As always, a big thank you to all of the contributors! This release saw changes from 171 contributors.
* Big refactor for `Picker`s ([#9647](, [#11209](, [#11216](, [#11211](, [#11343](, [#11406](
* Use a table layout and allow filtering by column
* Reimplement `global_search` to allow changing the query dynamically
* Add an alternative "inline" display for LSP diagnostics ([#6417](, [#11815](
* Support defining keybindings as macros ([#4709](
* Continue line comments in `o`/`O` and on `<ret>` in insert mode ([#10996](, [#12213](, [#12215](
* Allow configuring and switching clipboard providers at runtime ([#10839](, [b855cd0](, [467fad5](, [191b0f0](
* Add support for path completion ([#2608](
* This command takes the `*` key in normal and select mode, replacing `search_selection` which was moved to `A-*`.
Usability improvements:
* Add `:edit` and `:e` aliases for `:open` ([#11186](, [#11196](
* Trim trailing newline from pipe command outputs when the input doesn't have a trailing newline ([#11183](, [4f63a46](
* Add `:mv` alias for `:move` ([#11256](
* Return document display name instead of absolute path from the `%` special register ([#11275](
* Track view position on a per-view instead of per-document basis ([#10559](
* Improve scrolloff calculation to leave a gap in the middle ([#11323](
* Show a popup for stderr printed by failed `:sh` commands ([#11239](
* Add statusline errors when nothing is selected with `s`, `K`, `A-K` ([#11370](
* Add `.svn` as a workspace root marker ([#11429](
* Trim the end of `:sh` outputs ([#11161](
* Show LSP `window/showMessage` messages in the statusline ([#5535](
* Support finding workspace directories via `.jj` directories ([#11685](
* Join single-line comments with `join_selections` (`J`) ([#11742](
* Show anonymous syntax tree nodes in `:tree-sitter-subtree` ([#11663](, [38e8382](
* Save an undo checkpoint before paste in insert mode ([#8121](
* Only break on ASCII spaces in `:reflow` ([#12048](
* Add a `default-yank-register` config option ([#11430](
* Show a statusline error for `:format` when a formatter is not available ([#12183](
* Change to the home directory with `:cd` with no arguments ([#12042](
* Change default comment token to `#` for unrecognized files ([#12080](, [#12266](, [bae6a58](
* Trim all trailing whitespace on `insert_newline` ([#12177](
* Change to the prior directory with `:cd -` ([#12194](
* Allow parsing `-` (with no modifiers) as a keybinding ([#12191](
* Improve opening statusline and error messages when opening duplicate files or directories ([#12199](
* Trim trailing colons in paths passed on the argv ([#9963](
* Show tree-sitter parser availability in `hx --health <lang>` ([#12228](
* Show a preview block for colors in the LSP completion menu ([#12299](
* Add infobox help for `surround_add`, `surround_replace` and `surround_delete` ([#12262](
* Respect document indentation settings in `format_selections` (`=`) ([#11169](
* Avoid switching the current document to normal mode during an LSP `workspace/applyEdit` operation ([#11176](
* Fix off-by-one in LSP `find_completion_range` ([#11266](
* Prefer file-system mtime to local system time for detecting external modifications ([#11142](, [#11352](, [#11358](, [#11361](
* Fix writing of hardlinks ([#11340](
* Prevent language servers from being automatically restarted when stopped with `:lsp-stop` ([#11321](
* Stable-sort LSP text edits ([#11357](
* Fix determination of current language layer in documents with nested language injections ([#11365](
* Fix a panic from `:move`ing a file to a new extension which starts a language server ([#11387](
* Fix a panic from duplicating the diff gutter ([#11092](
* Keep cursor position when exactly replacing text ([#5930](
* Fix a panic from `jump_backward` on a newly opened split ([#11508](
* Fix a panic from language servers sending an unknown diagnostic severity ([#11569](
* Fix a panic when drawing at the edge of the screen ([#11737](
* Fix git repo detection on symlinks ([#11732](
* Fix a panic from a language server sending an out-of-range active signature index in `textDocument/signatureHelp` ([#11825](
* Fix a panic from using `C-k` in a prompt ending in a multi-byte character ([#12237](
* Expand tildes in paths passed to `:read` ([#12271](
* Respect per-language `workspace-lsp-roots` configuration when opening new documents ([#12223](
* Consistently replace line-endings in paste/replace commands ([c262fe4](
* Fix formatting in error statusline messages when inspecting variables in DAP ([#12354](
* Fix invisible printing of headers in `--health` output on light terminals ([#12355](
* Accept integers serialized as floats in the JSONRPC `id` field ([#12376](
* Bring `kanagawa` colors better in line with neovim version ([#11187](, [#11270](
Thanks to all of the contributors! This release has changes from 160 contributors.
Breaking changes:
- Add a textobject for entries/elements of list-like things ([#8150](
- Add a picker showing files changed in VCS ([#5645](
- Use a temporary file for writes ([#9236](, [#10339](, [#10790](
- Allow cycling through LSP signature-help signatures with `A-n`/`A-p` ([#9974](, [#10654](, [#10655](
- Use tree-sitter when finding matching brackets and closest pairs ([#8294](, [#10613](, [#10777](
- Auto-save all buffers after a delay ([#10899](, [#11047](
-`select_all_siblings` (`A-a`) - select all siblings of each selection ([87c4161](
- Respect language server definition order in code action menu ([#9590](
- Allow using a count with `goto_next_buffer` (`gn`) and `goto_previous_buffer` (`gp`) ([#10463](
- Improve the positioning of popups ([#10257](, [#10573](
- Reset all changes overlapped by selections in `:reset-diff-change` ([#10728](
- Await pending writes in the `suspend` command (`C-z`) ([#10797](
- Remove special handling of line ending characters in `replace` (`r`) ([#10786](
- Use the selected register as a history register for `rename_symbol` (`<space>r`) ([#10932](
- Use the configured insert-mode cursor for prompt entry ([#10945](
- Add tilted quotes to the matching brackets list ([#10971](
- Prevent improper files like `/dev/urandom` from being used as file arguments ([#10733](
- Allow multiple language servers to provide `:lsp-workspace-command`s ([#10176](, [#11105](
- Trim output of commands executed through `:pipe` ([#10952](
- Use `lldb-dap` instead of `lldb-vscode` in default DAP configuration ([#10091](
- Fix creation of uneven splits when closing windows ([#10004](
- Avoid setting a register in `delete_selection_noyank`, fixing the command's use in command sequences ([#10050](, [#10148](
- Fix jump alphabet config resetting when using `:config-reload` ([#10156](
- Fix scrolling to the end within a popup ([#10181](
- Fix jump label highlight locations when jumping in non-ascii text ([#10317](
- Fix crashes from tree-sitter query captures that return non-grapheme aligned ranges ([#10310](
- Include VCS change in `mi`/`ma` textobject infobox ([#10496](
- Override crossterm's support for `NO_COLOR` ([#10514](
- Respect mode when starting a search ([#10505](
- Simplify first-in-line computation for indent queries ([#10527](
- Ignore .svn version controlled files in file pickers ([#10536](
- Fix overloading language servers with `completionItem/resolve` requests ([38ee845](, [#10873](
- Specify direction for `select_next_sibling` / `select_prev_sibling` ([#10542](
- Fix restarting language servers ([#10614](
- Don't stop at the first URL in `goto_file` ([#10622](
- Fix overflows in window size calculations for small terminals ([#10620](
- Allow missing or empty completion lists in DAP ([#10332](
- Revert statusline refactor that could cause the statusline to blank out on files with long paths ([#10642](
- Synchronize files after writing ([#10735](
- Avoid `cnorm` for cursor-type detection in certain terminals ([#10769](
- Reset inlay hints when stopping or restarting a language server ([#10741](
- Fix logic for updating `--version` when development VCS HEAD changes ([#10896](
- Set a max value for the count ([#10930](
- Deserialize number IDs in DAP module types ([#10943](
- Fix the behavior of `jump_backwords` when the jumplist is at capacity ([#10968](
- Commit uncommitted changes before attempting undo/earlier ([#11090](
- Expand tilde for selected paths in `goto_file` ([#10964](
- Commit undo checkpoints before `:write[-all]`, fixing the modification indicator ([#11062](
- Add jump label styles to `nightfox` ([#10052](
- Add jump label styles to Solarized themes ([#10056](
- Add jump label styles to `cyan_light` ([#10058](
- Add jump label styles to `onelight` ([#10061](
- Add `flexoki-dark` and `flexoki-light` ([#10002](
- Add default theme keys for LSP diagnostics tags to existing themes ([#10064](
- Add jump label styles to base16 themes ([#10076](
- Dim primary selection in `kanagawa` ([#10094](, [#10500](
- Add jump label styles to tokyonight themes ([#10106](
- Add jump label styles to papercolor themes ([#10104](
- Add jump label styles to Darcula themes ([#10116](
- Add jump label styles to `autumn` ([#10134](
- Add jump label styles to Ayu themes ([#10133](
- Add jump label styles to `dark_high_contrast` ([#10133](
- Update material themes ([#10290](
- Add jump label styles to `varua` ([#10299](
- Add ruler style to `adwaita-dark` ([#10260](
- Remove `ui.highlight` effects from `solarized_dark` ([#10261](
- Fix statusline color in material themes ([#10308](
-`suffix` file-types in the `file-types` key in language configuration have been removed ([#8006](
- The `file-types` key in language configuration no longer matches full filenames without a glob pattern ([#8006](
- Open URLs with the `goto_file` command ([#5820](
- Support drawing a border around popups and menus ([#4313](, [#9508](
- Track long lived diagnostic sources like Clippy or `rustc` ([#6447](, [#9280](
- This improves the handling of diagnostics from sources that only update the diagnostic positions on save.
- Add support for LSP `window/showDocument` requests ([#8865](
- Refactor ad-hoc hooks to use a new generic event system ([#8021](, [#9668](, [#9660](
- This improves the behavior of autocompletions. For example navigating in insert mode no longer automatically triggers completions.
- Allow using globs in the language configuration `file-types` key ([#8006](
- Allow specifying required roots for situational LSP activation ([#8696](
- Extend selections using mouse clicks in select mode ([#5436](
- Support LSP diagnostic tags ([#9780](
- Add a `file-absolute-path` statusline element ([#4535](
- Cross injection layers in tree-sitter motions (`A-p`/`A-o`/`A-i`/`A-n`) ([#5176](
- Add a Amp-editor-like jumping command ([#8875](
-`:move` - move buffers with LSP support ([#8584](
- Also see [#8949]( which made path changes conform to the LSP spec and fixed the behavior of this command.
-`page_cursor_up`, `page_cursor_down`, `page_cursor_half_up`, `page_cursor_half_down` - commands for scrolling the cursor and page together ([#8015](
-`:yank-diagnostic` - yank the diagnostic(s) under the primary cursor ([#9640](
-`select_line_above` / `select_line_below` - extend or shrink a selection based on the direction and anchor ([#9080](
Usability improvements:
- Make `roots` key of `[[language]]` entries in `languages.toml` configuration optional ([#8803](
- Exit select mode in commands that modify the buffer ([#8689](
- Use crossterm cursor when out of focus ([#6858](, [#8934](
- Join empty lines with only one space in `join_selections` ([#8989](
- Introduce a hybrid tree-sitter and contextual indentation heuristic ([#8307](
- Allow configuring the indentation heuristic ([#8307](
- Check for LSP rename support before showing rename prompt ([#9277](
- Normalize `S-<lower-ascii>` keymaps to uppercase ascii ([#9213](
- Add formatter status to `--health` output ([#7986](
- Change path normalization strategy to not resolve symlinks ([#9330](
- Select subtree within injections in `:tree-sitter-subtree` ([#9309](
- Use tilde expansion and normalization for `$HELIX_RUNTIME` paths ([1bc7aac](
- Improve failure message for LSP goto references ([#9382](
- Use injection syntax trees for bracket matching ([5e0b3cc](
- Respect injections in `:tree-sitter-highlight-name` ([8b6565c](
- Respect injections in `move_parent_node_end` ([035b8ea](
- Use `gix` pipeline filter instead of manual CRLF implementation ([#9503](
- Reload language configuration with `:reload`, SIGHUP ([#9415](
- Allow numbers as bindings ([#8471](, [#9887](
- Respect undercurl config when terminfo is not available ([#9897](
- Ignore `.pijul`, `.hg`, `.jj` in addition to `.git` in file pickers configured to show hidden files ([#9935](
- Add completion for registers to `:clear-register` and `:yank-diagnostic` ([#9936](
- Repeat last motion for goto next/prev diagnostic ([#9966](
- Allow configuring a character to use when rendering narrow no-breaking space ([#9604](
- Switch to a streaming regex engine (regex-cursor crate) to significantly speed up regex-based commands and features ([#9422](, [#9756](, [#9891](
- Swap `*` and `+` registers ([#8703](, [#8708](
- Use terminfo to reset terminal cursor style ([#8591](
- Fix precedence of `@align` captures in indentat computation ([#8659](
- Only render the preview if a Picker has a preview function ([#8667](
- Fix the precedence of `ui.virtual.whitespace` ([#8750](, [#8879](
- Fix crash in `:indent-style` ([#9087](
- Fix `didSave` text inclusion when sync capability is a kind variant ([#9101](
- Update the history of newly focused views ([#9271](
- Initialize diagnostics when opening a document ([#8873](
- Sync views when applying edits to unfocused views ([#9173](
- This fixes crashes that could occur from LSP workspace edits or `:write-all`.
- Treat non-numeric `+arg`s passed in the CLI args as filenames ([#9333](
- Fix crash when using `mm` on an empty plaintext file ([2fb7e50](
- Ignore empty tree-sitter nodes in match bracket ([445f7a2](
- Exit a language server if it sends a message with invalid JSON ([#9332](
- Handle failures to enable bracketed paste ([#9353](
- Gate all captures in a pattern behind `#is-not? local` predicates ([#9390](
- Make path changes LSP spec conformant ([#8949](
- Use range positions to determine `insert_newline` motion ([#9448](
- Fix division by zero when prompt completion area is too small ([#9524](
- Add changes to history in clipboard replacement typable commands ([#9625](
- Fix a crash in DAP with an unspecified `line` in breakpoints ([#9632](
- Fix space handling for filenames in bash completion ([#9702](, [#9708](
- Key diagnostics off of paths instead of LSP URIs ([#7367](
- Fix panic when using `join_selections_space` ([#9783](
- Fix panic when using `surround_replace`, `surround_delete` ([#9796](
- Fix panic in `surround_replace`, `surround_delete` with nested surrounds and multiple cursors ([#9815](
- Fix panic in `select_textobject_around` ([#9832](
- Don't stop reloading documents when reloading fails in `:reload-all` ([#9870](
- Prevent `shell_keep_pipe` from stopping on nonzero exit status codes ([#9817](
A big shout out to all the contributors! We had 118 contributors in this release.
Breaking changes:
- Support multiple language servers per language ([#2507](
- This is a breaking change to language configuration
- Support multiple language servers per language ([#2507](, [#7082](, [#7286](, [#8374](
- Add a statusline element for the selected register ([#7222](
- Add `%`, `#`, `.`, `*` and `+` special registers ([#6985](
- Add initial support for LSP DidChangeWatchedFiles notifications ([#7665](
- Search buffer contents in `global_search` ([#5652](
- Add a "smart tab" command that intelligently jumps the cursor on tab ([#4443](
- Add a statusline element for whether a file is read-only ([#7222](, [#7875](
- Allow defining alignment in indent queries ([#5355](
- Show visual feedback in `surround_replace` ([#7588](
- Switch to Nucleo for fuzzy matching ([#7814](, [#8148](, [#8192](, [#8194](
- Insert a trailing newline on write ([#8157](
- Add a `-w`/`--working-dir` CLI flag for specifying a working directory on startup ([#8223](, [#8498](, [#8520](
- Accept a `+N` CLI argument to set the first file's line number ([#8521](
- Accept Helix-specific ignore files in `.helix/ignore` and `~/.config/helix/ignore` ([#8099](
-`merge_selections` (`A-minus`) - merge all selections into one selection that covers all ranges ([#7053](
-`move_prev_long_word_end` and `extend_prev_long_word_end` - move/extend to the end of the previous WORD ([#6905](
-`reverse_selection_contents` - swaps the values of each selection so they are reversed ([#7329](
- Add `:rl` and `:rla` aliases for `:reload` and `:reload-all` ([#7158](
-`yank_joined` - join the selections and yank to the selected register ([#7195](
-`:write-all!` (`:wa!`) - forcibly write all buffers to disk and create any necessary subdirectories ([#7577](
-`:redraw` - clear re-render the UI ([#6949](
-`:tree-sitter-highlight-name` - show the theme scope name of the highlight under the cursor ([#8170](
Usability improvements:
- Allow cycling option values at runtime ([#4411](, [#7240](, [#7877](
- Exit gracefully on termination signals ([#7236](
- Add plaintext matching fallback to tree-sitter pair matching ([#4288](
- Persist register selection in pending keymaps ([0e08349](
- Propagate the count and register to command palette commands ([b394997](
- Auto indent on `insert_at_line_start` ([#5837](
- Add a config option to control whether LSP completions are automatically inserted on preview ([#7189](
- Add a config option for default line endings ([#5621](, [#7357](
- Allow ANSI colors in themes ([#5119](
- Match pairs that don't form a standalone tree-sitter node ([#7242](
- Allow indent sizes of up to 16 columns ([#7429](
- Improve performance of mapping positions through changes ([#7408](, [8d39a81](, [#7471](
- Mark buffers created from stdin as modified ([#7431](
- Forcibly shut down uninitialized language servers ([#7449](
- Add filename completer for shell prompts ([#7569](
- Save an undo checkpoint before accepting completions ([#7747](
- Include gitignored files in debugger completions ([#7936](
- Make editor remember the last search register ([#5244](
- Open directories with `goto_file` ([#7909](
- Use relative path to open buffer in `goto_file` (`gf`) ([#7965](
- Support `default` color in themes ([#8083](, [#8114](
- Toggle between relative and absolute line numbers when the terminal loses focus ([#7955](
- Lower default idle-timeout to 250ms ([060e73a](
- Allow theming diff gutters separately from other diff colors ([#8343](
- Style bold/italic/strikethrough in markdown doc popups ([#8385](
- Maintain the cursor position and view when splitting with `:hsplit`/`:vsplit` ([#8109](
- Accept `-` in macros outside of `<`/`>` ([#8475](
- Show all language servers for each language in `--health` ([#7315](
- Don't break on hyphens in `:reflow` ([#8569](
- Update diagnostics correctly on language server exit ([#7111](
- Fix off-by-one in `select_references_to_symbol_under_cursor` ([#7132](
- Extend selection with repeat-last-motion only if the original motion extended the selection ([#7159](
- Fix undefined behavior in the diff gutter ([#7227](
- Check that tab width is non-zero ([#7178](
- Fix styles being overwritten in table rows with multiple cells ([#7281](
- Add file for `--log` CLI arg in help text ([#7307](
- Fix underflow when repeating a completion that has a negative shift position ([#7322](
- Prefer longer matches in `select_next_sibling` and `select_prev_sibling` ([#7332](
- Preview scratch buffers in the jumplist picker ([#7331](
- Fix chunking by bytes in tree-sitter parsing ([#7417](
- Discard LSP publishDiagnostic from uninitialized servers ([#7467](
- Use negotiated position encoding for LSP workspace edits ([#7469](
- Fix error message for unknown gutter types in config ([#7534](
- Fix `:log-open` when `--log` CLI arg is specified ([#7573](, [#7585](
- Fix debouncing of LSP messages to fix the last message sticking around ([#7538](, [#8023](
- Fix crash when the current working directory is deleted ([#7185](
- Fix piping to Helix on macOS ([#5468](
- Fix crash when parsing overlapping injections ([#7621](
- Clear the statusline when the prompt is visible ([#7646](
- Fix range formatting error message typo ([#7823](
- Add shebang for nushell files ([#7606](
- Recognize systemd files as INI ([#7592](
- Update TypeScript, TSX and Svelte grammars ([#6874](
- Enable inlay hints in the Svelte language server ([#7622](
- Recognize `Brewfile`s as Ruby ([#7629](
- Add more file-types for R ([#7633](
- Switch tree-sitter-perl to official upstream parser ([#7644](, [#7947](
- Fix predicate typo in comment highlights ([#7732](
- Recognize editorconfig files as INI ([#8308](
- Recognize `.babelrc` as JSON ([#8309](
- Switch Purescript to its own tree-sitter parser ([#8306](, [#8338](, [#8527](
23.05 is a smaller release focusing on fixes. There were 88 contributors in this release. Thank you all!
- Add a config option to exclude declaration from LSP references request ([#6886](
- Enable injecting languages based on their file extension and shebang ([#3970](
- Sort the buffer picker by most recent access ([#2980](
- Perform syntax highlighting in the picker asynchronously ([#7028](
-`:update` is now aliased as `:u` ([#6835](
- Add `extend_to_first_nonwhitespace` which acts the same as `goto_first_nonwhitespace` but always extends ([#6837](
- Add `:clear-register` for clearing the given register or all registers ([#5695](
- Add `:write-buffer-close` and `:write-buffer-close!` ([#6947](
- Fix offset encoding in LSP `didChange` notifications ([#6921](
- Change `gix` logging level to info ([#6915](
- Improve error message when writes fail because parent directories do not exist ([#7014](
- Replace DAP variables popup instead of pushing more popups ([#7034](
- Disable tree-sitter for files after parsing for 500ms ([#7028](
- Fix crash when deleting with multiple cursors ([#6024](
- Fix selection sliding when deleting forwards in append mode ([#6024](
- Fix completion on paths containing spaces ([#6779](
- Style inlay hints in `dracula` theme ([#6515](
- Style inlay hints in `onedark` theme ([#6503](
- Style inlay hints and the soft-wrap indicator in `varua` ([#6568](, [#6589](
- Style inlay hints in `emacs` theme ([#6569](
- Update `base16_transparent` and `dark_high_contrast` themes ([#6577](
- Style inlay hints for `mellow` and `rasmus` themes ([#6583](
- Dim pane divider for `base16_transparent` theme ([#6534](
- Style inlay hints in `zenburn` theme ([#6593](
- Style inlay hints in `boo_berry` theme ([#6625](
- Select diagnostic range in `goto_*_diag` commands ([#4713](, [#5164](, [#6193](
- Remove jump behavior from `increment`/`decrement` ([#4123](, [#5929](
- Select change range in `goto_*_change` commands ([#5206](
- Split file modification indicator from filename statusline elements ([#4731](, [#6036](
- Jump to symbol ranges in LSP goto commands ([#5986](
- Workspace detection now stops at the first `.helix/` directory (merging multiple `.helix/languages.toml` configurations is no longer supported) ([#5748](
- Initial support for LSP snippet completions ([#5864](, [b1f7528](, [#6263](, [bbf4800](, [90348b8](, [f87299f](, [#6371](, [9fe3adc](
- Add a statusline element for showing the current version control HEAD ([#5682](
- Display LSP type hints ([#5420](, [#5934](, [#6312](
- Enable the Kitty keyboard protocol on terminals with support ([#4939](, [#6170](, [#6194](, [#6438](
- Add a statusline element for the basename of the current file ([#5318](
- Add substring matching syntax for the picker ([#5658](
- Support LSP `textDocument/prepareRename` ([#6103](
- Allow multiple runtime directories with priorities ([#5411](
- Allow configuring whether to insert or replace completions ([#5728](
- Add `workspace-lsp-roots` config option to support multiple LSP roots for use with monorepos ([#5748](
- Remove empty detail section in completion menu when LSP doesn't send details ([#4902](
- Pass client information on LSP initialization ([#4904](
- Allow specifying environment variables for language servers in language config ([#4004](
- Allow detached git worktrees to be recognized as root paths ([#5097](
- Improve error message handling for theme loading failures ([#5073](
- Print the names of binaries required for LSP/DAP in health-check ([#5195](
- Improve sorting in the picker in cases of ties ([#5169](
- Add theming for prompt suggestions ([#5104](
- Open a file picker when using `:open` on directories ([#2707](, [#5278](
- Reload language config with `:config-reload` ([#5239](, [#5381](, [#5431](
- Improve indent queries for python when the tree is errored ([#5332](
- Picker: Open files without closing the picker with `A-ret` ([#4435](
- Allow theming cursors by primary/secondary and by mode ([#5130](
- Allow configuration of the minimum width for the line-numbers gutter ([#4724](, [#5696](
- Use filename completer for `:run-shell-command` command ([#5729](
- Surround with line-endings with `ms<ret>` ([#4571](
- Hide duplicate symlinks in file pickers ([#5658](
- Run shell commands asynchronously ([#6373](
- Show diagnostic codes in LSP diagnostic messages ([#6378](
- Highlight the current line in a DAP debug session ([#5957](
- Hide signature help if it overlaps with the completion menu ([#5523](, [7a69c40](
- Fix highlighting in picker results with multiple columns ([#6333](
- Canonicalize paths before stripping the current dir as a prefix ([#6290](
- Fix truncation behavior for long path names in the file picker ([#6410](, [67783dd](
- Fix theme reloading behavior in `:config-reload` ([ab819d8](
This is a great big release filled with changes from a 99 contributors. A big _thank you_ to you all!
As usual, the following is a summary of each of the changes since the last release.
For the full log, check out the [git log](
Breaking changes:
- Remove readline-like navigation bindings from the default insert mode keymap ([e12690e](, [#3811](, [#3827](, [#3915](, [#4088](
- Rename `append_to_line` as `insert_at_line_end` and `prepend_to_line` as `insert_at_line_start` ([#3753](
- Swap diagnostic picker and debug mode bindings in the space keymap ([#4229](
- Select newly inserted text on paste or from shell commands ([#4458](, [#4608](, [#4619](, [#4824](
- Select newly inserted surrounding characters on `ms<char>` ([#4752](
- Exit select-mode after executing `replace_*` commands ([#4554](
- Exit select-mode after executing surround commands ([#4858](
- Support underline styles and colors ([#4061](, [98c121c](
- Inheritance for themes ([#3067](, [#4096](
- Overhauled system for writing files and quiting ([#2267](, [#4397](
- Autosave when terminal loses focus ([#3178](
- Use OSC52 as a fallback for the system clipboard ([#3220](
- Show git diffs in the gutter ([#3890](, [#5012](, [#4995](
- Add a logo ([dc1ec56](
-`:lsp-restart` to restart the current document's language server ([#3435](, [#3972](
-`join_selections_space` (`A-j`) which joins selections and selects the joining whitespace ([#3549](
-`:update` to write the current file if it is modified ([#4426](
-`:lsp-workspace-command` for picking LSP commands to execute ([#3140](
-`extend_prev_word_end` - the extend variant for `move_prev_word_end` ([7468fa2](
-`make_search_word_bounded` which adds regex word boundaries to the current search register value ([#4322](
-`:reload-all` - `:reload` for all open buffers ([#4663](, [#4901](
-`goto_next_change` (`]g`), `goto_prev_change` (`[g`), `goto_first_change` (`[G`), `goto_last_change` (`]G`) textobjects for jumping between VCS changes ([#4650](
Usability improvements and fixes:
- Don't log 'LSP not defined' errors in the logfile ([1caba2d](
- Look for the external formatter program before invoking it ([#3670](
- Don't send LSP didOpen events for documents without URLs ([44b4479](
- Fix off-by-one in `extend_line_above` command ([#3689](
- Use the original scroll offset when opening a split ([1acdfaa](
- Handle auto-formatting failures and save the file anyway ([#3684](
- Ensure the cursor is in view after `:reflow` ([#3733](
- Add default rulers and reflow config for git commit messages ([#3738](
- Improve grammar fetching and building output ([#3773](
- Add a `text` language to language completion ([cc47d3f](
- Improve error handling for `:set-language` ([e8add6f](
- Improve error handling for `:config-reload` ([#3668](
- Improve error handling when passing improper ranges to syntax highlighting ([#3826](
- Render `<code>` tags as raw markup in markdown ([#3425](
- Remove border around the LSP code-actions popup ([#3444](
- Canonicalize the path to the runtime directory ([#3794](
- Add a `themelint` xtask for linting themes ([#3234](
- Re-sort LSP diagnostics after applying transactions ([#3895](, [#4319](
- Add a command-line flag to specify the log file ([#3807](
- Track source and tag information in LSP diagnostics ([#3898](, [1df32c9](
- Fix theme returning to normal when exiting the `:theme` completion ([#3644](
- Improve error messages for invalid commands in the keymap ([#3931](
- Deduplicate regexs in `search_selection` command ([#3941](
- Split the finding of LSP root and config roots ([#3929](
- Ensure that the cursor is within view after auto-formatting ([#4047](
- Add pseudo-pending to commands with on-next-key callbacks ([#4062](, [#4077](
- Add live preview to `:goto` ([#2982](
- Show regex compilation failure in a popup ([#3049](
- Add 'cycled to end' and 'no more matches' for search ([#3176](, [#4101](
- Add extending behavior to tree-sitter textobjects ([#3266](
- Add `ui.gutter.selected` option for themes ([#3303](
- Make statusline mode names configurable ([#3311](
- Add a statusline element for total line count ([#3960](
- Add extending behavior to `goto_window_*` commands ([#3985](
- Fix a panic in signature help when the preview is too large ([#4030](
- Add command names to the command palette ([#4071](, [#4223](, [#4495](
- Find the LSP workspace root from the current document's path ([#3553](
- Add an option to skip indent-guide levels ([#3819](, [2c36e33](
- Change focus to modified docs on quit ([#3872](
- Respond to `USR1` signal by reloading config ([#3952](
- Exit gracefully when the close operation fails ([#4081](
- Fix goto/view center mismatch ([#4135](
- Highlight the current file picker document on idle-timeout ([#3172](, [a85e386](
- Log failures to load tree-sitter grammars as errors ([#4315](
- Fix rendering of lines longer than 65,536 columns ([#4172](
- Skip searching `.git` in `global_search` ([#4334](
- Display tree-sitter scopes in a popup ([#4337](
- Fix deleting a word from the end of the buffer ([#4328](
- Pretty print the syntax tree in `:tree-sitter-subtree` ([#4295](, [#4606](
- Allow specifying suffixes for file-type detection ([#2455](, [#4414](
- Improve sort scoring for LSP code-actions and completions ([#4134](
- Fix the handling of quotes within shellwords ([#4098](
- Fix `delete_word_backward` and `delete_word_forward` on newlines ([#4392](
- Fix 'no entry found for key' crash on `:write-all` ([#4384](
- Remove lowercase requirement for tree-sitter grammars ([#4346](
- Resolve LSP completion items on idle-timeout ([#4406](, [#4797](
- Render diagnostics in the file picker preview ([#4324](
- Fix terminal freezing on `shell_insert_output` ([#4156](
- Allow use of the count in the repeat operator (`.`) ([#4450](
- Show the current theme name on `:theme` with no arguments ([#3740](
- Fix rendering in very large terminals ([#4318](
- Sort LSP preselected items to the top of the completion menu ([#4480](
- Trim braces and quotes from paths in goto-file ([#4370](
- Prevent automatic signature help outside of insert mode ([#4456](
- Fix freezes with external programs that process stdin and stdout concurrently ([#4180](
- Make `scroll` aware of tabs and wide characters ([#4519](
- Correctly handle escaping in `command_mode` completion ([#4316](, [#4587](, [#4632](
- Fix `delete_char_backward` for paired characters ([#4558](
- Fix crash from two windows editing the same document ([#4570](
- Fix pasting from the blackhole register ([#4497](
- Support LSP insertReplace completion items ([1312682](
- Dynamically resize the line number gutter width ([#3469](
- Fix crash for unknown completion item kinds ([#4658](
- Re-enable `format_selections` for single selection ranges ([d4f5cab](
- Limit the number of in-progress tree-sitter query matches ([#4707](, [#4830](
- Use the special `#` register with `increment`/`decrement` to change by range number ([#4418](
- Add a statusline element to show number of selected chars ([#4682](
- Add a statusline element showing global LSP diagnostic warning and error counts ([#4569](
- Add a scrollbar to popups ([#4449](
- Prefer shorter matches in fuzzy matcher scoring ([#4698](
- Use key-sequence format for command palette keybinds ([#4712](
- Remove prefix filtering from autocompletion menu ([#4578](
- Focus on the parent buffer when closing a split ([#4766](
- Handle language server termination ([#4797](, [#4852](
- Allow `r`/`t`/`f` to work on tab characters ([#4817](
- Show a preview for scratch buffers in the buffer picker ([#3454](
- Set a limit of entries in the jumplist ([#4750](
- Re-use shell outputs when inserting or appending shell output ([#3465](
- Check LSP server provider capabilities ([#3554](
- Improve tree-sitter parsing performance on files with many language layers ([#4716](
- Move indentation to the next line when using `<ret>` on a line with only whitespace ([#4854](
- Remove selections for closed views from all documents ([#4888](
- Improve performance of the `:reload` command ([#4457](
- Properly handle media keys ([#4887](
- Support LSP diagnostic data field ([#4935](
- Handle C-i keycode as tab ([#4961](
- Fix view alignment for jumplist picker jumps ([#3743](
- Use OSC52 for tmux clipboard provider ([#5027](
- Switch to `openscad-lsp` for OpenScad ([#3750](
- Support Jsonnet ([#3748](
- Support Markdown ([#3499](
- Support Bass ([#3771](
- Set roots configuration for Elixir and HEEx ([#3917](, [#3959](
- Support Purescript ([#4242](
- Set roots configuration for Julia ([#4361](
- Support D ([#4372](
- Increase default language server timeout for Julia ([#4575](
- Use ElixirLS for HEEx ([#4679](
- Support Bicep ([#4403](
- Switch to `nil` for Nix ([433ccef](
- Support QML ([#4842](
- Enable auto-format for CSS ([#4987](
- Support CommonLisp ([4176769](
- Go ([#4906](, [#4969](, [#5010](
- Filter relevant source files in the Nix flake ([#3657](
- Build a binary for `aarch64-linux` in the release CI ([038a91d](
- Build an AppImage for `aarch64-linux` in the release CI ([b738031](
- Enable CI builds for `riscv64-linux` ([#3685](
- Support preview releases in CI ([0090a2d](
- Strip binaries built in CI ([#3780](
- Fix the development shell for the Nix Flake on `aarch64-darwin` ([#3810](
- Raise the MSRV and create an MSRV policy ([#3896](, [#3913](, [#3961](
- Fix Fish completions for `--config` and `--log` flags ([#3912](
- Use builtin filenames option in Bash completion ([#4648](
A big _thank you_ to our contributors! This release had 87 contributors.
As usual, the following is a summary of each of the changes since the last release.
For the full log, check out the [git log](
Breaking changes:
- Special keymap names for `+`, `;` and `%` have been replaced with those literal characters ([#2677](, [#3556](
-`A-Left` and `A-Right` have become `C-Left` and `C-Right` for word-wise motion ([#2500](
- The `catppuccin` theme's name has been corrected from `catpuccin` ([#2713](
-`catppuccin` has been replaced by its variants, `catppuccin_frappe`, `catppuccin_latte`, `catppuccin_macchiato`, `catppuccin_mocha` ([#3281](
-`C-n` and `C-p` have been removed from the default insert mode keymap ([#3340](
- The `extend_line` command has been replaced with `extend_line_below` and a new `extend_line` command now exists ([#3046](
- Add an integration testing harness ([#2359](
- Select all instances of the symbol under the cursor (`<space>h`) ([#2738](
- A picker for document and workspace LSP diagnostics (`<space>g`/`<space>G`) ([#2013](, [#2984](
- Allow styling the mode indicator per-mode ([#2676](
- Live preview for the theme picker ([#1798](
- Bracketed paste support ([#3233](, [12ddd03](
-`:insert-output` and `:append-output` which insert/append output from a shell command ([#2589](
- The `t` textobject (`]t`/`[t`/`mit`/`mat`) for navigating tests ([#2807](
-`C-Backspace` and `C-Delete` for word-wise deletion in prompts and pickers ([#2500](
-`A-Delete` for forward word-wise deletion in insert mode ([#2500](
-`C-t` for toggling the preview pane in pickers ([#3021](
-`extend_line` now extends in the direction of the cursor ([#3046](
Usability improvements and fixes:
- Fix tree-sitter parser builds on illumos ([#2602](
- Remove empty stratch buffer from jumplists when removing ([5ed6223](
- Fix panic on undo after `shell_append_output` ([#2625](
- Sort LSP edits by start range ([3d91c99](
- Be more defensive about LSP URI conversions ([6de6a3e](, [378f438](
- Ignore SendErrors when grammar builds fail ([#2641](
- Append `set_line_ending` to document history ([#2649](
- Use last prompt entry when empty ([b14c258](, [#2870](
- Do not add extra line breaks in markdown lists ([#2689](
- Disable dialyzer by default for ElixirLS ([#2710](
- Prevent showing colors when the health-check is piped ([#2836](
- Use character indexing for mouse selection ([#2839](
- Display the highest severity diagnostic for a line in the gutter ([#2835](
- Default the ruler color to red background ([#2669](
- Make `move_vertically` aware of tabs and wide characters ([#2620](
- Enable shellwords for Windows ([#2767](
- Add history suggestions to global search ([#2717](
- Fix the scrollbar's length proportional to total menu items ([#2860](
- Reset terminal modifiers for diagnostic text ([#2861](, [#2900](
- Redetect indents and line-endings after a Language Server replaces the document ([#2778](
- Check selection's visible width when copying on mouse click ([#2711](
- Fix edge-case in tree-sitter `expand_selection` command ([#2877](
- Add a single-width left margin for the completion popup ([#2728](
- Right-align the scrollbar in the completion popup ([#2754](
- Fix recursive macro crash and empty macro lockout ([#2902](
- Fix backwards character deletion on other whitespaces ([#2855](
- Add search and space/backspace bindings to view modes ([#2803](
- Add `--vsplit` and `--hsplit` CLI arguments for opening in splits ([#2773](, [#3073](
- Sort themes, languages and files inputs by score and name ([#2675](
- Highlight entire rows in ([#2939](
- Skip serializing Option type DAP fields ([44f5963](
- Fix required `cwd` field in DAP `RunTerminalArguments` type ([85411be](, [#3240](
- Add LSP `workspace/applyEdit` to client capabilities ([#3012](
- Respect count for repeating motion ([#3057](
- Respect count for selecting next/previous match ([#3056](
- Respect count for tree-sitter motions ([#3058](
- Make gutters padding optional ([#2996](
- Support pre-filling prompts ([#2459](, [#3259](
- Add statusline element to display file line-endings ([#3113](
- Keep jump and file history when using `:split` ([#3031](, [#3160](
- Make tree-sitter query `; inherits <language>` feature imperative ([#2470](
- Indent with tabs by default ([#3095](
- Fix non-msvc grammar compilation on Windows ([#3190](
- Add spacer element to the statusline ([#3165](, [255c173](
- Make gutters padding automatic ([#3163](
- Add `code` for LSP `Diagnostic` type ([#3096](
- Add position percentage to the statusline ([#3168](
- Add a configurable and themable statusline separator string ([#3175](
- Use OR of all selections when `search_selection` acts on multiple selections ([#3138](
- Add clipboard information to logs and the healthcheck ([#3271](
- Fix align selection behavior on tabs ([#3276](
- Avoid setting the stdin handle when not necessary ([#3248](, [#3379](
An even bigger shout out than usual to all the contributors - we had a whopping
110 contributors in this release! That's more than double the number of
contributors as last release!
Check out some of the highlights in the [news section](
As usual, the following is a summary of each of the changes since the last release.
For the full log, check out the [git log](
Breaking Changes:
- Removed `C-j`, `C-k` bindings from file picker ([#1792](
- Replaced `C-f` with `C-d` and `C-b` with `C-u` bindings in file picker ([#1792](
-`A-hjkl` bindings have been moved to `A-pion` ([#2205](
-`A-Left`/`A-Right` have been moved to `C-Left`/`C-Right` ([#2193](
- The indentation mechanism has been reworked ([#1562](, [#1908](
-`:set-language` to set the buffers language ([#1866](, [#1996](
- Command for picking files from the current working directory (`Space-F`) ([#1600](, [#2308](
-`:write!` which creates non-existent subdirectories ([#1839](
-`shrink_to_line_bounds` which shrinks selections to line-bounds ([#2450](
Usability improvements and fixes:
- Handle broken pipes when piping `hx --health` through `head` ([#1876](
- Fix for `copy_selection` on newlines ([ab7885e](, [236c6b7](
- Use `win32yank` clipboard provider on WSL2 ([#1912](
- Jump to the next number on the line before incrementing ([#1778](
- Fix start position of next search ([#1904](
- Use check and X marks for health check output ([#1918](
- Clear terminal after switching to alternate screens ([#1944](
- Fix `toggle_comments` command on multiple selections ([#1882](
- Apply `ui.gutter` theming to empty gutter spans ([#2032](
- Use checkboxes in `hx --health` output ([#1947](
- Pass unmapped keys through prompt regardless of modifiers ([764adbd](
- LSP: pull formatting options from config ([c18de0e](
- LSP: provide `rootPath` ([84e799f](
- Send active diagnostic to LSP when requesting code actions ([#2005](
- Prevent panic when parsing malformed LSP `PublishDiagnostic` ([#2160](
- Restore document state on completion cancel ([#2096](
- Only merge top-level array when merging `languages.toml` ([#2145](, [#2215](
- Fix open on multiline selection ([#2161](
- Allow re-binding `0` if it is not used in a count ([#2174](
- Fix `ctrl-u` behavior in insert mode ([#1957](
- Check LSP rename capabilities before sending rename action ([#2203](
- Register the `publish_diagnostics` LSP capability ([#2241](
- Fix paste direction for typed paste commands ([#2288](
- Improve handling of buffer-close ([#1397](
- Extend the tutor file ([#2133](
- Treat slashes as word separators in prompts ([#2315](
- Auto-complete directory members ([#1682](
- Allow disabling format-on-save as a global editor setting ([#2321](
- Wrap command palette in overlay ([#2378](
- Prevent selections from collapsing when inserting newlines ([#2414](
- Allow configuration of LSP request timeout ([#2405](
- Use debug console on Windows for DAP terminal ([#2294](
- Exclude cursor when deleting with `C-w` in insert mode ([#2431](
- Prevent panics from LSP parsing errors ([7ae6cad](
- Prevent panics from LSP responses without requests ([#2475](
- Fix scroll rate for documentation popups ([#2497](
- Support inserting into prompts from registers ([#2458](
- Separate theme scopes for diagnostic types ([#2437](
- Use `` instead of `ui.statusline` for command completion menu theming ([82fb217](
- Panic when reloading a shrunk file ([#2506](
- Add theme key for picker separator ([#2523](
- Remove `ui.text` background from dark_plus ([#1950](
- Refactor of the tree-sitter grammar system ([#1659](
- All submodules have been removed
- New `hx --grammar {fetch|build}` flags for fetching and building tree-sitter grammars
- A custom grammar selection may now be declared with the `use-grammars` key in `languages.toml`
-`:cquit!` - quit forcefully with a non-zero exit-code ([#1414](
-`shrink_selection` - shrink the selection to a child tree-sitter node (`Alt-j`, [#1340](
-`:tree-sitter-subtree` - show the tree-sitter subtree under the primary selection ([#1453](, [#1524](
- Add `Alt-Backspace`, `Alt-<`, `Alt->`, and `Ctrl-j` to insert mode ([#1441](
-`select_next_sibling`, `select_prev_sibling` - select next and previous tree-sitter nodes (`Alt-l` and `Alt-h`, [#1495](
-`:buffer-close-all`, `:buffer-close-all!`, `:buffer-close-others`, and `:buffer-close-others!` ([#1677](
-`:vsplit-new` and `:hsplit-new` - open vertical and horizontal splits with new scratch buffers ([#1763](
-`:open-config` to open the config file and `:refresh-config` to refresh config after changes ([#1771](, [#1803](
Usability improvements and fixes:
- Prevent `:cquit` from ignoring unsaved changes ([#1414](
- Only use shellwords parsing on unix platforms ([`7767703`](
- Fix slash in search selector status message ([#1449](
- Use `std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR` to determine completion ([`3e4f815`](
- Expand to current node with `expand_selection` when the node has no children ([#1454](
- Add vertical and horizontal splits to the buffer picker ([#1502](
- Use the correct language ID for JavaScript & TypeScript LSP ([#1466](
- Run format command for all buffers being written ([#1444](
- Fix panics during resizing ([#1408](
- Fix auto-pairs with CRLF ([#1470](
- Fix picker scrolling when the bottom is reached ([#1567](
- Use markup themes for the markdown component ([#1363](
- Automatically commit changes to history if not in insert mode ([`2a7ae96`](
- Render code-actions as a menu and add padding to popup ([`094a0aa`](
- Only render menu scrollbar if the menu doesn't fit ([`f10a06f`](, [`36b975c`](
- Parse git revision instead of tag for version ([`d3221b0`](, [#1674](
- Fix incorrect last modified buffer ([#1621](
- Add `PageUp`, `PageDown`, `Ctrl-u`, `Ctrl-d`, `Home`, `End` bindings to the file picker ([#1612](
- Display buffer IDs in the buffer picker ([#1134](
- Fallback to broader scopes if a theme scope is not found ([#1714](
- Add arrow-keys bindings for tree-sitter sibling selection commands ([#1724](
- Fix a bug in LSP when creating a file in a folder that does not exist ([#1775](
- Use `^` and `$` regex location assertions for search ([#1793](
- Fix register names in `insert_register` command ([#1751](
- Perform extend line for all selections ([#1804](
- Prevent panic when moving in an empty picker ([#1786](
- Fix line number calculations for non CR/CRLF line breaks ([`b4a282f`](, [`0b96201`](
- Deploy documentation for `master` builds separately from release docs ([#1783](
- Git commit performance has been improved on large verbose commits ([#1838](
- The submodules system has been replaced with command-line flags for fetching and building tree-sitter grammars ([#1659](
- Flake outputs are pushed to Cachix on each push to `master` ([#1721](
- Update flake's `nix-cargo-integration` to depend on `dream2nix` ([#1758](
- Some configuration options moved from a `[terminal]` section to `[editor]`. [Consult the documentation for more information.](
- The user `languages.toml` is now merged into defaults, no longer need to copy the entire file ([`dc57f8dc`](
-`v` in select mode now switches back to normal mode ([#660](
- View mode can now be triggered as a "sticky" mode ([#719](
-`f`/`t` and object selection motions can now be repeated via `Alt-.` ([#891](
- Statusline now displays total selection count and diagnostics counts for both errors and warnings ([#916](
- Selection rotation via `(` and `)` ([`66a90130`](
- Selection contents rotation via `Alt-(` and `Alt-)` ([`02cba2a`](
- File pickers (including goto) now provide a preview! ([#534](
- Injection query support. Rust macro calls and embedded languages are now properly highlighted ([#430](
- Formatting is now asynchronous, and the async job infrastructure has been improved ([#285](
- Grammars are now compiled as separate shared libraries and loaded on-demand at runtime ([#432](
- Code action support ([#478](
- Mouse support ([#509](, [#548](
- Native Windows clipboard support ([#373](
- Themes can now use color palettes ([#393](
- Theme can now be configured and changed at runtime. ([Please feel free to contribute more themes!]( ([#267](
- Fix a test failure occurring only on `test --release` ([`4f108ab1`](