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# Kanagawa Dragon
# Author: EricHenry
# Adaptation of https://github.com/rebelot/kanagawa.nvim
# Original author: rebelot
# All credits to the original author, the palette is taken from the README
# because of some theming differences, it's not an exact copy of the original.
inherits = "kanagawa"
## User interface
"ui.selection" = { bg = "waveBlue2" }
"ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "waveBlue1" }
"ui.background" = { fg = "dragonWhite", bg = "dragonBlack3" }
"ui.gutter" = { fg = "dragonBlack6", bg = "dragonBlack4" }
"ui.linenr" = { fg = "dragonBlack6", bg = "dragonBlack4" }
"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "roninYellow", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.virtual" = "dragonBlack4"
"ui.virtual.ruler" = { bg = "dragonBlack5" }
"ui.virtual.inlay-hint" = "dragonGray2"
"ui.virtual.inlay-hint.parameter" = { fg = "dragonYellow", modifiers = ["dim"] }
"ui.virtual.inlay-hint.type" = { fg = "dragonAqua", modifiers = ["dim"] }
"ui.virtual.jump-label" = { fg = "dragonRed", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.statusline" = { fg = "oldWhite", bg = "dragonBlack0" }
"ui.bufferline" = { fg = "oldWhite", bg = "dragonBlack0" }
"ui.bufferline.active" = { fg = "oldWhite", bg = "dragonBlack0" }
"ui.bufferline.background" = { bg = "sumiInk0" }
"ui.popup" = { fg = "oldWhite", bg = "dragonBlack0" }
"ui.window" = { fg = "sumiInk0" }
"ui.help" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "sumiInk0" }
"ui.text" = "dragonWhite"
"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "dragonWhite", bg = "waveBlue1", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.cursor" = { fg = "waveBlue1", bg = "waveAqua2" }
"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "waveBlue1", bg = "fujiWhite" }
"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "roninYellow", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.highlight" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "waveBlue2" }
"ui.cursorline.primary" = { bg = "dragonBlack5" }
"ui.cursorcolumn.primary" = { bg = "dragonBlack5" }
"diagnostic.info" = { underline = { color = "dragonBlue", style = "curl" } }
"diagnostic.hint" = { underline = { color = "waveAqua1", style = "curl" } }
"diagnostic.deprecated" = { fg= "katanaGray", modifiers = ["crossed_out"] }
## Syntax highlighting
"attribute" = "waveRed"
"type" = "dragonAqua"
"type.enum.variant" = "dragonOrange"
"constructor" = "dragonTeal"
"constant" = "dragonOrange"
"constant.numeric" = "dragonPink"
"constant.character.escape" = "dragonBlue2"
"string" = "dragonGreen2"
"string.regexp" = "dragonRed"
"string.special.url" = "dragonTeal"
"string.special.symbol" = "dragonTeal"
"comment" = "dragonAsh"
"variable" = "dragonWhite"
"variable.builtin" = "dragonRed"
"variable.parameter" = "dragonGray"
"variable.other.member" = "dragonYellow"
"label" = "dragonRed"
"punctuation" = "dragonWhite"
"keyword" = "dragonViolet"
"keyword.control.return" = "dragonRed"
"keyword.control.exception" = "dragonRed"
"keyword.directive" = "dragonRed"
"operator" = "dragonRed"
"function" = "dragonBlue2"
"function.builtin" = "dragonBlue2"
"function.macro" = "dragonRed"
"tag" = "dragonYellow"
"namespace" = "dragonWhite"
"special" = "dragonYellow"
## Markup modifiers
"markup.heading.marker" = "dragonViolet"
"markup.heading.1" = { fg = "dragonOrange", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.2" = { fg = "dragonYellow", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.3" = { fg = "dragonBlue2", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.4" = { fg = "dragonWhite", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.5" = { fg = "dragonRed", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.6" = { fg = "dragonPink", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.list.numbered" = "dragonPink"
"markup.list.unnumbered" = "dragonRed"
"markup.bold" = { modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.italic" = { modifiers = ["italic"] }
"markup.strikethrough" = { modifiers = ["crossed_out"] }
"markup.link.text" = "dragonTeal"
"markup.link.url" = { fg = "dragonPink", underline.style = "line" }
"markup.link.label" = "dragonBlue2"
"markup.quote" = "springViolet1"
"markup.raw" = "dragonGreen2"
dragonBlack0 = "#0d0c0c"
dragonBlack1 = "#12120f"
dragonBlack2 = "#1D1C19"
dragonBlack3 = "#181616"
dragonBlack4 = "#282727"
dragonBlack5 = "#393836"
dragonBlack6 = "#625e5a"
dragonWhite = "#c5c9c5"
dragonGreen = "#87a987"
dragonGreen2 = "#8a9a7b"
dragonPink = "#a292a3"
dragonOrange = "#b6927b"
dragonOrange2 = "#b98d7b"
dragonGray = "#a6a69c"
dragonGray2 = "#9e9b93"
dragonGray3 = "#7a8382"
dragonBlue2 = "#8ba4b0"
dragonViolet= "#8992a7"
dragonRed = "#c4746e"
dragonAqua = "#8ea4a2"
dragonAsh = "#737c73"
dragonTeal = "#949fb5"
dragonYellow = "#c4b28a"