312 lines
11 KiB
312 lines
11 KiB
![]() |
use crate::application::text_color;
use crate::commands;
use crate::compositor::{Component, Compositor, EventResult};
use crate::keymap::{self, Keymaps};
use crossterm::{
event::{read, Event, EventStream, KeyCode, KeyEvent},
use helix_view::{document::Mode, Document, Editor, Theme, View};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use tui::{
buffer::Buffer as Surface,
style::{Color, Modifier, Style},
use helix_core::{indent::TAB_WIDTH, syntax::HighlightEvent, Position, Range, State};
pub struct EditorView {
keymap: Keymaps,
impl EditorView {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
keymap: keymap::default(),
pub fn render_view(
view: &mut View,
viewport: Rect,
surface: &mut Surface,
theme: &Theme,
) {
const OFFSET: u16 = 7; // 1 diagnostic + 5 linenr + 1 gutter
let area = Rect::new(OFFSET, 0, viewport.width - OFFSET, viewport.height - 2); // - 2 for statusline and prompt
self.render_buffer(view, area, surface, theme);
let area = Rect::new(0, viewport.height - 2, viewport.width, 1);
self.render_statusline(view, viewport, surface, theme);
// TODO: ideally not &mut View but highlights require it because of cursor cache
pub fn render_buffer(
view: &mut View,
viewport: Rect,
surface: &mut Surface,
theme: &Theme,
) {
// clear with background color
surface.set_style(viewport, theme.get("ui.background"));
// TODO: inefficient, should feed chunks.iter() to tree_sitter.parse_with(|offset, pos|)
let source_code = view.doc.text().to_string();
let last_line = view.last_line();
let range = {
// calculate viewport byte ranges
let start = view.doc.text().line_to_byte(view.first_line);
let end = view.doc.text().line_to_byte(last_line)
+ view.doc.text().line(last_line).len_bytes();
// TODO: range doesn't actually restrict source, just highlight range
// TODO: cache highlight results
// TODO: only recalculate when state.doc is actually modified
let highlights: Vec<_> = match view.doc.syntax.as_mut() {
Some(syntax) => {
.highlight_iter(source_code.as_bytes(), Some(range), None, |_| None)
.collect() // TODO: we collect here to avoid double borrow, fix later
None => vec![Ok(HighlightEvent::Source {
start: range.start,
end: range.end,
let mut spans = Vec::new();
let mut visual_x = 0;
let mut line = 0u16;
let visible_selections: Vec<Range> = view
// TODO: limit selection to one in viewport
// .filter(|range| !range.is_empty()) // && range.overlaps(&Range::new(start, end + 1))
'outer: for event in highlights {
match event.unwrap() {
HighlightEvent::HighlightStart(span) => {
HighlightEvent::HighlightEnd => {
HighlightEvent::Source { start, end } => {
// TODO: filter out spans out of viewport for now..
let start = view.doc.text().byte_to_char(start);
let end = view.doc.text().byte_to_char(end); // <-- index 744, len 743
let text = view.doc.text().slice(start..end);
use helix_core::graphemes::{grapheme_width, RopeGraphemes};
let style = match spans.first() {
Some(span) => theme.get(theme.scopes()[span.0].as_str()),
None => Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(164, 160, 232)), // lavender
// TODO: we could render the text to a surface, then cache that, that
// way if only the selection/cursor changes we can copy from cache
// and paint the new cursor.
let mut char_index = start;
// iterate over range char by char
for grapheme in RopeGraphemes::new(&text) {
// TODO: track current char_index
if grapheme == "\n" {
visual_x = 0;
line += 1;
// TODO: with proper iter this shouldn't be necessary
if line >= viewport.height {
break 'outer;
} else if grapheme == "\t" {
visual_x += (TAB_WIDTH as u16);
} else {
// Cow will prevent allocations if span contained in a single slice
// which should really be the majority case
let grapheme = Cow::from(grapheme);
let width = grapheme_width(&grapheme) as u16;
// TODO: this should really happen as an after pass
let style = if visible_selections
.any(|range| range.contains(char_index))
// cedar
style.clone().bg(Color::Rgb(128, 47, 0))
} else {
let style = if visible_selections
.any(|range| range.head == char_index)
style.clone().bg(Color::Rgb(255, 255, 255))
} else {
// ugh, improve with a traverse method
// or interleave highlight spans with selection and diagnostic spans
let style = if view.doc.diagnostics.iter().any(|diagnostic| {
diagnostic.range.0 <= char_index && diagnostic.range.1 > char_index
}) {
} else {
// TODO: paint cursor heads except primary
viewport.x + visual_x,
viewport.y + line,
visual_x += width;
char_index += 1;
let style: Style = theme.get("ui.linenr");
let warning: Style = theme.get("warning");
let last_line = view.last_line();
for (i, line) in (view.first_line..last_line).enumerate() {
if view.doc.diagnostics.iter().any(|d| d.line == line) {
surface.set_stringn(0, i as u16, "●", 1, warning);
surface.set_stringn(1, i as u16, format!("{:>5}", line + 1), 5, style);
pub fn render_statusline(
view: &View,
viewport: Rect,
surface: &mut Surface,
theme: &Theme,
) {
let mode = match view.doc.mode() {
Mode::Insert => "INS",
Mode::Normal => "NOR",
Mode::Goto => "GOTO",
// statusline
Rect::new(0, viewport.y, viewport.height, 1),
surface.set_string(1, viewport.y, mode, text_color());
if let Some(path) = view.doc.path() {
surface.set_string(6, viewport.y, path.to_string_lossy(), text_color());
viewport.width - 10,
format!("{}", view.doc.diagnostics.len()),
use crate::compositor::Context;
impl Component for EditorView {
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Event, cx: &mut Context) -> EventResult {
match event {
Event::Resize(width, height) => {
// TODO: simplistic ensure cursor in view for now
// TODO: loop over views
if let Some(view) = cx.editor.view_mut() {
view.size = (width, height);
Event::Key(event) => {
if let Some(view) = cx.editor.view_mut() {
let keys = vec![event];
// TODO: sequences (`gg`)
let mode = view.doc.mode();
// TODO: handle count other than 1
let mut cx = commands::Context {
executor: cx.executor,
count: 1,
callback: None,
match mode {
Mode::Insert => {
if let Some(command) = self.keymap[&Mode::Insert].get(&keys) {
command(&mut cx);
} else if let KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Char(c),
} = event
commands::insert::insert_char(&mut cx, c);
mode => {
if let Some(command) = self.keymap[&mode].get(&keys) {
command(&mut cx);
// TODO: simplistic ensure cursor in view for now
// appease borrowck
let callback = cx.callback.take();
} else {
Event::Mouse(_) => EventResult::Ignored,
fn render(&self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, cx: &mut Context) {
// SAFETY: we cheat around the view_mut() borrow because it doesn't allow us to also borrow
// theme. Theme is immutable mutating view won't disrupt theme_ref.
let theme_ref = unsafe { &*(&cx.editor.theme as *const Theme) };
if let Some(view) = cx.editor.view_mut() {
self.render_view(view, area, surface, theme_ref);
// TODO: drop unwrap
// TODO: !!! self.render_cursor(cx.editor.view().unwrap(), None, viewport);