
525 lines
15 KiB
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use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
2021-06-05 09:27:59 +09:00
use std::fs;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use tree_sitter::Language;
const DYLIB_EXTENSION: &str = "so";
const DYLIB_EXTENSION: &str = "dll";
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
const DYLIB_EXTENSION: &str = "wasm";
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Configuration {
#[serde(rename = "use-grammars")]
pub grammar_selection: Option<GrammarSelection>,
pub grammar: Vec<GrammarConfiguration>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase", untagged)]
pub enum GrammarSelection {
Only { only: HashSet<String> },
Except { except: HashSet<String> },
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GrammarConfiguration {
#[serde(rename = "name")]
pub grammar_id: String,
pub source: GrammarSource,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase", untagged)]
pub enum GrammarSource {
Local {
path: String,
Git {
#[serde(rename = "git")]
remote: String,
#[serde(rename = "rev")]
revision: String,
subpath: Option<String>,
const BUILD_TARGET: &str = env!("BUILD_TARGET");
const REMOTE_NAME: &str = "origin";
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn get_language(name: &str) -> Result<Language> {
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub fn get_language(name: &str) -> Result<Language> {
use libloading::{Library, Symbol};
Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities (#5411) * Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities This is an implementation for #3346. Previously, one of the following runtime directories were used: 1. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 2. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 3. subdirectory of user config directory 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable The first directory provided / found to exist in this order was used as a root for all runtime file searches (grammars, themes, queries). This change lowers the priority of `$HELIX_RUNTIME` so that the user config runtime has higher priority. More significantly, all of these directories are now searched for runtime files, enabling a user to override default or system-level runtime files. If the same file name appears in multiple runtime directories, the following priority is now used: 1. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 2. subdirectory of user config directory 3. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable One exception to this rule is that a user can have a `themes` directory directly in the user config directory that has higher piority to `themes` directories in runtime directories. That behaviour has been preserved. As part of implementing this feature `theme::Loader` was simplified and the cycle detection logic of the theme inheritance was improved to cover more cases and to be more explicit. * Removed AsRef usage to avoid binary growth * Health displaying ;-separated runtime dirs * Changed HELIX_RUNTIME build from src instructions * Updated doc for more detail on runtime directories * Improved health symlink printing and theme cycle errors The health display of runtime symlinks now prints both ends of the link. Separate errors are given when theme file is not found and when the only theme file found would form an inheritence cycle. * Satisfied clippy on passing Path * Clarified highest priority runtime directory purpose * Further clarified multiple runtime details in book Also gave markdown headings to subsections. Fixed a error with table indentation not building table that also appears present on master. --------- Co-authored-by: Paul Scott <paul.scott@anu.edu.au> Co-authored-by: Blaž Hrastnik <blaz@mxxn.io>
2023-03-10 01:50:43 +11:00
let mut rel_library_path = PathBuf::new().join("grammars").join(name);
let library_path = crate::runtime_file(&rel_library_path);
let library = unsafe { Library::new(&library_path) }
.with_context(|| format!("Error opening dynamic library {:?}", library_path))?;
let language_fn_name = format!("tree_sitter_{}", name.replace('-', "_"));
let language = unsafe {
let language_fn: Symbol<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> Language> = library
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to load symbol {}", language_fn_name))?;
pub fn fetch_grammars() -> Result<()> {
// We do not need to fetch local grammars.
let mut grammars = get_grammar_configs()?;
grammars.retain(|grammar| !matches!(grammar.source, GrammarSource::Local { .. }));
println!("Fetching {} grammars", grammars.len());
let results = run_parallel(grammars, fetch_grammar);
let mut errors = Vec::new();
let mut git_updated = Vec::new();
let mut git_up_to_date = 0;
let mut non_git = Vec::new();
for res in results {
match res {
Ok(FetchStatus::GitUpToDate) => git_up_to_date += 1,
Ok(FetchStatus::GitUpdated {
}) => git_updated.push((grammar_id, revision)),
Ok(FetchStatus::NonGit { grammar_id }) => non_git.push(grammar_id),
Err(e) => errors.push(e),
git_updated.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(&b.0));
if git_up_to_date != 0 {
println!("{} up to date git grammars", git_up_to_date);
if !non_git.is_empty() {
println!("{} non git grammars", non_git.len());
println!("\t{:?}", non_git);
if !git_updated.is_empty() {
println!("{} updated grammars", git_updated.len());
// We checked the vec is not empty, unwrapping will not panic
let longest_id = git_updated.iter().map(|x| x.0.len()).max().unwrap();
for (id, rev) in git_updated {
"\t{id:width$} now on {rev}",
id = id,
width = longest_id,
rev = rev
if !errors.is_empty() {
let len = errors.len();
println!("{} grammars failed to fetch", len);
for (i, error) in errors.into_iter().enumerate() {
println!("\tFailure {}/{}: {}", i + 1, len, error);
pub fn build_grammars(target: Option<String>) -> Result<()> {
let grammars = get_grammar_configs()?;
println!("Building {} grammars", grammars.len());
let results = run_parallel(grammars, move |grammar| {
build_grammar(grammar, target.as_deref())
let mut errors = Vec::new();
let mut already_built = 0;
let mut built = Vec::new();
for res in results {
match res {
Ok(BuildStatus::AlreadyBuilt) => already_built += 1,
Ok(BuildStatus::Built { grammar_id }) => built.push(grammar_id),
Err(e) => errors.push(e),
if already_built != 0 {
println!("{} grammars already built", already_built);
if !built.is_empty() {
println!("{} grammars built now", built.len());
println!("\t{:?}", built);
if !errors.is_empty() {
let len = errors.len();
println!("{} grammars failed to build", len);
for (i, error) in errors.into_iter().enumerate() {
println!("\tFailure {}/{}: {}", i, len, error);
// Returns the set of grammar configurations the user requests.
// Grammars are configured in the default and user `languages.toml` and are
// merged. The `grammar_selection` key of the config is then used to filter
// down all grammars into a subset of the user's choosing.
fn get_grammar_configs() -> Result<Vec<GrammarConfiguration>> {
let config: Configuration = crate::config::user_lang_config()
.context("Could not parse languages.toml")?
let grammars = match config.grammar_selection {
Some(GrammarSelection::Only { only: selections }) => config
.filter(|grammar| selections.contains(&grammar.grammar_id))
Some(GrammarSelection::Except { except: rejections }) => config
.filter(|grammar| !rejections.contains(&grammar.grammar_id))
None => config.grammar,
fn run_parallel<F, Res>(grammars: Vec<GrammarConfiguration>, job: F) -> Vec<Result<Res>>
F: Fn(GrammarConfiguration) -> Result<Res> + Send + 'static + Clone,
Res: Send + 'static,
let pool = threadpool::Builder::new().build();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
for grammar in grammars {
let tx = tx.clone();
let job = job.clone();
pool.execute(move || {
// Ignore any SendErrors, if any job in another thread has encountered an
// error the Receiver will be closed causing this send to fail.
let _ = tx.send(job(grammar));
2022-02-19 00:45:22 -05:00
enum FetchStatus {
GitUpdated {
grammar_id: String,
revision: String,
NonGit {
grammar_id: String,
fn fetch_grammar(grammar: GrammarConfiguration) -> Result<FetchStatus> {
if let GrammarSource::Git {
remote, revision, ..
} = grammar.source
Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities (#5411) * Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities This is an implementation for #3346. Previously, one of the following runtime directories were used: 1. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 2. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 3. subdirectory of user config directory 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable The first directory provided / found to exist in this order was used as a root for all runtime file searches (grammars, themes, queries). This change lowers the priority of `$HELIX_RUNTIME` so that the user config runtime has higher priority. More significantly, all of these directories are now searched for runtime files, enabling a user to override default or system-level runtime files. If the same file name appears in multiple runtime directories, the following priority is now used: 1. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 2. subdirectory of user config directory 3. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable One exception to this rule is that a user can have a `themes` directory directly in the user config directory that has higher piority to `themes` directories in runtime directories. That behaviour has been preserved. As part of implementing this feature `theme::Loader` was simplified and the cycle detection logic of the theme inheritance was improved to cover more cases and to be more explicit. * Removed AsRef usage to avoid binary growth * Health displaying ;-separated runtime dirs * Changed HELIX_RUNTIME build from src instructions * Updated doc for more detail on runtime directories * Improved health symlink printing and theme cycle errors The health display of runtime symlinks now prints both ends of the link. Separate errors are given when theme file is not found and when the only theme file found would form an inheritence cycle. * Satisfied clippy on passing Path * Clarified highest priority runtime directory purpose * Further clarified multiple runtime details in book Also gave markdown headings to subsections. Fixed a error with table indentation not building table that also appears present on master. --------- Co-authored-by: Paul Scott <paul.scott@anu.edu.au> Co-authored-by: Blaž Hrastnik <blaz@mxxn.io>
2023-03-10 01:50:43 +11:00
let grammar_dir = crate::runtime_dirs()
.expect("No runtime directories provided") // guaranteed by post-condition
"Could not create grammar directory {:?}",
// create the grammar dir contains a git directory
if !grammar_dir.join(".git").exists() {
git(&grammar_dir, ["init"])?;
// ensure the remote matches the configured remote
if get_remote_url(&grammar_dir).map_or(true, |s| s != remote) {
set_remote(&grammar_dir, &remote)?;
// ensure the revision matches the configured revision
if get_revision(&grammar_dir).map_or(true, |s| s != revision) {
// Fetch the exact revision from the remote.
// Supported by server-side git since v2.5.0 (July 2015),
// enabled by default on major git hosts.
2022-02-19 00:52:36 -05:00
["fetch", "--depth", "1", REMOTE_NAME, &revision],
git(&grammar_dir, ["checkout", &revision])?;
Ok(FetchStatus::GitUpdated {
grammar_id: grammar.grammar_id,
} else {
} else {
Ok(FetchStatus::NonGit {
grammar_id: grammar.grammar_id,
// Sets the remote for a repository to the given URL, creating the remote if
// it does not yet exist.
fn set_remote(repository_dir: &Path, remote_url: &str) -> Result<String> {
["remote", "set-url", REMOTE_NAME, remote_url],
.or_else(|_| git(repository_dir, ["remote", "add", REMOTE_NAME, remote_url]))
fn get_remote_url(repository_dir: &Path) -> Option<String> {
git(repository_dir, ["remote", "get-url", REMOTE_NAME]).ok()
fn get_revision(repository_dir: &Path) -> Option<String> {
git(repository_dir, ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).ok()
// A wrapper around 'git' commands which returns stdout in success and a
// helpful error message showing the command, stdout, and stderr in error.
fn git<I, S>(repository_dir: &Path, args: I) -> Result<String>
I: IntoIterator<Item = S>,
S: AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>,
let output = Command::new("git")
if output.status.success() {
} else {
// TODO: figure out how to display the git command using `args`
"Git command failed.\nStdout: {}\nStderr: {}",
enum BuildStatus {
Built { grammar_id: String },
fn build_grammar(grammar: GrammarConfiguration, target: Option<&str>) -> Result<BuildStatus> {
let grammar_dir = if let GrammarSource::Local { path } = &grammar.source {
} else {
Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities (#5411) * Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities This is an implementation for #3346. Previously, one of the following runtime directories were used: 1. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 2. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 3. subdirectory of user config directory 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable The first directory provided / found to exist in this order was used as a root for all runtime file searches (grammars, themes, queries). This change lowers the priority of `$HELIX_RUNTIME` so that the user config runtime has higher priority. More significantly, all of these directories are now searched for runtime files, enabling a user to override default or system-level runtime files. If the same file name appears in multiple runtime directories, the following priority is now used: 1. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 2. subdirectory of user config directory 3. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable One exception to this rule is that a user can have a `themes` directory directly in the user config directory that has higher piority to `themes` directories in runtime directories. That behaviour has been preserved. As part of implementing this feature `theme::Loader` was simplified and the cycle detection logic of the theme inheritance was improved to cover more cases and to be more explicit. * Removed AsRef usage to avoid binary growth * Health displaying ;-separated runtime dirs * Changed HELIX_RUNTIME build from src instructions * Updated doc for more detail on runtime directories * Improved health symlink printing and theme cycle errors The health display of runtime symlinks now prints both ends of the link. Separate errors are given when theme file is not found and when the only theme file found would form an inheritence cycle. * Satisfied clippy on passing Path * Clarified highest priority runtime directory purpose * Further clarified multiple runtime details in book Also gave markdown headings to subsections. Fixed a error with table indentation not building table that also appears present on master. --------- Co-authored-by: Paul Scott <paul.scott@anu.edu.au> Co-authored-by: Blaž Hrastnik <blaz@mxxn.io>
2023-03-10 01:50:43 +11:00
.expect("No runtime directories provided") // guaranteed by post-condition
let grammar_dir_entries = grammar_dir.read_dir().with_context(|| {
"Failed to read directory {:?}. Did you use 'hx --grammar fetch'?",
if grammar_dir_entries.count() == 0 {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Directory {:?} is empty. Did you use 'hx --grammar fetch'?",
let path = match &grammar.source {
GrammarSource::Git {
subpath: Some(subpath),
} => grammar_dir.join(subpath),
_ => grammar_dir,
build_tree_sitter_library(&path, grammar, target)
fn build_tree_sitter_library(
src_path: &Path,
grammar: GrammarConfiguration,
target: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<BuildStatus> {
let header_path = src_path;
let parser_path = src_path.join("parser.c");
let mut scanner_path = src_path.join("scanner.c");
let scanner_path = if scanner_path.exists() {
} else {
if scanner_path.exists() {
} else {
Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities (#5411) * Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities This is an implementation for #3346. Previously, one of the following runtime directories were used: 1. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 2. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 3. subdirectory of user config directory 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable The first directory provided / found to exist in this order was used as a root for all runtime file searches (grammars, themes, queries). This change lowers the priority of `$HELIX_RUNTIME` so that the user config runtime has higher priority. More significantly, all of these directories are now searched for runtime files, enabling a user to override default or system-level runtime files. If the same file name appears in multiple runtime directories, the following priority is now used: 1. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 2. subdirectory of user config directory 3. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable One exception to this rule is that a user can have a `themes` directory directly in the user config directory that has higher piority to `themes` directories in runtime directories. That behaviour has been preserved. As part of implementing this feature `theme::Loader` was simplified and the cycle detection logic of the theme inheritance was improved to cover more cases and to be more explicit. * Removed AsRef usage to avoid binary growth * Health displaying ;-separated runtime dirs * Changed HELIX_RUNTIME build from src instructions * Updated doc for more detail on runtime directories * Improved health symlink printing and theme cycle errors The health display of runtime symlinks now prints both ends of the link. Separate errors are given when theme file is not found and when the only theme file found would form an inheritence cycle. * Satisfied clippy on passing Path * Clarified highest priority runtime directory purpose * Further clarified multiple runtime details in book Also gave markdown headings to subsections. Fixed a error with table indentation not building table that also appears present on master. --------- Co-authored-by: Paul Scott <paul.scott@anu.edu.au> Co-authored-by: Blaž Hrastnik <blaz@mxxn.io>
2023-03-10 01:50:43 +11:00
let parser_lib_path = crate::runtime_dirs()
.expect("No runtime directories provided") // guaranteed by post-condition
let mut library_path = parser_lib_path.join(&grammar.grammar_id);
let recompile = needs_recompile(&library_path, &parser_path, &scanner_path)
.context("Failed to compare source and binary timestamps")?;
if !recompile {
return Ok(BuildStatus::AlreadyBuilt);
let mut config = cc::Build::new();
let compiler = config.get_compiler();
let mut command = Command::new(compiler.path());
for (key, value) in compiler.env() {
command.env(key, value);
if cfg!(all(windows, target_env = "msvc")) {
.args(["/nologo", "/LD", "/I"])
if let Some(scanner_path) = scanner_path.as_ref() {
2021-03-01 17:37:31 +09:00
2021-07-12 01:01:56 +09:00
2021-07-12 01:01:56 +09:00
.arg(format!("/out:{}", library_path.to_str().unwrap()));
} else {
if let Some(scanner_path) = scanner_path.as_ref() {
if scanner_path.extension() == Some("c".as_ref()) {
} else {
if cfg!(all(
not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "illumos"))
)) {
let output = command
.context("Failed to execute C/C++ compiler")?;
if !output.status.success() {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Parser compilation failed.\nStdout: {}\nStderr: {}",
Ok(BuildStatus::Built {
grammar_id: grammar.grammar_id,
fn needs_recompile(
lib_path: &Path,
parser_c_path: &Path,
scanner_path: &Option<PathBuf>,
) -> Result<bool> {
if !lib_path.exists() {
return Ok(true);
let lib_mtime = mtime(lib_path)?;
if mtime(parser_c_path)? > lib_mtime {
return Ok(true);
if let Some(scanner_path) = scanner_path {
if mtime(scanner_path)? > lib_mtime {
return Ok(true);
fn mtime(path: &Path) -> Result<SystemTime> {
/// Gives the contents of a file from a language's `runtime/queries/<lang>`
/// directory
pub fn load_runtime_file(language: &str, filename: &str) -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities (#5411) * Generalised to multiple runtime directories with priorities This is an implementation for #3346. Previously, one of the following runtime directories were used: 1. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 2. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 3. subdirectory of user config directory 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable The first directory provided / found to exist in this order was used as a root for all runtime file searches (grammars, themes, queries). This change lowers the priority of `$HELIX_RUNTIME` so that the user config runtime has higher priority. More significantly, all of these directories are now searched for runtime files, enabling a user to override default or system-level runtime files. If the same file name appears in multiple runtime directories, the following priority is now used: 1. sibling directory to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` 2. subdirectory of user config directory 3. `$HELIX_RUNTIME` 4. subdirectory of path to helix executable One exception to this rule is that a user can have a `themes` directory directly in the user config directory that has higher piority to `themes` directories in runtime directories. That behaviour has been preserved. As part of implementing this feature `theme::Loader` was simplified and the cycle detection logic of the theme inheritance was improved to cover more cases and to be more explicit. * Removed AsRef usage to avoid binary growth * Health displaying ;-separated runtime dirs * Changed HELIX_RUNTIME build from src instructions * Updated doc for more detail on runtime directories * Improved health symlink printing and theme cycle errors The health display of runtime symlinks now prints both ends of the link. Separate errors are given when theme file is not found and when the only theme file found would form an inheritence cycle. * Satisfied clippy on passing Path * Clarified highest priority runtime directory purpose * Further clarified multiple runtime details in book Also gave markdown headings to subsections. Fixed a error with table indentation not building table that also appears present on master. --------- Co-authored-by: Paul Scott <paul.scott@anu.edu.au> Co-authored-by: Blaž Hrastnik <blaz@mxxn.io>
2023-03-10 01:50:43 +11:00
let path = crate::runtime_file(&PathBuf::new().join("queries").join(language).join(filename));
2023-01-27 16:43:46 +01:00