;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Literals and comments (integer) @constant.numeric.integer (exp_negation) @constant.numeric.integer (exp_literal (float)) @constant.numeric.float (char) @constant.character (string) @string (exp_apply (exp_name (variable) @function.builtin (#any-of? @function.builtin ; built in functions from the Haskell prelude (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- ; basic data types "not" "maybe" "either" ; tuples "fst" "snd" "curry" "uncurry" ; Ord "compare" "min" "max" ; Enum "succ" "pred" "toEnum" "fromEnum" "enumFrom" "enumFromThen" "enumFromThenTo" ; Num "negate" "abs" "signum" "fromInteger" ; Real "toRational" ; Integral "quot" "rem" "div" "mod" "quotRem" "divMod" "toInteger" ; Fractional "recip" "fromRational" ; Floating "exp" "log" "sqrt" "logBase" "sin" "cos" "tan" "asin" "acos" "atan" "sinh" "cosh" "tanh" "asinh" "acosh" "atanh" ; RealFrac "properFraction" "truncate" "round" "ceiling" "floor" ; RealFloat "floatRadix" "floatDigits" "floatRange" "decodeFloat" "encodeFloat" "exponent" "significand" "scaleFloat" "isNaN" "isInfinite" "isDenormalized" "isNegativeZero" "isIEEE" "atan2" ; Numeric functions "subtract" "even" "odd" "gcd" "lcm" "fromIntegral" "realToFrac" ; Monoid "mempty" "mconcat" "mappend" ; Functor "fmap" ; Applicative "liftA2" "pure" ; Monad "return" ; MonadFail "fail" "mapM_" "sequence_" ; Foldable "foldMap" "foldr" "foldl" "foldl'" "foldr1" "foldl1" "elem" "maximum" "minimum" "sum" "product" ; Traversable "traverse" "sequenceA" "mapM" "sequence" ; miscellaneous "id" "const" "flip" "until" "asTypeOf" "error" "errorWithoutStackTrace" "undefined" ; List "map" "filter" "head" "last" "tail" "init" "null" "length" "reverse" ; Foldable "and" "or" "any" "all" "concat" "concatMap" ; Building lists "scanl" "scanl1" "scanr" "scanr1" ; Infinite lists "iterate" "repeat" "replicate" "cycle" ; Sublists "take" "drop" "takeWhile" "dropWhile" "span" "break" "splitAt" ; Searching lists "notElem" "lookup" ; zipping and unzipping "zip" "zip3" "zipWith" "zipWith3" "unzip" "unzip3" ; String "lines" "words" "unlines" "unwords" ; Converting to String "show" "showList" "shows" "showChar" "showString" "showParen" ; Converting from String "readsPrec" "readList" "reads" "readParen" "read" "lex" ; Input and output "putChar" "putStr" "putStrLn" "print" "getChar" "getLine" "getContents" "interact" ; Files "readFile" "writeFile" "appendFile" "readIO" "readLn" ; Exception handling "ioError" "userError") ) ) (con_unit) @constant.builtin ; unit, as in () (comment) @comment ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Punctuation [ "(" ")" "{" "}" "[" "]" ] @punctuation.bracket [ (comma) ";" ] @punctuation.delimiter ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Keywords, operators, includes [ "forall" "∀" ] @keyword.control.repeat (pragma) @constant.macro [ "if" "then" "else" "case" "of" ] @keyword.control.conditional [ "import" "qualified" "module" ] @keyword.control.import [ (operator) (constructor_operator) (type_operator) (tycon_arrow) (qualified_module) ; grabs the `.` (dot), ex: import System.IO (all_names) (wildcard) "=" "|" "::" "=>" "->" "<-" "\\" "`" "@" ] @operator (module) @namespace [ (where) "let" "in" "class" "instance" "data" "newtype" "family" "type" "as" "hiding" "deriving" "via" "stock" "anyclass" "do" "mdo" "rec" "infix" "infixl" "infixr" ] @keyword ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Functions and variables (signature name: (variable) @type) (function name: (variable) @function patterns: (patterns)) ((signature (fun)) . (function (variable) @function)) ((signature (context (fun))) . (function (variable) @function)) ((signature (forall (context (fun)))) . (function (variable) @function)) (exp_infix (variable) @operator) ; consider infix functions as operators (exp_infix (exp_name) @function) (exp_apply . (exp_name (variable) @function)) (exp_apply . (exp_name (qualified_variable (variable) @function))) (variable) @variable (pat_wildcard) @variable ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Types (type) @type (type_variable) @type.parameter (constructor) @constructor ; True or False ((constructor) @_bool (#match? @_bool "(True|False)")) @constant.builtin.boolean ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Quasi-quotes (quoter) @function ; Highlighting of quasiquote_body is handled by injections.scm