2022-11-26 14:35:05 -06:00
const std = @import ( " std " ) ;
const max_size = 100_000_000 ;
var gpa = std . heap . GeneralPurposeAllocator ( . { } ) { } ;
const Hash = std . crypto . hash . Md5 ;
const hashes_file = " template/hashes.bin " ;
fn instantiateTemplate ( template : [ ] const u8 , day : u32 ) ! [ ] const u8 {
var list = std . ArrayList ( u8 ) . init ( gpa . allocator ( ) ) ;
errdefer list . deinit ( ) ;
try list . ensureTotalCapacity ( template . len + 100 ) ;
var rest : [ ] const u8 = template ;
while ( std . mem . indexOfScalar ( u8 , rest , '$' ) ) | index | {
try list . appendSlice ( rest [ 0 . . index ] ) ;
try std . fmt . format ( list . writer ( ) , " {d:0>2} " , . { day } ) ;
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rest = rest [ index + 1 . . ] ;
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try list . appendSlice ( rest ) ;
return list . toOwnedSlice ( ) ;
fn readHashes ( ) ! * [ 25 ] [ Hash . digest_length ] u8 {
const hash_bytes = std . fs . cwd ( ) . readFileAlloc ( gpa . allocator ( ) , hashes_file , 25 * Hash . digest_length ) catch | err | switch ( err ) {
error . FileTooBig = > return error . InvalidFormat ,
else = > | e | return e ,
} ;
errdefer gpa . allocator ( ) . free ( hash_bytes ) ;
if ( hash_bytes . len ! = 25 * Hash . digest_length )
return error . InvalidFormat ;
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return @ptrCast ( hash_bytes . ptr ) ;
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pub fn main ( ) ! void {
const template = try std . fs . cwd ( ) . readFileAlloc ( gpa . allocator ( ) , " template/template.zig " , max_size ) ;
const hashes : * [ 25 ] [ Hash . digest_length ] u8 = readHashes ( ) catch | err | switch ( err ) {
error . FileNotFound = > blk : {
std . debug . print ( " {s} doesn't exist, will assume all files have been modified. \n Delete src/dayXX.zig and rerun `zig build generate` to regenerate it. \n " , . { hashes_file } ) ;
const mem = try gpa . allocator ( ) . create ( [ 25 ] [ Hash . digest_length ] u8 ) ;
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@memset ( std . mem . sliceAsBytes ( mem ) , 0 ) ;
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break : blk mem ;
} ,
error . InvalidFormat = > {
std . debug . print ( " {s} is corrupted, delete it to silence this warning and assume all days have been modified. \n " , . { hashes_file } ) ;
std . os . exit ( 1 ) ;
} ,
else = > | e | {
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std . debug . print ( " Failed to open {s}: {} \n " , . { hashes_file , e } ) ;
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return e ;
} ,
} ;
var skipped_any = false ;
var updated_hashes = false ;
var day : u32 = 1 ;
while ( day < = 25 ) : ( day + = 1 ) {
const filename = try std . fmt . allocPrint ( gpa . allocator ( ) , " src/day{d:0>2}.zig " , . { day } ) ;
defer gpa . allocator ( ) . free ( filename ) ;
var new_file = false ;
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const file = std . fs . cwd ( ) . openFile ( filename , . { . mode = . read_write } ) catch | err | switch ( err ) {
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error . FileNotFound = > blk : {
new_file = true ;
break : blk try std . fs . cwd ( ) . createFile ( filename , . { } ) ;
} ,
else = > | e | return e ,
} ;
defer file . close ( ) ;
var regenerate = false ;
if ( ! new_file ) {
const contents = file . readToEndAlloc ( gpa . allocator ( ) , max_size ) catch | err | switch ( err ) {
error . FileTooBig = > {
std . debug . print ( " Skipping modified day {s} \n " , . { filename } ) ;
skipped_any = true ;
continue ;
} ,
else = > | e | return e ,
} ;
defer gpa . allocator ( ) . free ( contents ) ;
var hash : [ Hash . digest_length ] u8 = undefined ;
Hash . hash ( contents , & hash , . { } ) ;
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regenerate = std . mem . eql ( u8 , & hash , & hashes [ day - 1 ] ) ;
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} else {
regenerate = true ;
if ( regenerate ) {
if ( ! new_file ) {
try file . seekTo ( 0 ) ;
try file . setEndPos ( 0 ) ;
const text = try instantiateTemplate ( template , day ) ;
defer gpa . allocator ( ) . free ( text ) ;
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Hash . hash ( text , & hashes [ day - 1 ] , . { } ) ;
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updated_hashes = true ;
try file . writeAll ( text ) ;
if ( new_file ) {
std . debug . print ( " Creating new file {s} from template. \n " , . { filename } ) ;
} else {
std . debug . print ( " Updated {s} \n " , . { filename } ) ;
} else {
std . debug . print ( " Skipping modified day {s} \n " , . { filename } ) ;
skipped_any = true ;
if ( updated_hashes ) {
try std . fs . cwd ( ) . writeFile ( hashes_file , std . mem . asBytes ( hashes ) ) ;
if ( skipped_any ) {
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std . debug . print ( " Some days were skipped. Delete them to force regeneration. \n " , . { } ) ;
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} else {
std . debug . print ( " No updates made, all days were modified. Delete src/dayXX.zig to force regeneration. \n " , . { } ) ;
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