You can now apply overlays to the grammar derivations via `grammarOverlays`. Also, the `src` in the derivation is now properly unpacked to the build directory, allowing the user to mutate the source files if they want to.
124 lines
3.6 KiB
124 lines
3.6 KiB
includeGrammarIf ? _: true,
grammarOverlays ? [],
}: let
# HACK: nix < 2.6 has a bug in the toml parser, so we convert to JSON
# before parsing
languages-json = runCommandLocal "languages-toml-to-json" {} ''
${yj}/bin/yj -t < ${./languages.toml} > $out
languagesConfig =
if lib.versionAtLeast builtins.nixVersion "2.6.0"
then builtins.fromTOML (builtins.readFile ./languages.toml)
else builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile (builtins.toPath languages-json));
isGitGrammar = grammar:
builtins.hasAttr "source" grammar
&& builtins.hasAttr "git" grammar.source
&& builtins.hasAttr "rev" grammar.source;
isGitHubGrammar = grammar: lib.hasPrefix "https://github.com" grammar.source.git;
toGitHubFetcher = url: let
match = builtins.match "https://github\.com/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/?" url;
in {
owner = builtins.elemAt match 0;
repo = builtins.elemAt match 1;
gitGrammars = builtins.filter isGitGrammar languagesConfig.grammar;
buildGrammar = grammar: let
gh = toGitHubFetcher grammar.source.git;
sourceGit = builtins.fetchTree {
type = "git";
url = grammar.source.git;
rev = grammar.source.rev;
ref = grammar.source.ref or "HEAD";
shallow = true;
sourceGitHub = builtins.fetchTree {
type = "github";
owner = gh.owner;
repo = gh.repo;
inherit (grammar.source) rev;
source =
if isGitHubGrammar grammar
then sourceGitHub
else sourceGit;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
# see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/fbdd1a7c0bc29af5325e0d7dd70e804a972eb465/pkgs/development/tools/parsing/tree-sitter/grammar.nix
pname = "helix-tree-sitter-${grammar.name}";
version = grammar.source.rev;
src = source;
sourceRoot = if builtins.hasAttr "subpath" grammar.source then
dontConfigure = true;
NAME = grammar.name;
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
if [[ -e src/scanner.cc ]]; then
$CXX -c src/scanner.cc -o scanner.o $FLAGS
elif [[ -e src/scanner.c ]]; then
$CC -c src/scanner.c -o scanner.o $FLAGS
$CC -c src/parser.c -o parser.o $FLAGS
$CXX -shared -o $NAME.so *.o
ls -al
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir $out
mv $NAME.so $out/
runHook postInstall
# Strip failed on darwin: strip: error: symbols referenced by indirect symbol table entries that can't be stripped
fixupPhase = lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
runHook preFixup
$STRIP $out/$NAME.so
runHook postFixup
grammarsToBuild = builtins.filter includeGrammarIf gitGrammars;
builtGrammars = builtins.map (grammar: {
inherit (grammar) name;
value = buildGrammar grammar;
}) grammarsToBuild;
extensibleGrammars =
lib.makeExtensible (self: builtins.listToAttrs builtGrammars);
overlayedGrammars = lib.pipe extensibleGrammars
(builtins.map (overlay: grammar: grammar.extend overlay) grammarOverlays);
grammarLinks = lib.mapAttrsToList
(name: artifact: "ln -s ${artifact}/${name}.so $out/${name}.so")
(lib.filterAttrs (n: v: lib.isDerivation v) overlayedGrammars);
runCommand "consolidated-helix-grammars" {} ''
mkdir -p $out
${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" grammarLinks}