Ivan Tham f5f46b1fed Separate document history into Cell
As history is used separately from the rest of the edits, separating it
can avoid needless borrowing and cloning. But one need to be aware later.
2021-06-02 23:47:50 +08:00

146 lines
4.1 KiB

use crate::{ChangeSet, Rope, State, Transaction};
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
/// Undo-tree style history store.
pub struct History {
revisions: Vec<Revision>,
cursor: usize,
struct Revision {
parent: usize,
children: SmallVec<[(usize, Transaction); 1]>,
/// The transaction to revert to previous state.
revert: Transaction,
// selection before, selection after?
impl Default for History {
fn default() -> Self {
// Add a dummy root revision with empty transaction
Self {
revisions: vec![Revision {
parent: 0,
children: SmallVec::new(),
revert: Transaction::from(ChangeSet::new(&Rope::new())),
cursor: 0,
impl History {
pub fn commit_revision(&mut self, transaction: &Transaction, original: &State) {
// TODO: could store a single transaction, if deletes also stored the text they delete
let revert = transaction
// Store the current cursor position
let new_cursor = self.revisions.len();
self.revisions.push(Revision {
parent: self.cursor,
children: SmallVec::new(),
// add a reference to the parent
.unwrap() // TODO: get_unchecked_mut
.push((new_cursor, transaction.clone()));
self.cursor = new_cursor;
pub fn current_revision(&self) -> usize {
pub const fn at_root(&self) -> bool {
self.cursor == 0
pub fn undo(&mut self) -> Option<&Transaction> {
if self.at_root() {
// We're at the root of undo, nothing to do.
return None;
let current_revision = &self.revisions[self.cursor];
self.cursor = current_revision.parent;
pub fn redo(&mut self) -> Option<&Transaction> {
let current_revision = &self.revisions[self.cursor];
// for now, simply pick the latest child (linear undo / redo)
if let Some((index, transaction)) = current_revision.children.last() {
self.cursor = *index;
return Some(&transaction);
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_undo_redo() {
let mut history = History::default();
let doc = Rope::from("hello");
let mut state = State::new(doc);
let transaction1 =
Transaction::change(&state.doc, vec![(5, 5, Some(" world!".into()))].into_iter());
// Need to commit before applying!
history.commit_revision(&transaction1, &state);
transaction1.apply(&mut state.doc);
assert_eq!("hello world!", state.doc);
// ---
let transaction2 =
Transaction::change(&state.doc, vec![(6, 11, Some("世界".into()))].into_iter());
// Need to commit before applying!
history.commit_revision(&transaction2, &state);
transaction2.apply(&mut state.doc);
assert_eq!("hello 世界!", state.doc);
// ---
fn undo(history: &mut History, state: &mut State) {
if let Some(transaction) = history.undo() {
transaction.apply(&mut state.doc);
fn redo(history: &mut History, state: &mut State) {
if let Some(transaction) = history.redo() {
transaction.apply(&mut state.doc);
undo(&mut history, &mut state);
assert_eq!("hello world!", state.doc);
redo(&mut history, &mut state);
assert_eq!("hello 世界!", state.doc);
undo(&mut history, &mut state);
undo(&mut history, &mut state);
assert_eq!("hello", state.doc);
// undo at root is a no-op
undo(&mut history, &mut state);
assert_eq!("hello", state.doc);