use crate::compositor::{Component, Compositor, Context, Event, EventResult}; use crate::{alt, ctrl, key, shift, ui}; use arc_swap::ArcSwap; use helix_core::syntax; use helix_view::document::Mode; use helix_view::input::KeyEvent; use helix_view::keyboard::KeyCode; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{borrow::Cow, ops::RangeFrom}; use tui::buffer::Buffer as Surface; use tui::text::Span; use tui::widgets::{Block, Widget}; use helix_core::{ unicode::segmentation::GraphemeCursor, unicode::width::UnicodeWidthStr, Position, }; use helix_view::{ graphics::{CursorKind, Margin, Rect}, Editor, }; type PromptCharHandler = Box; pub type Completion = (RangeFrom, Span<'static>); type CompletionFn = Box Vec>; type CallbackFn = Box; pub type DocFn = Box Option>>; pub struct Prompt { prompt: Cow<'static, str>, line: String, cursor: usize, completion: Vec, selection: Option, history_register: Option, history_pos: Option, completion_fn: CompletionFn, callback_fn: CallbackFn, pub doc_fn: DocFn, next_char_handler: Option, language: Option<(&'static str, Arc>)>, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum PromptEvent { /// The prompt input has been updated. Update, /// Validate and finalize the change. Validate, /// Abort the change, reverting to the initial state. Abort, } pub enum CompletionDirection { Forward, Backward, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum Movement { BackwardChar(usize), BackwardWord(usize), ForwardChar(usize), ForwardWord(usize), StartOfLine, EndOfLine, None, } fn is_word_sep(c: char) -> bool { c == std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR || c.is_whitespace() } impl Prompt { pub fn new( prompt: Cow<'static, str>, history_register: Option, completion_fn: impl FnMut(&Editor, &str) -> Vec + 'static, callback_fn: impl FnMut(&mut Context, &str, PromptEvent) + 'static, ) -> Self { Self { prompt, line: String::new(), cursor: 0, completion: Vec::new(), selection: None, history_register, history_pos: None, completion_fn: Box::new(completion_fn), callback_fn: Box::new(callback_fn), doc_fn: Box::new(|_| None), next_char_handler: None, language: None, } } /// Gets the byte index in the input representing the current cursor location. #[inline] pub(crate) fn position(&self) -> usize { self.cursor } pub fn with_line(mut self, line: String, editor: &Editor) -> Self { self.set_line(line, editor); self } pub fn set_line(&mut self, line: String, editor: &Editor) { let cursor = line.len(); self.line = line; self.cursor = cursor; self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn with_language( mut self, language: &'static str, loader: Arc>, ) -> Self { self.language = Some((language, loader)); self } pub fn line(&self) -> &String { &self.line } pub fn with_history_register(&mut self, history_register: Option) -> &mut Self { self.history_register = history_register; self } pub(crate) fn history_register(&self) -> Option { self.history_register } pub(crate) fn first_history_completion<'a>( &'a self, editor: &'a Editor, ) -> Option> { self.history_register .and_then(|reg| editor.registers.first(reg, editor)) } pub fn recalculate_completion(&mut self, editor: &Editor) { self.exit_selection(); self.completion = (self.completion_fn)(editor, &self.line); } /// Compute the cursor position after applying movement /// Taken from: fn eval_movement(&self, movement: Movement) -> usize { match movement { Movement::BackwardChar(rep) => { let mut position = self.cursor; for _ in 0..rep { let mut cursor = GraphemeCursor::new(position, self.line.len(), false); if let Ok(Some(pos)) = cursor.prev_boundary(&self.line, 0) { position = pos; } else { break; } } position } Movement::BackwardWord(rep) => { let char_indices: Vec<(usize, char)> = self.line.char_indices().collect(); if char_indices.is_empty() { return self.cursor; } let mut char_position = char_indices .iter() .position(|(idx, _)| *idx == self.cursor) .unwrap_or(char_indices.len() - 1); for _ in 0..rep { if char_position == 0 { break; } let mut found = None; for prev in (0..char_position - 1).rev() { if is_word_sep(char_indices[prev].1) { found = Some(prev + 1); break; } } char_position = found.unwrap_or(0); } char_indices[char_position].0 } Movement::ForwardWord(rep) => { let char_indices: Vec<(usize, char)> = self.line.char_indices().collect(); if char_indices.is_empty() { return self.cursor; } let mut char_position = char_indices .iter() .position(|(idx, _)| *idx == self.cursor) .unwrap_or(char_indices.len()); for _ in 0..rep { // Skip any non-whitespace characters while char_position < char_indices.len() && !is_word_sep(char_indices[char_position].1) { char_position += 1; } // Skip any whitespace characters while char_position < char_indices.len() && is_word_sep(char_indices[char_position].1) { char_position += 1; } // We are now on the start of the next word } char_indices .get(char_position) .map(|(i, _)| *i) .unwrap_or_else(|| self.line.len()) } Movement::ForwardChar(rep) => { let mut position = self.cursor; for _ in 0..rep { let mut cursor = GraphemeCursor::new(position, self.line.len(), false); if let Ok(Some(pos)) = cursor.next_boundary(&self.line, 0) { position = pos; } else { break; } } position } Movement::StartOfLine => 0, Movement::EndOfLine => self.line.len(), Movement::None => self.cursor, } } pub fn insert_char(&mut self, c: char, cx: &Context) { if let Some(handler) = &self.next_char_handler.take() { handler(self, c, cx); self.next_char_handler = None; return; } self.line.insert(self.cursor, c); let mut cursor = GraphemeCursor::new(self.cursor, self.line.len(), false); if let Ok(Some(pos)) = cursor.next_boundary(&self.line, 0) { self.cursor = pos; } self.recalculate_completion(cx.editor); } pub fn insert_str(&mut self, s: &str, editor: &Editor) { self.line.insert_str(self.cursor, s); self.cursor += s.len(); self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn move_cursor(&mut self, movement: Movement) { let pos = self.eval_movement(movement); self.cursor = pos } pub fn move_start(&mut self) { self.cursor = 0; } pub fn move_end(&mut self) { self.cursor = self.line.len(); } pub fn delete_char_backwards(&mut self, editor: &Editor) { let pos = self.eval_movement(Movement::BackwardChar(1)); self.line.replace_range(pos..self.cursor, ""); self.cursor = pos; self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn delete_char_forwards(&mut self, editor: &Editor) { let pos = self.eval_movement(Movement::ForwardChar(1)); self.line.replace_range(self.cursor..pos, ""); self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn delete_word_backwards(&mut self, editor: &Editor) { let pos = self.eval_movement(Movement::BackwardWord(1)); self.line.replace_range(pos..self.cursor, ""); self.cursor = pos; self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn delete_word_forwards(&mut self, editor: &Editor) { let pos = self.eval_movement(Movement::ForwardWord(1)); self.line.replace_range(self.cursor..pos, ""); self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn kill_to_start_of_line(&mut self, editor: &Editor) { let pos = self.eval_movement(Movement::StartOfLine); self.line.replace_range(pos..self.cursor, ""); self.cursor = pos; self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn kill_to_end_of_line(&mut self, editor: &Editor) { let pos = self.eval_movement(Movement::EndOfLine); self.line.replace_range(self.cursor..pos, ""); self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn clear(&mut self, editor: &Editor) { self.line.clear(); self.cursor = 0; self.recalculate_completion(editor); } pub fn change_history( &mut self, cx: &mut Context, register: char, direction: CompletionDirection, ) { (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Abort); let mut values = match, cx.editor) { Some(values) if values.len() > 0 => values.rev(), _ => return, }; let end = values.len().saturating_sub(1); let index = match direction { CompletionDirection::Forward => self.history_pos.map_or(0, |i| i + 1), CompletionDirection::Backward => self .history_pos .unwrap_or_else(|| values.len()) .saturating_sub(1), } .min(end); self.line = values.nth(index).unwrap().to_string(); // Appease the borrow checker. drop(values); self.history_pos = Some(index); self.move_end(); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); self.recalculate_completion(cx.editor); } pub fn change_completion_selection(&mut self, direction: CompletionDirection) { if self.completion.is_empty() { return; } let index = match direction { CompletionDirection::Forward => self.selection.map_or(0, |i| i + 1), CompletionDirection::Backward => { self.selection.unwrap_or(0) + self.completion.len() - 1 } } % self.completion.len(); self.selection = Some(index); let (range, item) = &self.completion[index]; self.line.replace_range(range.clone(), &item.content); self.move_end(); } pub fn exit_selection(&mut self) { self.selection = None; } } const BASE_WIDTH: u16 = 30; impl Prompt { pub fn render_prompt(&self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, cx: &mut Context) { let theme = &cx.editor.theme; let prompt_color = theme.get("ui.text"); let completion_color = theme.get(""); let selected_color = theme.get(""); let suggestion_color = theme.get("ui.text.inactive"); let background = theme.get("ui.background"); // completion let max_len = self .completion .iter() .map(|(_, completion)| completion.content.len() as u16) .max() .unwrap_or(BASE_WIDTH) .max(BASE_WIDTH); let cols = std::cmp::max(1, area.width / max_len); let col_width = (area.width.saturating_sub(cols)) / cols; let height = (self.completion.len() as u16) .div_ceil(cols) .min(10) // at most 10 rows (or less) .min(area.height.saturating_sub(1)); let completion_area = Rect::new( area.x, (area.height - height).saturating_sub(1), area.width, height, ); if completion_area.height > 0 && !self.completion.is_empty() { let area = completion_area; let background = theme.get(""); let items = height as usize * cols as usize; let offset = self .selection .map(|selection| selection / items * items) .unwrap_or_default(); surface.clear_with(area, background); let mut row = 0; let mut col = 0; for (i, (_range, completion)) in self.completion.iter().enumerate().skip(offset).take(items) { let is_selected = Some(i) == self.selection; let completion_item_style = if is_selected { selected_color } else { completion_color.patch( }; surface.set_stringn( area.x + col * (1 + col_width), area.y + row, &completion.content, col_width.saturating_sub(1) as usize, completion_item_style, ); row += 1; if row > area.height - 1 { row = 0; col += 1; } } } if let Some(doc) = (self.doc_fn)(&self.line) { let mut text = ui::Text::new(doc.to_string()); let max_width = BASE_WIDTH * 3; let padding = 1; let viewport = area; let (_width, height) = ui::text::required_size(&text.contents, max_width); let area = viewport.intersection(Rect::new( completion_area.x, completion_area.y.saturating_sub(height + padding * 2), max_width, height + padding * 2, )); let background = theme.get(""); surface.clear_with(area, background); let block = Block::bordered() // .title(self.title.as_str()) .border_style(background); let inner = block.inner(area).inner(Margin::horizontal(1)); block.render(area, surface); text.render(inner, surface, cx); } let line = area.height - 1; surface.clear_with(area.clip_top(line), background); // render buffer text surface.set_string(area.x, area.y + line, &self.prompt, prompt_color); let line_area = area.clip_left(self.prompt.len() as u16).clip_top(line); if self.line.is_empty() { // Show the most recently entered value as a suggestion. if let Some(suggestion) = self.first_history_completion(cx.editor) { surface.set_string(line_area.x, line_area.y, suggestion, suggestion_color); } } else if let Some((language, loader)) = self.language.as_ref() { let mut text: ui::text::Text = crate::ui::markdown::highlighted_code_block( &self.line, language, Some(&cx.editor.theme), loader.clone(), None, ) .into(); text.render(line_area, surface, cx); } else { surface.set_string(line_area.x, line_area.y, self.line.clone(), prompt_color); } } } impl Component for Prompt { fn handle_event(&mut self, event: &Event, cx: &mut Context) -> EventResult { let event = match event { Event::Paste(data) => { self.insert_str(data, cx.editor); self.recalculate_completion(cx.editor); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Key(event) => *event, Event::Resize(..) => return EventResult::Consumed(None), _ => return EventResult::Ignored(None), }; let close_fn = EventResult::Consumed(Some(Box::new(|compositor: &mut Compositor, _| { // remove the layer compositor.pop(); }))); match event { ctrl!('c') | key!(Esc) => { (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Abort); return close_fn; } alt!('b') | ctrl!(Left) => self.move_cursor(Movement::BackwardWord(1)), alt!('f') | ctrl!(Right) => self.move_cursor(Movement::ForwardWord(1)), ctrl!('b') | key!(Left) => self.move_cursor(Movement::BackwardChar(1)), ctrl!('f') | key!(Right) => self.move_cursor(Movement::ForwardChar(1)), ctrl!('e') | key!(End) => self.move_end(), ctrl!('a') | key!(Home) => self.move_start(), ctrl!('w') | alt!(Backspace) | ctrl!(Backspace) => { self.delete_word_backwards(cx.editor); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); } alt!('d') | alt!(Delete) | ctrl!(Delete) => { self.delete_word_forwards(cx.editor); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); } ctrl!('k') => { self.kill_to_end_of_line(cx.editor); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); } ctrl!('u') => { self.kill_to_start_of_line(cx.editor); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); } ctrl!('h') | key!(Backspace) | shift!(Backspace) => { self.delete_char_backwards(cx.editor); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); } ctrl!('d') | key!(Delete) => { self.delete_char_forwards(cx.editor); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); } ctrl!('s') => { let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor); let text = doc.text().slice(..); use helix_core::textobject; let range = textobject::textobject_word( text, doc.selection(, textobject::TextObject::Inside, 1, false, ); let line = text.slice(range.from(); if !line.is_empty() { self.insert_str(line.as_str(), cx.editor); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); } } key!(Enter) => { if self.selection.is_some() && self.line.ends_with(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR) { self.recalculate_completion(cx.editor); } else { let last_item = self .first_history_completion(cx.editor) .map(|entry| entry.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("")); // handle executing with last command in history if nothing entered let input = if self.line.is_empty() { &last_item } else { if last_item != self.line { // store in history if let Some(register) = self.history_register { if let Err(err) = cx.editor.registers.push(register, self.line.clone()) { cx.editor.set_error(err.to_string()); } }; } &self.line }; (self.callback_fn)(cx, input, PromptEvent::Validate); return close_fn; } } ctrl!('p') | key!(Up) => { if let Some(register) = self.history_register { self.change_history(cx, register, CompletionDirection::Backward); } } ctrl!('n') | key!(Down) => { if let Some(register) = self.history_register { self.change_history(cx, register, CompletionDirection::Forward); } } key!(Tab) => { self.change_completion_selection(CompletionDirection::Forward); // if single completion candidate is a directory list content in completion if self.completion.len() == 1 && self.line.ends_with(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR) { self.recalculate_completion(cx.editor); } (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update) } shift!(Tab) => { self.change_completion_selection(CompletionDirection::Backward); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update) } ctrl!('q') => self.exit_selection(), ctrl!('r') => { self.completion = cx .editor .registers .iter_preview() .map(|(ch, preview)| (0.., format!("{} {}", ch, &preview).into())) .collect(); self.next_char_handler = Some(Box::new(|prompt, c, context| { prompt.insert_str( &context .editor .registers .first(c, context.editor) .unwrap_or_default(), context.editor, ); })); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } // any char event that's not mapped to any other combo KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char(c), modifiers: _, } => { self.insert_char(c, cx); (self.callback_fn)(cx, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update); } _ => (), }; EventResult::Consumed(None) } fn render(&mut self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, cx: &mut Context) { self.render_prompt(area, surface, cx) } fn cursor(&self, area: Rect, editor: &Editor) -> (Option, CursorKind) { let line = area.height as usize - 1; ( Some(Position::new( area.y as usize + line, area.x as usize + self.prompt.len() + UnicodeWidthStr::width(&self.line[..self.cursor]), )), editor.config().cursor_shape.from_mode(Mode::Insert), ) } }