* rework positioning/rendering, enables softwrap/virtual text This commit is a large rework of the core text positioning and rendering code in helix to remove the assumption that on-screen columns/lines correspond to text columns/lines. A generic `DocFormatter` is introduced that positions graphemes on and is used both for rendering and for movements/scrolling. Both virtual text support (inline, grapheme overlay and multi-line) and a capable softwrap implementation is included. fix picker highlight cleanup doc formatter, use word bondaries for wrapping make visual vertical movement a seperate commnad estimate line gutter width to improve performance cache cursor position cleanup and optimize doc formatter cleanup documentation fix typos Co-authored-by: Daniel Hines <d4hines@gmail.com> update documentation fix panic in last_visual_line funciton improve soft-wrap documentation add extend_visual_line_up/down commands fix non-visual vertical movement streamline virtual text highlighting, add softwrap indicator fix cursor position if softwrap is disabled improve documentation of text_annotations module avoid crashes if view anchor is out of bounds fix: consider horizontal offset when traslation char_idx -> vpos improve default configuration fix: mixed up horizontal and vertical offset reset view position after config reload apply suggestions from review disabled softwrap for very small screens to avoid endless spin fix wrap_indicator setting fix bar cursor disappearring on the EOF character add keybinding for linewise vertical movement fix: inconsistent gutter highlights improve virtual text API make scope idx lookup more ergonomic allow overlapping overlays correctly track char_pos for virtual text adjust configuration deprecate old position fucntions fix infinite loop in highlight lookup fix gutter style fix formatting document max-line-width interaction with softwrap change wrap-indicator example to use empty string fix: rare panic when view is in invalid state (bis) * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Michael Davis <mcarsondavis@gmail.com> * improve documentation for positoning functions * simplify tests * fix documentation of Grapheme::width * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Michael Davis <mcarsondavis@gmail.com> * add explicit drop invocation * Add explicit MoveFn type alias * add docuntation to Editor::cursor_cache * fix a few typos * explain use of allow(deprecated) * make gj and gk extend in select mode * remove unneded debug and TODO * mark tab_width_at #[inline] * add fast-path to move_vertically_visual in case softwrap is disabled * rename first_line to first_visual_line * simplify duplicate if/else --------- Co-authored-by: Michael Davis <mcarsondavis@gmail.com>
484 lines
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484 lines
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use crate::compositor::{Component, Context, Event, EventResult};
use helix_view::{editor::CompleteAction, ViewId};
use tui::buffer::Buffer as Surface;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use helix_core::{Change, Transaction};
use helix_view::{
input::{KeyCode, KeyEvent},
Document, Editor,
use crate::commands;
use crate::ui::{menu, Markdown, Menu, Popup, PromptEvent};
use helix_lsp::{lsp, util};
use lsp::CompletionItem;
impl menu::Item for CompletionItem {
type Data = ();
fn sort_text(&self, data: &Self::Data) -> Cow<str> {
fn filter_text(&self, _data: &Self::Data) -> Cow<str> {
fn format(&self, _data: &Self::Data) -> menu::Row {
menu::Cell::from(match self.kind {
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::TEXT) => "text",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::METHOD) => "method",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::FUNCTION) => "function",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::CONSTRUCTOR) => "constructor",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::FIELD) => "field",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::VARIABLE) => "variable",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::CLASS) => "class",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::INTERFACE) => "interface",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::MODULE) => "module",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::PROPERTY) => "property",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::UNIT) => "unit",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::VALUE) => "value",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::ENUM) => "enum",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::KEYWORD) => "keyword",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::SNIPPET) => "snippet",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::COLOR) => "color",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::FILE) => "file",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::REFERENCE) => "reference",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::FOLDER) => "folder",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::ENUM_MEMBER) => "enum_member",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::CONSTANT) => "constant",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::STRUCT) => "struct",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::EVENT) => "event",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::OPERATOR) => "operator",
Some(lsp::CompletionItemKind::TYPE_PARAMETER) => "type_param",
Some(kind) => {
log::error!("Received unknown completion item kind: {:?}", kind);
None => "",
// self.detail.as_deref().unwrap_or("")
// self.label_details
// .as_ref()
// .or(self.detail())
// .as_str(),
/// Wraps a Menu.
pub struct Completion {
popup: Popup<Menu<CompletionItem>>,
start_offset: usize,
trigger_offset: usize,
// TODO: maintain a completioncontext with trigger kind & trigger char
impl Completion {
pub const ID: &'static str = "completion";
pub fn new(
editor: &Editor,
mut items: Vec<CompletionItem>,
offset_encoding: helix_lsp::OffsetEncoding,
start_offset: usize,
trigger_offset: usize,
) -> Self {
// Sort completion items according to their preselect status (given by the LSP server)
items.sort_by_key(|item| !item.preselect.unwrap_or(false));
// Then create the menu
let menu = Menu::new(items, (), move |editor: &mut Editor, item, event| {
fn item_to_transaction(
doc: &Document,
view_id: ViewId,
item: &CompletionItem,
offset_encoding: helix_lsp::OffsetEncoding,
start_offset: usize,
trigger_offset: usize,
) -> Transaction {
let transaction = if let Some(edit) = &item.text_edit {
let edit = match edit {
lsp::CompletionTextEdit::Edit(edit) => edit.clone(),
lsp::CompletionTextEdit::InsertAndReplace(item) => {
// TODO: support using "insert" instead of "replace" via user config
lsp::TextEdit::new(item.replace, item.new_text.clone())
offset_encoding, // TODO: should probably transcode in Client
} else {
let text = item.insert_text.as_ref().unwrap_or(&item.label);
// Some LSPs just give you an insertText with no offset ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
// in these cases we need to check for a common prefix and remove it
let prefix = Cow::from(doc.text().slice(start_offset..trigger_offset));
let text = text.trim_start_matches::<&str>(&prefix);
// TODO: this needs to be true for the numbers to work out correctly
// in the closure below. It's passed in to a callback as this same
// formula, but can the value change between the LSP request and
// response? If it does, can we recover?
== trigger_offset
Transaction::change_by_selection(doc.text(), doc.selection(view_id), |range| {
let cursor = range.cursor(doc.text().slice(..));
(cursor, cursor, Some(text.into()))
fn completion_changes(transaction: &Transaction, trigger_offset: usize) -> Vec<Change> {
.filter(|(start, end, _)| (*start..=*end).contains(&trigger_offset))
let (view, doc) = current!(editor);
// if more text was entered, remove it
match event {
PromptEvent::Abort => {
editor.last_completion = None;
PromptEvent::Update => {
// always present here
let item = item.unwrap();
let transaction = item_to_transaction(
// initialize a savepoint
doc.apply(&transaction, view.id);
editor.last_completion = Some(CompleteAction {
changes: completion_changes(&transaction, trigger_offset),
PromptEvent::Validate => {
// always present here
let item = item.unwrap();
let transaction = item_to_transaction(
doc.apply(&transaction, view.id);
editor.last_completion = Some(CompleteAction {
changes: completion_changes(&transaction, trigger_offset),
// apply additional edits, mostly used to auto import unqualified types
let resolved_item = if item
.map(|edits| !edits.is_empty())
} else {
Self::resolve_completion_item(doc, item.clone())
if let Some(additional_edits) = resolved_item
.and_then(|item| item.additional_text_edits.as_ref())
if !additional_edits.is_empty() {
let transaction = util::generate_transaction_from_edits(
offset_encoding, // TODO: should probably transcode in Client
doc.apply(&transaction, view.id);
let popup = Popup::new(Self::ID, menu).with_scrollbar(false);
let mut completion = Self {
// need to recompute immediately in case start_offset != trigger_offset
fn resolve_completion_item(
doc: &Document,
completion_item: lsp::CompletionItem,
) -> Option<CompletionItem> {
let language_server = doc.language_server()?;
let future = language_server.resolve_completion_item(completion_item)?;
let response = helix_lsp::block_on(future);
match response {
Ok(value) => serde_json::from_value(value).ok(),
Err(err) => {
log::error!("Failed to resolve completion item: {}", err);
pub fn recompute_filter(&mut self, editor: &Editor) {
// recompute menu based on matches
let menu = self.popup.contents_mut();
let (view, doc) = current_ref!(editor);
// cx.hooks()
// cx.add_hook(enum type, ||)
// cx.trigger_hook(enum type, &str, ...) <-- there has to be enough to identify doc/view
// callback with editor & compositor
// trigger_hook sends event into channel, that's consumed in the global loop and
// triggers all registered callbacks
// TODO: hooks should get processed immediately so maybe do it after select!(), before
// looping?
let cursor = doc
if self.trigger_offset <= cursor {
let fragment = doc.text().slice(self.start_offset..cursor);
let text = Cow::from(fragment);
// TODO: logic is same as ui/picker
} else {
// we backspaced before the start offset, clear the menu
// this will cause the editor to remove the completion popup
pub fn update(&mut self, cx: &mut commands::Context) {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
fn replace_item(&mut self, old_item: lsp::CompletionItem, new_item: lsp::CompletionItem) {
self.popup.contents_mut().replace_option(old_item, new_item);
/// Asynchronously requests that the currently selection completion item is
/// resolved through LSP `completionItem/resolve`.
pub fn ensure_item_resolved(&mut self, cx: &mut commands::Context) -> bool {
// > If computing full completion items is expensive, servers can additionally provide a
// > handler for the completion item resolve request. ...
// > A typical use case is for example: the `textDocument/completion` request doesn't fill
// > in the `documentation` property for returned completion items since it is expensive
// > to compute. When the item is selected in the user interface then a
// > 'completionItem/resolve' request is sent with the selected completion item as a parameter.
// > The returned completion item should have the documentation property filled in.
// https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocument_completion
let current_item = match self.popup.contents().selection() {
Some(item) if item.documentation.is_none() => item.clone(),
_ => return false,
let language_server = match doc!(cx.editor).language_server() {
Some(language_server) => language_server,
None => return false,
// This method should not block the compositor so we handle the response asynchronously.
let future = match language_server.resolve_completion_item(current_item.clone()) {
Some(future) => future,
None => return false,
move |_editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::CompletionItem>| {
let resolved_item = match response {
Some(item) => item,
None => return,
if let Some(completion) = &mut compositor
completion.replace_item(current_item, resolved_item);
impl Component for Completion {
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: &Event, cx: &mut Context) -> EventResult {
// let the Editor handle Esc instead
if let Event::Key(KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Esc, ..
}) = event
return EventResult::Ignored(None);
self.popup.handle_event(event, cx)
fn required_size(&mut self, viewport: (u16, u16)) -> Option<(u16, u16)> {
fn render(&mut self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, cx: &mut Context) {
self.popup.render(area, surface, cx);
// if we have a selection, render a markdown popup on top/below with info
if let Some(option) = self.popup.contents().selection() {
// need to render:
// option.detail
// ---
// option.documentation
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
let language = doc.language_name().unwrap_or("");
let text = doc.text().slice(..);
let cursor_pos = doc.selection(view.id).primary().cursor(text);
let coords = view
.screen_coords_at_pos(doc, text, cursor_pos)
.expect("cursor must be in view");
let cursor_pos = coords.row as u16;
let mut markdown_doc = match &option.documentation {
| Some(lsp::Documentation::MarkupContent(lsp::MarkupContent {
kind: lsp::MarkupKind::PlainText,
value: contents,
})) => {
// TODO: convert to wrapped text
Some(lsp::Documentation::MarkupContent(lsp::MarkupContent {
kind: lsp::MarkupKind::Markdown,
value: contents,
})) => {
// TODO: set language based on doc scope
if let Some(detail) = &option.detail.as_deref() {
format!("```{}\n{}\n```\n{}", language, detail, contents),
} else {
Markdown::new(contents.to_string(), cx.editor.syn_loader.clone())
None if option.detail.is_some() => {
// TODO: copied from above
// TODO: set language based on doc scope
None => return,
let (popup_x, popup_y) = self.popup.get_rel_position(area, cx);
let (popup_width, _popup_height) = self.popup.get_size();
let mut width = area
let area = if width > 30 {
let mut height = area.height.saturating_sub(popup_y);
let x = popup_x + popup_width;
let y = popup_y;
if let Some((rel_width, rel_height)) = markdown_doc.required_size((width, height)) {
width = rel_width.min(width);
height = rel_height.min(height);
Rect::new(x, y, width, height)
} else {
let half = area.height / 2;
let height = 15.min(half);
// we want to make sure the cursor is visible (not hidden behind the documentation)
let y = if cursor_pos + area.y
>= (cx.editor.tree.area().height - height - 2/* statusline + commandline */)
} else {
// -2 to subtract command line + statusline. a bit of a hack, because of splits.
Rect::new(0, y, area.width, height)
// clear area
let background = cx.editor.theme.get("ui.popup");
surface.clear_with(area, background);
markdown_doc.render(area, surface, cx);