2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
use helix_lsp::{
block_on, lsp,
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
util::{lsp_pos_to_pos, lsp_range_to_range, range_to_lsp_range},
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
use super::{align_view, push_jump, Align, Context, Editor};
use helix_core::Selection;
use helix_view::editor::Action;
use crate::{
compositor::{self, Compositor},
2022-02-18 14:01:50 +09:00
ui::{self, overlay::overlayed, FileLocation, FilePicker, Popup, Prompt, PromptEvent},
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
use std::borrow::Cow;
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
macro_rules! language_server {
($doc:expr) => {
match $doc.language_server() {
Some(language_server) => language_server,
None => return,
2022-02-18 14:01:50 +09:00
fn location_to_file_location(location: &lsp::Location) -> FileLocation {
let path = location.uri.to_file_path().unwrap();
let line = Some((
location.range.start.line as usize,
location.range.end.line as usize,
(path, line)
2022-02-18 14:07:35 +09:00
// TODO: share with symbol picker(symbol.location)
// TODO: need to use push_jump() before?
fn jump_to_location(
editor: &mut Editor,
location: &lsp::Location,
offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
action: Action,
) {
let path = location
.expect("unable to convert URI to filepath");
let _id = editor.open(path, action).expect("editor.open failed");
let (view, doc) = current!(editor);
let definition_pos = location.range.start;
// TODO: convert inside server
let new_pos = if let Some(new_pos) = lsp_pos_to_pos(doc.text(), definition_pos, offset_encoding)
} else {
doc.set_selection(view.id, Selection::point(new_pos));
align_view(doc, view, Align::Center);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
fn sym_picker(
symbols: Vec<lsp::SymbolInformation>,
current_path: Option<lsp::Url>,
offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
) -> FilePicker<lsp::SymbolInformation> {
// TODO: drop current_path comparison and instead use workspace: bool flag?
let current_path2 = current_path.clone();
let mut picker = FilePicker::new(
move |symbol| {
if current_path.as_ref() == Some(&symbol.location.uri) {
} else {
let path = symbol.location.uri.to_file_path().unwrap();
let relative_path = helix_core::path::get_relative_path(path.as_path())
format!("{} ({})", &symbol.name, relative_path).into()
move |cx, symbol, action| {
if current_path2.as_ref() == Some(&symbol.location.uri) {
} else {
let path = symbol.location.uri.to_file_path().unwrap();
cx.editor.open(path, action).expect("editor.open failed");
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
if let Some(range) =
lsp_range_to_range(doc.text(), symbol.location.range, offset_encoding)
// we flip the range so that the cursor sits on the start of the symbol
// (for example start of the function).
doc.set_selection(view.id, Selection::single(range.head, range.anchor));
align_view(doc, view, Align::Center);
2022-02-18 14:01:50 +09:00
move |_editor, symbol| Some(location_to_file_location(&symbol.location)),
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
picker.truncate_start = false;
pub fn symbol_picker(cx: &mut Context) {
fn nested_to_flat(
list: &mut Vec<lsp::SymbolInformation>,
file: &lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier,
symbol: lsp::DocumentSymbol,
) {
list.push(lsp::SymbolInformation {
name: symbol.name,
kind: symbol.kind,
tags: symbol.tags,
deprecated: symbol.deprecated,
location: lsp::Location::new(file.uri.clone(), symbol.selection_range),
container_name: None,
for child in symbol.children.into_iter().flatten() {
nested_to_flat(list, file, child);
let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let current_url = doc.url();
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let future = language_server.document_symbols(doc.identifier());
move |editor: &mut Editor,
compositor: &mut Compositor,
response: Option<lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse>| {
if let Some(symbols) = response {
// lsp has two ways to represent symbols (flat/nested)
// convert the nested variant to flat, so that we have a homogeneous list
let symbols = match symbols {
lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse::Flat(symbols) => symbols,
lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse::Nested(symbols) => {
let doc = doc!(editor);
let mut flat_symbols = Vec::new();
for symbol in symbols {
nested_to_flat(&mut flat_symbols, &doc.identifier(), symbol)
let picker = sym_picker(symbols, current_url, offset_encoding);
pub fn workspace_symbol_picker(cx: &mut Context) {
let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
let current_url = doc.url();
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let future = language_server.workspace_symbols("".to_string());
move |_editor: &mut Editor,
compositor: &mut Compositor,
response: Option<Vec<lsp::SymbolInformation>>| {
if let Some(symbols) = response {
let picker = sym_picker(symbols, current_url, offset_encoding);
impl ui::menu::Item for lsp::CodeActionOrCommand {
fn label(&self) -> &str {
match self {
lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(action) => action.title.as_str(),
lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::Command(command) => command.title.as_str(),
pub fn code_action(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let range = range_to_lsp_range(
let future = language_server.code_actions(doc.identifier(), range);
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
move |editor: &mut Editor,
compositor: &mut Compositor,
response: Option<lsp::CodeActionResponse>| {
let actions = match response {
Some(a) => a,
None => return,
if actions.is_empty() {
editor.set_status("No code actions available");
let mut picker = ui::Menu::new(actions, move |editor, code_action, event| {
if event != PromptEvent::Validate {
// always present here
let code_action = code_action.unwrap();
match code_action {
lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::Command(command) => {
log::debug!("code action command: {:?}", command);
execute_lsp_command(editor, command.clone());
lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(code_action) => {
log::debug!("code action: {:?}", code_action);
if let Some(ref workspace_edit) = code_action.edit {
log::debug!("edit: {:?}", workspace_edit);
apply_workspace_edit(editor, offset_encoding, workspace_edit);
// if code action provides both edit and command first the edit
// should be applied and then the command
if let Some(command) = &code_action.command {
execute_lsp_command(editor, command.clone());
picker.move_down(); // pre-select the first item
let popup = Popup::new("code-action", picker).margin(helix_view::graphics::Margin {
vertical: 1,
horizontal: 1,
compositor.replace_or_push("code-action", Box::new(popup));
pub fn execute_lsp_command(editor: &mut Editor, cmd: lsp::Command) {
let doc = doc!(editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
// the command is executed on the server and communicated back
// to the client asynchronously using workspace edits
let command_future = language_server.command(cmd);
tokio::spawn(async move {
let res = command_future.await;
if let Err(e) = res {
log::error!("execute LSP command: {}", e);
pub fn apply_document_resource_op(op: &lsp::ResourceOp) -> std::io::Result<()> {
use lsp::ResourceOp;
use std::fs;
match op {
ResourceOp::Create(op) => {
let path = op.uri.to_file_path().unwrap();
let ignore_if_exists = op.options.as_ref().map_or(false, |options| {
!options.overwrite.unwrap_or(false) && options.ignore_if_exists.unwrap_or(false)
if ignore_if_exists && path.exists() {
} else {
fs::write(&path, [])
ResourceOp::Delete(op) => {
let path = op.uri.to_file_path().unwrap();
if path.is_dir() {
let recursive = op
.and_then(|options| options.recursive)
if recursive {
} else {
} else if path.is_file() {
} else {
ResourceOp::Rename(op) => {
let from = op.old_uri.to_file_path().unwrap();
let to = op.new_uri.to_file_path().unwrap();
let ignore_if_exists = op.options.as_ref().map_or(false, |options| {
!options.overwrite.unwrap_or(false) && options.ignore_if_exists.unwrap_or(false)
if ignore_if_exists && to.exists() {
} else {
fs::rename(&from, &to)
pub fn apply_workspace_edit(
editor: &mut Editor,
offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
workspace_edit: &lsp::WorkspaceEdit,
) {
let mut apply_edits = |uri: &helix_lsp::Url, text_edits: Vec<lsp::TextEdit>| {
let path = uri
.expect("unable to convert URI to filepath");
let current_view_id = view!(editor).id;
let doc_id = editor.open(path, Action::Load).unwrap();
let doc = editor
.expect("Document for document_changes not found");
// Need to determine a view for apply/append_changes_to_history
let selections = doc.selections();
let view_id = if selections.contains_key(¤t_view_id) {
// use current if possible
} else {
// Hack: we take the first available view_id
.expect("No view_id available")
let transaction = helix_lsp::util::generate_transaction_from_edits(
doc.apply(&transaction, view_id);
if let Some(ref changes) = workspace_edit.changes {
log::debug!("workspace changes: {:?}", changes);
for (uri, text_edits) in changes {
let text_edits = text_edits.to_vec();
apply_edits(uri, text_edits);
// Not sure if it works properly, it'll be safer to just panic here to avoid breaking some parts of code on which code actions will be used
// TODO: find some example that uses workspace changes, and test it
// for (url, edits) in changes.iter() {
// let file_path = url.origin().ascii_serialization();
// let file_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(file_path);
// let file = std::fs::File::open(file_path).unwrap();
// let mut text = Rope::from_reader(file).unwrap();
// let transaction = edits_to_changes(&text, edits);
// transaction.apply(&mut text);
// }
if let Some(ref document_changes) = workspace_edit.document_changes {
match document_changes {
lsp::DocumentChanges::Edits(document_edits) => {
for document_edit in document_edits {
let edits = document_edit
.map(|edit| match edit {
lsp::OneOf::Left(text_edit) => text_edit,
lsp::OneOf::Right(annotated_text_edit) => {
apply_edits(&document_edit.text_document.uri, edits);
lsp::DocumentChanges::Operations(operations) => {
log::debug!("document changes - operations: {:?}", operations);
for operateion in operations {
match operateion {
lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Op(op) => {
lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Edit(document_edit) => {
let edits = document_edit
.map(|edit| match edit {
lsp::OneOf::Left(text_edit) => text_edit,
lsp::OneOf::Right(annotated_text_edit) => {
apply_edits(&document_edit.text_document.uri, edits);
fn goto_impl(
editor: &mut Editor,
compositor: &mut Compositor,
locations: Vec<lsp::Location>,
offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
) {
let cwdir = std::env::current_dir().expect("couldn't determine current directory");
match locations.as_slice() {
[location] => {
2022-02-18 14:07:35 +09:00
jump_to_location(editor, location, offset_encoding, Action::Replace);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
[] => {
editor.set_error("No definition found.");
_locations => {
let picker = FilePicker::new(
move |location| {
let file: Cow<'_, str> = (location.uri.scheme() == "file")
.then(|| {
.map(|path| {
// strip root prefix
.map(|path| path.to_path_buf())
.map(|path| Cow::from(path.to_string_lossy().into_owned()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| location.uri.as_str().into());
let line = location.range.start.line;
format!("{}:{}", file, line).into()
2022-02-18 14:07:35 +09:00
move |cx, location, action| {
jump_to_location(cx.editor, location, offset_encoding, action)
2022-02-18 14:01:50 +09:00
move |_editor, location| Some(location_to_file_location(location)),
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
2022-02-18 14:11:50 +09:00
fn to_locations(definitions: Option<lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse>) -> Vec<lsp::Location> {
match definitions {
Some(lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse::Scalar(location)) => vec![location],
Some(lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse::Array(locations)) => locations,
Some(lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse::Link(locations)) => locations
.map(|location_link| lsp::Location {
uri: location_link.target_uri,
range: location_link.target_range,
None => Vec::new(),
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
pub fn goto_definition(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let pos = doc.position(view.id, offset_encoding);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let future = language_server.goto_definition(doc.identifier(), pos, None);
2022-02-18 14:11:50 +09:00
move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse>| {
let items = to_locations(response);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding);
pub fn goto_type_definition(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let pos = doc.position(view.id, offset_encoding);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let future = language_server.goto_type_definition(doc.identifier(), pos, None);
2022-02-18 14:11:50 +09:00
move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse>| {
let items = to_locations(response);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding);
pub fn goto_implementation(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let pos = doc.position(view.id, offset_encoding);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let future = language_server.goto_implementation(doc.identifier(), pos, None);
2022-02-18 14:11:50 +09:00
move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse>| {
let items = to_locations(response);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding);
pub fn goto_reference(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let pos = doc.position(view.id, offset_encoding);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let future = language_server.goto_reference(doc.identifier(), pos, None);
2022-02-18 14:11:50 +09:00
move |editor, compositor, response: Option<Vec<lsp::Location>>| {
let items = response.unwrap_or_default();
goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
pub fn signature_help(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let pos = doc.position(view.id, offset_encoding);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let future = language_server.text_document_signature_help(doc.identifier(), pos, None);
2022-02-18 14:11:50 +09:00
move |_editor, _compositor, response: Option<lsp::SignatureHelp>| {
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
if let Some(signature_help) = response {
log::info!("{:?}", signature_help);
// signatures
// active_signature
// active_parameter
// render as:
// signature
// ----------
// doc
// with active param highlighted
pub fn hover(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
// TODO: factor out a doc.position_identifier() that returns lsp::TextDocumentPositionIdentifier
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let pos = doc.position(view.id, offset_encoding);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let future = language_server.text_document_hover(doc.identifier(), pos, None);
move |editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor, response: Option<lsp::Hover>| {
if let Some(hover) = response {
// hover.contents / .range <- used for visualizing
fn marked_string_to_markdown(contents: lsp::MarkedString) -> String {
match contents {
lsp::MarkedString::String(contents) => contents,
lsp::MarkedString::LanguageString(string) => {
if string.language == "markdown" {
} else {
format!("```{}\n{}\n```", string.language, string.value)
let contents = match hover.contents {
lsp::HoverContents::Scalar(contents) => marked_string_to_markdown(contents),
lsp::HoverContents::Array(contents) => contents
lsp::HoverContents::Markup(contents) => contents.value,
// skip if contents empty
2022-02-21 08:45:48 +01:00
let contents = ui::Markdown::new(contents, editor.syn_loader.clone());
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let popup = Popup::new("hover", contents);
compositor.replace_or_push("hover", Box::new(popup));
pub fn rename_symbol(cx: &mut Context) {
let prompt = Prompt::new(
move |cx: &mut compositor::Context, input: &str, event: PromptEvent| {
if event != PromptEvent::Validate {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
2022-02-18 14:05:31 +09:00
let language_server = language_server!(doc);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
2022-02-18 14:33:56 +09:00
let pos = doc.position(view.id, offset_encoding);
2022-02-18 13:58:18 +09:00
let task = language_server.rename_symbol(doc.identifier(), pos, input.to_string());
let edits = block_on(task).unwrap_or_default();
apply_workspace_edit(cx.editor, offset_encoding, &edits);