Alexander Brevig fd89c3c833
fix: close #9771 fix comments with ( and ) (#9800)
* fix: close #9771 update OCaml

* fix: no longer match on ( ) as the underlying grammar handles these

* fix: implement excellent corrections from review

* fix: module -> namespace to match theme scopes
2024-03-08 10:54:17 +09:00

151 lines
3.2 KiB

; Modules
[(module_name) (module_type_name)] @namespace
; Types
(type_constructor) @type.builtin
(#match? @type.builtin "^(int|char|bytes|string|float|bool|unit|exn|array|list|option|int32|int64|nativeint|format6|lazy_t)$")
[(class_name) (class_type_name) (type_constructor)] @type
[(constructor_name) (tag)] @constructor
; Functions
pattern: (value_name) @function
pattern: (value_name) @function
body: [(fun_expression) (function_expression)])
(value_specification (value_name) @function)
(external (value_name) @function)
(method_name) @function.method
; Application
(value_name) @function.builtin
(#match? @function.builtin "^(raise(_notrace)?|failwith|invalid_arg)$")
left: (value_path (value_name) @function)
operator: (concat_operator) @operator
(#eq? @operator "@@"))
operator: (rel_operator) @operator
right: (value_path (value_name) @function)
(#eq? @operator "|>"))
function: (value_path (value_name) @function))
; Variables
[(value_name) (type_variable)] @variable
(value_pattern) @variable.parameter
; Properties
[(label_name) (field_name) (instance_variable_name)] @variable.other.member
; Constants
(boolean) @constant.builtin.boolean
[(number) (signed_number)] @constant.numeric
[(string) (character)] @string
(quoted_string "{" @string "}" @string) @string
(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape
(conversion_specification) @string.special
; Operators
(match_expression (match_operator) @keyword)
(value_definition [(let_operator) (let_and_operator)] @keyword)
] @operator
["*" "#" "::" "<-"] @operator
; Keywords
"and" "as" "assert" "begin" "class" "constraint" "do" "done" "downto" "else"
"end" "exception" "external" "for" "fun" "function" "functor" "if" "in"
"include" "inherit" "initializer" "lazy" "let" "match" "method" "module"
"mutable" "new" "nonrec" "object" "of" "open" "private" "rec" "sig" "struct"
"then" "to" "try" "type" "val" "virtual" "when" "while" "with"
] @keyword
; Punctuation
(attribute ["[@" "]"] @punctuation.special)
(item_attribute ["[@@" "]"] @punctuation.special)
(floating_attribute ["[@@@" "]"] @punctuation.special)
(extension ["[%" "]"] @punctuation.special)
(item_extension ["[%%" "]"] @punctuation.special)
(quoted_extension ["{%" "}"] @punctuation.special)
(quoted_item_extension ["{%%" "}"] @punctuation.special)
"%" @punctuation.special
["(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" "[|" "|]" "[<" "[>"] @punctuation.bracket
(object_type ["<" ">"] @punctuation.bracket)
"," "." ";" ":" "=" "|" "~" "?" "+" "-" "!" ">" "&"
"->" ";;" ":>" "+=" ":=" ".."
] @punctuation.delimiter
; Attributes
(attribute_id) @tag
; Comments
[(comment) (line_number_directive) (directive) (shebang)] @comment