This is necessary to workaround ownership issues across function calls. The issue notably arised when implementing the registers into `Editor` and I was getting annoyed again when implementing copy/pasting into system clipboard. The problem is addressed by using macro calls instead of function calls. There is no notable side effect.
29 lines
644 B
29 lines
644 B
macro_rules! current {
( $( $editor:ident ).+ ) => {{
let view = $crate::view_mut!( $( $editor ).+ );
let doc = &mut $( $editor ).+ .documents[view.doc];
(view, doc)
macro_rules! doc_mut {
( $( $editor:ident ).+ ) => {{
$crate::current!( $( $editor ).+ ).1
macro_rules! view_mut {
( $( $editor:ident ).+ ) => {{
$( $editor ).+ .tree.get_mut($( $editor ).+ .tree.focus)
macro_rules! view {
( $( $editor:ident ).+ ) => {{
$( $editor ).+ .tree.get($( $editor ).+ .tree.focus)