477 lines
16 KiB
477 lines
16 KiB
//! The `DocumentFormatter` forms the bridge between the raw document text
//! and onscreen positioning. It yields the text graphemes as an iterator
//! and traverses (part) of the document text. During that traversal it
//! handles grapheme detection, softwrapping and annotations.
//! It yields `FormattedGrapheme`s and their corresponding visual coordinates.
//! As both virtual text and softwrapping can insert additional lines into the document
//! it is generally not possible to find the start of the previous visual line.
//! Instead the `DocumentFormatter` starts at the last "checkpoint" (usually a linebreak)
//! called a "block" and the caller must advance it as needed.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::mem::replace;
mod test;
use unicode_segmentation::{Graphemes, UnicodeSegmentation};
use crate::graphemes::{Grapheme, GraphemeStr};
use crate::syntax::Highlight;
use crate::text_annotations::TextAnnotations;
use crate::{Position, RopeGraphemes, RopeSlice};
/// TODO make Highlight a u32 to reduce the size of this enum to a single word.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum GraphemeSource {
Document {
codepoints: u32,
/// Inline virtual text can not be highlighted with a `Highlight` iterator
/// because it's not part of the document. Instead the `Highlight`
/// is emitted right by the document formatter
VirtualText {
highlight: Option<Highlight>,
impl GraphemeSource {
/// Returns whether this grapheme is virtual inline text
pub fn is_virtual(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, GraphemeSource::VirtualText { .. })
pub fn is_eof(self) -> bool {
// all doc chars except the EOF char have non-zero codepoints
matches!(self, GraphemeSource::Document { codepoints: 0 })
pub fn doc_chars(self) -> usize {
match self {
GraphemeSource::Document { codepoints } => codepoints as usize,
GraphemeSource::VirtualText { .. } => 0,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FormattedGrapheme<'a> {
pub raw: Grapheme<'a>,
pub source: GraphemeSource,
pub visual_pos: Position,
/// Document line at the start of the grapheme
pub line_idx: usize,
/// Document char position at the start of the grapheme
pub char_idx: usize,
impl FormattedGrapheme<'_> {
pub fn is_virtual(&self) -> bool {
pub fn doc_chars(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool {
pub fn width(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_word_boundary(&self) -> bool {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct GraphemeWithSource<'a> {
grapheme: Grapheme<'a>,
source: GraphemeSource,
impl<'a> GraphemeWithSource<'a> {
fn new(
g: GraphemeStr<'a>,
visual_x: usize,
tab_width: u16,
source: GraphemeSource,
) -> GraphemeWithSource<'a> {
GraphemeWithSource {
grapheme: Grapheme::new(g, visual_x, tab_width),
fn placeholder() -> Self {
GraphemeWithSource {
grapheme: Grapheme::Other { g: " ".into() },
source: GraphemeSource::Document { codepoints: 0 },
fn doc_chars(&self) -> usize {
fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool {
fn is_newline(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.grapheme, Grapheme::Newline)
fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
fn width(&self) -> usize {
fn is_word_boundary(&self) -> bool {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TextFormat {
pub soft_wrap: bool,
pub tab_width: u16,
pub max_wrap: u16,
pub max_indent_retain: u16,
pub wrap_indicator: Box<str>,
pub wrap_indicator_highlight: Option<Highlight>,
pub viewport_width: u16,
pub soft_wrap_at_text_width: bool,
// test implementation is basically only used for testing or when softwrap is always disabled
impl Default for TextFormat {
fn default() -> Self {
TextFormat {
soft_wrap: false,
tab_width: 4,
max_wrap: 3,
max_indent_retain: 4,
wrap_indicator: Box::from(" "),
viewport_width: 17,
wrap_indicator_highlight: None,
soft_wrap_at_text_width: false,
pub struct DocumentFormatter<'t> {
text_fmt: &'t TextFormat,
annotations: &'t TextAnnotations<'t>,
/// The visual position at the end of the last yielded word boundary
visual_pos: Position,
graphemes: RopeGraphemes<'t>,
/// The character pos of the `graphemes` iter used for inserting annotations
char_pos: usize,
/// The line pos of the `graphemes` iter used for inserting annotations
line_pos: usize,
exhausted: bool,
inline_annotation_graphemes: Option<(Graphemes<'t>, Option<Highlight>)>,
// softwrap specific
/// The indentation of the current line
/// Is set to `None` if the indentation level is not yet known
/// because no non-whitespace graphemes have been encountered yet
indent_level: Option<usize>,
/// In case a long word needs to be split a single grapheme might need to be wrapped
/// while the rest of the word stays on the same line
peeked_grapheme: Option<GraphemeWithSource<'t>>,
/// A first-in first-out (fifo) buffer for the Graphemes of any given word
word_buf: Vec<GraphemeWithSource<'t>>,
/// The index of the next grapheme that will be yielded from the `word_buf`
word_i: usize,
impl<'t> DocumentFormatter<'t> {
/// Creates a new formatter at the last block before `char_idx`.
/// A block is a chunk which always ends with a linebreak.
/// This is usually just a normal line break.
/// However very long lines are always wrapped at constant intervals that can be cheaply calculated
/// to avoid pathological behaviour.
pub fn new_at_prev_checkpoint(
text: RopeSlice<'t>,
text_fmt: &'t TextFormat,
annotations: &'t TextAnnotations,
char_idx: usize,
) -> Self {
// TODO divide long lines into blocks to avoid bad performance for long lines
let block_line_idx = text.char_to_line(char_idx.min(text.len_chars()));
let block_char_idx = text.line_to_char(block_line_idx);
DocumentFormatter {
visual_pos: Position { row: 0, col: 0 },
graphemes: RopeGraphemes::new(text.slice(block_char_idx..)),
char_pos: block_char_idx,
exhausted: false,
indent_level: None,
peeked_grapheme: None,
word_buf: Vec::with_capacity(64),
word_i: 0,
line_pos: block_line_idx,
inline_annotation_graphemes: None,
fn next_inline_annotation_grapheme(
&mut self,
char_pos: usize,
) -> Option<(&'t str, Option<Highlight>)> {
loop {
if let Some(&mut (ref mut annotation, highlight)) =
if let Some(grapheme) = annotation.next() {
return Some((grapheme, highlight));
if let Some((annotation, highlight)) =
self.inline_annotation_graphemes = Some((
UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(&*annotation.text, true),
} else {
return None;
fn advance_grapheme(&mut self, col: usize, char_pos: usize) -> Option<GraphemeWithSource<'t>> {
let (grapheme, source) =
if let Some((grapheme, highlight)) = self.next_inline_annotation_grapheme(char_pos) {
(grapheme.into(), GraphemeSource::VirtualText { highlight })
} else if let Some(grapheme) = self.graphemes.next() {
let codepoints = grapheme.len_chars() as u32;
let overlay = self.annotations.overlay_at(char_pos);
let grapheme = match overlay {
Some((overlay, _)) => overlay.grapheme.as_str().into(),
None => Cow::from(grapheme).into(),
(grapheme, GraphemeSource::Document { codepoints })
} else {
if self.exhausted {
return None;
self.exhausted = true;
// EOF grapheme is required for rendering
// and correct position computations
return Some(GraphemeWithSource {
grapheme: Grapheme::Other { g: " ".into() },
source: GraphemeSource::Document { codepoints: 0 },
let grapheme = GraphemeWithSource::new(grapheme, col, self.text_fmt.tab_width, source);
/// Move a word to the next visual line
fn wrap_word(&mut self) -> usize {
// softwrap this word to the next line
let indent_carry_over = if let Some(indent) = self.indent_level {
if indent as u16 <= self.text_fmt.max_indent_retain {
indent as u16
} else {
} else {
// ensure the indent stays 0
self.indent_level = Some(0);
let virtual_lines =
.virtual_lines_at(self.char_pos, self.visual_pos, self.line_pos);
self.visual_pos.col = indent_carry_over as usize;
self.visual_pos.row += 1 + virtual_lines;
let mut i = 0;
let mut word_width = 0;
let wrap_indicator = UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(&*self.text_fmt.wrap_indicator, true)
.map(|g| {
i += 1;
let grapheme = GraphemeWithSource::new(
self.visual_pos.col + word_width,
GraphemeSource::VirtualText {
highlight: self.text_fmt.wrap_indicator_highlight,
word_width += grapheme.width();
self.word_buf.splice(0..0, wrap_indicator);
for grapheme in &mut self.word_buf[i..] {
let visual_x = self.visual_pos.col + word_width;
.change_position(visual_x, self.text_fmt.tab_width);
word_width += grapheme.width();
if let Some(grapheme) = &mut self.peeked_grapheme {
let visual_x = self.visual_pos.col + word_width;
.change_position(visual_x, self.text_fmt.tab_width);
fn peek_grapheme(&mut self, col: usize, char_pos: usize) -> Option<&GraphemeWithSource<'t>> {
if self.peeked_grapheme.is_none() {
self.peeked_grapheme = self.advance_grapheme(col, char_pos);
fn next_grapheme(&mut self, col: usize, char_pos: usize) -> Option<GraphemeWithSource<'t>> {
self.peek_grapheme(col, char_pos);
fn advance_to_next_word(&mut self) {
let mut word_width = 0;
let mut word_chars = 0;
if self.exhausted {
loop {
let mut col = self.visual_pos.col + word_width;
let char_pos = self.char_pos + word_chars;
match col.cmp(&(self.text_fmt.viewport_width as usize)) {
// The EOF char and newline chars are always selectable in helix. That means
// that wrapping happens "too-early" if a word fits a line perfectly. This
// is intentional so that all selectable graphemes are always visisble (and
// therefore the cursor never dissapears). However if the user manually set a
// lower softwrap width then this is undesirable. Just increasing the viewport-
// width by one doesn't work because if a line is wrapped multiple times then
// some words may extend past the specified width.
// So we special case a word that ends exactly at line bounds and is followed
// by a newline/eof character here.
if self.text_fmt.soft_wrap_at_text_width
&& self.peek_grapheme(col, char_pos).map_or(false, |grapheme| {
grapheme.is_newline() || grapheme.is_eof()
}) => {}
Ordering::Equal if word_width > self.text_fmt.max_wrap as usize => return,
Ordering::Greater if word_width > self.text_fmt.max_wrap as usize => {
self.peeked_grapheme = self.word_buf.pop();
Ordering::Equal | Ordering::Greater => {
word_width = self.wrap_word();
col = self.visual_pos.col + word_width;
Ordering::Less => (),
let Some(grapheme) = self.next_grapheme(col, char_pos) else {
word_chars += grapheme.doc_chars();
// Track indentation
if !grapheme.is_whitespace() && self.indent_level.is_none() {
self.indent_level = Some(self.visual_pos.col);
} else if grapheme.grapheme == Grapheme::Newline {
self.indent_level = None;
let is_word_boundary = grapheme.is_word_boundary();
word_width += grapheme.width();
if is_word_boundary {
/// returns the char index at the end of the last yielded grapheme
pub fn next_char_pos(&self) -> usize {
/// returns the visual position at the end of the last yielded grapheme
pub fn next_visual_pos(&self) -> Position {
impl<'t> Iterator for DocumentFormatter<'t> {
type Item = FormattedGrapheme<'t>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let grapheme = if self.text_fmt.soft_wrap {
if self.word_i >= self.word_buf.len() {
self.word_i = 0;
let grapheme = replace(
self.word_i += 1;
} else {
self.advance_grapheme(self.visual_pos.col, self.char_pos)?
let grapheme = FormattedGrapheme {
raw: grapheme.grapheme,
source: grapheme.source,
visual_pos: self.visual_pos,
line_idx: self.line_pos,
char_idx: self.char_pos,
self.char_pos += grapheme.doc_chars();
if !grapheme.is_virtual() {
if grapheme.raw == Grapheme::Newline {
// move to end of newline char
self.visual_pos.col += 1;
let virtual_lines =
.virtual_lines_at(self.char_pos, self.visual_pos, self.line_pos);
self.visual_pos.row += 1 + virtual_lines;
self.visual_pos.col = 0;
if !grapheme.is_virtual() {
self.line_pos += 1;
} else {
self.visual_pos.col += grapheme.width();