For example -record(state, {}) Would not highlight `state` as a type since the alternation didn't allow for an empty tuple. Allowing the inner atom of the tuple to be optional fixes this case.
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128 lines
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; Attributes
; module declaration
name: (atom) @keyword
(arguments (atom) @namespace)
(#match? @keyword "(module|behaviou?r)"))
name: (atom) @keyword
(atom) @namespace)
(#eq? @keyword "import"))
name: (atom) @keyword
[(atom) @type (macro)]
(tuple (atom)? @variable.other.member)
left: (atom) @variable.other.member
operator: ["=" "::"]))
left: (atom) @variable.other.member
operator: "=")
operator: "::"))
(#eq? @keyword "record"))
name: (atom) @keyword
(atom) @constant
(variable) @constant
[(variable) (atom)] @keyword.directive)
(#eq? @keyword "define"))
name: (atom) @keyword
(_) @keyword.directive)
(#match? @keyword "ifn?def"))
name: (atom) @keyword
module: (atom) @namespace
(#match? @keyword "(spec|callback)"))
; Functions
(function_clause name: (atom) @function)
(call module: (atom) @namespace)
(call function: (atom) @function)
(stab_clause name: (atom) @function)
(function_capture module: (atom) @namespace)
(function_capture function: (atom) @function)
; Records
left: (atom) @variable.other.member
operator: "="))
(record field: (atom) @variable.other.member)
(record name: (atom) @type)
; Keywords
(attribute name: (atom) @keyword)
["case" "fun" "if" "of" "when" "end" "receive" "try" "catch" "after" "begin" "maybe"] @keyword
; Operators
left: (atom) @function
operator: "/"
right: (integer) @constant.numeric.integer)
((binary_operator operator: _ @keyword.operator)
(#match? @keyword.operator "^\\w+$"))
((unary_operator operator: _ @keyword.operator)
(#match? @keyword.operator "^\\w+$"))
(binary_operator operator: _ @operator)
(unary_operator operator: _ @operator)
["/" ":" "->"] @operator
(tripledot) @comment.discard
(comment) @comment
; Macros
"?"+ @constant
name: (_) @constant
"?"+ @keyword.directive
name: (_) @keyword.directive)
; Comments
((variable) @comment.discard
(#match? @comment.discard "^_"))
; Basic types
(variable) @variable
(atom) @string.special.symbol
(string) @string
(character) @constant.character
(integer) @constant.numeric.integer
(float) @constant.numeric.float
; Punctuation
["," "." "-" ";"] @punctuation.delimiter
["(" ")" "#" "{" "}" "[" "]" "<<" ">>"] @punctuation.bracket
; (ERROR) @error