
1127 lines
47 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::iter;
use ropey::iter::Chars;
use crate::{
chars::{categorize_char, char_is_line_ending, CharCategory},
next_grapheme_boundary, nth_next_grapheme_boundary, nth_prev_grapheme_boundary,
pos_at_coords, Position, Range, RopeSlice,
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Direction {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Movement {
pub fn move_horizontally(
slice: RopeSlice,
range: Range,
dir: Direction,
count: usize,
behaviour: Movement,
) -> Range {
let pos = range.cursor(slice);
// Compute the new position.
let new_pos = match dir {
Direction::Forward => nth_next_grapheme_boundary(slice, pos, count),
Direction::Backward => nth_prev_grapheme_boundary(slice, pos, count),
// Compute the final new range.
range.put_cursor(slice, new_pos, behaviour == Movement::Extend)
pub fn move_vertically(
slice: RopeSlice,
range: Range,
dir: Direction,
count: usize,
behaviour: Movement,
) -> Range {
let pos = range.cursor(slice);
// Compute the current position's 2d coordinates.
let Position { row, col } = coords_at_pos(slice, pos);
let horiz = range.horiz.unwrap_or(col as u32);
// Compute the new position.
let new_row = match dir {
Direction::Forward => (row + count).min(slice.len_lines().saturating_sub(1)),
Direction::Backward => row.saturating_sub(count),
let new_col = col.max(horiz as usize);
let new_pos = pos_at_coords(slice, Position::new(new_row, new_col), true);
// Special-case to avoid moving to the end of the last non-empty line.
if behaviour == Movement::Extend && slice.line(new_row).len_chars() == 0 {
return range;
let mut new_range = range.put_cursor(slice, new_pos, behaviour == Movement::Extend);
new_range.horiz = Some(horiz);
pub fn move_next_word_start(slice: RopeSlice, range: Range, count: usize) -> Range {
word_move(slice, range, count, WordMotionTarget::NextWordStart)
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
pub fn move_next_word_end(slice: RopeSlice, range: Range, count: usize) -> Range {
word_move(slice, range, count, WordMotionTarget::NextWordEnd)
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
pub fn move_prev_word_start(slice: RopeSlice, range: Range, count: usize) -> Range {
word_move(slice, range, count, WordMotionTarget::PrevWordStart)
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
2021-06-29 14:39:05 +02:00
pub fn move_next_long_word_start(slice: RopeSlice, range: Range, count: usize) -> Range {
word_move(slice, range, count, WordMotionTarget::NextLongWordStart)
pub fn move_next_long_word_end(slice: RopeSlice, range: Range, count: usize) -> Range {
word_move(slice, range, count, WordMotionTarget::NextLongWordEnd)
pub fn move_prev_long_word_start(slice: RopeSlice, range: Range, count: usize) -> Range {
word_move(slice, range, count, WordMotionTarget::PrevLongWordStart)
pub fn move_prev_word_end(slice: RopeSlice, range: Range, count: usize) -> Range {
word_move(slice, range, count, WordMotionTarget::PrevWordEnd)
fn word_move(slice: RopeSlice, range: Range, count: usize, target: WordMotionTarget) -> Range {
let is_prev = matches!(
| WordMotionTarget::PrevLongWordStart
| WordMotionTarget::PrevWordEnd
// Special-case early-out.
if (is_prev && range.head == 0) || (!is_prev && range.head == slice.len_chars()) {
return range;
// Prepare the range appropriately based on the target movement
// direction. This is addressing two things at once:
// 1. Block-cursor semantics.
// 2. The anchor position being irrelevant to the output result.
#[allow(clippy::collapsible_else_if)] // Makes the structure clearer in this case.
let start_range = if is_prev {
if range.anchor < range.head {
Range::new(range.head, prev_grapheme_boundary(slice, range.head))
} else {
Range::new(next_grapheme_boundary(slice, range.head), range.head)
} else {
if range.anchor < range.head {
Range::new(prev_grapheme_boundary(slice, range.head), range.head)
} else {
Range::new(range.head, next_grapheme_boundary(slice, range.head))
// Do the main work.
(0..count).fold(start_range, |r, _| {
slice.chars_at(r.head).range_to_target(target, r)
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
// ---- util ------------
/// Returns first index that doesn't satisfy a given predicate when
/// advancing the character index.
/// Returns none if all characters satisfy the predicate.
pub fn skip_while<F>(slice: RopeSlice, pos: usize, fun: F) -> Option<usize>
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
F: Fn(char) -> bool,
let mut chars = slice.chars_at(pos).enumerate();
chars.find_map(|(i, c)| if !fun(c) { Some(pos + i) } else { None })
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
/// Returns first index that doesn't satisfy a given predicate when
/// retreating the character index, saturating if all elements satisfy
/// the condition.
pub fn backwards_skip_while<F>(slice: RopeSlice, pos: usize, fun: F) -> Option<usize>
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
F: Fn(char) -> bool,
let mut chars_starting_from_next = slice.chars_at(pos + 1);
let mut backwards = iter::from_fn(|| chars_starting_from_next.prev()).enumerate();
backwards.find_map(|(i, c)| {
if !fun(c) {
} else {
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
/// Possible targets of a word motion
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum WordMotionTarget {
2021-06-29 14:39:05 +02:00
// A "Long word" (also known as a WORD in vim/kakoune) is strictly
// delimited by whitespace, and can consist of punctuation as well
// as alphanumerics.
pub trait CharHelpers {
fn range_to_target(&mut self, target: WordMotionTarget, origin: Range) -> Range;
impl CharHelpers for Chars<'_> {
/// Note: this only changes the anchor of the range if the head is effectively
/// starting on a boundary (either directly or after skipping newline characters).
/// Any other changes to the anchor should be handled by the calling code.
fn range_to_target(&mut self, target: WordMotionTarget, origin: Range) -> Range {
let is_prev = matches!(
| WordMotionTarget::PrevLongWordStart
| WordMotionTarget::PrevWordEnd
// Reverse the iterator if needed for the motion direction.
if is_prev {
// Function to advance index in the appropriate motion direction.
let advance: &dyn Fn(&mut usize) = if is_prev {
&|idx| *idx = idx.saturating_sub(1)
} else {
&|idx| *idx += 1
// Initialize state variables.
let mut anchor = origin.anchor;
let mut head = origin.head;
let mut prev_ch = {
let ch = self.prev();
if ch.is_some() {
// Skip any initial newline characters.
while let Some(ch) = self.next() {
if char_is_line_ending(ch) {
prev_ch = Some(ch);
advance(&mut head);
} else {
if prev_ch.map(char_is_line_ending).unwrap_or(false) {
anchor = head;
// Find our target position(s).
let head_start = head;
#[allow(clippy::while_let_on_iterator)] // Clippy's suggestion to fix doesn't work here.
while let Some(next_ch) = self.next() {
if prev_ch.is_none() || reached_target(target, prev_ch.unwrap(), next_ch) {
if head == head_start {
anchor = head;
} else {
prev_ch = Some(next_ch);
advance(&mut head);
// Un-reverse the iterator if needed.
if is_prev {
Range::new(anchor, head)
2021-06-29 14:39:05 +02:00
fn is_word_boundary(a: char, b: char) -> bool {
categorize_char(a) != categorize_char(b)
fn is_long_word_boundary(a: char, b: char) -> bool {
match (categorize_char(a), categorize_char(b)) {
(CharCategory::Word, CharCategory::Punctuation)
| (CharCategory::Punctuation, CharCategory::Word) => false,
2021-06-29 14:39:05 +02:00
(a, b) if a != b => true,
_ => false,
2021-06-29 14:39:05 +02:00
fn reached_target(target: WordMotionTarget, prev_ch: char, next_ch: char) -> bool {
match target {
WordMotionTarget::NextWordStart | WordMotionTarget::PrevWordEnd => {
is_word_boundary(prev_ch, next_ch)
&& (char_is_line_ending(next_ch) || !next_ch.is_whitespace())
WordMotionTarget::NextWordEnd | WordMotionTarget::PrevWordStart => {
is_word_boundary(prev_ch, next_ch)
&& (!prev_ch.is_whitespace() || char_is_line_ending(next_ch))
2021-06-29 14:39:05 +02:00
WordMotionTarget::NextLongWordStart => {
is_long_word_boundary(prev_ch, next_ch)
&& (char_is_line_ending(next_ch) || !next_ch.is_whitespace())
2021-06-29 14:39:05 +02:00
WordMotionTarget::NextLongWordEnd | WordMotionTarget::PrevLongWordStart => {
is_long_word_boundary(prev_ch, next_ch)
&& (!prev_ch.is_whitespace() || char_is_line_ending(next_ch))
2021-03-18 13:39:34 +09:00
mod test {
use std::array::{self, IntoIter};
use ropey::Rope;
use super::*;
const SINGLE_LINE_SAMPLE: &str = "This is a simple alphabetic line";
const MULTILINE_SAMPLE: &str = "\
text sample\n\
is merely alphabetic\n\
and whitespaced\n\
The text above is Japanese\n\
fn test_vertical_move() {
let text = Rope::from("abcd\nefg\nwrs");
let slice = text.slice(..);
let pos = pos_at_coords(slice, (0, 4).into(), true);
let range = Range::new(pos, pos);
move_vertically(slice, range, Direction::Forward, 1, Movement::Move).head
(1, 3).into()
fn horizontal_moves_through_single_line_text() {
let text = Rope::from(SINGLE_LINE_SAMPLE);
let slice = text.slice(..);
let position = pos_at_coords(slice, (0, 0).into(), true);
let mut range = Range::point(position);
let moves_and_expected_coordinates = [
((Direction::Forward, 1usize), (0, 1)), // T|his is a simple alphabetic line
((Direction::Forward, 2usize), (0, 3)), // Thi|s is a simple alphabetic line
((Direction::Forward, 0usize), (0, 3)), // Thi|s is a simple alphabetic line
((Direction::Forward, 999usize), (0, 32)), // This is a simple alphabetic line|
((Direction::Forward, 999usize), (0, 32)), // This is a simple alphabetic line|
((Direction::Backward, 999usize), (0, 0)), // |This is a simple alphabetic line
for ((direction, amount), coordinates) in IntoIter::new(moves_and_expected_coordinates) {
range = move_horizontally(slice, range, direction, amount, Movement::Move);
assert_eq!(coords_at_pos(slice, range.head), coordinates.into())
fn horizontal_moves_through_multiline_text() {
let text = Rope::from(MULTILINE_SAMPLE);
let slice = text.slice(..);
let position = pos_at_coords(slice, (0, 0).into(), true);
let mut range = Range::point(position);
let moves_and_expected_coordinates = IntoIter::new([
((Direction::Forward, 11usize), (1, 1)), // Multiline\nt|ext sample\n...
((Direction::Backward, 1usize), (1, 0)), // Multiline\n|text sample\n...
((Direction::Backward, 5usize), (0, 5)), // Multi|line\ntext sample\n...
((Direction::Backward, 999usize), (0, 0)), // |Multiline\ntext sample\n...
((Direction::Forward, 3usize), (0, 3)), // Mul|tiline\ntext sample\n...
((Direction::Forward, 0usize), (0, 3)), // Mul|tiline\ntext sample\n...
((Direction::Backward, 0usize), (0, 3)), // Mul|tiline\ntext sample\n...
((Direction::Forward, 999usize), (5, 0)), // ...and whitespaced\n|
((Direction::Forward, 999usize), (5, 0)), // ...and whitespaced\n|
for ((direction, amount), coordinates) in moves_and_expected_coordinates {
range = move_horizontally(slice, range, direction, amount, Movement::Move);
assert_eq!(coords_at_pos(slice, range.head), coordinates.into());
assert_eq!(range.head, range.anchor);
fn selection_extending_moves_in_single_line_text() {
let text = Rope::from(SINGLE_LINE_SAMPLE);
let slice = text.slice(..);
let position = pos_at_coords(slice, (0, 0).into(), true);
let mut range = Range::point(position);
let original_anchor = range.anchor;
let moves = IntoIter::new([
(Direction::Forward, 1usize),
(Direction::Forward, 5usize),
(Direction::Backward, 3usize),
for (direction, amount) in moves {
range = move_horizontally(slice, range, direction, amount, Movement::Extend);
assert_eq!(range.anchor, original_anchor);
fn vertical_moves_in_single_column() {
let text = Rope::from(MULTILINE_SAMPLE);
let slice = text.slice(..);
let position = pos_at_coords(slice, (0, 0).into(), true);
let mut range = Range::point(position);
let moves_and_expected_coordinates = IntoIter::new([
((Direction::Forward, 1usize), (1, 0)),
((Direction::Forward, 2usize), (3, 0)),
((Direction::Forward, 1usize), (4, 0)),
((Direction::Backward, 999usize), (0, 0)),
((Direction::Forward, 4usize), (4, 0)),
((Direction::Forward, 0usize), (4, 0)),
((Direction::Backward, 0usize), (4, 0)),
((Direction::Forward, 5), (5, 0)),
((Direction::Forward, 999usize), (5, 0)),
for ((direction, amount), coordinates) in moves_and_expected_coordinates {
range = move_vertically(slice, range, direction, amount, Movement::Move);
assert_eq!(coords_at_pos(slice, range.head), coordinates.into());
assert_eq!(range.head, range.anchor);
fn vertical_moves_jumping_column() {
let text = Rope::from(MULTILINE_SAMPLE);
let slice = text.slice(..);
let position = pos_at_coords(slice, (0, 0).into(), true);
let mut range = Range::point(position);
enum Axis {
let moves_and_expected_coordinates = IntoIter::new([
// Places cursor at the end of line
((Axis::H, Direction::Forward, 8usize), (0, 8)),
// First descent preserves column as the target line is wider
((Axis::V, Direction::Forward, 1usize), (1, 8)),
// Second descent clamps column as the target line is shorter
((Axis::V, Direction::Forward, 1usize), (2, 5)),
// Third descent restores the original column
((Axis::V, Direction::Forward, 1usize), (3, 8)),
// Behaviour is preserved even through long jumps
((Axis::V, Direction::Backward, 999usize), (0, 8)),
((Axis::V, Direction::Forward, 4usize), (4, 8)),
((Axis::V, Direction::Forward, 999usize), (5, 0)),
for ((axis, direction, amount), coordinates) in moves_and_expected_coordinates {
range = match axis {
Axis::H => move_horizontally(slice, range, direction, amount, Movement::Move),
Axis::V => move_vertically(slice, range, direction, amount, Movement::Move),
assert_eq!(coords_at_pos(slice, range.head), coordinates.into());
assert_eq!(range.head, range.anchor);
fn multibyte_character_wide_column_jumps() {
let text = Rope::from(MULTIBYTE_CHARACTER_SAMPLE);
let slice = text.slice(..);
let position = pos_at_coords(slice, (0, 0).into(), true);
let mut range = Range::point(position);
// FIXME: The behaviour captured in this test diverges from both Kakoune and Vim. These
// will attempt to preserve the horizontal position of the cursor, rather than
// placing it at the same character index.
enum Axis {
let moves_and_expected_coordinates = IntoIter::new([
// Places cursor at the fourth kana.
((Axis::H, Direction::Forward, 4), (0, 4)),
// Descent places cursor at the 4th character.
((Axis::V, Direction::Forward, 1usize), (1, 4)),
// Moving back 1 character.
((Axis::H, Direction::Backward, 1usize), (1, 3)),
// Jumping back up 1 line.
((Axis::V, Direction::Backward, 1usize), (0, 3)),
for ((axis, direction, amount), coordinates) in moves_and_expected_coordinates {
range = match axis {
Axis::H => move_horizontally(slice, range, direction, amount, Movement::Move),
Axis::V => move_vertically(slice, range, direction, amount, Movement::Move),
assert_eq!(coords_at_pos(slice, range.head), coordinates.into());
assert_eq!(range.head, range.anchor);
fn nonsensical_ranges_panic_on_forward_movement_attempt_in_debug_mode() {
move_next_word_start(Rope::from("Sample").slice(..), Range::point(99999999), 1);
fn nonsensical_ranges_panic_on_forward_to_end_movement_attempt_in_debug_mode() {
move_next_word_end(Rope::from("Sample").slice(..), Range::point(99999999), 1);
fn nonsensical_ranges_panic_on_backwards_movement_attempt_in_debug_mode() {
move_prev_word_start(Rope::from("Sample").slice(..), Range::point(99999999), 1);
fn test_behaviour_when_moving_to_start_of_next_words() {
let tests = array::IntoIter::new([
("Basic forward motion stops at the first space",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 6))]),
(" Starting from a boundary advances the anchor",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(1, 10))]),
("Long whitespace gap is bridged by the head",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 11))]),
("Previous anchor is irrelevant for forward motions",
vec![(1, Range::new(12, 0), Range::new(0, 9))]),
(" Starting from whitespace moves to last space in sequence",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 4))]),
("Starting from mid-word leaves anchor at start position and moves head",
vec![(1, Range::new(3, 3), Range::new(3, 9))]),
("Identifiers_with_underscores are considered a single word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 29))]),
("Jumping\n into starting whitespace selects the spaces before 'into'",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 7), Range::new(8, 12))]),
("alphanumeric.!,and.?=punctuation are considered 'words' for the purposes of word motion",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 12)),
(1, Range::new(0, 12), Range::new(12, 15)),
(1, Range::new(12, 15), Range::new(15, 18))
("... ... punctuation and spaces behave as expected",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 6)),
(1, Range::new(0, 6), Range::new(6, 10)),
(".._.._ punctuation is not joined by underscores into a single block",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 2))]),
("Newlines\n\nare bridged seamlessly.",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 8)),
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(10, 14)),
("Jumping\n\n\n\n\n\n from newlines to whitespace selects whitespace.",
(1, Range::new(0, 9), Range::new(13, 16)),
("A failed motion does not modify the range",
(3, Range::new(37, 41), Range::new(37, 41)),
("oh oh oh two character words!",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 3)),
(1, Range::new(0, 3), Range::new(3, 6)),
(1, Range::new(0, 2), Range::new(1, 3)),
("Multiple motions at once resolve correctly",
(3, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(17, 20)),
("Excessive motions are performed partially",
(999, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(32, 41)),
("", // Edge case of moving forward in empty string
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 0)),
("\n\n\n\n\n", // Edge case of moving forward in all newlines
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(5, 5)),
("\n \n \n Jumping through alternated space blocks and newlines selects the space blocks",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(1, 4)),
(1, Range::new(1, 4), Range::new(5, 8)),
("ヒーリクス multibyte characters behave as normal characters",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 6)),
for (sample, scenario) in tests {
for (count, begin, expected_end) in scenario.into_iter() {
let range = move_next_word_start(Rope::from(sample).slice(..), begin, count);
assert_eq!(range, expected_end, "Case failed: [{}]", sample);
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
fn test_behaviour_when_moving_to_start_of_next_long_words() {
let tests = array::IntoIter::new([
("Basic forward motion stops at the first space",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 6))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
(" Starting from a boundary advances the anchor",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(1, 10))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Long whitespace gap is bridged by the head",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 11))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Previous anchor is irrelevant for forward motions",
vec![(1, Range::new(12, 0), Range::new(0, 9))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
(" Starting from whitespace moves to last space in sequence",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 4))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Starting from mid-word leaves anchor at start position and moves head",
vec![(1, Range::new(3, 3), Range::new(3, 9))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Identifiers_with_underscores are considered a single word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 29))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Jumping\n into starting whitespace selects the spaces before 'into'",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 7), Range::new(8, 12))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("alphanumeric.!,and.?=punctuation are not treated any differently than alphanumerics",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 33)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("... ... punctuation and spaces behave as expected",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 6)),
(1, Range::new(0, 6), Range::new(6, 10)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
(".._.._ punctuation is joined by underscores into a single word, as it behaves like alphanumerics",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 7))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Newlines\n\nare bridged seamlessly.",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 8)),
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(10, 14)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Jumping\n\n\n\n\n\n from newlines to whitespace selects whitespace.",
(1, Range::new(0, 9), Range::new(13, 16)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("A failed motion does not modify the range",
(3, Range::new(37, 41), Range::new(37, 41)),
("oh oh oh two character words!",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 3)),
(1, Range::new(0, 3), Range::new(3, 6)),
(1, Range::new(0, 1), Range::new(0, 3)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Multiple motions at once resolve correctly",
(3, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(17, 20)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Excessive motions are performed partially",
(999, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(32, 41)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("", // Edge case of moving forward in empty string
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 0)),
("\n\n\n\n\n", // Edge case of moving forward in all newlines
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(5, 5)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("\n \n \n Jumping through alternated space blocks and newlines selects the space blocks",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(1, 4)),
(1, Range::new(1, 4), Range::new(5, 8)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("ヒー..リクス multibyte characters behave as normal characters, including their interaction with punctuation",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 8)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
for (sample, scenario) in tests {
for (count, begin, expected_end) in scenario.into_iter() {
let range = move_next_long_word_start(Rope::from(sample).slice(..), begin, count);
assert_eq!(range, expected_end, "Case failed: [{}]", sample);
fn test_behaviour_when_moving_to_start_of_previous_words() {
let tests = array::IntoIter::new([
("Basic backward motion from the middle of a word",
vec![(1, Range::new(3, 3), Range::new(4, 0))]),
// // Why do we want this behavior? The current behavior fails this
// // test, but seems better and more consistent.
// ("Starting from after boundary retreats the anchor",
// vec![(1, Range::new(0, 9), Range::new(8, 0))]),
(" Jump to start of a word preceded by whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(5, 5), Range::new(6, 4))]),
(" Jump to start of line from start of word preceded by whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(4, 4), Range::new(4, 0))]),
("Previous anchor is irrelevant for backward motions",
vec![(1, Range::new(12, 5), Range::new(6, 0))]),
(" Starting from whitespace moves to first space in sequence",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 4), Range::new(4, 0))]),
("Identifiers_with_underscores are considered a single word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 20), Range::new(20, 0))]),
("Jumping\n \nback through a newline selects whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 13), Range::new(12, 8))]),
("Jumping to start of word from the end selects the word",
vec![(1, Range::new(6, 7), Range::new(7, 0))]),
("alphanumeric.!,and.?=punctuation are considered 'words' for the purposes of word motion",
(1, Range::new(29, 30), Range::new(30, 21)),
(1, Range::new(30, 21), Range::new(21, 18)),
(1, Range::new(21, 18), Range::new(18, 15))
("... ... punctuation and spaces behave as expected",
(1, Range::new(0, 10), Range::new(10, 6)),
(1, Range::new(10, 6), Range::new(6, 0)),
(".._.._ punctuation is not joined by underscores into a single block",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 6), Range::new(5, 3))]),
("Newlines\n\nare bridged seamlessly.",
(1, Range::new(0, 10), Range::new(8, 0)),
("Jumping \n\n\n\n\nback from within a newline group selects previous block",
(1, Range::new(0, 13), Range::new(11, 0)),
("Failed motions do not modify the range",
(0, Range::new(3, 0), Range::new(3, 0)),
("Multiple motions at once resolve correctly",
(3, Range::new(18, 18), Range::new(9, 0)),
("Excessive motions are performed partially",
(999, Range::new(40, 40), Range::new(10, 0)),
("", // Edge case of moving backwards in empty string
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 0)),
("\n\n\n\n\n", // Edge case of moving backwards in all newlines
(1, Range::new(5, 5), Range::new(0, 0)),
(" \n \nJumping back through alternated space blocks and newlines selects the space blocks",
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(7, 4)),
(1, Range::new(7, 4), Range::new(3, 0)),
("ヒーリクス multibyte characters behave as normal characters",
(1, Range::new(0, 6), Range::new(6, 0)),
for (sample, scenario) in tests {
for (count, begin, expected_end) in scenario.into_iter() {
let range = move_prev_word_start(Rope::from(sample).slice(..), begin, count);
assert_eq!(range, expected_end, "Case failed: [{}]", sample);
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
fn test_behaviour_when_moving_to_start_of_previous_long_words() {
let tests = array::IntoIter::new([
"Basic backward motion from the middle of a word",
vec![(1, Range::new(3, 3), Range::new(4, 0))],
// // Why do we want this behavior? The current behavior fails this
// // test, but seems better and more consistent.
// ("Starting from after boundary retreats the anchor",
// vec![(1, Range::new(0, 9), Range::new(8, 0))]),
" Jump to start of a word preceded by whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(5, 5), Range::new(6, 4))],
" Jump to start of line from start of word preceded by whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(3, 4), Range::new(4, 0))],
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Previous anchor is irrelevant for backward motions",
vec![(1, Range::new(12, 5), Range::new(6, 0))]),
" Starting from whitespace moves to first space in sequence",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 4), Range::new(4, 0))],
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Identifiers_with_underscores are considered a single word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 20), Range::new(20, 0))]),
"Jumping\n \nback through a newline selects whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 13), Range::new(12, 8))],
"Jumping to start of word from the end selects the word",
vec![(1, Range::new(6, 7), Range::new(7, 0))],
"alphanumeric.!,and.?=punctuation are treated exactly the same",
vec![(1, Range::new(29, 30), Range::new(30, 0))],
"... ... punctuation and spaces behave as expected",
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
(1, Range::new(0, 10), Range::new(10, 6)),
(1, Range::new(10, 6), Range::new(6, 0)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
(".._.._ punctuation is joined by underscores into a single block",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 6), Range::new(6, 0))]),
"Newlines\n\nare bridged seamlessly.",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 10), Range::new(8, 0))],
"Jumping \n\n\n\n\nback from within a newline group selects previous block",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 13), Range::new(11, 0))],
"Failed motions do not modify the range",
vec![(0, Range::new(3, 0), Range::new(3, 0))],
"Multiple motions at once resolve correctly",
vec![(3, Range::new(19, 19), Range::new(9, 0))],
"Excessive motions are performed partially",
vec![(999, Range::new(40, 40), Range::new(10, 0))],
"", // Edge case of moving backwards in empty string
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 0))],
"\n\n\n\n\n", // Edge case of moving backwards in all newlines
vec![(1, Range::new(5, 5), Range::new(0, 0))],
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
(" \n \nJumping back through alternated space blocks and newlines selects the space blocks",
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(7, 4)),
(1, Range::new(7, 4), Range::new(3, 0)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("ヒーリ..クス multibyte characters behave as normal characters, including when interacting with punctuation",
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(8, 0)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
for (sample, scenario) in tests {
for (count, begin, expected_end) in scenario.into_iter() {
let range = move_prev_long_word_start(Rope::from(sample).slice(..), begin, count);
assert_eq!(range, expected_end, "Case failed: [{}]", sample);
fn test_behaviour_when_moving_to_end_of_next_words() {
let tests = array::IntoIter::new([
("Basic forward motion from the start of a word to the end of it",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 5))]),
("Basic forward motion from the end of a word to the end of the next",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 5), Range::new(5, 13))]),
("Basic forward motion from the middle of a word to the end of it",
vec![(1, Range::new(2, 2), Range::new(2, 5))]),
(" Jumping to end of a word preceded by whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 11))]),
// // Why do we want this behavior? The current behavior fails this
// // test, but seems better and more consistent.
// (" Starting from a boundary advances the anchor",
// vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(1, 9))]),
("Previous anchor is irrelevant for end of word motion",
vec![(1, Range::new(12, 2), Range::new(2, 8))]),
("Identifiers_with_underscores are considered a single word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 28))]),
("Jumping\n into starting whitespace selects up to the end of next word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 7), Range::new(8, 16))]),
("alphanumeric.!,and.?=punctuation are considered 'words' for the purposes of word motion",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 12)),
(1, Range::new(0, 12), Range::new(12, 15)),
(1, Range::new(12, 15), Range::new(15, 18))
("... ... punctuation and spaces behave as expected",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 3)),
(1, Range::new(0, 3), Range::new(3, 9)),
(".._.._ punctuation is not joined by underscores into a single block",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 2))]),
("Newlines\n\nare bridged seamlessly.",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 8)),
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(10, 13)),
("Jumping\n\n\n\n\n\n from newlines to whitespace selects to end of next word.",
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(13, 20)),
("A failed motion does not modify the range",
(3, Range::new(37, 41), Range::new(37, 41)),
("Multiple motions at once resolve correctly",
(3, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(16, 19)),
("Excessive motions are performed partially",
(999, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(31, 41)),
("", // Edge case of moving forward in empty string
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 0)),
("\n\n\n\n\n", // Edge case of moving forward in all newlines
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(5, 5)),
("\n \n \n Jumping through alternated space blocks and newlines selects the space blocks",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(1, 4)),
(1, Range::new(1, 4), Range::new(5, 8)),
("ヒーリクス multibyte characters behave as normal characters",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 5)),
for (sample, scenario) in tests {
for (count, begin, expected_end) in scenario.into_iter() {
let range = move_next_word_end(Rope::from(sample).slice(..), begin, count);
assert_eq!(range, expected_end, "Case failed: [{}]", sample);
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
fn test_behaviour_when_moving_to_end_of_previous_words() {
let tests = array::IntoIter::new([
("Basic backward motion from the middle of a word",
vec![(1, Range::new(9, 9), Range::new(10, 5))]),
("Starting from after boundary retreats the anchor",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 14), Range::new(13, 8))]),
("Jump to end of a word succeeded by whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(11, 11), Range::new(11, 4))]),
(" Jump to start of line from end of word preceded by whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(8, 8), Range::new(8, 0))]),
("Previous anchor is irrelevant for backward motions",
vec![(1, Range::new(26, 12), Range::new(13, 8))]),
(" Starting from whitespace moves to first space in sequence",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 4), Range::new(4, 0))]),
("Test identifiers_with_underscores are considered a single word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 25), Range::new(25, 4))]),
("Jumping\n \nback through a newline selects whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 13), Range::new(12, 8))]),
("Jumping to start of word from the end selects the whole word",
vec![(1, Range::new(16, 16), Range::new(16, 10))]),
("alphanumeric.!,and.?=punctuation are considered 'words' for the purposes of word motion",
(1, Range::new(30, 30), Range::new(31, 21)),
(1, Range::new(31, 21), Range::new(21, 18)),
(1, Range::new(21, 18), Range::new(18, 15))
("... ... punctuation and spaces behave as expected",
(1, Range::new(0, 10), Range::new(9, 3)),
(1, Range::new(9, 3), Range::new(3, 0)),
(".._.._ punctuation is not joined by underscores into a single block",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 5), Range::new(5, 3))]),
("Newlines\n\nare bridged seamlessly.",
(1, Range::new(0, 10), Range::new(8, 0)),
("Jumping \n\n\n\n\nback from within a newline group selects previous block",
(1, Range::new(0, 13), Range::new(11, 7)),
("Failed motions do not modify the range",
(0, Range::new(3, 0), Range::new(3, 0)),
("Multiple motions at once resolve correctly",
(3, Range::new(24, 24), Range::new(16, 8)),
("Excessive motions are performed partially",
(999, Range::new(40, 40), Range::new(9, 0)),
("", // Edge case of moving backwards in empty string
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 0)),
("\n\n\n\n\n", // Edge case of moving backwards in all newlines
(1, Range::new(5, 5), Range::new(0, 0)),
(" \n \nJumping back through alternated space blocks and newlines selects the space blocks",
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(7, 4)),
(1, Range::new(7, 4), Range::new(3, 0)),
("Test ヒーリクス multibyte characters behave as normal characters",
(1, Range::new(0, 10), Range::new(10, 4)),
for (sample, scenario) in tests {
for (count, begin, expected_end) in scenario.into_iter() {
let range = move_prev_word_end(Rope::from(sample).slice(..), begin, count);
assert_eq!(range, expected_end, "Case failed: [{}]", sample);
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
fn test_behaviour_when_moving_to_end_of_next_long_words() {
let tests = array::IntoIter::new([
("Basic forward motion from the start of a word to the end of it",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 5))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Basic forward motion from the end of a word to the end of the next",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 5), Range::new(5, 13))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Basic forward motion from the middle of a word to the end of it",
vec![(1, Range::new(2, 2), Range::new(2, 5))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
(" Jumping to end of a word preceded by whitespace",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 11))]),
// // Why do we want this behavior? The current behavior fails this
// // test, but seems better and more consistent.
// (" Starting from a boundary advances the anchor",
// vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(1, 9))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Previous anchor is irrelevant for end of word motion",
vec![(1, Range::new(12, 2), Range::new(2, 8))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Identifiers_with_underscores are considered a single word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 28))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Jumping\n into starting whitespace selects up to the end of next word",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 7), Range::new(8, 16))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("alphanumeric.!,and.?=punctuation are treated the same way",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 32)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("... ... punctuation and spaces behave as expected",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 3)),
(1, Range::new(0, 3), Range::new(3, 9)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
(".._.._ punctuation is joined by underscores into a single block",
vec![(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 6))]),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Newlines\n\nare bridged seamlessly.",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 8)),
(1, Range::new(0, 8), Range::new(10, 13)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Jumping\n\n\n\n\n\n from newlines to whitespace selects to end of next word.",
(1, Range::new(0, 9), Range::new(13, 20)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("A failed motion does not modify the range",
(3, Range::new(37, 41), Range::new(37, 41)),
("Multiple motions at once resolve correctly",
(3, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(16, 19)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("Excessive motions are performed partially",
(999, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(31, 41)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("", // Edge case of moving forward in empty string
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 0)),
("\n\n\n\n\n", // Edge case of moving forward in all newlines
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(5, 5)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("\n \n \n Jumping through alternated space blocks and newlines selects the space blocks",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(1, 4)),
(1, Range::new(1, 4), Range::new(5, 8)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
("ヒーリ..クス multibyte characters behave as normal characters, including when they interact with punctuation",
(1, Range::new(0, 0), Range::new(0, 7)),
2021-06-29 14:51:00 +02:00
for (sample, scenario) in tests {
for (count, begin, expected_end) in scenario.into_iter() {
let range = move_next_long_word_end(Rope::from(sample).slice(..), begin, count);
assert_eq!(range, expected_end, "Case failed: [{}]", sample);