; ------- ; Tree-Sitter doesn't allow overrides in regards to captures, ; though it is possible to affect the child node of a captured ; node. Thus, the approach here is to flip the order so that ; overrides are unnecessary. ; ------- ; ------- ; Types ; ------- (type_parameters (type_identifier) @type.parameter) (constrained_type_parameter left: (type_identifier) @type.parameter) (optional_type_parameter name: (type_identifier) @type.parameter) ; --- ; Primitives ; --- (escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape (primitive_type) @type.builtin (boolean_literal) @constant.builtin.boolean (integer_literal) @constant.numeric.integer (float_literal) @constant.numeric.float (char_literal) @constant.character [ (string_literal) (raw_string_literal) ] @string [ (line_comment) (block_comment) ] @comment ; --- ; Extraneous ; --- (self) @variable.builtin (enum_variant (identifier) @type.enum.variant) (field_initializer (field_identifier) @variable.other.member) (shorthand_field_initializer (identifier) @variable.other.member) (shorthand_field_identifier) @variable.other.member (lifetime "'" @label (identifier) @label) (label "'" @label (identifier) @label) ; --- ; Prelude ; --- ((identifier) @type.enum.variant.builtin (#any-of? @type.enum.variant.builtin "Some" "None" "Ok" "Err")) ((type_identifier) @type.builtin (#any-of? @type.builtin "Send" "Sized" "Sync" "Unpin" "Drop" "Fn" "FnMut" "FnOnce" "AsMut" "AsRef" "From" "Into" "DoubleEndedIterator" "ExactSizeIterator" "Extend" "IntoIterator" "Iterator" "Option" "Result" "Clone" "Copy" "Debug" "Default" "Eq" "Hash" "Ord" "PartialEq" "PartialOrd" "ToOwned" "Box" "String" "ToString" "Vec" "FromIterator" "TryFrom" "TryInto")) ; --- ; Punctuation ; --- [ "::" "." ";" "," ":" ] @punctuation.delimiter [ "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" "#" ] @punctuation.bracket (type_arguments [ "<" ">" ] @punctuation.bracket) (type_parameters [ "<" ">" ] @punctuation.bracket) (closure_parameters "|" @punctuation.bracket) ; --- ; Variables ; --- (let_declaration pattern: [ ((identifier) @variable) ((tuple_pattern (identifier) @variable)) ]) ; It needs to be anonymous to not conflict with `call_expression` further below. (_ value: (field_expression value: (identifier)? @variable field: (field_identifier) @variable.other.member)) (parameter pattern: (identifier) @variable.parameter) (closure_parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter) ; ------- ; Keywords ; ------- (for_expression "for" @keyword.control.repeat) ((identifier) @keyword.control (#match? @keyword.control "^yield$")) "in" @keyword.control [ "match" "if" "else" "try" ] @keyword.control.conditional [ "while" "loop" ] @keyword.control.repeat [ "break" "continue" "return" "await" ] @keyword.control.return "use" @keyword.control.import (mod_item "mod" @keyword.control.import !body) (use_as_clause "as" @keyword.control.import) (type_cast_expression "as" @keyword.operator) [ (crate) (super) "as" "pub" "mod" "extern" "impl" "where" "trait" "for" "default" "async" ] @keyword [ "struct" "enum" "union" "type" ] @keyword.storage.type "let" @keyword.storage "fn" @keyword.function "unsafe" @keyword.special "macro_rules!" @function.macro (mutable_specifier) @keyword.storage.modifier.mut (reference_type "&" @keyword.storage.modifier.ref) (self_parameter "&" @keyword.storage.modifier.ref) [ "static" "const" "ref" "move" "dyn" ] @keyword.storage.modifier ; TODO: variable.mut to highlight mutable identifiers via locals.scm ; ------- ; Constructors ; ------- ; TODO: this is largely guesswork, remove it once we get actual info from locals.scm or r-a (struct_expression name: (type_identifier) @constructor) (tuple_struct_pattern type: [ (identifier) @constructor (scoped_identifier name: (identifier) @constructor) ]) (struct_pattern type: [ ((type_identifier) @constructor) (scoped_type_identifier name: (type_identifier) @constructor) ]) (match_pattern ((identifier) @constructor) (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) (or_pattern ((identifier) @constructor) ((identifier) @constructor) (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) ; ------- ; Guess Other Types ; ------- ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z\\d_]*$")) ; --- ; PascalCase identifiers in call_expressions (e.g. `Ok()`) ; are assumed to be enum constructors. ; --- (call_expression function: [ ((identifier) @constructor (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) (scoped_identifier name: ((identifier) @constructor (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]"))) ]) ; --- ; PascalCase identifiers under a path which is also PascalCase ; are assumed to be constructors if they have methods or fields. ; --- (field_expression value: (scoped_identifier path: [ (identifier) @type (scoped_identifier name: (identifier) @type) ] name: (identifier) @constructor (#match? @type "^[A-Z]") (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]"))) ; --- ; Other PascalCase identifiers are assumed to be structs. ; --- ((identifier) @type (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) (never_type "!" @type) ; ------- ; Functions ; ------- (call_expression function: [ ((identifier) @function) (scoped_identifier name: (identifier) @function) (field_expression field: (field_identifier) @function) ]) (generic_function function: [ ((identifier) @function) (scoped_identifier name: (identifier) @function) (field_expression field: (field_identifier) @function.method) ]) (function_item name: (identifier) @function) (function_signature_item name: (identifier) @function) ; --- ; Macros ; --- (attribute (identifier) @special arguments: (token_tree (identifier) @type) (#eq? @special "derive") ) (attribute (identifier) @function.macro) (attribute [ (identifier) @function.macro (scoped_identifier name: (identifier) @function.macro) ] (token_tree (identifier) @function.macro)?) (inner_attribute_item) @attribute (macro_definition name: (identifier) @function.macro) (macro_invocation macro: [ ((identifier) @function.macro) (scoped_identifier name: (identifier) @function.macro) ] "!" @function.macro) (metavariable) @variable.parameter (fragment_specifier) @type ; ------- ; Operators ; ------- [ "*" "'" "->" "=>" "<=" "=" "==" "!" "!=" "%" "%=" "&" "&=" "&&" "|" "|=" "||" "^" "^=" "*" "*=" "-" "-=" "+" "+=" "/" "/=" ">" "<" ">=" ">>" "<<" ">>=" "<<=" "@" ".." "..=" "'" ] @operator ; ------- ; Paths ; ------- (use_declaration argument: (identifier) @namespace) (use_wildcard (identifier) @namespace) (extern_crate_declaration name: (identifier) @namespace alias: (identifier)? @namespace) (mod_item name: (identifier) @namespace) (scoped_use_list path: (identifier)? @namespace) (use_list (identifier) @namespace) (use_as_clause path: (identifier)? @namespace alias: (identifier) @namespace) ; --- ; Remaining Paths ; --- (scoped_identifier path: (identifier)? @namespace name: (identifier) @namespace) (scoped_type_identifier path: (identifier) @namespace) ; ------- ; Remaining Identifiers ; ------- ; We do not style ? as an operator on purpose as it allows styling ? differently, as many highlighters do. @operator.special might have been a better scope, but @special is already documented so the change would break themes (including the intent of the default theme) "?" @special (type_identifier) @type (identifier) @variable (field_identifier) @variable.other.member