2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
use crate::compositor::{Component, Compositor, Context, EventResult};
use crossterm::event::{Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyModifiers};
use tui::buffer::Buffer as Surface;
use tui::{
style::{Color, Style},
widgets::{Block, Borders},
use fuzzy_matcher::skim::SkimMatcherV2 as Matcher;
use fuzzy_matcher::FuzzyMatcher;
use ignore::Walk;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use crate::ui::{Prompt, PromptEvent};
use helix_core::Position;
use helix_view::Editor;
pub struct Picker {
files: Vec<PathBuf>,
// filter: String,
matcher: Box<Matcher>,
2020-12-18 16:43:15 +09:00
/// (index, score)
matches: Vec<(usize, i64)>,
2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
cursor: usize,
// pattern: String,
prompt: Prompt,
impl Picker {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let files = Walk::new("./").filter_map(|entry| match entry {
Ok(entry) => {
// filter dirs, but we might need special handling for symlinks!
if !entry.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() {
} else {
Err(_err) => None,
let prompt = Prompt::new(
|pattern: &str| Vec::new(),
|editor: &mut Editor, pattern: &str, event: PromptEvent| {
const MAX: usize = 1024;
2020-12-18 16:43:15 +09:00
let mut picker = Self {
2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
files: files.take(MAX).collect(),
matcher: Box::new(Matcher::default()),
2020-12-18 16:43:15 +09:00
matches: Vec::new(),
2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
cursor: 0,
2020-12-18 16:43:15 +09:00
// TODO: scoring on empty input should just use a fastpath
2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
2020-12-18 16:43:15 +09:00
pub fn score(&mut self) {
// need to borrow via pattern match otherwise it complains about simultaneous borrow
let Self {
ref mut files,
ref mut matcher,
ref mut matches,
} = *self;
let pattern = &self.prompt.line;
// reuse the matches allocation
matches.extend(self.files.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, path)| {
match path.to_str() {
// TODO: using fuzzy_indices could give us the char idx for match highlighting
Some(path) => matcher
.fuzzy_match(path, pattern)
.map(|score| (index, score)),
None => None,
matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, score)| -score);
// reset cursor position
self.cursor = 0;
2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
pub fn move_up(&mut self) {
self.cursor = self.cursor.saturating_sub(1);
pub fn move_down(&mut self) {
// TODO: len - 1
if self.cursor < self.files.len() {
self.cursor += 1;
2020-12-18 16:43:15 +09:00
pub fn selection(&self) -> Option<&PathBuf> {
.map(|(index, _score)| &self.files[*index])
2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
// process:
// - read all the files into a list, maxed out at a large value
// - on input change:
// - score all the names in relation to input
impl Component for Picker {
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Event, cx: &mut Context) -> EventResult {
let key_event = match event {
Event::Key(event) => event,
Event::Resize(..) => return EventResult::Consumed(None),
_ => return EventResult::Ignored,
let close_fn = EventResult::Consumed(Some(Box::new(|compositor: &mut Compositor| {
// remove the layer
match key_event {
// KeyEvent {
// code: KeyCode::Char(c),
// modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE,
// } => {
// self.insert_char(c);
// (self.callback_fn)(cx.editor, &self.line, PromptEvent::Update);
// }
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Up, ..
| KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Char('k'),
modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL,
} => self.move_up(),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Down,
| KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Char('j'),
modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL,
} => self.move_down(),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Esc, ..
} => {
return close_fn;
2020-12-18 16:43:15 +09:00
_ => {
match self.prompt.handle_event(event, cx) {
EventResult::Consumed(_) => {
// TODO: recalculate only if pattern changed
_ => (),
2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
fn render(&self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, cx: &mut Context) {
let padding_vertical = area.height * 20 / 100;
let padding_horizontal = area.width * 20 / 100;
let area = Rect::new(
area.x + padding_horizontal,
area.y + padding_vertical,
area.width - padding_horizontal * 2,
area.height - padding_vertical * 2,
// -- Render the frame:
// clear area
for y in area.top()..area.bottom() {
for x in area.left()..area.right() {
surface.get_mut(x, y).reset()
use tui::widgets::Widget;
// don't like this but the lifetime sucks
let block = Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL);
// calculate the inner area inside the box
let inner = block.inner(area);
block.render(area, surface);
// TODO: abstract into a clear(area) fn
// surface.set_style(inner, Style::default().bg(Color::Rgb(150, 50, 0)));
// -- Render the input bar:
let area = Rect::new(inner.x + 1, inner.y, inner.width - 1, 1);
self.prompt.render(area, surface, cx);
// -- Separator
use tui::widgets::BorderType;
let style = Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(90, 89, 119));
let symbols = BorderType::line_symbols(BorderType::Plain);
for x in inner.left()..inner.right() {
.get_mut(x, inner.y + 1)
// -- Render the contents:
let style = Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(164, 160, 232)); // lavender
let selected = Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(255, 255, 255));
let rows = inner.height - 2; // -1 for search bar
2020-12-18 16:43:15 +09:00
let files = self.matches.iter().map(|(index, _score)| {
(index, self.files.get(*index).unwrap()) // get_unchecked
for (i, (_index, file)) in files.take(rows as usize).enumerate() {
2020-12-17 18:08:16 +09:00
if i == self.cursor {
surface.set_string(inner.x + 1, inner.y + 2 + i as u16, ">", selected);
inner.x + 3,
inner.y + 2 + i as u16,
file.strip_prefix("./").unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), // TODO: render paths without ./
inner.width as usize - 1,
if i == self.cursor { selected } else { style },
fn cursor_position(&self, area: Rect, ctx: &mut Context) -> Option<Position> {
self.prompt.cursor_position(area, ctx)