ pub const Source = union(enum) {
mem: []const u8,
pub const TransmitFormat = enum {
pub const Placement = struct {
img_id: u32,
options: Image.DrawOptions,

View file

@ -717,33 +717,51 @@ pub fn translateMouse(self: Vaxis, mouse: Mouse) Mouse {
return result;
pub fn loadImage(
pub fn transmitImage(
self: *Vaxis,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
tty: AnyWriter,
src: Image.Source,
img: *zigimg.Image,
format: Image.TransmitFormat,
) !Image {
if (!self.caps.kitty_graphics) return error.NoGraphicsCapability;
defer self.next_img_id += 1;
var img = switch (src) {
.path => |path| try zigimg.Image.fromFilePath(alloc, path),
.mem => |bytes| try zigimg.Image.fromMemory(alloc, bytes),
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(alloc);
defer arena.deinit();
const buf = switch (format) {
.png => png: {
const png_buf = try arena.allocator().alloc(u8, img.imageByteSize());
const png = try img.writeToMemory(png_buf, .{ .png = .{} });
break :png png;
.rgb => rgb: {
try img.convert(.rgb24);
break :rgb img.rawBytes();
.rgba => rgba: {
try img.convert(.rgba32);
break :rgba img.rawBytes();
defer img.deinit();
const png_buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, img.imageByteSize());
const png = try img.writeToMemory(png_buf, .{ .png = .{} });
const b64_buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, base64Encoder.calcSize(png.len));
const encoded = base64Encoder.encode(b64_buf, png);
const b64_buf = try arena.allocator().alloc(u8, base64Encoder.calcSize(buf.len));
const encoded = base64Encoder.encode(b64_buf, buf);
const id = self.next_img_id;
const fmt: u8 = switch (format) {
.rgb => 24,
.rgba => 32,
.png => 100,
if (encoded.len < 4096) {
try tty.print(
@ -752,8 +770,8 @@ pub fn loadImage(
var n: usize = 4096;
try tty.print(
.{ id, encoded[0..n] },
.{ fmt, id, encoded[0..n] },
while (n < encoded.len) : (n += 4096) {
const end: usize = @min(n + 4096, encoded.len);
@ -774,6 +792,22 @@ pub fn loadImage(
pub fn loadImage(
self: *Vaxis,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
tty: AnyWriter,
src: Image.Source,
) !Image {
if (!self.caps.kitty_graphics) return error.NoGraphicsCapability;
var img = switch (src) {
.path => |path| try zigimg.Image.fromFilePath(alloc, path),
.mem => |bytes| try zigimg.Image.fromMemory(alloc, bytes),
defer img.deinit();
return self.transmitImage(alloc, tty, &img, .png);
/// deletes an image from the terminal's memory
pub fn freeImage(_: Vaxis, tty: AnyWriter, id: u32) void {
tty.print("\x1b_Ga=d,d=I,i={d};\x1b\\", .{id}) catch |err| {