* Add language: dart The setup requires that dart be in the users path, such as: ``` export PATH="$HOME/Android/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/:$PATH" ``` Refactor the dart highlights * lang: dart: add indents and locals * lang: dart: corrections to local scope Co-authored-by: Blaž Hrastnik <blaz@mxxn.io>
237 lines
4.1 KiB
237 lines
4.1 KiB
(dotted_identifier_list) @string
; Methods
; --------------------
(super) @function.builtin
(function_expression_body (identifier) @function.method)
((identifier)(selector (argument_part)) @function.method)
; Annotations
; --------------------
name: (identifier) @attribute)
name: (identifier) @attribute)
; Types
; --------------------
name: (identifier) @type)
name: (identifier) @function.method)
name: (identifier) @function.method)
(identifier) @function.builtin)
name: (identifier) @function.builtin)
name: (identifier) @type)
name: (identifier) @type.builtin)
(void_type) @type.builtin
scope: (identifier) @type)
(#match? @type "^[a-zA-Z]"))
scope: (identifier) @type
name: (identifier) @type)
(#match? @type "^[a-zA-Z]"))
; the DisabledDrawerButtons in : const DisabledDrawerButtons(history: true),
(type_identifier) @type.builtin
; Variables
; --------------------
; the "File" in var file = File();
((identifier) @namespace
(#match? @namespace "^_?[A-Z].*[a-z]")) ; catch Classes or IClasses not CLASSES
("Function" @type.builtin)
(inferred_type) @type.builtin
; properties
(identifier) @variable.other.member)
(identifier) @variable.other.member)
; assignments
; --------------------
; the "strings" in : strings = "some string"
left: (assignable_expression) @variable)
(this) @variable.builtin
; Parameters
; --------------------
name: (identifier) @variable)
(label (identifier) @variable))
; Literals
; --------------------
] @constant.numeric.integer
(symbol_literal) @string.special.symbol
(string_literal) @string
] @variable.builtin
] @constant.builtin.boolean
(null_literal) @constant.builtin
(comment) @comment.line
(documentation_comment) @comment.block.documentation
; Tokens
; --------------------
"$" @punctuation.special
"{" @punctuation.special
"}" @punctuation.special
) @embedded
"$" @punctuation.special
(identifier_dollar_escaped) @variable
) @embedded
(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape
; Punctuation
] @punctuation.bracket
] @punctuation.delimiter
; Operators
] @operator
; Keywords
; --------------------
["import" "library" "export"] @keyword.control.import
["do" "while" "continue" "for"] @keyword.control.repeat
["return" "yield"] @keyword.control.return
["as" "in" "is"] @keyword.operator
] @keyword.control.conditional
] @keyword.control.exception
; Reserved words (cannot be used as identifiers)
] @keyword
; when used as an identifier:
((identifier) @variable.builtin
(#match? @variable.builtin "^(abstract|as|covariant|deferred|dynamic|export|external|factory|Function|get|implements|import|interface|library|operator|mixin|part|set|static|typedef)$"))
; Error
(ERROR) @error