Some of the odin highlights seemed wrong or lacking, like the import names were not being matched: ```odin // color both "rl" here to same value import rl "vendor:raylib" ... rl.Vector3 ``` Import color was also not being used correctly
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270 lines
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] @keyword.directive
] @namespace
] @keyword.control.import
] @keyword
] @keyword.function
] @keyword.control.return
] @keyword.storage.modifier
] @keyword.control.conditional
] @keyword.control.conditional))
] @keyword.control.repeat
] @operator
] @keyword.operator
[ "{" "}" ] @punctuation.bracket
[ "(" ")" ] @punctuation.bracket
[ "[" "]" ] @punctuation.bracket
] @punctuation.delimiter
] @punctuation.special
(number) @constant.numeric
(float) @constant.numeric.float
(string) @string
(character) @string
(escape_sequence) @string.special
(boolean) @constant.builtin.boolean
] @constant.builtin
((identifier) @variable.builtin
(#any-of? @variable.builtin "context" "self"))
(((identifier) @type.builtin)
(#any-of? @type.builtin
"bool" "byte" "b8" "b16" "b32" "b64"
"int" "i8" "i16" "i32" "i64" "i128"
"uint" "u8" "u16" "u32" "u64" "u128" "uintptr"
"i16le" "i32le" "i64le" "i128le" "u16le" "u32le" "u64le" "u128le"
"i16be" "i32be" "i64be" "i128be" "u16be" "u32be" "u64be" "u128be"
"float" "double" "f16" "f32" "f64" "f16le" "f32le" "f64le" "f16be" "f32be" "f64be"
"complex32" "complex64" "complex128" "complex_float" "complex_double"
"quaternion64" "quaternion128" "quaternion256"
"rune" "string" "cstring" "rawptr" "typeid" "any"))
"..." @type.builtin
] @comment
; Functions
(procedure_declaration (identifier) @function)
(procedure_declaration (identifier) @function (procedure (block)))
(procedure_declaration (identifier) @function (procedure (uninitialized)))
(overloaded_procedure_declaration (identifier) @function)
(call_expression function: (identifier) @function)
; Types
(struct_declaration (identifier) @type "::")
(enum_declaration (identifier) @type "::")
(union_declaration (identifier) @type "::")
(bit_field_declaration (identifier) @type "::")
(const_declaration (identifier) @type "::" [(array_type) (distinct_type) (bit_set_type) (pointer_type)])
(struct . (identifier) @type)
(field_type . (identifier) @keyword.storage.type "." (identifier) @type)
(bit_set_type (identifier) @type ";")
(polymorphic_parameters (identifier) @type)
((identifier) @type
(#match? @type "^[A-Z][a-z0-9_]+"))
(type (identifier) @type)
; Constants
(member_expression . "." (identifier) @constant)
(enum_declaration "{" (identifier) @constant)
((identifier) @constant
(#match? @constant "^[A-Z0-9_]*$"))
; Attributes
(attribute (identifier) @attribute "="?)
; Labels
(label_statement (identifier) @label ":")
; Fields
(member_expression "." (identifier) @variable.other.member)
(struct_type "{" (identifier) @variable.other.member)
(struct_field (identifier) @variable.other.member "="?)
(bit_field_declaration (identifier) @variable.other.member)
(field (identifier) @variable.other.member)
; Namespaces
(package_declaration (identifier) @namespace)
(foreign_block (identifier) @namespace)
(using_statement (identifier) @namespace)
(import_declaration (identifier) @keyword.storage.type)
; Parameters
(parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter ":" "="? (identifier)? @constant)
(default_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter ":=")
(named_type (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(call_expression argument: (identifier) @variable.parameter "=")
(procedure_type (parameters (parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter)))
; Variables
(identifier) @variable