311 lines
12 KiB
311 lines
12 KiB
use crate::editor::{Action, Breakpoint};
use crate::{align_view, Align, Editor};
use helix_core::Selection;
use helix_dap::{self as dap, Client, Payload, Request, ThreadId};
use helix_lsp::block_on;
use log::warn;
use std::path::PathBuf;
macro_rules! debugger {
($editor:expr) => {{
match &mut $editor.debugger {
Some(debugger) => debugger,
None => return,
// general utils:
pub fn dap_pos_to_pos(doc: &helix_core::Rope, line: usize, column: usize) -> Option<usize> {
// 1-indexing to 0 indexing
let line = doc.try_line_to_char(line - 1).ok()?;
let pos = line + column.saturating_sub(1);
// TODO: this is probably utf-16 offsets
pub async fn select_thread_id(editor: &mut Editor, thread_id: ThreadId, force: bool) {
let debugger = debugger!(editor);
if !force && debugger.thread_id.is_some() {
debugger.thread_id = Some(thread_id);
fetch_stack_trace(debugger, thread_id).await;
let frame = debugger.stack_frames[&thread_id].get(0).cloned();
if let Some(frame) = &frame {
jump_to_stack_frame(editor, frame);
pub async fn fetch_stack_trace(debugger: &mut Client, thread_id: ThreadId) {
let (frames, _) = match debugger.stack_trace(thread_id).await {
Ok(frames) => frames,
Err(_) => return,
debugger.stack_frames.insert(thread_id, frames);
debugger.active_frame = Some(0);
pub fn jump_to_stack_frame(editor: &mut Editor, frame: &helix_dap::StackFrame) {
let path = if let Some(helix_dap::Source {
path: Some(ref path),
}) = frame.source
} else {
if let Err(e) = editor.open(path, Action::Replace) {
editor.set_error(format!("Unable to jump to stack frame: {}", e));
let (view, doc) = current!(editor);
let text_end = doc.text().len_chars().saturating_sub(1);
let start = dap_pos_to_pos(doc.text(), frame.line, frame.column).unwrap_or(0);
let end = frame
.and_then(|end_line| dap_pos_to_pos(doc.text(), end_line, frame.end_column.unwrap_or(0)))
let selection = Selection::single(start.min(text_end), end.min(text_end));
doc.set_selection(view.id, selection);
align_view(doc, view, Align::Center);
pub fn breakpoints_changed(
debugger: &mut dap::Client,
path: PathBuf,
breakpoints: &mut [Breakpoint],
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
// TODO: handle capabilities correctly again, by filterin breakpoints when emitting
// if breakpoint.condition.is_some()
// && !debugger
// .caps
// .as_ref()
// .unwrap()
// .supports_conditional_breakpoints
// .unwrap_or_default()
// {
// bail!(
// "Can't edit breakpoint: debugger does not support conditional breakpoints"
// )
// }
// if breakpoint.log_message.is_some()
// && !debugger
// .caps
// .as_ref()
// .unwrap()
// .supports_log_points
// .unwrap_or_default()
// {
// bail!("Can't edit breakpoint: debugger does not support logpoints")
// }
let source_breakpoints = breakpoints
.map(|breakpoint| helix_dap::SourceBreakpoint {
line: breakpoint.line + 1, // convert from 0-indexing to 1-indexing (TODO: could set debugger to 0-indexing on init)
let request = debugger.set_breakpoints(path, source_breakpoints);
match block_on(request) {
Ok(Some(dap_breakpoints)) => {
for (breakpoint, dap_breakpoint) in breakpoints.iter_mut().zip(dap_breakpoints) {
breakpoint.id = dap_breakpoint.id;
breakpoint.verified = dap_breakpoint.verified;
breakpoint.message = dap_breakpoint.message;
// TODO: handle breakpoint.message
// TODO: verify source matches
breakpoint.line = dap_breakpoint.line.unwrap_or(0).saturating_sub(1); // convert to 0-indexing
// TODO: no unwrap
breakpoint.column = dap_breakpoint.column;
// TODO: verify end_linef/col instruction reference, offset
Err(e) => anyhow::bail!("Failed to set breakpoints: {}", e),
_ => {}
impl Editor {
pub async fn handle_debugger_message(&mut self, payload: helix_dap::Payload) -> bool {
use dap::requests::RunInTerminal;
use helix_dap::{events, Event};
let debugger = match self.debugger.as_mut() {
Some(debugger) => debugger,
None => return false,
match payload {
Payload::Event(ev) => match *ev {
Event::Stopped(events::Stopped {
}) => {
let all_threads_stopped = all_threads_stopped.unwrap_or_default();
if all_threads_stopped {
if let Ok(response) = debugger.request::<dap::requests::Threads>(()).await {
for thread in response.threads {
fetch_stack_trace(debugger, thread.id).await;
select_thread_id(self, thread_id.unwrap_or_default(), false).await;
} else if let Some(thread_id) = thread_id {
debugger.thread_states.insert(thread_id, reason.clone()); // TODO: dap uses "type" || "reason" here
// whichever thread stops is made "current" (if no previously selected thread).
select_thread_id(self, thread_id, false).await;
let scope = match thread_id {
Some(id) => format!("Thread {}", id),
None => "Target".to_owned(),
let mut status = format!("{} stopped because of {}", scope, reason);
if let Some(desc) = description {
status.push_str(&format!(" {}", desc));
if let Some(text) = text {
status.push_str(&format!(" {}", text));
if all_threads_stopped {
status.push_str(" (all threads stopped)");
Event::Continued(events::Continued { thread_id, .. }) => {
.insert(thread_id, "running".to_owned());
if debugger.thread_id == Some(thread_id) {
Event::Thread(_) => {
// TODO: update thread_states, make threads request
Event::Breakpoint(events::Breakpoint { reason, breakpoint }) => {
match &reason[..] {
"new" => {
if let Some(source) = breakpoint.source {
.entry(source.path.unwrap()) // TODO: no unwraps
.push(Breakpoint {
id: breakpoint.id,
verified: breakpoint.verified,
message: breakpoint.message,
line: breakpoint.line.unwrap().saturating_sub(1), // TODO: no unwrap
column: breakpoint.column,
"changed" => {
for breakpoints in self.breakpoints.values_mut() {
if let Some(i) =
breakpoints.iter().position(|b| b.id == breakpoint.id)
breakpoints[i].verified = breakpoint.verified;
breakpoints[i].message = breakpoint.message.clone();
breakpoints[i].line =
breakpoint.line.unwrap().saturating_sub(1); // TODO: no unwrap
breakpoints[i].column = breakpoint.column;
"removed" => {
for breakpoints in self.breakpoints.values_mut() {
if let Some(i) =
breakpoints.iter().position(|b| b.id == breakpoint.id)
reason => {
warn!("Unknown breakpoint event: {}", reason);
Event::Output(events::Output {
category, output, ..
}) => {
let prefix = match category {
Some(category) => {
if &category == "telemetry" {
return false;
format!("Debug ({}):", category)
None => "Debug:".to_owned(),
log::info!("{}", output);
self.set_status(format!("{} {}", prefix, output));
Event::Initialized => {
// send existing breakpoints
for (path, breakpoints) in &mut self.breakpoints {
// TODO: call futures in parallel, await all
let _ = breakpoints_changed(debugger, path.clone(), breakpoints);
// TODO: fetch breakpoints (in case we're attaching)
if debugger.configuration_done().await.is_ok() {
self.set_status("Debugged application started");
}; // TODO: do we need to handle error?
ev => {
log::warn!("Unhandled event {:?}", ev);
return false; // return early to skip render
Payload::Response(_) => unreachable!(),
Payload::Request(request) => match request.command.as_str() {
RunInTerminal::COMMAND => {
let arguments: dap::requests::RunInTerminalArguments =
// TODO: no unwrap
let process = std::process::Command::new("tmux")
.arg(arguments.args.join(" "))
let _ = debugger
serde_json::to_value(dap::requests::RunInTerminalResponse {
process_id: Some(process.id()),
shell_process_id: None,
.map_err(|e| e.into()),
_ => log::error!("DAP reverse request not implemented: {:?}", request),